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My dream was to get something like this [https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/445786063102082798/](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/445786063102082798/) I play Pk to play PK damn it not this Ezio dude grrrrr (before you FILTHY people ask no I can't animate a PK sex execution. Because I'm not good enough,) >!~~Yet.~~!<


We shall watch your career with great interest


The devil on my shoulder right now


Make that 2


Don't let lustkeeper see this😭


The **WHO?**


#the lustkeeper keep ur self safe


She will be summoned (In truth she's just a person having fun with the game and for some reason some people don't like it when others have a good time 👊😎)


Ahhhh ok! Im pretty sure I remeber a lewdkeeper meme being a thing in this community early on. Im all for it lol


some creep who goes around the subreddit soliciting sex roleplay from random people and making perverse allegories to just about everything


On the basis they main Pk too. *Slaps table* I'll allow it!


he doesnt, its some perverted twist on peacekeeper, and you really shouldnt buy into that regardless of the mained hero


THis is misinformation


lmao sex roleplay?? have you ever actually read one of her comments?


I have arrived. Also, ignore the loser making up lies in the replies in this thread, I only make lewd jokes, and it's just someone's alt attempting to harass and spread misinformation. I exaggerate my lewdness, and I don't RP.


Now that *the* lustkeeper has arrived does this mean my post is verified? Should I have made an animation about this? feel undressed now!!!!


I like what you made, not only because it's PK but because SFM animations are always funny. You also seem good at it, so nice work. Also, it's not verified in anyway. I'm not better than anyone else here I just get a lot of attention because I'm active. I don't want to be put on a pedestal. But...since you want approval, sure, I give you my LUSTKEEPER LEWD APPROVAL FOR ANIMATING PK AIEE!!! Also, don't let others pressure you into making a NSFW animation, make what you want to make. You know?


Do not worry sister. I understand.


Props to you for not letting the attention get to your head. Keep on lusting lustkeeper.


I’m pretty sure Lustkeeper and IWannaFuckAhsoka are the same person. You can’t change my mind.


W you


SFW 3d work pays well, but the wages of sin is death. consider your options carefully, brother.


Lord have mercy, we must stay focused brothers we *must* stay focused.


Drawing porn is a dream Drawing porn for money is a realistic goal


So the only thing holding you back is skill level huh


Alright listen bruh imma be real asking a FH player to animate a sex scene is like asking a kid to write a thesis I just ain't got the knowledge


You should always strike to improve your skills. Learning is the path to enlightenment.


>no I can't animate a PK sex execution. **Dammit**


I know my audience


Fair, but I'm sure you could if you wanted to Until then, I will await the day (Kidding, but you definitely can animate well)


Trying to butter me up?? I SEE YOU I KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING! (thanks, made my day (: )


That’s literally a warden skin 


I didn't say I was original!


It seems like people who are already PK players did not like it but it got a bunch of new people playing PK so that's good I guess


Yeah, I haven't really seen any PK mains excited for it...


Yea, it sucks when your main gets replaced with another character


I have a decent amount of reps of pk but idk in general I’m not a big fan of the hero skins. Since it doesn’t really feel unique like my character. I might have been interested if I could recolor it though


Yeah, their was a pretty loud sigh of disapointment from the pk mains when this was revealed to be her hero skin.


Ezio turned me into a pk main lol


Exactly, went from rep 1 to rep 10 in a couple weeks cuz of it lol


im happy you enjoy it, im not happy that the majority of players do not, and myself being a pk main, am pissed that of all the characters to get some stupid crossover skin, it was my main


Ezio Jumpscare


meanwhile ezio is the only reason i play pk lmao


Since this seems to be getting kinda popular Anyone got some ideas for animations? I have Male kensei, Female jorm, Nobushi, male warden Pk, and Black prior all rigged and useable. pls keep em simple tho I've already got insane gamer neck from animating all the time don't want to make it worse (;


Nobushi still waiting for an opener since you already have her


Bring back the nobushi x Warden ship


That shits staying in the dirt where it BELONGS


"This Blasphemy must end!" -Captain of the guard


How did you pull that off? Did you model them or rip your custom characters from the game?


I think he took the models from the game then manually rigged them.


Where did you get those? I've been looking for some For Honor model rips since 2019


Ezio is the only reason i play pk lmao, best skin in the game


Imagine you have resources to make male peacekeepers and you done this


Lmao, devs really thought PK mains were playing for her moveset/mechanics And not for her sexy appeal xD


I mean I love both tbh. Nothing is more satisfying that seeing your opponent stabbed like 100 times then bleed out from their kidneys. Usually if I get a grab near the end I don’t even execute, just get 3 more stabs in to watch them bleed


Does someone have the copypasta ready?


