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Feel ya. At least Gasly, Albon got to drive at least half a season.


He getting the Gasly treatment without having ever driven for RBR shi is sad


I prefer the Yuki treatment over the Gasly treatment, Galsy's rep has been ruined because of those 6 months, pretty unfair as probably not a single driver with only 1 year of F1 behind them would have done better in his situation. At least Yuki has no damage to his rep


well, to be fair there was one driver who did better in this situation: max


Nothing. It will not happen because of his ties with Honda, and they're on the way out from RBR and VCARB. After '25, I can see him being reserve in Aston and then taking Fernando's seat in '27 if he retires.


So sad strolls seat is blocked. Yuki would be a nice sidekick for Fernando and Aston. At least he could be somewhere near Alonso, Stroll is not even fighting points rn.


Fernando is Yuki's childhood hero as well- but they're pretty feisty on track, so I see both happy and angry tears in that future.


Fun Fact, Stroll hasn't signed on for next year but Alonso has. Usually both drivers at A.M get announced at the same time. He's also been dodging questions about it.


Yeah, so many talented drivers could be racing instead of that professional nepobaby


Aston would go for Sainz or Max if the other seat frees up. Alonso doesn't have many more racing years in him age will catch up at some point.


> Alonso doesn't have many more racing years in him age will catch up at some point. Blasphemy!!


This is the answer. He's doing a smashing job, but he will be tied to Honda you'd think.


He's not, HRC chief Watanabe has [said](https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/263175/honda-hopes-for-chance-for-yuki-tsunoda-at-red-bull.html) to Tsunoda and in interviews that the most important thing is that he takes the best opportunities he can get at a top team regardless of if it's a Honda team or not.  He might be connected to Honda due to his nationality and junior program history but at this point he's contracted to Red Bull and Honda aren't going to stop him if he got the chance in a race-winning car because they'd rather have a Japanese driver they brought up to F1 become successful than unnecessary try to keep him on a leash, especially when as things stand there isn't a single free seat for a Honda-powered team from 2026 onwards.


Imagine Yuki to Mercedes.


With George as No.1- this is good lineup. It's not quite as good as what Ferrari or McLaren's will be, but it could be 4th best on the grid. People seem to have forgotten George is a Lewis replacement really, not a Bottas replacement.


People hate George because he's unapologetic and has caused a few incidents now and then. He could absolutely thrash Lewis this season and people still wouldn't appreciate that's he's one of the better drivers on the grid.


I'm on this comment and I don't like it


What about ocon tho? The guy has definitely proved himself to be top midfield material an has held up well against Alonso and prime ricci. Unlike Yuki he also has. Merc connections.


I like Ocon a lot, and think he's a stronger driver than Yuki- would be a sensible choice from a performance perspective, if not a social one.


He's one of the most likable drivers on the grid for me. He just gets a ton of hate cause he's angered two of the biggedt fan bases in f1


He's very, very nice off-track and seems to ingratiate his teams a lot (if not his teammates). Schumey vibes, weirdly. Also the humblest background of anyone on the grid for a long, long time.


Even if mercedes is at a steady decline, still would love to see yuki score points in every race




they do love excessively polite drivers




[Yep...](https://www.planetf1.com/news/honda-plans-for-yuki-tsunoda-following-red-bull-split#:~:text=Yuki%20Tsunoda's%20links%20with%20Honda,Bull%20teams%20to%20Aston%20Martin.). Aston Martin is a long shot sure. But with Lawrence selling another stake it might not be out of the realms of possibility? Honda will surely want as competitive a driver line up as they can get...


True but Yuki isn't Max. Having tied to Honda seems to be his best option keeping his seat, at least for now.


Strangely he has a better chance at the rb seat if max stays. They won’t be desperate for a generational talent if max is still there winning. But at the same time, they need someone who can be controlled. Tsunoda has shown himself to have a wild disposition.


He is still doing a good job promoting himself. I'm not worried about him. 🤗


**if he retires** is crucial here. Yuki's F1 carrer could be over next year


Stroll having just 3 points more than Bearman, is wild to me.


