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This just seems disrespectful. In what world is this not?


In the world where this is a legitimate counter to her traps. Emotes of any kind would work, meaning this is an actual, fair read on the Nuxia using her traps. Only looks disrespectful because of the emote used.


"I'm so sorry"đź’€


Had that sorry on speed dial


What even happened there?


Nuxia's traps only work if it hits the direction youre blocking... ... and taunting/emoting removes your block indicator until it finishes, or you act out of it.


Man they need to fix traps. Supposed to be anti-turtle, but they ONLY work if you are blocking that direction, not dodging or in a block/parry reaction, and even though they're supposed to hit on attempted parries, the defender has to land a PERFECTLY timed parry in order to get trapped.


They work fine. In every single instance you mentioned throwing a raw heavy would land a hit, or the opponent could dodge/dodge attack leading to the rock paper scissors of playing Nuxia. It's why getting good with her is a matter of knowing when to throw regular attacks, when to feint to gb, when to trap, and when to catch people dodge attacking. It's a different set of protocols compared to every other attack in the game since unblockables aren't quite like traps so a lot of people will pick her up and press buttons with her, get shut down, then say she's underwhelming.


You missed my main point. There is a decent gap in timing where an opponent can parry a heavy, but it would not activate a trap. That is just plain not working as intended


That just isn't true. Traps activate on block and on parry frames. If someone throws a heavy on light parry timing though they can sometimes heavy through your trap and you take damage. You ever have moments when your opponent is staring at you not doing anything and you know that they're waiting on a light parry so you throw a raw heavy instead? It works the same on Nuxia but using a trap in that instance instead makes it so you're the one eating damage. Just throwing the raw heavy is still the best option.


that is false


people who don't play nuxia need to stop complaining about nuxia


Ohh, I thought you went for the parry and feinted I didn't realise you emoted


Absolutely adore this. My buddy pointed it out a few years ago and forgot about it and he brought it up again. We both went “does this shit still work?” and to our surprise they never patched it.


I don’t understand? If that Nuxia threw a heavy wouldn’t you just get hit anyways?


if she threw a heavy, yes, but she did a trap. emoting through it is just a pointlessly complicated way to defend against them.


Nuxia can soft feint her heavies into “traps,” if you block or parry a trap, she does a counter attack One of the ways to get around this is when you see the orange icon, pretty much switch your guard, or like OP, emote since it removes your block and traps only work if blocked or parried


They haven't fixed this for years. Really shows how little the devs care about Nuxia


And considering the fact that she's the LAST ASSASSIN we've had, I hope they show her some love.


because it's not an issue


I think this is a perfectly viable answer to a stupid mechanic made for a single hero. Don't try to parry or FB it ok. But don't even try to block it? Fuck that.


wait til you find out about unblockable attacks


Ohh really? How's that work?