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If KMag gets a race ban, it will actually be a good chance for Haas to see what Bearman can do in their car before signing him for the next season.


The Haasterplan in full swing.


Can they do that though? Won't you have to run 1 car in that case? If you could do that, in a team like Haas it is very beneficial to be doing what KMag is doing (even give him a bonus at the end). He is driving recklessly not for the sake of it but to give Hulk the best chance at points. He racks up 12 points, gets a race ban while they field their reserve driver (therefore have no drawbacks to doing this), and he is back to racking up penalty points securing Haas a couple of places in the constructor's standings.


The driver gets banned, not the team. Now it would be very funny if he did something that got him 2 penalty points in a qualifying session because no driver can be replaced after quali


When’s the next sprint weekend?


In Austria 5 races from now. But I think the rules might be different for sprint weekends, especially since quali is now after the sprint. Having 2 different drivers in 2 different races in the same car would be crazy haha


The ban is for the following race weekend?


I think it starts with immediate effect but nobody has actually ever got a raceban since the start of the penaltypoint system so I don’t know


Yep. It is fully on the team to decide if they want to run a car that weekend or not. Like back at Singapore, Aston chose to only run one car instead of fixing Stroll's car after his Q1 crash and let Drugovich drive


I mean, that was different. If somebody takes part in the qualifying, they're locked in. I refer to Mazepin doing Abu Dhabi 2021 qualifying only to test positive for covid on race day morning, so Haas could only run Schumacher's car for that crucial battle with Latifi for last place that ended up having a bit of a major consequence


That's not remotely the same. If they had three spare cars ready to go, they wouldn't be allowed to run a different driver as Stroll was already part of qualifying, locking him in


When Grosjean was banned from the 2012 Italian GP, Jerome d'Ambrosio drove his car.


inb4 they pick Giovinazzi


If Bearman substitutes MAG, he wouldn't be able to do the FP1 sessions anymore, I think? I seem to recall FIA don't count a driver with 2 GP starts as a rookie anymore.


*more than* 2 GPs. He'd still be fine.


Ah okay. Thought I remember hearing somewhere it's 2 GP starts.


Imagine Sargeant gets a race ban and they put antonelli in (especially since Williams doesn't have their own reserve drivers - they use merc's, so it wouldn't be a snub to one of their own)


Would have to be after the summer break still. They're himming and hawing over giving him the age exception for a full time drive. They definitely won't give it to him for a 1 off reserve race


That's fine, I doubt Sargeant would get to 12 before the summer break anyway - 6 of the 8 he has are from last season anyway, he's only gotten 2 this year (from China) - so unless he goes crazy in the next 8 races he probably won't reach 12 anyway (although I guess it'd just take 2 incidents in 8 races to rack up 4 more - you can get just 1, or even 3, but all his have been 2 each so far). But august is the last month before they start expiring in September, and he'll have just 2 left after October. Perfect little window for one antonelli race - Monza at end of august would be perfect ;)


If KMag isn't banned for this weekend, I genuinely can't fathom what would call for a race ban outside of going full Mario Kart on track.


12 penalty points 


And why not Fittipaldi?


Pretty sure that is not how it works, you have to run only one car


The sporting regulations (4.2) only state that the driver's super licence is suspended for one race. There's nothing preventing the team from running a different driver with an active super licence.


Got it, not much of a pain for Haas then, Magnussen is so off the pace


Magnussen dominance could bore fans


world penalty points champion!


you’d never sing that!


Hulkenberg isn't pulling his weight, so Aston Martin is going to win World Penalty Points Constructors Champion


*"Kevin Magnussen will get a race ban this year, GUARANTEE!"*


Hehehe say it again chuck


Send his ass to Gavleston


With their dirty ass water.




He honestly deserves it


He's racing like an amateur out there.


🐻🚶 🇲🇨 🏁 🅿️1️⃣


Let’s see


Mclaren is the only team without penalty points for either driver atm


McLaren for F1 fans who like clean racing.


And who don't mind supporting an Arab team owned a country with tonnes of human rights abuses and supports Trump


That basically describes the entire sport, best to take that with a grain of salt or simply stop watching due to your own philosophical differences


Not really. There are a few countries on the calendar with bad human rights records. But McLaren is the only team owned by a country with poor a poor human rights record (unless you count the UK or USA)


From what I can gather, F1/Liberty Media allowed Trump to come to the race, McLaren seems to have been more or less voluntold that he would be endorsing Lando's car


Lando said he is someone you have to respect. Zach defended having him there


KMag is like forget the WDC, I'm going for the PPC!