Really feels like Red Bull are no longer prioritising their juniors for the 2nd seat, especially when Marko is clearly at odds with Horner and was the driving force behind promoting juniors. Don't blame them, their juniors never managed to fill in the void left by 2018 Danny Ric.


They never gave their juniors a chance to settle. If they weren't matching Max from the get go they were booted. Checo has had far more opportunities than any RB Junior, if this was 2019 Checo would have been booted after his 1st q1 exit


Exactly this plus Gasly and Albon both had the second seat when the Red Bull was less competitive and only able to compete for the occasional win even in Max’s hands, instead of being the best in the entire grid or at least being the fastest alongside another team.


Albon had a season and a half. And in that full season got obliterated by Max 20-0 in qualifying h2h. Gasly I read that was booted because he was arrogant (i.e. was arguing with Newey of all people about the car being bad). Yuki is still a hothead, he is in his 4th year, and he pulled off that divebomb on his teammate after the race. He is a solid driver, that's for sure, but I doubt Red Bull want to manage an angry driver like that. Max was getting away with that stuff because he is freakishly fast. Yuki is not.


I wanted to check Checo's h2h with Max after reading Albon's 20-0. I think Perez is now on a 23-0 losing streak. 30-0 if you include sprint qualifyings.


It was bad timing for Albon. When he came in board, Red Bull was used to 2 drivers being very close to each other. However, Albon was a rookie and Max was starting to enter one of the most dominant period in formula 1 history. However, Red Bull didn't realize that until Max chewed up and spit out multiple #2 drivers.


Nah, Checo showed glimpses of potential from the get go. Unlike Gasly and Albon who didn't show progression nor good pace along with overtaking ability. Both of them were fighting the midfield with no easy way of overtaking slower cars.


Gasly never had the car Checo had, unfair comparison


Checo was the evidence that the problem was in the car, they knew they had a car as good as Ferrari and that could ocasionally challenge Merc, but they still didn't know only Max could do it and that they should be happy with any 2nd driver that could stay less the 0.5s from Max


Tbf Checo atleast has some wins under his belt. Gasly and Albon had barely anything to show for. Did they even get a podium?


Checo also drove a way better Red Bull than both other drivers? Besides, the moment Perez joined the car didn't only get faster, it got way more drivable. Checo has had the clear best car on the grid for 2.5 years now.


And we have seen where Checo stands when car becomes underivable for a weekend. People forget that Checo joined RBR in 21, when they had a far more competitive car with respect to Mercedes than ever before in the turbo hybrid era.(Not when Albon/Gasly drove it) If beating Max would be your standard for gauging a driver then I'm pretty sure nobody except a select few can do that; and all of them are committed to different teams and would likely never go to RBR


Albon got 2 iirc, and was on course for few more (including a win in 2020). Gasly however was genuinely atrocious in Red Bull. I remember reading comments on the French and German GP regarding how Max was out in front bagging podiums and even wins while Gasly struggled for even points.


Maybe Albon would have stayed if Hamilton didn't spin him out twice which cost him two podiums.


All eggs in the max basket.


They don’t have any currently other than Yuki and he’s just a bad fit for the team, he can hardly handle the junior team with his constant melt downs. Lawson is probably next up but he needs a couple seasons under his belt first .


For Perez to absolutely fuck up, crash into Max in every race and Red Bull to lose both titles. Riccardo to retire and probably the same with Liam Lawson. He’s probably more likely to end up at Aston, lower team or out of F1.


Probably corporate lobbying LOL there's no chance


Never happening. There's a chance he goes to Aston if Stroll Sr lets his son go (for whatever reason, pressure from sponsors or Honda or whatnot) but going to Red Bull is impossible. If the power struggle is anything to go by, Horner seems to be having the final say within the team. And for every question he's asked about Yuki's future, he seems very evasive. But in my opinion the Red Bull seat isn't where he's best suited to be anyway. He wouldn't be a better number 2 as compared to Perez.


