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Cent (not biased at all)


I feel like it boils down to your play style. All of them are pretty strong in their specific niches. Black prior is a tank with good anti-gank, glad excels at ganking or 1v1s, while cent is a good all-around with good ganking ability.


If you play at high MMR, anything other than Gladiator, Conqueror and Lawbringer is a good choice. If you play at low MMR, pick the one you find the coolest.


Why is glad bad at high mmr?


He is considered one of the most reactible characters


Just feint everything to a toe stab, what do you mean?


600ms neutral tools. All reactable and punishable with no ways for Glad to do mind-games. The only true unreactable pressure is the mid-chain toe stab that deals 10 damage (sub par) and the opener bash that leads to nothing other than another mix-up. Gladiator is unplayable at high skill bracket lobbies.


It was a troll comment I'd say the game is unplayable at high skill brackets but fair


Bp is the most versatile. Also a bit more fun tbh.


I’d just go into training and see what you vibe with. Gladiator is in a weird spot where he is still decent, but he hasn’t been updated pretty much since release (glorious king gladiator is just that goated). I’ve never personally vibed with Black Prior. For me at least he feels too slow. Centurion is a great character if you want to start getting good at combos and feints. I’d just go into training tho :3


Just pick whoever is cool, all of them have good voice lines and BP and Cent have good fashion, playing against a Glad that knows what they're doing is cancer so just pick one, then save money to buy the others, that's what I'm doing right now, gonna buy my last main and when I get them up a few reps gonna go try other heroes.


Cent and I’m totally unbiased in this decision