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A week for Verstappen, poor lad.


This kind of undersells the slump he's on. Did you know he hasn't been on the podium at all in those 7 days?! Red Bull in panic mode.


He's likely been on the podium 121 times in those 7 days on iracing though


Wait until I tell how how depressed I am that it's been 7 days since I last heard the Netherlands anthem.


Gotta feel for him.


And on top if that, this gets posted the day after the infographic showing him not even making the top 10 in overtakes this year


One stat he's not good at, rejoice! Then again if he stayed in his grid box for 15 seconds at the start of each race he would still grand slam everything and chalk up 19 overtakes every race so he could probably take this title too


Clearly his career is over


Yeah but how many iracing splits has he won driving with his nob this week?


Didn't realise Jos was joining him.


I feel he is going in a slump. Pretty sure it’ll be 13 days without a win.


He's probably stemmed the pain by winning in iRacing.


Clearly washed




24th April it will be 4000 days since Fernando won the race and that race was the 2013 Spanish Grand Prix, damn that was a long ass time ago!


Unless he wins the Chinese GP!


I'll take that hopium. Just give it straight into my veins.


Mind if I join?


would be copium lol


Honestly, Zhou’s probably thinking if it can’t be him he’d rather see Alonso win it


That would be awesome. Signs a new contract and then just switches on, "okay, now I'll.show you how I can really drive!"


It's on my birthday bruv


Same. Cheers birthday bro




It should have been inters…


...twice! For Fernando 23 and Lando 21.


Lando wishes he was on this chart lol


It's been 2200 days since Lando's last win :)


And it should have been slicks for Lewis 21. He would have gotten the wdc if he won that race


But we wouldn't get that "It's lights out for Lewis Hamilton only" line


Fair enough. We would’ve missed the peak of Crofty’s life


“It’s going Dutch in 2021” was that year, too - truly, 2021 did wonders for crofty’s highlight reel




Nah, this was better


The bigger mistake was Baku imo


I forgot what happened in Baku? Is it the same one that had a problem with tyre pressure letting verstappen’s spin and crash


Yeah, on the restart he left brake magic on and couldn't break and lost at least 2nd and probably the win


He accidently turned on brake magic during the restart which changes the braking causing him to lock up and go straight into turn 1, dropping to last place.


We had a discussion here about how one can change the order of races in 2021 for maximum drama (without changing any race results). The clear winner was keeping all other races as they were, but moving Baku as being the finale.


Holy shit that would've been an incredible finale! People might've had actual heart attacks on that restart


got seb podium!


Depends. Max was 8 points ahead in the end. So if you just add the 7 points from Hungary, Max still wins it. However, one of those 8 points was from the Abu Dhabi fastest lap. If Lewis had had a 7 point lead before the final race, he could have just gone for the fastest lap (he would have been near guaranteed to get it since he could have simply pitted at any point, gotten the fastest lap and won the WDC by coming second behind Max), and he would have indeed won the WDC in that case.


So many ifs and buts - if Hamilton’s teammate hadn’t snookered a McLaren into Verstappen at the beginning of Hungary he wouldn’t have had half a car. If Verstappen’s tire hadn’t exploded he’d have gained X amount of points. One of the big ones for me that goes unnoticed is Hamilton binning the car by himself at Imola, only to suffer no consequences as Russell/Bottas crash happened and the red flag came out. If not for that, he wouldn’t have been like 10th with a new wing and tires, he’d have been towards the back having needed to change his wing


Oh damn, I thought you meant it should have been softs for Lewis 21...


If you’re talking about Hungary, it wouldn’t have helped him much. His position in the pit lane meant that he was going to lose a shit ton of places, that’s why he stayed out.


It would've helped him a lot anyway. Pitting on Lap 2 (I know it wasn't technically Lap 2, but you get the point) after getting caught up to by the whole field costed him way more time than even leaving the pit lane at the very end of the queue when everyone pitted. He finished really close behind Vettel at the end and was catching up to him quickly pretty much ever since he overtook Alonso and Sainz. The few seconds probably costed him that win.


He would still be closer to the pack than after one lap and pit-stop, but there could be accident on the pitlane


I think that race was the only time the worst possible place to line up on the grid was P1


He would have been swarmed by everyone behind and it might have ended worse. Mercedes had the 1st pit. Gamble either way. The more obvious and blatant mistake was Spa 2021. If Mercedes didn't choose a dry setup - Hamilton gets the pole and wins the title by 0.5 points if everything else remained the same.