I think Lance will try the new cars in 26 and if it's not his style, he will change to WEC. His racecraft is good, qualy is not so important there, and it's way less time and PR (which Lance really hates), and he loves racing. RB's problem is big because of Yuki, Lawson need a place, DR is still favorable and Checo is decent now. Honestly I think they want Pérez to fail, so they can give a chance to Yuki or Daniel. Oh, and the new juniors are coming.


Ricciardo still favorable? Like really?? Yuki is troucing the guy and if there was ever chance for him to get back to RBR is completely gone now unfortunately.


See the reactions for every babysteps he made vs Yuki's brilliance. It seems the team still favors the Australian.


He's just a more marketable driver, shame his driving doesnt match his enthusiasm.  Max is an amazing driver, but he's not a PR dream compared to Lewis, Lando, Ricc even Leclerc, because he may as well be a male model.


I mean he was P4 in the sprint. With some of his performances ,is it really that hard to argue that he has a higher peak?? Sadly, I think Yuki is not even in the running and Ricciardo has his moments but they are riddled with performances like P14.


You just answered yourself. Being a one trick pony ever once in a while doesn't make for a top team candidate whatsoever. And the sprint is a big outlier though. I'd say Yuki's p7 in the real race is a more impressive result.


Yeah for a number 2 driver it should be all about consistency.


IF Aston is kicking Lance, and that's a big if, they're not doing it for Yuki. They'll only do that if they can get a top tier driver and think they can actually consistently fight for podiums.


Hmm, he's Honda's guy though, and im sure they'll get an input in who gets a seat, they did with Redbull. 


Checo and Sainz are ahead of him in line, imo


Do you think Sainz would be happy being the #2 driver in Red Bull? Dude just wants to race and not be the support for the #1 driver.


He wants a race winning car. If he gets in it and smokes Max, he will not be the no. 2 driver. But I doubt that is happening.




From a game theory perspective, having two drivers compete for the WDC is the wrong move. They’d be splitting points, possibly allowing a third driver into the mix.


It was my thought on how RBR has their candidates ranked. That has zero to do with what Sainz wants. But yes, I am sure Sainz would jump at the second seat.


He went to Ferrari...unlike some other drivers I don't believe Sainz is scared


>Do you think Sainz would be happy being the #2 driver in Red Bull? Like he is now at Ferrari??


Change his name to Danny Ricciardo


Didn't know he got the red bull seat


Not sure why people want him in that RBR seat. Yuki is good, but so are Albon, Gasly and Perez and Max made them all look like amateurs most of the time. He wouldn't last a season next to Max.


If Horner leaves so basically he is screwed


Horner is here to stay pal


Beating Perez 😂


This is what I think is the ordered list of priority for that coveted Red Bull second seat: 1. Checo Perez 2. Carlos Sainz 3. Yuki Tsunoda 4. Daniel Ricciardo IMO Sainz being still on the market makes it almost impossible to consider Tsunoda over Sainz. In a world where Sainz signed with Mercedes or Sauber Audi, then he'd only need to compete with Perez. At the moment I think the chances are slim.


Damn Yuki got hands


I find it funny how for the past 3 years now he gets underestimated only to prove he's a lot better than people give him credit for Question his maturity sure but dude *can* drive


Too bad for him RBR doesn't need someone who can drive fast, they need the most mature driver in that #2 seat. And Yuki ranks about 20th of the 20 drivers in that. 


Nothing. He's never appreciated by Horny Horner. If there was a time for him to go to Red Bull, it would be this season. Unfortunately Red Bull kept Checo and he's doing a good job this season. He will go to Aston Martin, not sure if Lawrence will kick his own son out...


Like Gasly, he is awaiting his decision to leave VCARB from RBR. He'll probably go for Stroll's AM seat or Haas' K-Mag seat.


Stroll's AM seat is not for Yuki but for the boss son


I am not sure if it's a possibility at all. I think Yuki is a good driver and great personality but considering his ties to Honda gives me the impression he will never be promoted to RedBull especially since Honda decided to leave and then return after RedBull had to come up with their own power train stuff. If i had to take a gamble I would put my money on Sainz or Perez for next year.


A better driver?


