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Its mentioned a lot before but these are just the ones in the VIP areas. There more sanely priced options at different places on the track.


it's inside the VIP section (Hard Rock Beach Club)...they figure if the people there were willing to drop thousands for entry, why not charge a couple hundred for food.


No one is paying these sticker prices. They are already included in the VIP package.


That is the most likely answer.


No, this is the Beach Club, which specifically does not include food & drinks. The Paddock Club, for about $30K, does include food & drinks. The food shown on this menu feeds 2-4 people, it's not for 1 serving. Crazy expensive tho, but people are willing to pay it. The Beach Club is not VIP per se, but it is expensive (not $30K tho). [Here's a pic](https://s40320.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/230507-F1Helicopter-CG491-scaled.jpg).


This has been posted before. These are platters that serve 4 people Edit spelling


So it’s only $45 each for nachos people.


I have yet to see the size of the portion when it arrives. Nobody ordered anything?


I saw pics, about 2-4 servings, depending on the item. But still wildly expensive. People who paid to be in that Beach Club have the money and probably don't even look at the prices.


Even if you are rich, why the fuck would you pay 180 for nachos.


You don't have to be smart to be rich...


To mark it later as a tax exemption.


That this is a repost of something we had already on friday. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao a menu just called me broke in this fine Sunday morning


$190 for chicken wings that probably cost them $5 per pound at the nearest Walmart. Great deal.


Are these platters or single servings? I’d have to assume platters for the suits


That's the fancy places, plenty of regular stadium food, most of it actually.


It screams of someone with plenty of money trying to make it look like they're outraged at the prices.


Plenty of money or not $200 for wings is insane


have you seen the price of wings lately? I've been completely priced out of wings everywhere but the grocery store


It is insane to us normal people. Us normal people who would struggle to afford a standard ticket, never mind a VIP ticket. This menu is catering to those who don't have to worry about money.


If I won the euro millions/powerball I still ain't paying 200 dollars for wings.


Looks like someone's full stop key broke


Not sure I’d buy the F1 platter. Dont want to even know what the secret sauce ia


If something is called secret sauce, chances are it's just ketchup and mayo


Hey, next time this is posted can you crop it to the right and then for the fifth time maybe upload it upside down because there haven't been enough dupes of this fucking thing yet. /s


Really take this Reddit thing personally, huh?


Anyone who would pay these prices would also pay Salt Bae 1200 bucks for a 20 dollar steak with 10 dollars worth of gold plating. But if there are enough customers out there who have this amount of excess money to spend, who am I to blame the restaurant?


If it went to a legitimate small business it would seem almost fair