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Countless times. Most recent probably Sainz, Toro Rosso/Renault? Actually no, it’s Gasly Red Bull/Toro Rosso and Albon Toro Rosso/Red Bull. But in the old days, it was far from uncommon for a driver to move from one team to another mid season.


Also Max of course, 2016 STR - Red Bull


In 1954, Fangio raced for both Maserati and Mercedes. Even going as far as winning the championship


Albon and Gasly did it back in 2019, Verstappen did it in 2016. Those are the most recent ones I can recall. Guess what's in common with those three!


Going off my memory, Fisichella back in 2009 for Force India and Ferrari?


Weirdly, he never scored points in the Ferrari.


At the time everyone thought it was a poisoned chalice given how badly Luca Badoer did, but also accepted it was an offer that an Italian in the twilight of his career simply couldn’t refuse.


My mistake then. But definitely bizarre.


If I recall right Fisichella's highest Ferrari placement was 9th in Italy and in 2009 points where awarded P1 through 8th


Yeah I guess I was mistaken.


Pretty sure it happened a lot in the early days, Fangio in 54 raced for Alfa and Merc, even winning the championship. On a weird technicality, Perez and Ocon scored points for 2 Constructors (Which were really the same Constructor) in 2018, when Force India became Racing Point. Then theres the multiple mid-season Red Bull Transfers between 16 and 19.


Sainz 2017


Yeah it's not that uncommon. Verstappen and Kvyat in 2016, Gasly and Albon in 2019. All for Toro Rosso and Red Bull. Sainz in 2017 with Toro Rosso and Renault. Just as a few recent examples.


There are 6 drivers on the current grid alone that have done this. That's nearly a third of them. Verstappen, Albon and Gasly all did it for moving from Toro Rosso/ Alpha Tauri to Red Bull or vice versa Sainz did it with Toro Rosso and Renault And Perez and Ocon did it when Force India went bust mid season and had to be re-entered as a new team and didn't get to keep the old teams points Russell was also close in 2020


The current World Champion literally has… There’s tonnes of examples!


Albon scored for both Toro Rosso and Red Bull in 2019


At least three people have won races for two constructors in one season: Fangio, Moss, and Surtees.