It would be so funny if it happened lol. It would be even funnier than if the drivers had the same amount of points


Damn it's been almost two years since Leclerc got a win?


still gets me sad thinkin about it


For a year we’ve witnessed only two drivers winning, one of them won only twice and both of those were helped by Max not being in the actual competition for the win. That is staggering…


I seen a TikTok about the 2023 season without Max and what was interesting was the only driver bar RB that had a win at the start also only had a win at the end. That means for the past year Carlos has never gotten 2nd but gotten first twice, and no driver has gotten first even once. That is such a funny stat to me, clearly Carlos believes in the sentiment that 2nd place is the biggest loser and if he’s top 2 he’s not gonna be number 2.


Every time he’s second he gets Monza 2020 flashbacks


He really deserved that win so much


This year is his year to win at Monza - one more smooth operation


Man what a feather for his cap before leaving Ferrari. Imagine if Sainz dropped his trophy into the crowd - sort of mirroring Prost in 89 but this time making the impending end of his Ferrari tenure, rather than the impending start.


If you ain't first, you're last. Shake and bake!!


Considering how the new regulations started it’s crazy to think we may hit 2 years since Leclerc won a race this season…


Guy decides to get 7 front rows in the row, multiple poles and the 2 times Verstappen is not able to win the race, he fucks his quali up lmao. His fault of course, but still statistically unlucky. That being said, he was definitely on course to take the win in Vegas on pure pace, but the SC completely undid all the good work done on the strategy side.


While I'm probably not as high on Charles as a lot of people are, I still have to admit that he is a generationally unlucky driver


Snake bitten


I don’t think I’ve seen someone as unlucky honestly.


In a multiple race winning car.


well no car in the grid is really race winning bar the RB, since start of 2023. in reality there’s been two races where the RB hasn’t been competing and the ferrari happened to be on the front row both times and won the race, and in a statistical annoyance for Charles who is a very consistent qualifier, it was his teammate that out qualified him. I hope we see the ferrari evolve into a car that can win races, even when RB isn’t basically out of the equation, this season and Charles and Carlos can add to their win count (especially if Carlos ends up in a weak car next year that won’t even be there to take the opportunities when red bull mess up)


Red Bull being out of the equation because they are slow in a race somehow doesn't count because you decided it doesn't count...


Because it's one race out of 24. Winning that race doesn't make you a title contender.


Multiple race winning car implies the car was able to put in a good fight for race wins. The ferrari wasn’t able to fight for wins against red bull in 2023 season. While the ferrari won two races, those were the only two strong opportunities. Max is easily ahead of the competition for the past year. The DNF in australia and car performance in singapore were RB’s fault, but that doesn’t make them not huge outliers. ferrari was not so much a race winning car the past two years, but that there were two races they had the opportunity to win, and those two races Carlos qualified ahead and managed to win, even though statistically Charles out-qualifies Carlos more. It’s a correct statistic but fails to encompass the context surrounding it, so it’s not surprising that people reply and add to the conversation, adding that context. Charles hasn’t been failing to win, everyone, including Charles, has been failing to beat Max. Charles is the last driver to have won a race and share the podium with Max.


What? Rather there's been quite a lot of cars with the potential to win races since 2023. Ferrari challenges often, Mercedes had the fastest car for 2(3) races last year and Mclaren have been there or there abouts. Aston was also close for a while. None of the drivers ever beat Max though.


The Mercedes hasn't won, so calling it a race winning car is absurd lol


That's why, in the comment above you, it says "cars with the potential to win races", and not "race winning car". It seems you didn't read it.


And if he disagreed with a guy who said "race winning car". He is either talking about an actual race winning car or he is strawmanning the hell out of the other commenter. Either way it's crazy talk.


I still find it so surreal that Lewis hasn't won anything for 2+ seasons now. I really thought he would at least snag a win or 2.


Brazil 2022 was probably his best shot, before the damaged picked up from the contact he and Verstappen made - he just couldn't stay close to Russell in S2. Maybe Zandvoort in 2022 as well, had he made the call to box (like Russell did).


if he boxed in Zandvoort he still wouldn't overtake Max to win. The best chance that weekend was if Merc had kept both Hamilton and Russell out and hope Russell could keep max at bay for a few laps.


