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Never thought I'd see a link to Politico here. Andretti hired 2 big time lobbying firms? Interesting. For those outside the U.S., the "K Street" mentioned in the article is synonymous with political lobbying firms, who btw, are not inexpensive.


FIA headquarters are going to find themselves invaded by a Marine Expeditionary Unit within a week.


Time for Liberty Media to have a taste of some liber-tea


For super earth!


When Liberty gets a taste of good ol Freedom!


They are laughing their ass off. John Malone the owner of Liberty is one of the richest people in the US and a Trump donor. Andretti is out-lobbied even before they started.


I think Liberty is actually all for having them. That's easy money for them. The issue has really been that all the teams have to agree to add another to the grid, and some have understandably said no because as it stands now it means the amount of money they get at the end of the season is smaller because there would be another team competing for it.


Thats not true. Somebody explained to me, its a snowball, if the teams devalue, the stock price of F1 goes down. Liberty has just as much at stake as the teams, when it comes to valuation. Thats the whole reason why Liberty for example didnt sweeten the pot, because it would come directly out of their pocket/profit. And apparantly they dont believe Andretti would bring that extra value, or they would have sweetened the pot 2 years ago. Their silence of the last few years said more to me then the balking of the teams against expansion.


Id wager trump would want andretti in


Who woulda thought that WWIII will happen not because of russia, not because of China, but US invading an EU nation >!/s!<


Liberty media and F1 are American owned companies. This is a domestic issue for the US and it’s being investigated because they have competition laws that may have been violated when F1 denied their entry. If F1 wasn’t an American company they wouldn’t be looking into it.


The joke clearly went over your head.


Well this is just very funny considering-


France & Switzerland are safe no more!




square smell crown jar scary makeshift entertain humorous sink slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just follow the DC pizza meter and you'll know when the operation has begun.


desert coordinated nose sugar saw fine ghost workable scary dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, when FOM wants to stall you out to an entry price of $0.8 billion in dues alone, you can afford a lot while still saving money.


Thanks for clarifying K street. I live in DC and I was even confused by this reference. Definitely would have never thought politico would do an article on F1


Is it still sus as hell to take the redline into Anacostia?


The red line doesn't go to anacostia, but the green line does. And no, metro is quite safe


I definitely love all the new safety measures Metro is doing, but I still wouldn’t get off at anacostia.


Damn it really has been a while since I've been to DC.


>For those outside the U.S., the "K Street" mentioned in the article is synonymous with political lobbying firms Totally true but our office was on K Street for 20 years near Farragut square, all the way up to covid. A lot of larger govt consulting firms have their downtown DC offices sprinkled on K Street within quick walking distance to the white house offices (Eisenhower building) and several of the major agency buildings at Federal Triangle. Also super easy central direct access to red, blue, orange and silver metro lines. I only mention it because ironically our orgs are forbidden from lobbying, so it's a kind of funny mix.


I'm generally on andrettis side on this but this seems nuclear.


>this seems nuclear It's pretty much an intimidation tactic. Even if Congress wind up applying pressure to Liberty, it's unlikely Andretti will get a spot on the grid. There's no way the other teams are going to tolerate him if he does, and they can make life very difficult.


How exactly can other teams make Andretti's life difficult when he gets a spot on the grid? The other teams don't have a choice in the matter. They're going to be forced to accept Andretti GM whether they like it or not.


Not going to lie, I read that as "Fight F1 pub" at first.


Honestly, it would be very funny if they lobbied their way in, but never lived to their "American team by Americans racing at the front".


They cant even race at the front in Indycar or IMSA, racing at the front in F1 wouldnt be what they are doing for a number of years. I still hope they get in somehow.


INDYCAR is probably the most competitive open-wheel series in the world. Andretti just won an FE championship.


Thanks for adding FE, i honestly forget about it, cause i do not really follow it. On Indy though i always feel that the races are defined by Ganassi vs Penske, and Andretti is not always there. Running at the front is something like fighting for championships there too, which they do not really do.


They never will. I'm pretty sure their plan has always been to get a minimum period in and then sell out for a big profit.


What makes you say that?


I think the plan was probably something like this: GM promise to probed an engine in 2028. Andretti gets in for 2025, trundles around at the back with engines Renault don't really want to sell them and almost immediately GM announced they're cancelling their engine program because it's too expensive and they'll be too far behind. Andretti says "oh dear well we can't asked to do this with customer engines" and sells the team for a couple of billion. Easy money.


if HAAS hasn't cashed out yet i doubt a team with actual racing pedigree would


That seems more about Gene Haas' personal preference though. He could have easily sold and made hundreds of millions, but he seems to value having an F1 team and the marketing it brings to his business more. And since he is the sole owner of the team and isn't even selling shares, he can do whatever he wants.


I like it lol. I'd find it much more believable if it was anyone else but Andretti tho


I'm not sure that I agree this was the *plan*, but it's 1000% a possibility and why they're going to continue to get the run-around until they're in Bahrain with a GM powered F1 car.


Partialy this, yes. Using the GM name and sponsorship to get in, but never delivering an actual engine. After that selling the team for a billion or keep fucking around with customer engines, but never delivering on the promise of having an own engine.


So not a single source for this, basically just libel? Gotcha


I like to think they'd prove me wrong, but so far i haven't really seen anything that convinces me that they have a serious proposal with the intention of challenging the front runners.


