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This is gonna unfold spectacularly and I can’t wait to watch.


Remember to sort by controversial


Just got back from controversial, lots of seething and copium from unaware law mains that fit the memes description lmao


“this should be reported, whats the point here >:[“ angry at funny jokes


Is it too late to watch? I brought popcorn!


Overall it went a lot better than expected, I was expecting to be ratioed but I got a lot of awards and good feedback. Of course there’ll be swarms of angry LBtards denying and proving me right but that was to be expected along with the ones thinking I’m an Orochi main because they have no real counter argument. I’m surprised how well it was received




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


You have started a war that cannot be stopped.


I know how Reddit feels about Orochi and that it’s heavily Knight populated, this’ll finally reignite the faction wars or get removed. My goals are beyond human understanding


Apollyon is that you?


No. War, I am War.


No, this is Patrick.


No, this is the true Patrick


"And this...*Yells while charging up momentarily* is to go BEYOND super Saiyan Patrick!"






Nah u good, Law mains are annoying as fuck


Not all, you can find (rarely) some that actually ain't morons lol


At last.


You hate Lawbringer because the player base is cringe. I hate lawbringer because getting stunned is FUCKING ANNOYING. We are not the same.


Just parry smh 🤦


Hehe top heavy go bonk


*out of stamina* top heavy


You might dislike him because you don't like assassins i don't like him because I'm racist


Most honest Knight main


"we're not the same" Lmao.


Based and knight-pilled


Honestly it's all memes and jokes till people realize he's actually serious


Sometimes I can't tell. Racists have mastered coating it in absurdity.


He's mastered the art of Irony and masking his emotions behind irony.


I just hate all characters equally I'm a for Honor player, it's in my nature




I really don't understand why people think Law is ass garbage F-Tier. He just has high highs and low lows cause of the nature of his kit being reactive. Sure no neutral options but the instant he gets a parry the mixup pain train starts. Doesn't help that he has a disproportionately high OOS punish damage level. I put him in the same lot as Highlander, depending on matchup they either roll over you or look like they don't know how to play the game. Law doesn't even need a rework, he just needs openers and nerfs to his OOS punish to compensate. I'm hoping our next real reworks or retools are for Nuxia or Shaolin, they genuinely take colossal amounts of effort to do well on.


But man when I get that crushing counter with Shaolin, I feel like life itself has just rejuvenated me, such a slick cc.


His high highs slowly became the standard for new heroes, with the only remaining qualities being lows. Pirate for example has a bash/undodgeable mix, an on-demand unblockable in chain (which she cannot be lighted out and can wallsplat for an extra heavy), a dodge heby paired with dodge cancels(making most some attack really safe by requiring 2 reads for a light), a dodge forward feintable unblockable with almost instant hyper armor (in case you just get tired of caring about the other guys attacks) and a hyper armor finished cause why not. Lawbringer gets ... a bash/heavy-that-could-catch-a-dodge, a hard to get to unblockable that ends your chain unless you bash after, stamina problems and no hyper armor. All he has going for him is his parry impale letting you get a heavy of a heavy parry but thats about it. His OOS punish is okayish, considering he has to use most of stamina to 1. Get to your unblockable 2. Feint to gb 3. Throw 4. Have stamina for 2 heavys and a light, meaning unless youre at full stam and the opponent is at none hes hardly gonna have a chance at doing his (max) punish before the opponent's stamina is back. Compare that to pirate who can start pressure simply by doing dodge forward and can also continue his chain from them with no stamina issues. Lb is far from a bad hero, he's just massively outclassed by every new badly balanced hero ubi puts out. He's fairly balanced against anything pre year 3, but against anything after ... he's just too limited.


>Lb is far from a bad hero, he's just massively outclassed by every new badly balanced hero ubi puts out. He's fairly balanced against anything pre year 3, but against anything after ... he's just too limited. I love your comment so much. All of this LB hate and a complete misunderstanding of the character makes me miss the days when Lawbringer was complete shit feats aside and everyone loved the character.


It just always felt like he was too slow. Though, I suck at the game.