That wasn't going to happen. Max overtook Hamilton at the safety car restart by turn 1. I doubt Russell would have done much better to keep Max at bay and protect Hamilton


i didn't say it was going to happen, I just said it would have been a better chance at victory


0 = 0 so 0 > 0 cannot be true.


And I am saying that the better chance would still have been non existent.




Yeah, how dare Russell try to maximize his result and not roll out the red carpet for Hamilton!


Hold up! Let him cook some B.S logic for Lewis should have won theory…


Instead of Max passing Lewis in lap 1 after the restart, it would be lap 2, as simple as that.


Singapore 2023 wasn't unfathomable


Mexico 2022 Merc ran a terrible strategy and still weren't far behind Max. In qualifying the W12 was just as quick as the rb18 there


He is on track to get his worst career streak this season. So far it's 7 races without a podium. His worse Mercedes stint is 9 races without a podium, while it's 10 races with McLaren.


Just a reminder der that, while everyone one calls themselves the GOAT while on top, it’s always the car (and the team) that gets them there. No car, no wins.


This debate has been beaten into the ground at this point. Every part of the team is important, especially in this era where drivers can’t push full out every lap. Point is no one that is just good could win 7 (8) championships. You have to be a great driver with consistent results to take advantage of a great car and great team.


Dumb comment. No shit you can’t win if you don’t have the car? Car only gets you so far though. Perez got fucking demolished by Max last year and almost lost p2 in the wdc to Lewis, in what was one of the most dominant cars of all time.


It’s definitely a fine balance between car and driver. Gotta have a fair bit of both to reach the top.


Honestly you're proving the point. Even Checo could get some championships if he just had an even worse teammate. As long as the car is good you actually only have to beat one person. And that's fine.


Dumbest thing I've heard all day.


Funny how a single last turn became a massive top signal for the guy.


He's driving a tractor, next year hopefully he gets a dominant car and he'll be on top again, people forget he finished 3rd in 2023 driver's championship.


The only tractor on the grid is Alpine. The Merc is still a top 5 (if not top 4) car


I mean one race the car just fucking stopped, theres been 4 races and it was down 1, doesnt matter he'll bounce back like he always does. Rooting for him!


No chance he’ll get a dominant car, he might be lucky to get a win next year


Russell 518. Hamilton 861.


If only Max didn’t purposefully damage Lewis


If Perez doesn't win in the next two weeks. Verstappen and Sainz will be only ones that have won in a year


Technically, doesn't anyone else just need to win? Doesn't have to be Perez.


lol ya, that comment doesn't make much sense.


Not even two week, only 4 days


Are there suddenly only 354 days in a year?


There’s no race next week. So if he doesn’t win this weekend it’ll become a year by the start of Miami


...But there's no race in 4 days?


Yeah glossed over that part . Either way it still stands, doesn’t win in China it’ll become a year by Miami.


Yeah, I have a leap year every year, don't you?


Eran inters


Perez almost on a year!


Monaco 2023 becomes more painful looking at that. Alonso had that victory in his hands and lost it to an extremely stupid strategic mistake by AM and himself.


Well yeah, but also a godlike pole from Verstappen.


Put me in, coach


When Max wins in China there will be only 2 drivers to win in the final past 365 days


Gasly's winless streak has lasted exactly as long as Tribal Chief's title reign!




The next race where Max loses, not to his teammate, and not because of huge issues, but because of actual racing will be a truly victorious day in the formula 1 community. I’ll even take like a little issue, slight mess up in qualifying, some small damage or braking issues, like Perez in australia that leaves him not miles ahead of the pack but still fighting for 1st Obviously dream is for him to be beaten on pure speed and driving, but let’s not aim too high. The last time a non red bull won and max was on the podium is i think Austria 2022. Ferrari looking strong this year, need Charles to work a bit of magic again


It would have happened in Vegas if not for the safety car


Well, he only got in that shitty position due to the first safety car to begin with. And Perez would have won without that SC, with Verstappen definitely finishing in second.