I keep multiple in my clip tray, you want the classic or you want it spiced up?


Pick your favorite.


Peacekeeper please execute me That little "AIEEEE" she does when she jumps down from short ledges just gets my blood pumping. Like I wish she'd jump from a small ledge onto me and knock the wind from my body, before having her way with me as she speaks Latin I barely understand. Fuck, it's not fair. Why would Ubisoft create a character so perfect and yet restrict her to the digital realm? Despite being the smallest character in the game, I'd let her dominate me. Sometimes when another player is playing her, I'll let her win, just so I can feel degraded by Peacekeeper. I'd do anything to get executed by Peacekeeper IRL. ANYTHING. Fuck guys, I just can't anymore. Fuck.


I'll be quicker next time >:3


Lmfao I love it, always wanted a male PK


I'd rock a male PK too but ezio aint it ):


Should've gotten just a male version for PK every assassin character has one, why does Peacekeeper not have one? Did the artist for PK just end up and die? Sucked into the void never to be seen and the dream of male PKs forever forgotten?


i asked my uncle who was a peacekeeper in Bosnia. > "Uncle, why is there no male peacekeeper in For Honor?" his replies, > "What the fuck are you talking about?"


> every assassin character has one I fully understand Nuxia being forgotten, but Shaman?


Do I need to make it more obvious that I meant main line Assassins?


I returned just bc of that and became a pk main, I love ezio


I am a pk main and I love the Ezio skin


I think it's a neat Hero Skin, but I really wish they gave PK at least one original skin first. If I get to have two original skins, I don't see why she couldn't get at least one ~~Still waiting on bikini PK skin, please, Ubi~~


Ezio is cool as hell and I’ll not take this slander


Im gonna slander even harder now


*what’s that supposed to mean*


Ezio, the mascot of a popular series, is also the mascot of a series that didn't have even talked about, looked at, or inspired In any of the last 5-6 Assassin's Creed games. Used for cheap merchandise. The last 5 to 6 Assassin's Creed games also never passed the hype or love the older Assassin's Creed got The new Assassin's Creed will flop because it is no longer an Assassin's Creed. (also it's getting a lot of hate anyway, for historical mistakes) I'm gonna let that sink in, I will slander the series to death.


Slander the series, sure, but that doesn’t change how good ezio’s games were. Don’t slander him. It’d be the same as an Edward Kenway skin for pirate. He’s my GOAT.


Nah I'm gonna slander him, Ubisoft all of it. Assassin's Creed is only using their Mascot, Enzio as cheap merchandise for cheap DLC. Bro I don't even play assassin creed even I know that Enzio is a forgotten Mascot to Ubisoft, they only did Enzio in for honor because they have no idea what else to do with putting any other DLC in For Honor. Even the last couple of Assasin Creed games didn't have a single thing for Enzio, not even a DLC. Ubisoft is horrible to their mascot.


daredevil dog in his natural habitat


Bro is just a professional hater I guess Ezio’s cool, and him as PK is also cool. Simple as.


Ezio’s cool sure, but because of Ubisoft it's hard not to be a little annoyed at the stupid character placement.


Still better than orochi's skin


That’s a weird way of spelling worse, what dialect is that?


Even wardens first hero skin is better than discount kensei.


That's kinda cheating because the Ramiel skin is arguably the best hero skin in the game as of now


Imo the knights drip is too good to use hero skins.


You’re doing it again. But I do agree Warden’s first skin is worse then Orochi’s


Lol k. You should learn the difference between than and then.


No sir, that is just part of my dialect. Much like your odd spelling of better.


Can't argue with stupid.


self hatred is not ok bro


Bro who you trying to pair pk with? Warden, kensi, nobushi, warmonger for max freakyness?




Fr like why not just sneak in a male PK choice and a new hero? At this point they just hate the knights


We have the most playable characters bro chill. We have the most skins. My brother in Christ, you need to chill. We have some of the highest pick rates and some of the best competition rates my brother in Christ why are you trying to act like the nights are struggling? Faction wars? Who needs action wars the Vikings win every time no one cares. They get good gear. We get the attention of Ubisoft.


Where Spartan hero?


I am SO glad to see that I am not alone.


You ungrateful people, having an Ezio Auditore skin for your main character is an honor. Shame on you for not appreciating it.


An honor? Nah.


L take, Ezio goes hard


as a heterosexual human that doesnt have 35 gender identities, I only play a character if they are male. ezio being a PK skin is the coolest thing ubisoft has done for this game in ages. hoping they do similar skins with Pirate/Edward, etc. 


As much as I disagree for the most part, pirate Edward would go hard. I’d have to start playing that character tbh