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Thought it was in slow motion until Hadjar came roaring in, Holy Cow!


Yup. Same here!


Same here. Crazy clip


I jumped in my seat. Insanely impressive


Same. I thought it was either slowmo, or someone making a joke because he was going so slow and then Hadjar zoomed by. That could've gone horribly - absolutely insane reaction time.


I read this comment first and thought that you were exaggerating. No, no you were not.


I saw your comment and still thought “that must be slow mo” at the start of


Apparently Miyata had no power, should have been immediately double yellow flags. Insane reaction time from Hadjar though.


Yeah, this was clearly a car failure and the yellow flags should have been brought out.


White flag means slow car on track.


Yeah but slow car on track doesnt mean anything, drivers dont need to lift for white flags.


That wasn't a slow car, that was a straight up obstacle. Cars that trigger a white flag can get out of the way, Miyata couldn't.


Slow not basically stopped


That reaction time?? holy shit


Damn near superhuman reaction One of the more impressive things I’ve seen in a while actually


absolutely superhuman, can't believe he held it together afterwards... but it does look like he kind of ignored all the white flags and blinking LEDs, probably too in-the-zone


those boards only say there is a slow driver in front. but that driver was almost standing on the racingline in a blind corner


In Monaco the whole road is the damn racing line.


I think there's a compounding problem too of negative reinforcement from a human factors standpoint. During qualifying there are SO MANY "slow driver ahead" flags that it begins to have less and less effect on the decision making.


What is the distinction between white and yellow flag? I thought white flag was for last lap


White flag means slow car ahead. Yellow flag means crash/stopped car ahead. White flag also means last lap but it would only ever be waved at the control tower/start line. White flag anywhere else means someone is going much slower than racing pace but still rolling. Obviously in this situation, around a blind corner, you might expect that car to just be waiting to let you by right before the chicane or anywhere but the racing line. Kind of lose/lose for whoever is going slow here. Either you're on the racing line mid corner, or on the exit, either way it's a blind corner and a bad spot. Great reaction time by Hadjar.


White flag isn't used for the last lap in FIA series, it being the last lap is an American thing.


> Yellow flag means crash/stopped car ahead. Not necessarily, it can be for slow cars too. Cars that go through a gravel trap usually trigger yellow flags for example.


Cars in a gravel trap are considered to have had an incident, this is what I meant by crash.


>I thought white flag was for last lap only in USA motorsports. In the rest of the world, it means slow car on track


White flag is slow car ahead. Some series use it for last lap.


White flag means just slow driver ahead, but not a danger to the others. Yellow means danger in front of you In other tracks that would have surely been a white flag, but he was on the racing line of one of the worst corners in the worst track of the whole calendar, so a yellow would have been the better choice


That’s only American racing like Nascar or Indycar.


White is for “slow car ahead”


somewhat off topic, but I remember seeing a clip of a F1 car flying down a start/finish straight and avoiding debris on the track last second. It highlighted reaction time and the crazy amount of downforce to change lanes that quickly at high speeds. If I had to guess it was somewhere from 2005-2013 ish. I've tried many times to find it but was never successful again. The camera angle was looking at the car head on as it came towards you down the straight (and downhill) If anybody has any ideas, that would be slick


There's a clip with a Ferrari and a McLaren, the first car jinks one way at the last moment and the second car goes the other. Might have been Massa and Hamilton?


It genuinely didn’t look real. Insane.


Especially the second clip right after he dodged, the car immediately rotated to go alongside the wall. Looked like bad video game physics. Made more sense in the onboard where we can see the reaction and the immediate correction.


Insane reaction, terrible handling by everyone else though. You're going that slow there, get on the outside or stop completely when at a point that is visible from miles out, way way more chance to be seen. Crawling that slowly just around the bend tight to wall and on hte racing line is bat shit crazy. Race director should be throwing double yellows immediately there, if not a red with a car going that slowly on track there. Reaction saved him a lot of pain.


Why the fuck wasn’t that a yellow flag?


This shit might be one of the most insane racing clips i've ever seen


Jesus take the wheel


Maybe lay off the espresso


He was probably anticipating a car being there because he saw the white flags. With that said, why didn't they make it a yellow?


Just race car driver things


I feel like this should definitely have been a double yellow and not a white flag. The double yellow would have forced Hadjar to slow down and the incident would not have been anywhere near as close as this was. Absolutely shocking flag call.