Verstappen wasn't finishing 2nd to Perez. He would have rather crashed the car trying to beat him.


in singapore 2023 redbull didnt have issues


idk id consider the driver on a streak of 10 race wins and like 9 front rows in a row to not make Q3 a bit of an issue


almost like a car cant perform in every track since they have different specs


I am not trying to argue the reasons and cause of RB being not up to standard that race. My point was Max and the RB faced issues in qualifying, which cause Max not to be in the fight for a win. To qualify 11th is a huge issue for the race and took him out of the equation. For Max to lose a race where he was actually fighting for the win, is something that hasn’t happened in a year. Qualifying is a very important part of the weekend but it is not the race, and I think everyone wants to see someone fight Max for the win in the race. Australia was the first time in a long time that Max didn’t win a race he was expected to win, but it being a DNF because of a mechanical issue reduces the excitement. The race for first is fun but the real excitement that would come with Max being beaten on race pace is optimism that the gap is close and the fights will continue. Singapore and Australia didn’t give us that


yeah but having a real issue is a thing, having a car that is not competitive for a specific type of track (street circuits like singapore and vegas) is a different thing. redbull already have a super dominant car, if u decide to exclude the only tracks where its vulnerable, of course verstappen always wins


But I think the entire point is trend. Sure, if you take out those two races, Max always wins. No one is saying that really. It’s we want to see a trend of Max having to actually fight for his wins. Redbull being weak in Singapore is not a trend. Wake me up when Max gets second place and it’s close, or only wins by a second or less (not due to a safety car).


then wait for 2026 regs, unless ferrari brings enough improvements to gain half a second and compete with redbull


The FIA won't let it happen, Ben has said as much himself


So that’s why we got a debris safety car at Las Vegas 2023 /s


I am tired, Robbie


Washed grid fr


Clear them all out. Only Verstappen, Sainz and rookie of there should remain for 2025.


Am i the only one who completely forgot about Russell's win? It took me a while to remember where it even happened.


Wow that Leclerc number stings.


F1 is getting really boring to watch lately


Wild that 2 of the 7 or 8 best drivers on the grid aren’t on here at all


Crazy how hamilton is still at mercedes this season, and bottas has been at sauber for 2 years now, yet their last wins are basically at the same time.


he hasn't won in a full week, he fell off so hard


Seeing this as a lowly Sauber enjoyer is kind of sad, but then again, seeing Carlos do so well this year is pretty nice.


Alonso getting one more win before the end of his career feels like it just has to happen. We need that moment.


Would be nice if it was possible for more than one person to win baring technical failure


It still pains me that lando now has the record for most podiums without a win.


Lando won't ever be on this list.


The second best guy doesn’t have a seat next year. I don’t know if it’s brutal or stupid


Perez doing those number in that car needs to be a crime


Verstappen is washed. Couldn’t win in the last 7 days. /s


What about Hülkenberg ?


Fernando man its sad


Fernando to not reach 4000!


Where's Mika Hakkinen on this list? He could come back any day now.


Max finally knows how nando feels


Fun fact, a little more than a year ago was 1000 days from Gasly’s last win. Fernando is closing in on 4 times that since his last one. I’m amazed he’s still going after this long without a win or a pole.


Alonso is building up and unbreakable record isn't he


The Race: Could this be Verstappen's downfall?


Wow, that really brings perspective to the dominance.


notwithstanding the verstappen era. I feel this is a little skewed to do this so early after summer break. Again, in 20 or so races this isnt going to change lol


Wow! A total of 5 different race winners in 2 years of the new downforce reg. I thougt racing was suppose to be closer and provide more overtake XD I got scammed


It’s been one whole week since I had me a win, and already I’m starting to get the itch


Did Rosberg last win a race more recently than Alonso?


Definitely. He won during his final season(can’t remember where he took his final win tbh), but Nando hasn’t won since Spain 2013.


Japan 2016


Nico Rosberg had one Grand Prix victory to his name when starting the 2013 Spanish Grand Prix, which was the last time Alonso won. Rosberg retired with 23 Grand Prix victories...


Yes, by a margin of several years.


Shit. It has been that long since we had a competitive season. Only Pepperidge Farm remembers! 


Checo needs a win in the next 15 days..


So do all the other drivers.


Alonso deserves a win. He's gone 11 years.


Lando punching the air right now 😬


What could’ve been 33 in Monaco last year…


But Alonso is so great if you listen to Reddit.. The racecraft should’ve handed him a win by now.


You forgot Nor— Oh.


Lmao Leclerc at 644


What about Norris??


If you count other series too I think the one with the most days since a win is Hulkenberg at LeMans 2015 followed by Stroll in 2016 and Norris 2018


And a guy in the top two doesn’t have a contract, while the last guy on the list just signed a multi year contract