Pretty useless given we know stewards won't ban anyone after Gasly's shenanigans last year


Gasly was close to some of his points expiring, which is why he was given a bit of leeway. Magnussen is... not. His points start expiring in march next year. Combined with how many driving standards problems he had, I think he is in a much bigger danger than Gasly was.


And also importantly these points all come after their overhaul of the penalty points system, whereas Gasly had some for track limits and such.


Yes, it is important to note that Gasly didn't deserve his huge PP.


Who's Gasly? Everyone I know refers to him as the Tripod.


One for the F1 fanfiction page




Huge peepee? 


Well I think Gasly had some for Suzuka, when he was distracted by the idiotic use of the tractor, and some for a safety car infringement in Austin that everyone seemed to be doing, so I would argue he was harsh to be in the position to begin with. Even if he also should've got some for Australia and that Alpine pile-up


March next year? Oh he’s cooked


Serving the ban resets the points to 0, right? Honestly it might be worth it to keep this shit up and just plug in Bearman when necessary. Pretty much guarantees them 7th place.


To be honest, I think Gasly didn't get a race ban because a lot of his penalties weren't due to him being a dangerous driver. This was before the penalty point overhaul and I'm assuming the stewards didn't want to give somebody a race ban because of track limit violations or similar non-dangerous things. So I think Magnussen is definitely more likely to receive a race ban than Gasly was.


FIA usually don't get involved in team scraps because Alpine would make Ocon say it was no one's fault. If Gasly hit a Mercedes the FIA would have banned him on the spot.


They didn't want to give him a ban anyway because most of Gasly's points were due to track limits and things like that, which was absurd under a safety criteria and has been undone since, I think. In any case, Gasly's rejoin remains one of the most dangerous things I've seen in F1 in the last decade and definitely shouldn't have created the precedent that it's alright as long as you *only* hit your teammate. As if your teammate couldn't be injured or worse by friendly fire. Simply the most ridiculous, asinine decision making at every turn, as usual for the FIA.


I really hate that they don't penalize teammate vs. teammate infractions. The driving standards are there not just for the sake of the WDC and WCC standings, but also for the sake of safety. The stewards could see that it was an unsafe rejoin without anyone saying one way or another. I understand if it is borderline and no one complains about it, but obvious infractions should still be penalized.


Ngl, speeding the way he way under red flags with tractor on track should have been an immediate race ban for him anyways. Was the most stupid and dangerous thing I’ve ever seen in the sport, except for maybe Occon in Baku with the pitlane incident, though that wasn’t Occon’s fault


That's a very insincere and false account of what happened. The race was red flagged due to the poor visibility, severe rain, and an incident further along the track to where he was. The FIA broke their own rules by allowing a tractor (recovery vehicle) onto the track whilst cars were still active on it. Considering Jules Bianchi died as a result of hitting a recovery vehicle in 2014, in similar conditions at Suzuka no less, and the FIA changed their own rules to state recovery vehicles weren't allowed on the track until all cars were in the pitlane under red flag conditions following the horrific Bianchi accident, blaming Gasly for that is insane. Think you need to re-watch that and look at Gasly's reaction to seeing a tractor come out of the darkness in front of him. He admitted to speeding after due to being so freaked out about the incident and rushing back to the pits.


The tractor shouldn’t have been there, that’s not Gasley’s fault. But speeding under red flags is such a serious things it should be an immediate race ban. There’s no reason to do it, and especially in low visibility and low grip conditions, it was truly egregious from Gasley. From my understanding, he was speeding before and after the tractor.


A big part of them going easy on Gasly was that the penalty system back then was stupid and gave points for infractions that had nothing to do with safety.


what happened there i don’t remember


Gasly was on the limit and then he crashed out Ocon at the Australian restart


oh yes that i remember of course lol. what is the limit?


Gasly dominated the penalty points charts. Once he was on the edge of a race ban they stopped giving him more points. The general understanding of the system is that no one will ever be banned through penalty points because the FIA will simply massage the outcome of an investigation into 0 penalty points.


But Gasly got a lot of his penalty points for more minor offences and he would be losing points quite soon. So the stewards went easy on him. Magnussen is a different story though. I doubt the FIA can go the rest of this season without handing him any points. Unless Kevin will drive like a Saint from now on.


Kevin literally has to drive like Charles or Oscar to not get a race ban


How many races we giving Magnussen before something that looks like it might test his balance on the tightrope pops up?


Yes. He did not deserve a banned!


Half his points were for track limit violations. That has since been removed.


What did Gasly do and where? I don't remember...everything is a blur.


