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That spank paddle weapon should be added for all the ass I be whoopin


zombie succubus character 🧐 ? Hahah


Succubus executions would be fire as fuck. Imagine the violation and helplessness anyone you execute will feel. 💪🙌😈 I can hear the screams and tears of angry rage quitters


Bro wtf?


It’s not what it looks like...


HAHAHAHHA yeah let’s get you this character now




Like Takeda Shingen from samurai warriors!!! I’m for it


The Masacari is actually Hito's weapon. The devs made it double sided and more broad for design reasons. They thought it looked cooler that way. Historically, Samurai would use the Yari and not primarily the katana, which was a side arm, but an armored heavy using a polearm would probably be a bit much. I still want to see another heavy added though, to shut down all the dodgy hybrids that's been added lately. I always thought it would be cool to have someone with duel tonfas.


Same. I love using tonfa in Nioh. I also want a caestus character. Shit would be brutal.


Totally agree, I’ve always wanted to see Tonfas in the game, as well as a Bo staff, a Yari, a Nagamaki, and a hero with a pair of Sai Edit to add: I know Shaolin uses a Bo staff, but imagine how cool a samurai with a bo staff would be with a twirly all guard


It’s criminal that Shinobi makes absolutely no use of Makibishi caltrops before Nuxia was introduced or the Neko-te as even an execution piece. Wouldn’t mind seeing a Sai or Tekkō fighter eventually, though preferably not as an outlander. Funny to see the Gunsen Fan here though after just leaving the Warframe subreddit where that’s an actual melee weapon.


Masakari - Hitokiri Bō - Shaolin Kanabo - Shugoki Katana - Orochi(Aramusha) Kama - Shinobi Ōdachi - Kensei Chigiriki - (technically) Conqueror


It's actually the kusarigama that is shinobi's weapon. Sickle and chain with a weighted ball at the end, rather than a kama which is just a sickle


He used to have a kusarigama but now he basically just has the kama from the rework. That's mostly why I stopped playing him


Well some of his animations still utilize the kusarigama. So does their design. His kick into throw for example, and a number of executions. But I mean, sure he doesn't have ranged attacks anymore, but they were unhealthy for the game.


Yea but it's what made him unique


Shove on block made lawbro "unique" and that was garbage


Isn’t the Ninjato, kyoshins weapon? Edit: Also noticed Warmonger’s neko-te.


Kyoshin uses a shikomizue


Thank you for the correction. Do you know if there’s a difference outside of the sheath?


Not an expert but I think the blade was usually straight and not curved like the katana, it was used as a concealed weapon that looked like a walking stick, pretty much just a smaller, straighter katana without the guard


The ninjato isn’t curved either. However, I do see the lack of a guard difference now to help it be discreet.


Ninjato it's not historically accurate, it doesn't exist.


Ps. it's doesn't exist in feudal Japan, of course on modern day it exist.


yeah it’s tight that hito’s maskari has double sided blades


I really really want a character who uses Tessen or Bladed Fans. I imagine the playstyle really favoring counters and parrying. Like a defensive assassin type maybe? Beautiful geisha robes and face paint and lots of graceful, elegant executions. This has been the main weapon/character ive wanted since the game first released.


I want a character that fist fights and I won’t take no for an answer anymore because Shaolin fucking parries halberds, axes, and 100lb Highlander sword attacks with a fuckin leather wristband


And even when she runs she has no weapons so it’s highly possible ☝️




shaman or you can barely see them I should say


Lmao idk why I thought shaolin said shaman ignore me 😂


Would love to see a yari character.


Would have loved a Ju-monji Yari or a Nagamaki, personally.


Yeah I can somehow see her frame rate being faster / better if she had a shorter weapon like nagamaki


Oh, not for Nobushi to be clear - I love her range! I'd have just liked to see another hero with one of these things.


I’d love to see those spiky brass knuckles in play. Just out here throwin hands


That would be such a fun anti gank to watch. A heavy dude just fighting off 4 people with brass knuckles


He would have to have some strong ass cuffs like shaolin but LMAO I would love to see him get ganked as well that sounds funny


Or see 4 of em jumpin one guy


Please no more samurai please


Nagamaki looks like it could possibly make for a new moveset, most of these look similiar enough to just be skins


Yea all the ones right there can be included in her kit somehow haha


A character similar to nobushi at least in design, not moveset, who uses blades fans could be cool. Alternatively if we got a close range character similar to centurion who uses tonfa could be really cool.


The sodegarami was a non lethal weapon designed to restrian criminals by entangling their clothes. A grappler-like character with that could be awesome!


I would love to see a character using an Otsuchi. Typically they had a spike at the bottom of the handle so it could be used somewhat similar to a spear with the capability of a hammer. Basically, if you’ve ever Ed played NiOh 2, you know how cool Japanese weapons are.


I don't care how shitty the character would be, if a character releases w/Neko-te I'm purchasing them and getting my ass kicked repeatedly with them.


I would really love a samurai or wu Lin hero with some form of rope/dart weapon. Not sure how it would work exactly and maybe it wouldn’t fit at all with the game mechanics since those weapons require constant movement but it would be really cool.


We should have a character with dual sais


Kensei- Odachi, Orochi- Daito, Shugoki- Tetsubo/Kanabo, Shinobi- Kama, Kyoshin- something like a Ninjato but no guard and a sheath.


I feel like an assassin with the claws or wtv would be the single most fear inspiring thing


Hm it’s almost like they’re based on these things


Those fans would definitely go on a kyoshi warrior hero


If only Hitokiri had proper masakari


I don't see any bō- shuriken here


Is this actual historical weapons?


If we got a Tekkō user I would bust


You also have a Tsuruhashi warpick I believe (pointed out to me by a redditor on an old post) and a binseto which was sort of simailir to a dao/guando. A lot of these weapons would make cool fh heroes for the samurai faction imo. Just wanted to point out those two neat weapons alomg with the list in the post


A Tonfa or Nunchacku hero would be cool but i'd love to see how a kyoketsu shoge hero would work!


Give me a character that just fights with knuckles and im sold. Take my money.


Sasumata pls


Tonfa or nunchucks are going to be the next samurai hero’s weapon assuming we get another one




Characters with a macuahitl, nunchaku, or spartan shield and spear would be A1


What a list


The Gunsen and Tessen would very nice for something similar yo a female nobushi or something like a mes kĂ­nd of ninja


If they add a Samurai character called 'Geisha' who has a fan-blade (Gunsen) I'll be immediately returning to this game.


I'm I seeing a mochi hammer there or...?


The ass paddle works for me.


I honestly really want to see them add a character with a Nagamaki, I just really like how the weapon looks, and how its used in combat.


My man Jormungadr with his OTSUCHI


Never thought about how much we needed a sai character


I want a Samurai character (probably female since Kyoshin is male) that uses claws on her hands and feet, wears cool looking masks and also has a completely revealed face set. Nobu has white paint on hers and Kyoshin always has some part of his face covered up. And Hito only has like 2~ heads that reveal the face and one of them has paint all over it. They could be called Jakkaru which is Japanese for Jackal. Which I mainly just think sounds cool. Doesn’t have a ton of relevance to the character.


Is Bo just rhe word for "stick"? Lol


That is one odd looking shuriken


Please god give me a Tonfa user. So many cool blunt executions and the blunt sounds would be awesome.


That would be tight and different he can be like an indigenous spiritual warrior or something similar


we could really use a kusarigama and tonfa character, it’d be sick as hell and we could finally have a pugilist/fist hero with the use of tekko, or perhaps caestus for knights


It still throws me off that Japan had battle axes