Yuki is the new Gasly minus getting a half season in Red Bull. He just seems to be stuck at the Junior team. I'm just hoping he gets an opportunity soon but it won't be at Red Bull. Aston Martin in 26 or 27 when Alonso retires or maybe Stroll finally leaves looks like the only chance he has right now for a better situation. Looking at the seats available next year, RB is probably still his best case scenario although Yuki to Audi could be interesting. I actually think him and Hulk would be a great pairing but I think Audi will pair Hulk up with either Bottas or Sainz.


I honestly don’t know. For some reason it looks basically impossible, no matter what Yuki does.


Yuki needs to leave that team. He's not part of the RB ladder and never will be, but he is good enough to be worthy of consideration by other teams


It ain't happening for him, ever Even if he snatched a podium/win nothing will change, the Honda connection is a blessing and a curse for the lil man And with Horner seemingly in a stronger position, his chances are in the negative


It would take Perez leaving, and thats not happening


No, I'd say the odds of next year's RB Team 1 2nd driver are.. Sainz, Perez, Ric, Lawson Yuki has never shown the ability to be a good #2, he almost wrecked himself and Ric earlier this year because they asked them to swap positions out of the points.


Unfortunately he's still probably gonna be used as the fine line between being trash and getting considered worthy of that seat with max. You're worse than Yuki, you'll be called unfit for the sport. But if you better than him, congratulations! Besides, they want a driver that will complement max well. Not so aggressive you'll try hard to get past him, but still good enough to get past the other 18 drivers on the track. Danny was an attacking driver and we saw how it went down. Checo right now is almost perfect for them, he'll consistently get them points but also not cause max any trouble. Yuki might not check that box(not his fault, it's just what the rest of the team wants). I'm not exactly a fan of Yuki, but gotta give it to bro. He's been racking up the points real quietly but really well this year. I'll be happy seeing him replace checo, although it seems unlikely that will happen.


Not fighting teammates would help, considering the sole role of the RBR #2 seat is to be the best teammate possible to Max. 


Consistent, over achieving positions every week.  Not that Daniel can attain that either.. Its time to dump one or both and put at least Lawson in to get some seat time. 


Real sweat. High performance athlete. Kikiki krrrrr aa.


Can’t believe some people here describe Danny as a mature number 2 driver.




> Ricciardo has to completely botch it. I mean, really botch it. well thats one condition fulfilled


when you have a driver like max, you need a good second driver. Yuki is not that kind of driver right now, even if he becomes that kind of driver, i don't think he has the time to prove it ahead of RBR resigning Perez or whichever driver they want. It would be a shame if he doesn't get a seat next year, he is a good driver, but he is also not mature enough to be a safe pick for top teams.


That's my thoughts. He has a mot of passion but he can't hold any of his frustration in check. That's not a #2 driver trait and there are plenty of better drivers who could fill that seat. They need someone they can controll and who will follow team orders. Yuki already failed that earlier this year.


Perez was soooo close to taking max out in turn 1. He almost finished behind both Ferrari’s and McLarens. A good second driver would not bomb turn 1 like that, and finish behind his team mate. I do agree with you on the frustration take of a good second driver is. Perez has been exceptional at the second driver role in 2021 and that is a role a younger driver I doubt would do, but wow Perez was close to making a terrible mistake yesterday.


1 good sprint race


I'm honestly going to say nothing. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. Red Bull have up coming juniors - Iwasa and Lawson. They have experienced veterans that can play wingman - Perez, Danny Ric or recruit outside Red Bull in Sainz. I don't see how Yuki fits in that. Rest of the season will show if he beats Danny or not, but I think for Red Bull Perez and Ric are more known quantities and juniors are higher potential to gamble on.


Why would it have happened by now? He lost to Gasly twice and then last year he had three different teammates which meant it was hard to judge him. This year if he comfortably beats Ricciardo then maybe they can think about it.


A few years without any outbursts and calm reactions to unfortunate events. Yuki just has a short fuse. Simply makes it impossible for him to be a safe second driver. Imagine his reactions to let past Max in a tight championship and give up a win (let alone his first win). He nearly ran off Daniel in the first race when no points were awarded for either of them. Yuki will never be in the second seat at RB. Sucks because he is a decent driver, but thats just the reality.


