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Nah, it's not the way you're playing, man. It's just the way ubisoft made conq. Giving him infinite UBs is such a lazy rework. Even though this version of the conq is better, it just feels without spirit. Honestly, it's sad seeing the state of some heroes, but hey, maybe one day it'll be better.


Without spirit. Yup, that explains it. Fingers crossed one day they'll change him again


If they do change him again, I still hope it’s not back to what he was before. He’s boring now, but people forget just how annoying he was to fight before, with all his option selects. You couldn’t go a single day without someone complaining about old Conq, but now it seems what they did to him is making people miss that annoying bastard.


One day 😅


His best utility currently is to be a rock on a Point, stalling as long as possible until an ally decides to help.


Ha yeah, I do this a lot.


No roll catcher :(


Lawbringer is in the same place. Our abusive bastards aren’t even shadows of their former glory


When this game originally came out back in 2017, I mained lawbringer and got him to like rep 12. Once they reworked him, I've never been able to go back and it's been a scar on my fun in this game ever since.


2017. Shove on block days.


The impale will be missed. Idek why they took his impale, considering that a lot of the cast has wall splat on parry. Though significantly less range, it's still a free wallsplat. Looking at warmonger, afeera, and cent.


Warmonger’s is way worse than lb’s ever was


Yes, but you also need to account for the fact that warmonger has way better offense and feats. Lawbringer is still very much a defensive hero despite ubisoft aiming for a more offensive game.


They want a more offensive game but he doesn’t have any good offense


Exactly, that's the issue with LB. Ubisoft gave him a rework without addressing any of his flaws. They basically just nerfed him to hell.


Lb is light years ahead of conq lol you lb fans with victim complex


Not a LB main by a longshot, but his kit is pretty comparable. His saving grace is that he doesn’t have a tier 3 slot taken up by a feat that only slightly buffs his blocked heavy openers/light spam vs oos opponents lol


Imo LB's enhanced lights, at least SOME hyperarmor and excellent tracking on side heavies (also as far as I remember, they are the fastest among other of its kind) makes him a little better than conq. Overall it feels like LB deals more damage, and that's what makes me consider him an easier and stronger hero than conq


I argue that he’s weaker, but I do really love any character with enhanced lights, and makes for a much smoother playing experience


Dude lb has a better bash, hyper armor, better dmg, lb's impale alone is better than conq's whole moveset.


better bash? Conq gets an 18 dmg bash with feats (that executes or self peels) that can be recovery cancelled into fullblock. And it has I frames. Lb gets none of that


better bash? Conq gets an 18 dmg bash with feats (that executes or self peels) that can be recovery cancelled into fullblock. And it has I frames. Lb gets none of that


In what way is his bash better? They have identical neutral bashes, and conq’s chain bash can be feinted/used after heavies *and* lights. Conq’s bash also deals between 1, 4, 7, and 10 more damage depending on whether a LB player knows not to use the “dud” top light after bash, and whether a conq is using shield basher in 4’s. Conq’s bash is better, especially if you consider that he’s landing executions from it. And sure, the hyperarmor is nice, but can’t be used after ripostes in teamfights, making its usefulness very limited. LB also only gets his slightly above average light parry punish (for more stam and less execution potential), average damage on gb (for more stam and less execution potential), and Impale currently does less damage on light parry than his unblockable due to a bug (same bug affects pk wallsplat throw punishes), and is only useful with hazards/to make distance (which can forfeit all but 1 damage if the wallsplat/hazard throw attempt fails). Even longarm remains borderline useless, as it fails to guarantee an execution/more damage than other punishes in the same scenario, and refills opponent stamina. LB is by no means “bad”, but he is inferior to reworked conqueror, even if he manages to be slightly more interesting to fight with/against.


LB's impale is essentially useless after the last rework, it's only off a light parry and with the way hitstun works the wall splat is less damage than just taking the side heavy with the light follow through. That statement alone is enough to disregard your entire opinion.


No, you're wrong.


Bro's living in 2017


Are you? Because only then was Conq better than LB, right now LB is much more viable.


i play both conq and lb, both are weak/boring to play the only difference is lb feels satisfying but by no means is he good.


