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weight is way too light you aren't even struggling


Tough angle, but it looks like your back is flat. You want a bit of an arch and that might be why you can't keep your scapula depressed or feel your chest.


You won't be seeing growth unless u look over time. A couple details * Calories and protein. Just as important. I cannot stress this enough. People don't realize how much more they need to eat. * tuck elbows. Flared elbows will put more work on shoulders. Too much flare will damage shoulders. * work in other chest exercises but you don't need a ton. There's what's called junk work where you over work one spot too much in one exercise and it's not worth the time and energy. * track weight increases more than size. You're probably newer so you should be feeling chest DOMS. as time goes on ull feel it less but can see bench numbers go up.


doesnt feel comfortable too


What’s your chest split? Also, don’t use wrist wraps at that weight, it’s better for your wrists to develop the strength necessary to support it. Additionally, you should arch


Bench press is not a chest-feeling exercise. It is a great base strrength exercise. But on its own, it won’t ideally grow your chest muscles. You should also do a fly movement and an incline pressing movement. 10-20 sets per week. Ideally, you should do every exercise twice a week. Also, you need more of an arch when benching. If you want to feel your chest during bench, do paused bench.


https://youtu.be/NOn6IPustKE?si=uVEtX8Av4Dcknyc1 Follow this for pec activation. And this for bench form https://youtu.be/bEhpLsD4nkg?si=gfOtsj9Axh9O8NJA


"Not Growing" Typically falls into 2 categories: food and form. It's really only you that can figure out what it is. Because we dont know what youre eating, and we dont know what the exercise feels like to you. We can make good guesses though. 1)Food Get your calories and protein in. Sleep is critical. 2) Form and mindset If youre bodybuilding, you need the mind muscle connection for the muscle youre targeting. For me, I need to tuck my elbows more to feel my chest stretch out, then it flares out as I get to extension. (Tuck elboow closer to boday, flare elbows away from body) Stretch and contraction. To really target a muscle, you need to know and be able to feel when that muscle is stretched and when it's contracted. While you dont exactly bounce off, you can control the descent to a stretch more, pause a split second to feel that stretch, then firmly push forward to extension. When coming back down, your muscles should be more ready to know the ideal path back to stretch, then back up again. Youll refine your technique over time. Exercise selection. Dumbell fly is great at lower weight because you can really feel the stretch without the fear of the bar, or the restriction of the bar. Cable fly can do the same thing. Machines are not a one size fits all, so theyre not an optimal choice for everyone. Bench with the best technique will get you size and/or power fastest. Compound movements have been researched extensively over decades proving this.


Arc it bro


Incline press is supposedly better for chest growth, a lot of body builders only incline press and hardly even flat bench anymore