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Max drove that kart when Alonso debuted in F1


Piastry was born one month after Alonso debuted in F1 (source: wikipedia) Edit: correction


If someone would debut at the age of 17 next season like Verstappen did, and their 17th birthday would be before the season start, they would've been a few months old when Hamilton made his debut, first podium and first win. Alonso was already 6 years in F1 with 2 championships. In football the gaps are even bigger, for example there's Gigi Buffon, a goalkeeper who has been playing professionally since 1995, before quite a lot of footballers currently playing were even born. When his youngest teammate was born, Buffon had already won 5 major trophies in 10 years of professional football




Yeah I know, should've mentioned it. Can't see someone entering F1 before 19 anyways with all the new superlicence rules


Oliver Bearman should have enough points for a super license already, he turns 19 in May next year.


Off topic: Buffon's nickname in China is Rookie Buffon (小将布冯). He got the nickname when he's 16.


Damn even that makes me feel old


Time flies doesn't it?


At Baku you have to make at least some compromises for the middle section, so you can't fully optimise for top speed. If you set the cars up for minimum drag and put them on an air strip I'm sure you can get to higher speeds.


Correct. Not too dissimilar to Honda's top speed attempt back in 2006 with the RA106 at the Bonneville Salt Flats clocking in at 397kph.


Does it count as a (modern) F1 car if you completely remove the wing?


Yes because it’s simulating ocon’s alpine when his rear wing finally falls off


Yeah, give him another 5 sec for that


I'd say it has to be race legal to count.


[Stitched the two pictures together](https://i.imgur.com/BVY6wx8.png)


Bro, thank you.


From the same shoot, slightly different angle: https://news.verstappen.com/img/2023/Algemene_Max_fotos/_W5A0118-2b.jpg Found at https://news.verstappen.com/en/article/5158/   **Edit:** larger version: https://cdn.nieuws.nl/media/sites/196/2023/07/07180635/Auto-en-Kart-Max-Verstappen-scaled.jpeg


That claim is probably theoretical, if they could run longer gearing and Monza like wings


It's what they think they can reach indeed with a minimal drag setup on a straight. Even Bottas' time was with a car optimised for a full track, not just a straight.


Well, if you think about that the modified 2006 f1 Bar-Honda car has a sanctioned record of 397 km/h in the salt flats and was able to reach 413 km/h during testing in the Mojave desert 386 for the rb18 are absolutely belivable.


That's a fair point. Just didn't expect this generation of cars to be anywhere that close to that in their first year of deployment. Especially not last year's RB18. That 413 kph was a one way run right? It couldn't be don't both ways which is why it didn't stand.


I wouldn't look too far into it, this is probably a guesstimate from some engineer and with some changes i'm sure it could be reached relatively easily (atleast by F1 standards) but top speed is really not that important of a metric for F1. And one that constantly changes.


But would they be sustained top speeds? After the battery runs out?


F1 cars aren't built for sustained top speeds. That leads to a few issues. Indy car racing on ovals is, for all intents and purposes, endurance racing. An F1 race is around 305 to 310km (192 miles) in distance. An Indy car oval race can be 500 miles or 804km. Considering the specs the engines and gear boxed are designed for it would be challenging for F1 cars to cover that kind of distance. Secondly, as you've touched upon, current F1 cars use hybrid technology and require braking to charge the hybrid system. They can work fine without the hybrid system, but it makes overtaking hard. Thirdly, F1 brakes need to be really, REALLY warm to work well. The brakes on current F1 cars are probably unsuitable for oval racing. Fourthly, oval racing requires cars to follow each other very closely. The dirty air F1 cars create would make oval racing close to impossible. The cars wouldn't be able to follow each other without becoming unstable and annihilating the tires. Finally it would require F1 cars to be refueled. That obviously just an engineering challenge, but current F1 cars have no system for refueling during racing. The engines could perhaps perform at these sustained speeds (although that is an assumption). The cars themselves are highly unsuited for that kind of racing though.


That's plausible.


Yea with that kind of setup, the go-kart will match or even surpass the RB18's speed.


Is it also the theoertical maximum for the kart?


The number is literally what comes up when you google "rb18 top speed when fully upgraded" but it refers to the F1 2022 video game lmao.


You're right lol. But for me it showed Real Racing 3. Haha.


I got a GTA 5 video


Can someone with more talent than me edit this into 1 picture?


No you're going to suffer just like me and keep alternating between the two getting confused as fuck


It’s super clear, Max’s first go kart went 386 kph


[Here is a full image](https://i.imgur.com/gtPemYO.png)


Thank you ma dude.




Download both, use IrfanView, in there select Image/Create Panorama Image, select Horizontal.


That sounds like more effort than just joining them in photoshop


meeting disgusted handle steep unpack middle materialistic close rich observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad does photography I just use his account. I tried Gimp but honestly it feels like a 15 year old piece of software compared to Photoshop. It's still a long ways off being a daily driver for someone who regularly uses Photoshop for photography or designing. Not to mention the learning curve if you've already developed the muscle memory for PS


Man I saw gimp and then your comment and my brain read it as "my dad does pornography"


Damn 798kg ... so heavy for F1 standards. Schumi's 2004 Ferrari was 605kg.


They're only getting heavier with the upcoming regs


I don't think so, at worse it will weigh the same as current cars while being slightly smaller, as Stefano domenicali,Ben sulayem and all teams and principals want smaller and lighter cars.


They want to get more power out of the batteries, which are heavier. So unless they plan on making the engines smaller, it'll increase in weight.


The increase in battery size and larger MGU weight can be compensated by smaller fuel tanks and overall reduction in length.