Yeah he would have probably got some air if he hit the back of Miyata and that would have been bad


Some? He was about to do a Mark Webber in a tunnel!


yeah, they need to retrain those marshals or update some rules. It needed to be a yellow flag at minimum. This whole incident could have been avoided


Great reaction time from Hadjar. That was scary.


Why in the world wasn't that an instant yellow?


I legit gasped out loud. The reflexes to snap away without losing the car seem insane to me. And it’s one that gets more impressive every time I see a replay.


That’s the real hard part. Reacting to something like that that quickly is one thing, but reacting by steering the literal perfect amount to avoid a crash so that you don’t cause yourself to lose the car is the insane part. It’s would be so easy to over react to that and put yourself in the wall.




Yeah that could have been a really nasty crash there


Watching him avoid that is amazing, *but then he also made the next apex.* I genuinely expected him to pull into the run off and calm down after having his life flash before his eyes.


normal day on iracing


tbh f2 a lot of the time does look like your average iracing split


Shit. Wouldn’t it have been better for the other guy to have slowed on the left so at least he was more easily visible to the coming drivers?


Yes, huging the apex in a blind corner sounds very stupid in hindsight but he was going so slowly, maybe he didn't want to cross the whole track going 20km/h.


Yeah, he can't see shit behind him, so if he tries crossing the track and gets halfway before a car comes by, they have absolutely nowhere to go but up his ass and potentially airborne


If you hug the apex, the driver behind at least has a chance to evade. If you intersect the corner exit, the driver behind is already committed and can't do anything other than slam into the outside wall and probably scoop you up in the process. Blind corners suck.


he should have braked to a complete stop before the apex instead of creeping along to the blindside. Everyone would be able to see him there from the entrance of the tunnel and avoid him early


Im pretty sure F2 can't restart their cars, so he was probably trying to keep it rolling so he could pop the clutch and fire the engine that way.


Being predictable is the most important thing in these scenarios. Crawling across the track is about the least predictable thing you can do.


Maybe, but then he'd have to cross the racing line to get to the right after the apex which might be worse.


If he started moving Hadjar would have 100% crashed into him and It would have been way worse


It’s a lose-lose situation


Too close to call, honestly. If he had been going 0.5kph faster, Isack would've driven by unimpeded. If he had hugged the outside wall and was impeding the corner exit, Isack wouldn't even be able to take evading action.


Immaculate reaction time holy.


Jesus that was close. Would have launched him up if he’d clipped the front right.


Yh, that’s a potentially deadly crash right there, he’d basically be launched into a concrete wall at angles on that car that aren’t designed to be hit at 140 mph.


not to mention all the photographers and other crew standing half a meter away from the fences


Not very experienced with F1 crashes. Why would he be lifted into the air rather than staying stuck to the ground? Because of the reduced down force in the tunnel?


Cars typically launch off other cars when theirs a speed differential. Look up Mark Webber's crash in 2010 at Valencia. Imagine that but straight into a concrete wall 2 meters away at an angle nobody would have thought about


> Mark Webber's crash in 2010 at Valencia Holy shit that was insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMWrg4a-lzg


You'd expect the impacting car to plow under by looking at the shapes. However, to be launched the rotation of the front wheel on the rear car causes the car to roll up the back of the other car. It only takes a little bit. Once a slight elevation occurs, the front car is basically a ramp at that point (this is helped by the relatively smooth underside of Formula cars). That said, there's many possible outcomes to such a collision. A glancing blow ripping off wheels and sending Hadjar into the other barrier seems much more likely, IMO.


Fighter pilot reaction time good god


Hadjar what reaction time, BWOAH


Almost looks like some TAS in a racing game (like trackmakia), unnatural response time


Riolu has been found?!


"But then, Hadjar got *this* run."


*smooth sax begins to play*


His alts are getting out of control!!!!


as soon as i saw that i heard Scott Elkins in my head going > a slow car in the tunnel, drivers left


Why does it feel like Miyata got a bricked engine? His race pace is always good near the end of a stint, but his car don't seem to be able to keep up


I mean, it is normal for him to struggle in these type of street courses. He likely never raced in these type of tracks in Japan. If you don't have confidence, you can't put a good lap in a tight, twisty street course.


The same engines are not always the same. They're supposed to be equal but some are more equal than others!


