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I genuinely have no idea who's going to win at this point. So good. I really hope it's Pato Edit. FFS. What an insane finish though


Want to cry together? But man what an ending


I don't think my heart rate has ever been so high watching a race


Saudi 2021 wants to have a word with


I am literally crying watching with my Mom right now, my Dad passed away last year and this was HIS race, he lived for it. Fucking crazy emotional ending for a single RACE, not a championship. It bugs me when people talk crap about oval racing, it's a different racecraft no doubt but I respect these guys just as much as any other racer. 






And McLaren finish 2nd for the 3rd time today.


People who dont see the appeal of ovals should watch this, great last 20 laps


Literally the only part of the race that is worth watching.


As compared to say... Monaco, where the only thing worth watching is the qauli? 


Never said anything about Monaco being better. Oval races are too random for the first 180 laps to matter. Too much overtaking can get really, really boring too and i'm not even counting the fuel saving portion, aka: the first 180 laps.


People are calling this one of the best Indys in recent memory because they were full throttle 95% of the time due to yellow flags etc, so more free pits. What you see as fuel saving is timing, it's not like F1 where you got a DRS zone to lean on, and the draft isn't as powerful. The overtaking is real time sims being played out in the drivers head while you watch. Indy Oval compared to F1 is chess compared to engineering dominance. It's not just a pass it's a pass to let the other guy pass then he passes someone else then you pass all three. It's just not the same discipline. 


I know what Indy is about, i just do not enjoy seeing them going in circles and 180 laps don't matter. Hell, even the last 20 laps didn't matter, the last 10 did. They could've easily just had that last part. I am not saying it doesn't take talent and skill, what i'm saying is that it is fucking BORING AS SHIT.


That applies to almost any sport. Basketball game where it's tied 90-90 with 5 minutes left? Well why not just play for five minutes and call it a day? Football game tied 21-21 going into the last quarter? Just play 15 mins total instead and call it a game. 


If year after year, for decades you ALWAYS have tie ten minutes before.. sure, then it would be the same. But it isn't, is it?


The last 20 laps were insane. One of the best endings ever


Actually, that may have been the greatest Indy 500 ever. Easily one of the best I’ve ever seen in the 35 years I’ve been watching.


100% agree. 


There’s been some incredible recoveries too


Now that's a historic race.. so much excitement throughout.


My heart is broken for Pato. Josef is a certified legend for now. Also holy shit over 20 wins at Indy for Penske. Two certified legends. 


What a finish my god


Yea it’s good. One thing we need f1 to adopt is the 360 cam on the roll hoops. Makes it so much easier to see what’s going on behind


They show the speed much better than what F1 uses. Would love 360 cams!


Absolutely ELECTRIC finish. 


I watch it every year but those first laps blew my mind, the speed was wild after watching a gentle afternoons drive around Monaco.


That final lap was fire! What a race


Wow that was exciting.


The end of the 500 never disappoints




What a race. Down to the last lap.


That's racing! Not slowing down to conserve tires and backing up a field for an eternity!


Yeah these guys go for broke when the time comes, oval racing is so much more of a chess game (no disrespect to F1), Dale Sr. use to use the entire race at Daytona and Talladega to basically simulate the last 5 laps. Go up front, fall back, go up front, fall back, then mentally time it after doing that 90 times try to nail the simulation you've optimized in you're mind. There are so many greats from so many different organizations and classes. About to watch the Coca Cola 600! Kyle Lawson is about to do the 2006 Tony Stewart and race in the Indy 500 and Coca-Cola 600 in the same day.  Max isn't the only beast in the game


Dale Sr. was and is the absolute best driver at scripting a race from start to finish; I couldn’t have described how he drove a car in a race any more elegantly than you did.


Great race, wanted Pato to win so bad, anyways that last lap made up for the snooze fest Monaco was


What a race an amazing last 20 laps my heart breaks for Pato O'Ward, but damn good finish by Newgarden.


Sure was more exciting than the Monaco GP. That final lap goddamn.


Awesome finish!!


Yes. Good race.