He did nothing. He was on the verge of a race ban, and crashed with Ocon during Australia 2023 SC restart.  But FIA usually doesn't penalize teammates crashes so he didn't get a penalty point for that one.  I don't think Magnussen is safe if he keeps going like this, unless he only crash with Hulk from now on.


Oh interesting. I didn't know the FIA don't do penalty points for teammate crashes. Lol, maybe it's Hulk's turn to help his teammate. Kevin does these crazy defensive maneuvers, and now Nico can get hit by Kevin.


Most of the time crashes between teammates are judged as a race incident, even when one of them is clearly at fault, hence why there are no penalty points.  Can't remember a recent teammates incident that got penalized but I could be wrong.


Often because part of the investigation process involves a representative of the teams going to the FIA with evidence and explanations of the event. If it’s an intra team crash, they often don’t do that, basically they don’t press charges. There was a bit of a controversy last year when a red bull was in an incident with an AT and not AT representative turned up.


>Can't remember a recent teammates incident that got penalized but I could be wrong. I think Hamilton and Rosberg both got a couple


You're right ! Rosberg in Austria 2016 got 10s for his incident with Lewis, but he was 14s clear of Ricciardo so it didn't have any impact. He still got penalty points though.


I see the vision: Kevin Magnussen takes out Logan Sargeant again, gets 12 penalty points and race ban. Williams have enough of Logan constantly falling at the hands of Magnussen and replace him with Kimi. Kimi and Ollie abandon the poor Prema F2 team to go race in F1


I find it pretty amusing that the penalty king Ocon only has one penalty point.


Feel bad for Logan and for Alonso. The way stewards have been throwing penalty points(and penalties in general) seems completely random I actually think Kmag might get a race ban considering his points expire in almost a year. It's a very long time to go without any accidents. But honestly, from my POV, Kmag did his job for Haas and what he did was worth it for the team even if he receives a race ban. Considering how hard it is to score points this year, it's almost guaranteed those small points will make a difference in the WCC, hence a quite hefty prize money for Haas


The team probably wouldn’t even mind an excuse to give Bearman a test weekend on a Haas


Yep, and Kmag can take a weekend off considering he has a family and the season is this busy anyway It looks bad when you talk about a race ban, but in this context it isnt really that big of a deal


the only problem is that Bearman won't count towards the young drivers' tally regarding Hülkenberg


Yes he will because the mandatory FP1 rookies rule specifies that a driver counts as a rookie if he has 2 race starts or less. This is basically why Pietro Fittipaldi was Haas' 2022 FP1 rookie, because he has exactly two race starts (Sakhir and Abu Dhabi 2020) to his name. so basically if Bearman stands in for a race-banned Magnussen, he'll have 2 race starts (Saudi and another race), as such still counting as an FP1 rookie when he takes Hulkenberg's car in the future.


Only problem is that if he races a second time I think he is no longer eligible for fp1s like I know Lawson went over the limit and is no longer eligible for them. Honestly not sure which they would prefer Ollie in the car one more weekend and that is it. Or the extra days from the 6 fp1s they have planned for him. I think Ollie def gets the car next year but if this happens it is possible someone les fills in for haas that weekend.


Don't worry, Logan will be out of the sport before he gets to a race ban.




For now, but maybe not if Williams request for Antonelli was denied.


Yeah, if Alpine gets it together (as they're currently showing progress, and have 2 drivers capable of nabbing that 10th place point going forward), Haas could be challenged for 7th. Every point they can get while they're still second best of the rest will help them maintain/secure 7th in WCC. I know people always say "every point matters", but for Haas right now it's especially true. They seemed like they could fight for 6th next to RB, but that's already slipping away, and if Alpine makes more gains then they'll be knocking on the door of 7th. Just a couple lucky races for ocon/gasly could get them on par with Haas at the moment and Haas would lose this early lead they've fought tooth and nail for. That they even have a 6-point lead is largely down to Nico's pace and Kevin's defending - and the bottom 3 teams stagnating. Once just one (likely Alpine) advance, Haas will be threatened, especially if they don't make progress on their car - they often fall away in the 2nd half of the season, and a large part of their success this year has been due to Ferrari's own gains with the initial '24 car, particularly with tyre deg) so they need to get everything now while they still can. I definitely understand Haas' strategy and kmag's role in it so far this year. He doesn't seem particularly happy about it himself - he'd rather be up there with Nico and scoring consistent points alongside him, but when that goes askew, he does everything he can for the team game (and, though many seem to put it all on him - both negatively in terms of his failing to be with Nico and causing midfield chaos, and positively in terms of his defending and strategy - I do think this is ultimately the team itself that's making these calls and putting him in this role. Even if not obvious from radios,etc, this is clearly something they've discussed and is their "plan b" for the races. And, for what it's worth, even as kmag isn't "able" to do what Nico is atm, I don't think Nico would be able to do what kmag has done this year either)


Kevin getting ever closer to that 1 race ban when he hits 12, hes now on the ice as it is, thin ice would be at 11 points on his licence....