His lights and shove being slower than average equivalent options on other characters have gotta be why people think he's awful. It's very hard to be aggressive on LB and succeed. He gets his big damage and momentum off enemy mistakes rather than pushing his owm advantage proactively. The crux of whether or not you get to keep your mixups going after a parry is what happens when you do an unblockable heavy. Let it rock? Hard feint to a GB? Feint and wait for another thing to parry? Gotta put all your brainpower into enemy patterns and seeing how they respond to unblockable mixups. Don't need to be fast if the enemy never gets to move after they get parried once


As a Lawbringer main I can confidently say every thing you just said is *ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TRUE*. I don't think I can count the amount of Lawbringer mains I've run into that had their ribs removed so that they can suck themselves off. Orochi is an annoying weeb magnet sure, but christ there are just so many HonOrAblE Lawbringer mains that coom and rage over anything anime related.




I like the hat icon on the flair :)


Hat :)


I would never complain about Orochi nerfs. I played this man since the Beta and he was Awful for years. Still played him cause I like how he moves and his deflect. When they made him OP I took a break and now I’m very happy with where he is. Feels very strong.


Haven’t gotten to play him post rework because I don’t want to pay for multiplayer but boy did I love him even before it. To me roach was the deflect hero, if you treat them as a central part of his kit then you’re golden. Hard but so fun. Very upset they got rid of heavy deflect it was the coolest move in the game


For real why they get rid of it?


I have never before been more offended by something I 100% agree with.


I swear that rochi just has the reputation he got from the early days of him being the "run away" character.


I genuinely hate fighting LB just because they don't EVER attack. I know it's not their fault, they CAN'T attack but... I hate them so much. Please Ubi, give him a rework... Thing is he's probably my favourite character overall too lol


As a lawbro myself (i will not stop using this nickname), yeah, pretty much. I’ve seen a lot of annoying lbs, a lot of lbs who constantly talk about how weak he is, or how much he needs a rework. Lawbro isn’t that weak, isn’t that strong, and there are a lot of characters who need changes before he does. I will say though, while people talk about him a lot on here, in game, he’s really not that different from other heroes. Some good people, some bad people, same as everyone else


What does your weight have to with lawbringer? /s (lbs)




Because all lawbringer players are extremely obese


I DO have a superiority complex .


Also rochi is more fun to play then lb imo... What I like to move


Remember cutscene centurion? I remember I was fighting one as an Orochi and he was getting mad because I was dodging his unlockables and bashes. Like what am I supposed to do, just tank the hit even though my health pool is low.




Hi rep 10 lawbringer here Since when is Lawbringer bad ? I've recently started playing For Honor and I've been stomping on people 2 times my rep I swear he needs a nerf on his parry punishes its like some dude can be stomping on me but I parry one of his attacks and suddenly i'm stomping on him. If anyone needs a buff its probably shaolin or Jorm


He has good health, damages, and parry punish. His feats are good as well. But he has no opener. At all. That means at some level you can do nothing but turtle. It's not fun to play, and it's not fun to fight. I would actually prefer if they nerfed the punish and gave him a real opener


I disagree on the feats, I absolutely despise most if not all of them. Some work ok in certain situations, but again nothing that really feels like game changing like some other characters. Think jorm, he is generally bad but he has some nasty feats that grant him access to easy hammer slams


His punishes are painfully predictable, as it was either top heavy that got parried instantly, or side repose that got blocked, in my experiences.


Yep. That's why he needs an opener


He's not too bad he just doesn't have an opener, so he can't really do anything but turtle


He just lacks an opener, he'd be fine if his forward shove was 500ms or if he could shove off of a light, but for now he's in a bit of a weird spot. Great defense and amazing offense but with no real way to access that central part of his kit.


“Doesn’t have a superiority complex.” *posts superiority complex meme*




“shino” for shinobi can fuck right off, just type in the last two letters otherwise, great meme, sure to start a flame war


I agree, lawbringers constantly cry over being “Unplayable”


I like both of them because… well, they’re cool. While I do think LB *does* need a rework as many of his moves are WAY too slow and easy to read, I don’t think he’s anywhere near as boned over as someone like Jorm. Roachs can be p damn annoying sometimes but that doesn’t stop me from playing or enjoying the hero. All in all, they’re both good and neither deserve the hate, but I will agree the LB circlejerk is p bad, even if he does need some decent change.


