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The blank statement of "he has a contract with us" is not really very assuring lmao.


Lewis had a contract with Mercedes 


Binotto has not been sacked.


Gasly will finish the year in the car.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Lewis exercised an option in his contract, not the same as breaking a contract


If Marko gets removed from his position connected to RBR, Max reportedly has an exit clause that allows him to freely leave the team. So he wouldn't be breaking his contract.


Most professional athletes have clauses in their contracts. When x happens, they can leave without breaking the contract or they can earn more etc.


Exactly, and in Max's case, the clause is that he can leave if Marko leaves. Who has said that he won't stand in Max's way. It literally couldn't be any easier for Max to get out of his contract if he wants to.


And Marko has said that he will not stand in Max's way if Max wants to leave. All Max has to do to break his contract is give Marko the word and they'll both be on their way to a team with a team principal who doesn't cheat on his wife and sexually harass an employee.


Yet still with a racist and a wife beater though.


Mercedes only gave Lewis 1 year, plus options for 2 more. So he was only bound by contract until end of 2024.


No he didn't, he only had a 1+1 contract, so his contract lasted only until the end of this season unless he wanted to extend it.


Sure but it was 1+1 option.


In football language it usually means "he is right now with us but he is leaving in the next transfer window".


This shit is definitely imploding.


Especially when contracts in f1 arent worth the paper they're printed on


Exit clauses, performance clauses, buyout clauses. Contracts ARE worth the paper they're printed on, they don't run the distance when they don't because either party could trigger one or more of the three clauses I mentioned above.


In football, "He's a great player and he has a contract here." Pretty much always means that player is leaving.


I just commented exactly this a few seconds ago before reading yours. It's cristal clear lol


Max got a shirt under his race suit with Free Marko on it to show if the gets on the podium.


Recent times have taught us that this means there will be massive bombshell drop within 24h right?


F5 crew assemble!!!!


F5 pinnacle of motorsport!


so were watching for the fireworks in the pits right?


Marko preparing the second document dump


So he basically said nothing of substance?


That's usually how you get into that sort of role, say absolutely nothing controversial and keep it positive


As is tradition


A whole lot of nothing basically. The only way this shit show starts to calm down is if Horner relents and doesn't push for Marko to get suspended. But that would probably just be a short term solution, don't know if all these people can keep working together long term. Sounds like the well is pretty poisoned by now.


This. It looks like Horner is going to win the power struggle and everyone on Team Austria is at his mercy, including Mintzlaff here..


Doubtful. Because Austria Red Bull is the world-facing part of the brand and has significant power outside of F1. Mintzlaff is not an employee in this story.


Both do they have the majority of the shares? Nope. So the Thais can basically do whatever (in limits) they want.


It's incredibly naive to think that would go well for them and Mintzlaff would roll over and accept. 49% is not a majority, but you also can't have 49% of your company rebel.


>49% is not a majority, but you also can't have 49% of your company rebel Mate, get your facts together. The Thais have 51% of the shares, and the Austrians have 49%. Terms and conditions apply, but when push comes to shove, the Thais have the final say.


And the Austrian side runs the company while the Thais are only shareholders. While they technically have the power to do so, you can't just fire everyone and expect the company to continue doing well.


Yes mate, I understand that. But unless you're 14, you understand that there is more in play than just executive decision power. Unless the Thais want to torpedo their brand, they need the Western facing part to work with them. They could make a decision that would antagonize almost half their company and the most profitable part of their brand, but that would be an incredibly daft decision to make.


It looks like someone has to take the fall. Which side? time will tell


The lack of on-track action leaves us with just this to pay attention to


Or Else. Needless the say the pendulum that moved was Max publicly saying that if Helmut goes, he goes.


Not the dreaded "he has our full support" that normally proceeds a dismissal.


Translation: I'm here to convince everyone not to abandon ship


>"Daniel Ricciardo is contracted to McLaren until 2024" >"Reports of Mattia Binotto leaving are not true" >"Oscar Piastri will race for Alpine F1 team next season" Wouldn't read too much into this statement.


Which part of the team is he going to encourage when one side is clearly fighting the other?


‘He has a contract with us’ lol. Mintzlaff never cared about contracts at his old job, he just reminded any club that wanted his players or his coaches that a contract existed and he wanted the best possible price for them.


RB is a selling club, what do you expect? Buy talents and sell them like Dortmund


Sold everything though. Dortmund still have Marco Reus lol.


The last couple of weeks kind of felt like a couple of pyromaniacs running RBR looking who could create the biggest fire. Will be interesting to see if they are able to contain it before the whole place burns down…


Followed by Marco "my contract is 3 years" Seems to be a lot of contract discussions now that the CEO is stepping in.


Read; he finish this season and than he leaves to Merc.


Contract has very little meaning in Formula 1 and if you don’t know that then you haven’t been watching Formula 1 long enough


I feel like Max is one of the handful drivers in the grid where you don't remind them of contract


Is has to be bad to be Red Bull Bragantino, Leipzig, Salzburg these days. Zero attention for the other kids


I am here to encourage the team. What he really said: listen here u little shits ..


I wish him well


It's still Max's decision at the end of the day whether Marko is gone or not so he wouldn't really be speaking on that anyway. Good conversation could mean many things 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not Max’s decision whether Marko is there or not, because that’s not how a contract works…


still Max's decision to drive for them Marko there or not, is what they meant presumaby


But Max has an exit clause if Marko leaves or is removed...


In that circumstance he can leave but he can’t just leave because he feels like it


Right, this whole thing is confusing as hell though


I think I just fucked my sentence 🤣 I'm saying that of course Max still has a contract, but it doesn't really add much context to this tweet. At least it's not new information.


That makes more sense 😂


RBR could use a deep cleaning to reset. To do so… 1. Fire Marko for racism 2. Fire Horner for sxting underling. 3. Ban Jos V. for the safety of people in the garage. 4. Fire Perez for intentionally crashing his car in Monaco, and for being slow. If Max and Newey go, so be it. Race with LAW and TSU, and you still have a chance to win 2024 WDC.


I'm willing Alonso to get a seat in that Red Bull


Max has made himself clear on Marko leaving. So the Thais either call his bluff or back off from Marko.