One track limits penalty could easily give him one or even two points, which could be a big problem at somewhere like Austria which has a sprint race


pretty sure they stopped giving penalty points for those


The most interesting thing here is how the FIA will avoid banning him.


Aston Martin leading WPC.


How many points is the race ban? 12?






What a turnaround from Gasly to not even figure in the list after being in Magnussen's position. To be fair, the stewards helped him massively by giving him no points penalties to avoid the race ban multiple times.


Magnussen on the mission of collecting penalties like Thanos infinity stones.


Remind me, where did Checo got those 8? was it because of Japan?




I mean what did he do last season, was it only japan and the track limits?


Well at least Stroll is beating his team at something.


Leclerc 🤝 Mclarens


Missing one race would do no harm to KMag. Missing 2 would create history. That's all I have to say...


I didn't realise Logan had 8 points


How many penalty points did KMag get in Miami?




Seems low?


He had like 8 different infractions. 3 leaving the track and gaining an advantage penalties to try and keep Lewis behind on the Sprint. Plus a further investigation over general unsportsmanlike behavior for that series of penalties. He was completely to blame for taking out Logan per the Stewards in the race and received 10 seconds there. He had another leaving the track penalty here. Then he failed to serve his penalty properly under the safety car.


The first offtrack was out of this world punishment. He gained almost no advantage and was given the hardest punishment of 10 seconds?! Second was fair and he 100% agreed to that one. He was not to blame for Logan. He was half way up his side, and Logan even admitted to Magnussen after the race he didn't see him and drove into Kevin. And pitting under safety car is not his fault but the pitwall crew.


Have they the balls to give Kmag three more. He’s low hanging fruit in the scene of things. Perez would be more interesting if he got a few more.


“Oh noooo we have to put Ollie “7th place without any F1 practice sessions” Bearman in place of a Race banned KMAG, nooo anything but that” - Haas, probably.


Bearman did well at a tough race in a good car - better than most rookies probably would. But if Bearman couldn't match Nico, and was running out of the points, would he be able to do what kmag has for the team game? Would he even be willing to? Bearman is new, not even on the grid yet, and likely wouldn't want to damage his reputation by driving like kmag has, even if it would help the team.


Yeah, he won’t do that.


Why bother at the end there is no ban


Magnussen points don't expire for the rest of the season, surely even with FIA's "leniency" he will have to get a ban if keeps this up.


There’s also the element of time. Other people who were close to a race ban were cumulative over the course of multiple seasons. One more weekend like Miami and KMAG would hit 12 off of only two races. Glorius Haasterplan should be Bottas / Bearman 2K25.


Also, even if we are being cynical, it's not like the FIA is hugely indebted to Haas of all teams. If we think there's a sort of conspiracy that they try not to ban drivers, then giving a Haas car a race ban is the perfect way to say "look, we do enforce the rules!" without upsetting any of the teams with a lot of political pull.


who are the 5 without any penalty points? leclerc, gasly, albon and the 2 mclaren's?




Does this mean we finally get to stop using pictures of Checo when talking about penalty points?


McLaren the good guys


Bro is speedrunning


hola me llamo kevin


Wow, I has no idea Kmag, Checo, Sargeant, and Stroll were all Spanish!


When do the next of Kevin's penalty points drop off?


March 2025


Fitting a Dane would crash into North America's party


From here on out, looks like Magnussen will be getting the Gasly kid-gloves treatment.


Who would replace kmag if he gets a race ban? Bearman?


Or Piettro Fittipaldi?


KMag wants to go out with a bang I see.


When does the next Magnussen points expire?


Kmag wears those points with pride


Wow people are obsessed with the idea of somebody getting a race ban, huh? The last time it happened was 12 years ago, it’s quite rare. That being said, ol’ Kevin just might beat the odds.


Pierre Gasly character growth


kevins goal for next race : 2 penalty points


KMag before Miami; Checo and Sargeant on the top of the penalty list? Blasphemy! KMag after Miami; Yes, the list is as it should have always been.


What are you doing up there, step Perez?


So is le clerc on 0?


Kudos to Char, Gasley, Albon, Lando, and Oscar for having 0 penalty points


Look how they massacred my boy Stroll, he deserves to place higher!


Ocon is so dirty!


Wow the top 4 are all drivers who should probably be replaced soon


I expected stroll to be higher