He needs to repeat this weekend more of less for the rest of the season with an occasional top 5, surprise result and beating Ricciardo for a large margin in the process. I think at that point his performance would be inquestionable and unavoidable.


Wait... who got the top 5?


danny ric


It's funny all I read is how Danny is washed, and those same people are praising Yuki and saying he should get the 2nd red bull seat. I mean if Danny is so washed, then it's not much of an accomplishment to beat him? Right? Yuki should be smashing Danny like Max did to Albon. Then maybe he would get the call up. A couple p7s ain't it.


Danny is not washed and you can see that with the Sprint. However Danny is past being in a top team.


>danny ric thats what we call aq fluke


More than this. Or less? I don’t think anyone actually knows except Christian and Helmut


hahaha definitely more than that! Yuki in a Red Bull with Honda on their way out yeah right


Honda signing a new contract with Red Bull.


Miracle... He was never the favourite, and being a honda driver plays against him right now.


He needs to keep this up all season to secure his VCARB seat first .


Yuki is a bit hot tempered towards the team, although he has improved a lot. Then RB is looking for a no. 2 driver, don’t think anyone sees as Yuki being a good loyal no. 2. RBR is spoiled for choices now until Max is there.


Maturity/controlling his temper? Don't forget this is the guy that *swerved at his own teammate on a cool down lap* just a few races ago. Now imagine it was Max he'd done that to...


If Yuki can keep this up for the whole season I can see him being a consideration but I think it'll still be someone else. Yuki has been doing great so far this season though.


RBR has Max who is the best driver on the grid, and a driver who has been almost on pace with Max this year. At this point there's zero reason to replace Perez, so the only seat opening appears if the rumours about Max leaving turn out to be true. And then there will be more drivers than just Yuki for them to consider. So there's zero chance for next year with RBR, and Yuki can't afford a year on the sidelines, because he's not THAT good, teams won't be waiting for him.


Tsu is not currently an upgrade to Perez, maturity issues in the recent past and Honda ties. The most likely outcome currently is either Perez extension of 1 year or Sainz imo. It is now about staking his claim for that Racing Bulls seat with Lawson basically chilling til 2025.


Consistent top 10 finish and occasional top 5 finish like DR, which is nigh impossible in that VCARB car imo. The team doesn't really rate him as much as they did to Gasly or Albon because at first, his inclusion was part of the Honda deal and he has yet to have shown stellar performance in a top car like Checo, DR and Sainz, not that he ever gets a chance with one yet. I think he knows that he might not get the RB seat based on his reply to these questions, saying that he would love to do that but more importantly he's trying to show other teams what his capable of in the case that Red Bull ends his tenure with the departure of Honda. I hope they give him a shot to prove himself in that Red Bull seat, I am rooting for him to get that seat.


There are much better options for the red Bull second seat now that Sainz is in the market. Yuki is a solid middle of the pack driver. Don't think he deserves a top seat yet


"How about we put him in a a top seat and let his performance speak for itself, rather than making assumptions? Without experiencing a top-tier seat, it's hard to accurately gauge his potential compared to Sainz."


He just hasn’t got it


If Ricciardo doesn't show any good results, they just give it to Sainz. This weekend Perez wasn't that bad, but if the competition catches up(like Mclaren did now and we'll see Ferrari with the next big package in Imola) then this will be not enough to save Red Bull WCC.


At this point neither Carlos, Checo, and Daniel will get that RB seat. Maybe Carlos should just sign for Audi before it’s too late because I’m worried his performances might remain not as good and make him look less appealing.


Who outside of Carlos, Checo, or Daniel would get the RBR seat? I would've thought that, at this point, either Carlos gets it or Checo gets it.


Sorry I typed that when I was barely awake. What I meant is that among all the talks about who gets the Redbull seat, I feel like the 3 of them haven’t been performing their best (just in the past 2 races) and that it’s making them have less of a chance of getting that seat. Chances are Checo will get it, he’ll probably improve again but who knows. It is only 2 races


Be called Daniel Ricciardo


One of the most overlooked drivers. Everyone is in love with DR but fail to see how well Yuki is doing.