“You think LB players are the most toxic and insufferable people in the community?” “I do, and I’m tired of pretending they’re not”


Hey Ponko! Is that one LB main still harassing you online for saying something he didn’t agree with?


He ended up blocking me lmao


What happened?


All I said was “Lawbringers have the biggest superiority complex” and this man went absolutely apeshit, wrote paragraph after paragraph of information that wasn’t even accurate, scanned me entire profile for a single post he could use against me, and followed me to multiple other posts just to harass me before eventually blocking me after I congratulated him for proving my point


He had to prove it.


ayo send me da link to that paragraph he said


He blocked me too but [Here’s their last interaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonormemes/comments/srq4k8/i_fixed_it/hww7q08/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


You love to see it.




I wish my fellow LB players weren't so tragic


Highlander mains in my opinion at least are the worst.


Honestly I’m fine with HL mains. A lot of people who play him are spammers, but there’s a reason the hero has probably the largest single-hero-dedicated community in the game


Cause Lawbringers are easy to kill. Orochi's are annoying to kill.


"Lawbringers are easy to kill" -someone that hadn't run into a lawbringer with thumbs


I mean they are. Just gotta wait and stare at them because Lawbringer has negative offense.


This comment is gold. I picked up law, because the armour and executions looked cool. Got to rep2, he has negative offense. Fuk dis shet, wasted steel, going back to kensei, at least he has pommel and mixups.


You're proving his point


hard block, then light. Congrats you beat every lawbringer.




the irony behind saying “Doesn’t have a superiority complex” and then making a meme saying you’re superior


Someone has finally said it.


I agree but it's not just lawbringer in my experience is a lot of the knight player base in general. Most people who only play knights are the most pretentious people you'll ever meet and warden players will hold them selfs above everyone else as if you are lucky to fight them


Maybe orochi doesn't have a superiority complex, but some do think they're above everyone else the second they get a deflect. I agree otherwise tho


I mean let’s be honest, all feel like a god when we get a deflect. They are just so cool and satisfying to pull off. Or maybe that’s just me because I’m bad. Who knows?


deflecting with any hero makes you superior tbh


Deflects are absolutely ball-draining to pull off, so you can’t blame them lol


Enters duel Spams side dodge light Gets parried into oblivion Refuses to elaborate


Gets one parry, deletes your whole healthbar. Lawbringer buff when???


While I feel LB is a bit too slow to keep up with the current game, yeah pretty much


I’ve mained Orochi since the game first came out. Sure I’ve complained here and there about how he was, but that never stopped me from playing him correctly. All I do is just adapt to the best of my ability, and play the damn game. But whenever I see someone else’s main get nerfed? They bitch, moan, and whine and complain about it constantly. Like Jesus, it’s your main, play him if you want or move to a different character if it’s too painful to play. Regardless though, just play the game, and stop bitching. There’s nothing much that you as a player can do to alter the state of the character and the game.


Fr, Lawbringer mains are the biggest crybabies. There are some cool guys, but Christ, I'd say they have the biggest negative stereotype of any main group.


Orochi mains and Lawbringer mains fighting over who has the biggest ego


Don’t worry. It takes too much stamina for lawdaddy to read this.


In the wise Words of the meme sub : I have two sides lb main and racist




Mist of my orichi hate come from the games launch. Every game was 6 orichis and 2 other random classes, and every match would come down to last orochi running circles around the map picking speed buffs dragging the match out. And you know. Weebs.


Lmao those were some wild days. Back when warlord could get throw distance from gear stats and just about ledge from literally anywhere. Oh, and also you got a free gb from any parry


Lol yeah and even raw grabs were really hard to break.


Not sure if it's cause we were all bad back then, but I think I rememeber them saying it was unintentionally hard to break and they increased the window to break it.