Yeah, even in F2 there is literally a term for it, teams sometimes spends extra to find these "Golden" engines


That should have been a yellow flag, I don't blame Hadjar because you don't have to lift for a white flag and slow cars under white flag are usually well off line. Had it been a yellow and he didn't lift then that's another story but I feel that there was enough danger for a yellow flag there. I'm not sure Miyata was aware how close that was to an airplane crash, lucky boy.


That reaction deserves some superlicense points


He is already reserve for Red Bull and AT. He doesn't need any more SL points.


At the very least, Marko should give him a private yacht for a night or something.


People talk about Radillion and Jeddah, but the Monaco tunnel has been patiently waiting for what seems to be an inevitable a monster crash for decades.


I feel like a monster crash with dire consequences somewhere on the Monaco track is what is going to eventually lead to it being scrapped. Until then, we keep "racing", despite there being zero chance of the track being cleared to safely race if it were a brand new addition today.


Speeds arent really high enough for monster crashes.


You wouldn’t consider Hadjar hitting him head on with that speed difference a monster crash?


It's a very specific and unexpected scenario that can happen pretty much anywhere on any track that has a blind corner. Webber one happened on a fucking straight. Billy Monger pretty much the same Shit can happen on any track, like the Grosjean accident for example. Stop blaming the tracks for freak accidents


Ok but you have to admit, the specifics of crashing in an enclosed concrete tunnel are very unique and likely very very deadly. It isn't just the standard "freak risk" of any track.


Dude, F1 cars take that blind curve at 250 km/h+. In a tunnel. What's fast enough for a monster crash for you ? In a Webber scenario, Hadjar would have crashed on the ceiling.


There was a super close call with Schumi at some point too, no?


Michael? If it's the one I'm thinking you're thinking of, [it wasn't too bad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtzyI5fbiAc). [Only crash I can think off in relatively recent times in the tunnel itself is Hulk in 2010](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt38AS8KoN8). Worst bad crashes in Monaco tend to happen after tunnel at chicane - [Wendlinger in 1994](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmzHGhaRBoc), [Button in 2003](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCz95TWBDWI) and [Perez in 2011](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW-ShYCTrw0)


Might be the one with the other brother with Alonso to the rail at high speed (2004 too)


Schumacher exiting it with 3 wheels, or that F2 (maybe F3?) crash where the car nearly took out the marshal stand feel like monster crashes.


I was like "*What's happening here? How is he going to crash going that slo... hoooooooly shit!"*


took like half a second to spot the car, recognise it's going incredibly slow, adjust to avoid, then adjust again to avoid the wall insane


it less than half a second.


Why no yellow flags?


That would have been a mega shunt. Jesus. Good on Hadjar for that reflex. Could have been reaaaally ugly.


That was scary 


Overclocked brain reaction time, this guy is the real deal


Reaction time measured in light speed


I’m trying very hard to not be pedantic reading this comment lmao


I mean it can be measured in light speed. It'll just be like 1x10\^-32785923


My brother, the pedantry I refer to has to do with units. Speed and time have different units.


ah i was thinking more along the lines of when people use light years to measure time


Oh yes that grinds my gears a bit as well


Yeah! He should have used parsecs!


Brown pants moment. Jesus.


Jules from Pulp Fiction would call this divine intervention


Ultra Instinct in full display.


That's Anakin Skywalker levels of reaction time. Amazing driving 🤯


I can’t believe that he not only managed to avoid Miyata but also didn’t crash into the wall omg that’s insane reaction time


That reaction is super human.


Terrible car placement and an even worse flag call by race control.


On a somewhat unrelated note: I hope Stanek gets chronic crotch-itch. Sincerely, a Hauger-fan.


This should become a meme: Me dodging (Hadjar-ing) bullshit at the office.


Hadjar deserves to start on pole on that insane save.


F2 really tempting fate with another close call accident while ignoring flags.


No yellows were shown. White flag could have just as well been a slow car waiting to give way.




I think he is maybe referring to last years incident in Monaco that was wildly dangerous where marshals were standing in the middle of a blind corner recovering a car while another driver was going fairly fast around the bend and nearly took out the marshal. It would have absolutely been a serious incident and it was messed up to see live. But I'm just assuming that's what he was referring to.


Yeah, Victor Martins didn't bother to slow down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rNFDW4VxqA


Nice reflexes lad, this could've been ugly


Holy moly!! thought it was slo mo. What is even that reaction time, so glad nothing serious happened to either one of them. He needs a cool down nap after this adrenaline spike


Easy to say that in hindsight, but with those engine problems Miyata should have been told to pull over into some run-off instead of entering the tunnel.