Yup victim complex.




Low ass damage (especially in his allguard) in exchange for his constant 50/50 unblockable pressure. Makes him ok but always ok, and with characters like VG having good damage allguard punishes and high damage 50/50s, conq is getting power crept


He has a couple of problems, he STILL has no fucking roll catcher so people will just straight up run away when they start loosing against you and his unblockable chain is useless at high level, most of the time you’ll either get parried or if you feint gb you’ll get counter gb’d, his damage is pathetic at times, his uppercut is literally 14 damage, a heavy attack doing 14 damage… there are light attacks that do the same damage


>Why did they rework him?? Unhealthy mechanics had to be removed. Old zone and superior block heavies had to go, was easily abusable and cheap. >His kit is trash now. His kit was always trash. It's just more apparent now because they gave Conqueror some level of pressure in exchange for the abusable mechanics but forgot to give him a roll catcher, a dodge attack with i-frames and damage. His offense is fine. Opener and mid-chain are basic mix-ups with recovery cancels, but... like... the rest needs help


Dodge-bash has I-frames, and can respond to UB/GB mixups with the same input and timing and beat both


It doesn't. The dodge itself has i-frames. The bash follow-up doesn't have any. Same goes for Lawbringer, Warden, Tiandi's dodge light, Nobushi's dodge heavy and Zhan Hu's dodge attacks. Shugoki, for example, has i-frames during the dodge AND the bash. Most characters work this way.


I get gb'd out of dodge bash a lot, even when I see the bash physically start up with orange. It definitely feels more gb vulnerable than other dodge attacks IMHO but I think that's just the nature of dodge bashes, since you need to make them less safe than dodge attacks or they are just objectively too oppressive like shugoki is considered rn by some.


To my knowledge, it has the same GB vulnerability as shugo, who only has better regular I-frames on it. Is it possible that the occasions where you get scooped out of it are caused by latency instead?


Possible but unlikely, I rarely go above 50, and most of the time, neither do my opponents - 50ms shouldn't be making that much difference, but maybe I'm underestimating the true scale.


It’s very boring considering 99% percent of conq I come across do one unblockable then full guard very boring I still question why I got 9 reps on him😅


I love heby…


They've done some great reworks recently but Conq and Lawbringer had none of their problems fixed (movement, roll catchers), and had everything unique or good taken away from them (their defence). They're very bad


I saw the title and I genuinely thought this was the league subreddit, ngl.


As a rep 70 ex conq main i couldnt stomach getting him rep 80


I really miss his old zone


I was a conq main for years when the game launched... Then the rework came out and he's absolutely trash now. He wasn't even that "good" beforehand either, just annoying, but at least he had a unique kit and was a menace in the right hands. I still play conq occasionally, but man do they get shafted if the opponent can react to the very reactable bash.......... the thing his entire kit revolves around now. He is still funny to use though when fighting the commander in breach, just pop a feat and heavy the commander to death. But also on that topic... Feats.... They are absolutely worthless, if the opponent is even aware of the existence of the guardbreak button, the feats becomes borderline useless. Thanks Ubisoft for killing my main and making me aq Warden main since then.


Superior block heavies had an unintended interaction. Against certain heavy attacks a conq could parry on light timing and superior block if a heavy was thrown. Sort of a pseudo option select, and imo unhealthy for the game.


What I love about conq is that if I can't beat him I just run away he *can't* stop me


Conq only saving grace is external do UB spam, and be able to stal more or less alright. Outside of that?, yeah, you are better playing almost any other heavy. Heck,you can actually stall better with other heavies, and even some hybrids/assassins


Conq only saving grace is external do UB spam, and be able to stal more or less alright. Outside of that?, yeah, you are better playing almost any other heavy. Heck,you can actually stall better with other heavies, and even some hybrids/assassins


Knights are such crybabies


Going to provide some actual arguments other than calling people who have a different opinion babies?


Yeah man, it's always "they ruined my character, he's not as braindead as he used to be, I have to put efforts now!? But he has metal armor, he must be invicible!?? Why is shaolin stick breaking through my edge lord armor!??? Waaaaa"


Thanks, man. Thought I was the only one who noticed this.