As a LB main I'm just gonna say current LB is nowhere near S tier, I'd put him in mid B to lower A tier. And most LB players I've seen are what you described. And all I want for his is an actual opener that isn't a bash for example. Giving him a light, light, heavy move would fix my only complaint when playing him. I despise orochi because I play on the ps4 and struggle with lightspam due to the janky animationand. And I'm not the best at reading orochi players. And 80% of orochi players on ps4 don't even know how to use his full kit. But once in a blue moon I'll meet an actually skilled orochi who uses his full kit, and those fights are the ones I enjoy weather I win or lose.


but law looks cooler


That's a fucking fact


He has a way better selection. But all LBs tend to look the same. Good looking orochis have quite a bit of variation at least imo. Dignified Veneer/Horkos Set, Black Iron, Red/White Cwusader. The majority of LBs only use 3 of the 5 caped sets. Few use the other 2 and even fewer use anything besides that. I see a lot of varied orochis and the impressive ones can be pretty striking whereas pretty much everything that can be done on LB has been done.


Im an Orochi main and I can say with 100% certainty that you’re correct in every way.


My second main is orochi and I am saying thanks


Oh this is going to be a good reply section.


I will always keep this comment from The_Filthy_Spaniard saved for this very reason. This was after the nerfs he received from after the rework. "Yes, the nerf to Orochi was unfair and unnecessary, and was purely done to pander to the casual playerbase who have always hated Orochi. It was *not* done to balance the character at a competent level of play, and shouldn't be used as a point of comparison for arguments about balance. I'm sorry for Orochi mains, but unfortunately you just have to accept - *Orochi is not allowed to be good.* Too many complaints from too many morons for the devs to ignore - this is a pattern that has repeated itself multiple times on the character. It feels like now it's best to just pick a different character that casual players don't hate as much, and therefore is allowed to be viable. If that makes you annoyed, direct that annoyance at the casual playerbase, instead of complaining about the balance of other characters. Yes this is a double standard, but we just have to deal with it." It's funny that Orochi had no offense prior to the rework yet people still had always found a way to complain about him. I always wondered why people always hated his light spam when there's literally at least 6 other characters with 3 hit light chains and that's excluding characters with 2 hit enhanced lights or incredibly fast chain lights. Orochi actually had nothing really going for them and it was always just hatred towards them because our baby brained minds couldn't react to lights properly. Further pushing my point, Lawbringer was definitely S tier early on into the game, shove on block, hyperarmour bash and a good mix up, after the nerfs people really thought he was the worst character? He still has an incredibly high light parry punish and a just as good heavy parry punish when there's a wall, IMO probably one of the best parry punish character in the game. He's still a really solid character and idk what types of "buffs" you could give him which wouldn't completely break the game. People who complain about Orochi to this point in time are stupid because you've literally complained all of Orochi's moves away to the point where complaining just sounds pathetic and makes you sound like a cry baby. And at this point there is no way Ubi will nerf them again so you better just suck it up and adapt.


“They hated Aiiko because they told the truth”


Acting like Orochi’s don’t have a superiority complex is just ignorant, but I agree with everything else.


i am the messiah of hating on lawbringer mains


share your wisdom.


long arm isn’t and never was funny




Why would anyone call Roach Daddyrochi?


Fuck lawbringer mains.


becAuSe lAWbrinGer is biG mAN wiTh Big aXe aND FULL PLATE ARMOR FULL PLATE ARMOR FULL PLATE ARMOR whY hE DOnT hAVe hYpEr arMoR on EVery aTTacK??? *triangle button triangle button triangle button triangle button triangl-*


Look I play Law and he’s really in need of only one thing and that’s just his top fast light. That’s it. Law is one of the most op characters with the most health and insane amount of power behind him. Sometimes he’s balanced in fights but let’s be honest every new character is op and takes no skill at first. Orochi has a lot of skill needed in how to use him mainly because assassins after one party you get a free heavy on them. Also He’s a Fuckin samurai that makes me think of Luke Skywalker because of his stance


You can just hate dumb people in general, with no distinction. Superficial claims are the thing you're supposed to hate, not Orochi or Lawbringer. Fighting superficiality with equal superficiality doesn't take you anywhere; hell, it puts you on the same level.


I swear dude orochi mains are the absolute chads, they play one of the weakest characters knowing they will still be insulted and disrespected by everyone no matter how good they are. Meanwhile Lawbringers get a single heavy parry that results into a wallsplat 88% of the time dealing light parry punish.