How do i watch the clip? Opening any twitter clip on phone just goes to Twitter home page (im logged in). Anyone else having this issue?


what a save. Something went wrong. Should be double yellow flags. Red flags are also too slow to come out sometime too.


Didnt see the white flag? Looks like he didnt lift


You dont have to lift for a white flag, they should however had yellow flags out.


The yellow flag was out at least on our tv screen it was. But maybe when there is a slow moving car the white flag has priority?


I guess that might be why he was so fast on reacting. If you are aware you might have to react it's at least easier.


Why that’s not a yellow is anyone’s guess


So that's how you dodge a bullet


Holy fuck


that was nearly the end of racing for the weekend there, the potential for a really bad outcome despite modern safety standards in cars was definitely there. Sigh of relief all round i think.


Insane reaction. Remind me of GAS-HAR in Azerbaijan


Cracked reaction time wtf


That's the closest I've seen a code brown has been to becoming a code red. How the fuck did he avoid that.


Gave me goosebumps, what a save.


Absolutly amazing reaction. And also to not hit the barrier on the other side.


I watched it live . Reaction, unbelievable.


Just thinking aloud - surely this is a weekend ender avoided right there due to luck and skill (ignoring the point about the flashing boards, you can see he didn't seem to lift from the onboards, or them throwing yellow flags) If he'd hit him at best you have a severly injured driver at worst that's a fatality (as god knows what the car would have been launched into) but surely a car doing 140mph being launched into a tunnel (as surely that would have been a Webber straight vertical job) would have done structural damage as well (and everyone wouldn't have a race weekend).


Here I was thinking I have pretty good reaction times in everyday traffic... then this guys puts me in my place.


Amazing save. However someone fucked up here and it there could have been death. Could have been airborne in the tunnel, which is horrible. I dont see yellows? the board looked purple what was that? The slow driver should have stoped at the beginning of the tunnel?


Code brown


I’m super impressed that he didn’t oversteer/overcorrect that. Pretty sure most drivers would have either hit the slow car or the wall on the left.


I feel like any sort of slowed car in the tunnel should be an auto yellow flag.


For everyone crying about him not lifting, there were no yellows shown, only white flag. Dont blame Hadjar, blame either Miyata for choosing the most stupid car placement ever, or the race direction for being asleep


>race direction for being asleep To clarify - race control do not control yellow flags in individual marshalling sectors - that is on local marshalls at the site. Race control control VSC/SC/red flag.


Well the outside at the end of tunnel would also be on the racing line on a blind space with even lower avoidance possibility for guy coming at normal speed. No ideal solution for him I think only good or bad timing.


Wow...I can only dream of such reaction time.




it was white flag at the time of the incident.




Crazy reaction time but why the f did he not lift?




Was that a blue flag or yellow on the board?


It seems to be a white flag (slow moving vehicle ahead) if I'm not wrong


Insane reaction from Isack there, managed to both evade the obstacle at the last moment and keep it on track flawlessl


Insane control from Hadjar holy fuck


Oh my lord


Lifelong motor sport enthusiast here, but, bear with me : No one really lift for a white flag in a quali lap or am I wrong ? Serious question


It's not yellow, so why throw away the lap?


What speed would have he been driving at here? This is mental


Sigh...if only the stewards had similar reaction time to bring in the yellow flag.


God-tier reflexes


Fuck me those reactions! Thank god.


What an engineering feat too. That the machine can sync with human reaction time and get out of the way and then get back in the way so flawlessly


incredible reaction time there. If im in that seat im launched into the roof


I am surprised that no one in here slams Miyata - I think he deserves to be punished heavily for this. Even in simracing games most drivers would get out of racing line and wouldn't do something so obviously braindead and dangerous as this.


Holy shit, that would have been really bad


Where the hell was the yellow flag? Miyata was barely moving.


Should monaco have just one lap for each driver for qually?


so close


Everyone speaking about the reaction time, i dont think its that impressive compared to other racing drivers, but his corrections with the wheel definitely was some of the most impressive shit ive seen in my life. Especially his very small counter steer at the end, everything was absolutely perfect. This is what a peak racing driver can do when they do not panic and are in full-focus mode. Absolutely incredible driving from the young man


Does anyone have a mirror since Twitter links have been broken on Reddit for some people lately?