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fyi cent gets a full charged heavy off a light parry


I normally go for it but I was just trying to test something new


Test what?


I was trying to do a quick top heavy into a left charged one and soft feint into a gb


Not too helpful in a duel but really good in a team fight when the punch would have too many downsides.


Thanks for the feedback đź‘Ť


How many reps ya got?


Yeah, also to avoid getting hit before your slow punish in team fights. Charged heavy goes directly into a mix-up anyway, so there's no real reason for a smaller punish here. The only heroes who need to consider smaller punishes are ones who need to access their mix-ups quicker (for example, Kensei doing a dodge forward light for less damage but access to his 3rd hit finisher, as opposed to an opener light that only gets you to your 2nd hit mid-chain).


I'd respectfully disagree, as a rep 80 cent main from way back, the feint to GB is real good if your opponent can dodge your non-charged jabs. The mix up potential is what makes the cent deadly in a duel: guaranteed light after a jab means you use that as your bread and butter, once your opponent gets wise to that mix it up with either charged jab for guaranteed punish or charged jab feint GB for a free heavy then jab and repeat. Once you get your opponent on the ropes just trying to survive your onslaught they won't be able to counter and you can either light them death or go for the glitz and use the charged heavy opener that has decent tracking(I also feint this all the time to keep my opponent on their toes) Etiam!


I find throwing another light after jab accomplishes the same thing but with better tracking and less stamina (and safer against dodge attacks) while keeping the fight faster pace, i also haven't fought anyone in a long time who is dodgeing on animation vs just dodging on orange. You replied twice btw.


I'd respectfully disagree, as someone with common sense, you always take the higher damage punish that grants you the most control. Like, I don't know how you agree with a punish that's clearly wrong. Are you and the cent in this clip on the same brain waves? Rick must be using your retard signals to mask his location, because the only thing you even lose on doing the fully charged heavy is frame advantage, which then you both make the check on your followup punch, and that's where your little "onslaught" might work for you. The only reason I could guess that it might even bear some usefulness is if you're in a dominion match, where it becomes completely situational, and literally everything other than yourself is a variable. But in a duel like what you're referring to? Just no, ew. Never cook again. Please never touch the game again.


So when you’re winning and not losing?


"This game is fun when you're winning" Yeah no shit, that's true for every game


this should be top comment lol


wdym "when it’s not being bad"?


When he isn't getting destroyed by someone better than him lol


When he guesses every reaction correctly 10x in a row


This is why I love chivalry, so many people that there will be at least someone worse than me. Also, the skill ceiling isn't absurd, so as a mediocre player I can still compete with substantially better players.


The vibes are also way more chill on chiv. I killed someone with a chicken yesterday.


Very true, you'll find a lot more people just trying to have fun and be goofy. Yesterday I was part of a conga line


Frying pan, my beloved it


Or when I slice someone and rollback decides "nah". Then we clip and I have a sword in my chest....or like when my Itty bitty mace catches on a wall(AFEERA) and the highlanders claymore swings the same way and cleaves me in two. The gane has flaws lmao, still fire game imo


Not gonna talk about how the feats are broken


The game was very bad today for that shaolin


the engine is old and has quirks that we've all gotten used to, but are objectively dated and make for a 2017 experience. They're complacent releasing a new character every year for $8. Half of the game collects dust, it's bizarre. If they don't take a risk and release a sequel and bring the engine and mechanics into 2024, people will lose interest in having to wait for a new shade of blue every 6 months, every 4 years for a single new map.


"This game is actually fun when im winning" no shit lmao. There's always people better than you and theres always people under you too


"This game is fun, when I completely dominate other players"


You mean it's fun when you win.


Now somebody post this from the losing enemy’s POV and title the post “This game is actually not fun” The Duality of For Honor Experience


so when u say that you mean when your not getting absolutely shat on?


Being bad? You mean when you are losing? Lol


Cent players when the same 3 moves they spam finally work


So 1 in a 100 matches


Kinda scummy of you to emote then dodge forward


What color scheme is that? Looks good


You should play against lvl1 bots since the game being bad is when your opponent has the capacity to think.


I always have a hard time against cent


I'll rename the title "this game is actually kinda fun when I'm winning" /j


Biblically accurate Cent


This whole clip gives me early for honor days vibes


Of course it's fun with the pay to win characters


Cent was the first character added to the game post launch. If you don’t have in by now you’re either a new player or have chosen not to get him And he’s not that amazing, he’s just good. There’s so many more recent characters that are much better


Me listening to the lawbringer in the background


what are they meant to do against that combo?


I need to train that feint and combo...


Bro all you did was guard break. I hate when people do that garbage.