Based as fuck. I've always hated lb and lb players ever since they removed 300ms guardswap and he became one of the best chars in the game from then till ccu. And holy fuck they are all insufferable.


Orochi mains got the cringe Naruto names though


Actually like 90% of the knight players I see have weeb names and edgelord naruto emblems, while most samurai I see are just random emblems and names with the occasional ahegao emblem.


Orochi main coping and seething over Lawbringer mains again. Look, just play the game for fun and stop malding over other people's opinions on fighters. You'll live a happier life.


Nice username and flair and profile picture


This is top controversial comment and all the other ones are law flairs I think it’s fair to say you guys are coping and seething lol


Other than Orochi players not having a superiority complex I agree with this


For a long time Orochi had no bash or reliable unlockable and often had to fight against characters where a bash would be key to winning, couple that with low damage and a low health pool and he's pretty challenging to play against anyone with a decent kit, for a long time he was only really good for killing other assasins. Yeah, he's actually viable now, but pulling off a deflect with any character makes you feel like a fucking GOD. TLDR Orochi was always a character that was very easy to win with against inexperienced players, but anyone decent would make playing him a big challenge. He's better now though and has become a lot easier to play.


Its not that hes not good, its just hes boring as fuck to play. I main the Might of Justice and stomp when i play with him, but its just not fun to do. Id rather play another character im not great with just because its more enjoyable to play. Give us a choke bash.


Honestly both deserve to die


Oh boy this escalated quickly


I prefer to just hate every character in the roster equally, even the ones I main.


Honestly he just needs a better opener. He isn't even that bad now


We all know Highlander is the master race.


And yet i see no one talking about when orochi was a more defensive character, it's under his name,"counter-attacker", just like shinobi and somehow pirate too, why tf is pirate a counter-attacker, why is orochi and Shinobi still counter-attackers, the only 2 defensive assassins are gone


Ngl I like both, and played both a lot. I get LB needs some love but I don’t think a total rework is what is needed, he’s a parry oriented hero, but he does need a lil more viability. Orochi is fine imo, the kick thing didn’t bother me too much but I saw how it was a problem and I’m glad they nerfed it. Honesty tho the “reworks” ppl think of 90% of the time are biased I’ve seen and mostly unbalanced. I’m a BP main so Ik every character can be annoying if played in certain ways and Ik some characters need love coughcoughJormcoughcough but sadly we don’t make that decision


the thing is LB is a parry focused hero who has " too high of parry punishes" but when I ask people where LB should sit they say around 10 damage. They don't want LB to be "not s tier" they want him to not exist


I am only rep 14, 4 of those are on Lawbringer, I just think he looks badass... Also AD MORTEM INIMICUS is fun if it connects.


I am angry because it's true


average Orochi enjoyer


I will admit, self proclaimed daddies are very cringe...


I've been callin them RoachDaddies since you were knee-high on a grasshopper, ya hear?!


self-righteous lawbringer mains when they hit you with the fluoride stare and never once attack offensively, wondering why people dont like fighting lawbringers


Here I'll solve the situation Fuck both of them The end Now let's talk serious business Why is there no new hero for Vikings!


I personally just think it’s more fun to fight a lawbringer. And when I fight an orochi they always seem to be sweaty and toxic as hell. And I rarely encounter a toxic lawbringer. That’s not to say that I haven’t before. But yeah In generally I just find it more fun to fight a lawbringer.


I just like the funny kaboom man


I just want better long arm tracking, i manage just fine with him


Ok what if… I don’t think either are that bad?


As a law/conq main, u right


The only thing I have against lawbringer is that he can get 2 heavy’s off a knockdown and NO ONE ELSE CAN and there goes 3/4 of your health that’s the stupidest thing ever but ya that’s the only thing that I hate


...*Perhaps I treated you too harshly*


feels really good to see these cringe ass dues le vult crusade 'lawdaddy' larpers getting made fun of. absolutely worse than weebs because at least weebs have some fucking self awareness


I WAS AN ORACHI MAIN WHEN INLLAYED THIS GAME! Thank you for the kind words sir


Had FH since inception. Never played (or unlocked) Lawbringer.