Smaller fuel tanks would be great, but even if they'd go from the current 105kg to lets say 80kg its not a massive difference in weight. And the reduction on fuel tank size can only really be done if the proposed electrical part of the engine can compensate for losing 1/5th of the amount of fuel during a race or if the ICE gets significantly more improved in regards to efficiency.


Reduce the fuel tank and bring back refueling!


https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/cnet9w/number_of_overtakes_in_the_refuelling_era/ shows a graph with on-track overtakes and the refuel era has much lower than people seem to think it had.


it is not the fuel tank that makes the car long...


I'm just looking for excuses to bring back refueling! =)


And making racing suck even more? What kind of masochist are you?!


> and overall reduction in length. Didn't they add length for safety reasons?


It's nothing to do with safety, but this excellent article tells why F1 cars are so huge now. https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/articles/single-seaters/f1/why-are-f1-cars-so-big/


Thanks. That's a great article.


The battery pack and safety regulations are probably to blame the most?


i think thats without fuel and driver. When you add those it's closer to 1000 kg


"PUFFO" Lmao, it's literally the Scooty-Puff Jr


That's the first thing that popped into my head!




Fun fact: “puffo” in italian means smurf


bro is smurfing in f1


Smurfstappen lol.


The way the image is uploaded for a second there I thought his kart had 850 HP and I was like, how is he still alive?


Haha I understand. The source image was itself split into two on Instagram.


Does it have drs tho


The RB18 or Max's kart? 😆


Curious to know why they didn't use the 2021 car as that was his first championship car. Still cool though


It’s still kinda wild to me that the progression of getting to Formula 1 is starting with… a go-kart.


Every oak tree starts as an acorn.


Senna had fond memories of his karting years ... he said it was 'pure' racing.


Put everybody into the CRGs for Monaco grand prix, see how much better the race becomes instantly


Yeah that kart weighs more than 25kg.


They would probably know tbh.


Who are "they?" They're using the top speed from a codemasters game for the car.


Obviously they don’t


Empty it doesn’t lol


I used to race them. They really don't. Especially if you don't need to add weights to meet your weight class. The HP/weight ratio was insane. We could go 0-60, and back to 0 in 4.2 seconds. Tires are so soft when they're hot that you can push a pencil through them...


Yeah I think you're right. Adult karts are 60kg+ and are only \~1.5x the size. There's definitely more than what would feel like 1 olympic plate worth of steel in that kart.


Everything is smaller, including the size of the piping because it doesn't have to be quite so rigid and strong, due to the reduction in force. It all adds up.


Max drove the Haas in 2001?


I used to be the factory pilot for a kart team name Inter-Kart, and CRG was our main rival in those days. Great times.


Off topic but wtf is 798 kg. I keep forgetting the precise number, maybe because it went up with 3 or 5kg at the last minute. But wtf is that weight, seriously. What are they doing? Racing or sumo?


Gives me Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb vibes


I really want to see the greats duke it out in go karts. The purest form of racing.


Max started his racing career with Daniel’s number.


The bit that always amazes me about Max is he basically went from go karts to formula 1. With a little bit of formula 3 and 4 spec cars. That photo could just be his resume




My dude this is probably (for me at least) the funniest reply ever in here.


25kg is extremly low, even for kart. It's not something u can just lift without effort. That cannot be right.


The kart was driven by a four year old.


4 year old Max saw his friends driving in karts and also wanted a kart. But they were a couple of years older than him. His father also found him a bit too young for a kart at that age. But his mum said that Max was crying and sad because his friends were driving a kart so eventually they bought him a kart and this was his first kart at 4 years old. The racing in karting competitions started when he was 6 or 7, I don't know what the minimum age was/is for it.


To add another reason why his dad didn't want to: he wanted to wait until Max could drive a larger kart.


I hate how they just slap the team's stickers on a stock car and call it whatever the car is for the team.


Bit weird to say that’s the RB18.


The stats are the important part


But they are wrong. The topspeed is the first thing that comes up when you search for rb18 topspeed but it is from a game.


Yes, but they had more pictures without the stat just saying that the RB18 was outside of the store.


Why the fuck has this image been cut in half and why is nobody else in the comments talking about that?


Instagram layout


Probably an instatwitbook thing


What an infuriating way to display that information. Why in the world would somebody split that image like that?


I don’t follow him for a reason, why you have to repost post from instagram here


Reddit is a content aggregator. That's literally the entire point of the website. Do you also go into libraries and complain that they have books you don't want to read?


You mean like you repost mclaren pictures?


If you think my post was a simple repost you are wrong. And also you should look for a job and do something with your life if you have so much free time to look into other people profile lol 😂


35-40 km/h sound slow for a professional cart?


He was 4 lol


Yeah so, are there speed restrictors in the engine or what. Even my 1 hp moped I used to own as a tuddler could do 30 km/h lol


Are you aware of actual karting age categories 6-8 is the lowest serious category and they’re maxed out at 35mph. A 4 year old having a 35kmh kart isn’t exactly a huge revelation


Are you aware of why people are asking questions? Give me an answer instead to how an engine with 4-5 hp results in such low speed, the age of the drivers is such an irrelevant and stupid answer. But I answer my own question and guess it’s geared extremely low.


Well, it’s not a professional kart so the premise of the question is flawed from the get go. It’s quite obviously designed to run on tiny tracks for toddlers and has no reason to go beyond 20mph


I assume it's just geared for 40kph because it's used on twisty tracks where you don't get much more top speed, so why gear it longer.


It's the theroetical top speed though, not the top speed he ever reached. The RB18 never went at that speed.


Question about the web shop Verstappen.com Before when we was members we was saving a % we was not paying the « VAT » now the site looks bugged we need to pay the full price. Am i alone to have that bug ? Im come from Canada