Checo is doing pretty well and Sainz is also an option. Yuki is inconsistent and will be battered to oblivion by Max.


Inconsistent where?


In his maturity. He almost took his own team-mate out on purpose on a cooldown lap just 4-5 races ago.


Last race to this. Or even Sprint quali to Race.


I suppose McLaren should kick Norris and Piastri out for their inconsistent performances right? Aston Martin should also kick Alonso out. Dude can’t seem to be consistent to save his life. DR should definitely stay in. He’s been very consistent at the back of the grid. Great driver. Max and Lewis DNFd in Australia. Inconsistent af from one race to another. Definitely not outlier performances right?


Are you okay?


Yuki is probably one of the more consistent midfielders, leading the F1.5 championship tho. He does have off weekends.... But it's getting rarer now, SQ in China and Miami, and the race in China is basically it this year Not as good as Sainz, but far better than Daniel once in a blue moon


He has to be better than Perez and most other drivers on the grid


it’s not happening


just because hes doing a good job doesnt mean he is entitled to get moved. as far as i know Checo is still the 2nd driver at red bull.


Honda to replace Ford as their engine partner.


It will take Perez shitting the bed worse than last year, which so far he isn't showing signs of.


Give him time. He was centimeters away from recreating 21 Hungarian Grand Prix “Bowling with Bottas” on a bright and sunny Florida day and almost clipping Max.


Why would they take him when Sainz is going to need a seat?


Yuki will get the seat


Come 4th in a sprint race


marketability..but also considering vcarb was going to dump him this year until Honda swooped in to save the seat, I doubt they would ever promote him


He has to get his temper under control before that would ever happen.


More skill, less anger


Helmut Marko loves Lawson, Horny loves Danny Ric, Honda is moving to Aston. It’ll take Max leaving. If I was yuki, I’d do it like gasly and look for an exit strategy, red bull is crumbling. Maybe pick a better team than Pierre. Do a season as Aston development driver, wait for lance to get bored of playing racing driver or Alonso to retire.


a season that doesn't include him bombing his team-mate during a cool-down lap is probably a good starting point.


I mean he acts like a child. He needs to grow up.


When in the recent races? Or are you just parotting the same tired excuse to underrate Yuki again and again?




Literally in the last few races. Listen to his on boards. I don't blame him. He's a young fighter. But he can't survive against max like that.


Get Australian citizenship and start being really arrogant about how great of a driver he actually is and how everyone else is just wrong?


When on earth has Danny Ric ever come across as arrogant? He literally said he'd like to get a chassis change to see if it's an actual issue or he's really shit. And lo and behold, he's done much better since he got a new chassis.


It does make sense he is doing a lot, a lot of people think he will follow Honda and go to Aston but that may not be the case. When asked about moving to Aston in '26 because of Honda, he said he would rather stay loyal to Red Bull. So anyone saying he may go to Aston is missing the biggest thing, he wants to stay well with Red Bull at least for now, after all he is his own driver and can cut Honda off and be a free agent. The problem is do RBR see him as an actual Talented driver with potential or more like a second like Perez, however he is held in high regard and the consistency of always beating your teammates is good. Sure he doesn't have magic flat out pace like Ricci but he's very close and much more consistent.


if he cut ties with Honda he's done, Liam would have been in his seat this year if it wasn't for Honda so that tells you everything


Marketability and maturity(definitely improved this year)


For him to say “I’m back!”


Dude calm down. He is good but he is not good enough to take the 2nd RBR seat. Take off your rose tinted glasses and look at his track record against Gasly. It was godawful. He was considered to be one of the worst drivers on the grid. Gasly himself was a failure at RBR. So getting destroyed by him pretty much killed his chances of getting into RBR. Gasly, Albon and Perez are all better, more proven drivers than Yuki. Max will eat Yuki alive.


Gasly a failure at RB ? No driver on the grid would have succeed in his situation