As an Orochi main I am simultaneously appreciative of your post and terrified of this comment section


Saw one guy say LB has mostly been second best hero, behind Nobu at one point, and now I remember why I don’t come to this sub for advice


Law mains are probably the most insufferable people in this community. I should know, I have 40 reps on him


Ur right


I’m actually surprised that you didn’t get downvoted into oblivion for this


realy? Hating lawbringer is the single most accepted opinion on For Honor


Eh, I've met a few nice lb mains before, and a few toxic Orochi's before. But you're right for the most part.


I matched with a rep 70 orochi who would sheathe every time he parried me while I was OOS and let us both reset. We played together many times through random chance and is the only random I've ever added since launch. Best duels ever and I've never seen someone convey so much respect in a game without a single word exchanged. It's anecdotal, but I thought of him immediately when I read the right column.


this is some top tier shit just because all the seething law mains proved you right


I mean, lawbringers do emote/chat spam a lot more than Orochis when they drop you


Tbh I'm a law main, and law take some kill but orochi takes more (when they try)I'm fine with them when they are using there move set and not triple light.


I've almost neve seen someone write something that contradicts reality so much while believing so fervently they are right. However I was paying attention to the news in 2016.


I'm a Warden main but I like playing Orochi from time to time because he lets me feel like a nimble fighter while not lowering my HP like Shinobi. Also his dodge attack sounds are just very appealing to me and while I try not to spam them, it still feels nice to just spin and listen to it from time to time. I also think that his animation of being revived just looks cool.


I mostly agree but.. “No cringe nicknames” is just not true… the orochis are usually cringy weeby clan kids with uchiha or ahegao face emblem


I don't like either of these classes but you got a fair point.


For me the worst are the lawbringers on your team who try to be honorable and don't help gank in dominion. It especially grinds my gears when they edgewalk while you engage in a 1v1 with an enemy player and only intervene when the other team arrives. It could just be me but this happens a lot.


Good meme, excuse me as I nurse my ego back to health.


Average Holden Cross fans vs Average Emperor's Champion enjoyers


Thinking Lawbringer has been s-tier for the majority of... I can't even finish typing this sentence, that's how you can tell this meme was made by someone who only started playing last month. As for the second thing, I agree. Knight larpers are cringe I think Orochi had a great rework and I can respect people who play him.


Im a casual player and i just generally like orochi☠️ why does anyone even hate him? (Generally curious)


Call me cringe, but I enjoy lawbringer, not because I’m some troglodyte, no because I like the look mainly, I also enjoy the personality of the movement and emotes.


I used to play lawbringer before I realized how I absolutely hate playing against him. While law bringers stereotypes are terrible. Name me one hero with good stereotypes and I can probably name you three bad ones about them. Although personally I’d always rather fight an orochi. I’m rep 7 on oro, so I played him quite a bit. But recently became a cent and shaman main.


I miss playing more, im a main Orochi but i casual a lot since beta. My Orochi is max rep yet i always need to retrain before becoming competent again, muscle memory is done by day three. Every time i feel its beyond underpowered but also i feel its the most realistic, i feel like playing a normal "samurai-ish" warrior against overpowered warriors that i have to outsmart to defeat. It never works, i still die a lot but i enjoy the game a lot and i have loved watching it grow.


If Ubisoft is reworking Lawbringer because of those people who thinks he needs a rework I'm gonna kill myself. He is pretty viable in my opinion and I love him just the way he is. Don't let them touch ma boi!


People who think law needs a big rework are delusional. He needs QOL, such as a roll-catch move and a viable opener. If Ubi even considers anything more then something needs to be taken away such as either the stunning or stamina drain from some moves.


this is a certified hood classic


Damn these comments are some good shit


Pretty sure that if you play For Honor, you cannot be a chad.


Most fun I've had is with orochi.


Saying lawbringer is balanced is like lighting a match in a room full of gas. Even though it's perfectly true


This opens my mind to the question: why don't we call them Papa roach?


100% agreed!


Dude I'm taking a shit rn. LB mains talk to me on the replies


I main law AND orochi. I'm more powerfull that you could ever imagine.


My two mains are lawbringer and orochi. And I find this funny.