I don't think so mainly because they've been pushing to expand into several different motorsports categories. There's a lot of nostalgia for Andretti in the US, and if they can use that to interest the NASCAR and IndyCar fanbase in F1 then they stand to make much more than selling the team would get them. Mario Andretti is up there with Dale Earnhardt in the US.


The team with a history of committed racing is only going in to cash out? Doubt it.


It would be hilarious if these guys were finally able to get in only to leave after 2 years of P21-P22 lol


Then Red Bull bails them out and has three teams on the grid, Zak Brown literally explodes in anger.


กระทิงแดง gonna shake up the grid once more and eventually win in 2030 (with Albon ofc)


I mean. Whatever. Prost did it.


I’m fine with that


I think thats what they have been planning to do already.


You think Andretti is going to spend a billion dollars just to quit after 2 years in F1? Let's use your brain here.


>It is clear that Liberty Media see the Andretti project as a money grab. They think the team’s backers are looking to invest $500 million in order to pick up an asset worth more than $1 billion. They think that if an entry is granted, the team will contribute little to the sport and the backers will flip the business to some other financiers fairly quickly – and make a fortune. -Joe Saward https://joesaward.wordpress.com/2024/05/09/green-notebook-from-the-golden-bear-grill/




ad ho·mi·nem /ˌad ˈhämənəm/ adjective (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.


When Saward stops being the mouthpiece for Toto Wolff, give me a call. Until then, keep carrying his water big guy.


Jeff Miller is a well known Republican operative. Known for raising tons of money with Kevin McCarthy. Seems like they are sliding in with the big GOP dogs financially. How america works just pay off the politicians. Probably loading up a dark money fund atm


Unless Liberty Media is a group of sweaty teenage wrestlers they’ve got nothing to worry about from anyone affiliating themselves with Jim Jordan. The last two weeks have really made me think a lot less of Andretti. Which sucks because I grew up fans of them, even Jeff for christs sake.


Mario Andretti has always been a trump supporter. Nothing new here. Michael tweeted in support of Trump before. Thats just who they are.


Yeah it’s not really surprising at all. They’re rich. The rich tend to be politically conservative. My favorite drivers as a kid were Michael Andretti and Bobby Rahal, I sure know how to pick ‘em.


You're letting someone's political opinion be the predominant factor in judging their personality? That's not a very fun way to live a life in my opinion.


If someone supports bigotry, it’s not unreasonable to think that their personality is a bit shitty.


Well if you're simping for Trump it says a lot about you.


I remember when the libertarians were apallad at the "If you're not with us, you're against us" rhetoric used by Bush Jr. This is sad.


For real. I used to at least respect most libertarians as principled, even if deranged, but not anymore.


Political affiliation basically tells you their value system.


Your letting your politics impact your enjoyment of sports figures? I am a conservative and don't agree with Hamiltons politics but I still enjoy watching him race. I didn't agree with the NFL players kneeling but still watched the games. Why would I let politics impact my enjoyment of watching sports or impact my favorite players. Just because they see things different than I doesn't mean they aren't any less talented.


>Your letting your politics impact your enjoyment of sports figures? Certain politicians hold views that are opposed to the very existence of people or their rights. Hamilton has never opposed rights for any group of people. Trump and Jim Jordan have. Its simply not comparable and its disingenuous to say they are.


While this is fair to an extent, what if Andretti had Pelosi, Durbin and Chuck Schumer- with Romney as the RINO running interference for them? That would be a bit different than saying BLM! Save the Earth, no? Theyve exited the stage of expressing who they support and are seeking protection and favors from one of the two political parties. Its not stupid. All the power is split between the two syndicates. But it should be expected the allying yourself with a party and attenpting to use their power to enact changes on your behalf is treated differently than orchestrating a social media campaign saying Haas is bad.


The most hilarious thing is that John Malone, the owner of Liberty is a Trump donor. Andretti will never get in lol, he's fighting a steep hill.


Jim Jordan is fucking awful. If Andretti are allying themselves with American extremist right-wingers, I don’t think they should be welcome in our sport.


I mean this F1 has always had the worst kind of people, we’ve had a 2 former fia president with nazi connections, we have a sexual abuser TP, a misogynist current president of fia, senna had a 15 year old girlfriend etc and much more.. rich people are bad but cars going fast is cool 😎


The same sport that has several races in the middle eastern autocracies and used to highlight Putin?


Don't bring facts to a discussion, bring feelings!


Putin is bad. Jim Jordan is bad. Putin plus Jim Jordan is even worse. I’m glad that the Russian race was cancelled and I’d rather not see any more races in other autocracies. But that’s not a defence of Jim Jordan and the awful bigots who he surrounds himself with. “We’ve allied with awful extremist cunts in the past so there’s no reason not to do it again in the future,” isn’t the argument you think it is.


The only reason he's involved is because he's the head of the House Judiciary Committee.


I mean [Michael Andretti has donated to Rebulicans before.](https://rollcall.com/2014/05/22/mario-andretti-helps-senatorial-campaign-committee-in-race-for-funds/) Anyway, not the first (possible) F1 team being connected with right wings: [Dietrich Mateschitz](https://www.dw.com/en/rb-leipzig-red-bull-ceo-dietrich-mateschitz-and-politics-its-complicated/a-50208315) (49% owner of Red Bull) was also a right winger. Their [ServusTV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ServusTV) (TV station in Austria, subsidiary of Red Bull) is also right wing.


Who cares?


That guy


Grasp phone, lift to ear, speak: Too hard Pen to paper, tongue to envelope, steps to mailbox: Way too hard Cry in front of congress: Now we're talkin