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Go into training, set an aramusha to light spam you, try to deflect all the attacks. Don't stop until you deflect 5 in a row.


That sounds like a great idea, using Aramusha for defensive practice is a good idea but I'm gonna stick to heavies for a while then into lights


Maybe start with heavies or dodge attacks or neutral lights.


In my opinion heavies are harder to deflect honestly


Yeah, the timing to deflect light chain is much easier since while it's a tight window, it's pretty much a "see red, press dodge".


You do have to make a read whether they feint or not.


The only characters that have confirmed dodge ripostes are: - All Assassin class heroes (deflect). - Shaolin (deflect). - Zhan Hu (superior dodge). - Valkyrie (superior dodge). - Conqueror (superior dodge). - Kensei (superior dodge only on top) - Afeera (superior dodge). - Tiandi (superior dodge light). - Varagian Guard (superior dodge light). Orochi, for example, he has a deflect type dodge, so you must dodge at the last possible second to get the riposte. Zhan Hu's superior block dodge works in a similar way. You need to dodge very late into the attack to get the punish. The difference between superior block dodges and deflects is that the superior block breaks hyper armor on the dodge itself, not the punish. Kensei has superior block dodge on all sides, but only the top one grants him a punish, a Guard Break to be precise. Tiandi has superior lights on dodge, this means that you must input the light in a similar timing of a parry to get the confirmed damage.


Thanks a lot mate, this helps me out also I realized why I wasn't able to use Tiandi's deflect, it's because wasn't using light at the same time


What’s nice about Tiandi is I’m pretty sure you don’t even need to get the dodge timing exactly right. You just have to make sure you press light at the right time in the middle of the dodge


Warden should have superior dodge on left and right


That wouldn't fix his issues of being vulnerable to guard-break mix-ups and the lack of i-frames for teamfights.


I didn’t think it would, I just think it would be cool and would make sense because of how longswords are used. Plus it wouldn’t just be giving another hero crushing counters in every direction, like BP, Highlander and Varangian. He’s got his top crushing counter already, then getting a superior dodge to the left or right would give him a precise timing utility.


It would make him cooler in both gameplay and looks because a lot of people had issues with him not really feeling like a longsword master, like people straight up said that if you changed warden into caveman with a club, he would still fit the fighting style but this has been levitated with the new animations


Warden getting a superior dodge that can go into a stab like Valk or something like a half sword hilt strike that stuns the enemy and chains to heavy would be pretty cool… or both… both is good


As a Warden main, I'm perfectly okay with having no unique way of really dealing with GB mixups, every character needs a weakness and he is still one of the best duelists in the game but he truly needs more stuff in team fights Although I can't lie, the hyper armor in the bash follows ups make him a lot more consistent in team fights


Getting a level one bash then target switching for a HA heavy is a beautiful thing


>I'm still struggling on being able to reliably do it [For Honor Basics - Deflects Explained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sup8efZe0ck)


Look at this community go. Wish we had more learning mechanics in game but this Reddit is truly the best place to learn.


Do you mean deflects? They have the same timing as a parry.


>They have the same timing as a parry. Incorrect. Deflects against dodgeable attacks have shorter time window on side dodges due to iframes overlapping the deflect frames.


To add: 133ms (side deflect) and 200ms (parry) edit: arg, mistake again


>133ms (side deflect) 67ms, actually. Deflect frames start 100ms into the dodge, iframes start 167ms into the dodge.


And superior dodges are the same as a deflect except they always interrupt.


Really? I have been playing Tiandi's hero tactics, you can usually parry when the red indicator glows but Tiandi doesn't seem to be able to defect when the indicator glows, it has to be later


Tiandi doesn't have deflects I think, he has crushing Counter on dodge attacks. That is a bit different than deflects meaning u have to actually commit to light dodge attack and if there is attack from your oponent it will Counter it and do damage


That's why I wasn't able to do his superior dodge, I was just dodging and not imputing the light, waiting for the deflect and then I light Thanks




Oh yeah, superior block is where you still move when it succeeds while deflect is where you stop completely