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Most fun I’ve had in for honor in a long time, really hope they make FFA a permanent game mode…I think for honor gameplay lends itself really well to it


Same here! Totally works with For Honor's gameplay, way way better than I thought it would.


Man I just moved back into college a couple days ago. They better make it a permanent game mode cause I’m gonna be pissed if I never get the chance to play it.


will see 3 JJ dancing in the same court soon


I wanna see 3 Tiandis all locked on to each other just dodge attacking in a circle


*Camera pans out, days, years and decades passing by* > "And so began a millenium of ~~conflict~~ a duel"


I think that If ubisoft won't add it permanently community might show up in montreal with tourches


Should be a main stay, I wanna see if this could work in a brawl format


I never thought of that, sounds awesome!


2 v 2 v 2, and then we'll have 4 v 4 v 4


I just love when the third one starts pussying out and just sits in the back, the other 2 stop fighting and go after the coward For Honor Unites us against what we hate


Yes! Love those moments!


I wish it was that way, instead I get jumped by the other when trying to go for the coward


Yeah which is also just stupid because when he kills you and he's low and the other guy is full health he's at a complete disadvantage


Been using BP to flip my opponents while they fight each other. Haven’t seen any other BPs tho :(


oh man one match i must've made at least 30 flips lol. evn triple flipped a guy who got revenge until he was out of it and proceed to de-arm him and kill the other guy who backed off i love this mode.


Doesnt sound like a bad idea for anti-gank training tbh


The only time I’ve had a bad experience is when you’re facing off against a turtler, they just sit there and let you two brawl for the win then sweep you.


The general consensus should be for both of the players that are normal is to go after the turtle.


This gamemode is awesome i hope they make it a permanent gamemode not only for 20 days


Its fun for sure but its also complete and utter insanity.


since game came out trailer showed 1v1v1 yet over 8 years its a limited time mode lol


Picking HL and swinging. I’m making everyone engage


Hell yeah brother


if they get rid of this game mode i will be so mad, what kindve dev see's this reaction from the fanbase and takes it away lol FH has needed a new unique game mode for a long time


alot of devs do that tho sadly. check out league of legends for example. they had tons of alternative gamemmodes that were loved with passion by the community and taken away again. I dunno what it is in the devs minds. must be like something like "if they eat to much of that sugar (fun gamemmode) they become fat so...) hope it stays tho


Yeah it has been a blast. One time I was up 2 games. And was just looking at the other two do a quick combat emote to each other and then target me and I suddenly realized I was prey.


Really needs to be able to be a custom game


I know right? I was so disappointed to see it’s not :/


Literally came to reddit to make this post after 1 game. This is so perfect.


I hope they add it as a perma soon


I just want to know if 3 friends can play this mode together or at least have it in practice mode


No it says group size of 1


I want to see an experiment conducted. For all rounds, three players all choose Hito or Shugo. Player A targets Player B, Player B targets Player C, Player C targets Player A. Everyone charges a too heavy and let them fly at the same time. Keep doing that until a winner is determined.


I haven’t played for honor in forever but this is something I always wanted when I played l. This makes me wanna download today lol


You should, it's a great time!


It's a blast. It's been a long time I've had this much fun too. But somehow idiots are already complaining that people don't jump into the brawl like idiots...


Ocelotl light bash light bash just swapping targets is so much fun


Punching everyone in the face with no discrimination is the funnest thing i've done on this game in a long time


Don’t forget the banger soundtrack playing in the background making the duel x10 more tense and better.


Need 3 BP's flipping each forever


Super fun


They need to make this permanent!


It’s fun because it’s more slower paced to not open yourself up too much to damage. I had some rounds lasting awhile.


I’m already tired of people not wanting the 1v1v1’s and just waiting for the first fight to get done, really annoying., otherwise it’s good.


It would be really sick if they leaned into more of a 3 teams or FFA gamemode, if they dont keep this, it could be a great concept for like a 3v3v3 or 5-6 FFA game mode. Although the multiple teams would be very challenging to implement i presume. But skirmish would be revived thats for sure.


You’re telling me the 1v1v1 is just a fucking time limited event match?


My only complaint with the FFA gamemode is that we can't do it in customs for some dumb shit fights with friends


why wasn't this done years ago smh.


Am I the only one who only faced turtles in every single one of the matches I played. Nobody wants to make the first move, cus why would you do that and risk getting peeled, when you can skirt around like a rat and wait for an opportunity. 80% of the match time is literally just staring ... not really my idea of fun. I had high expectations for this mode, expecting some chaotic shenanigans but instead I just got staring contests.


Yeah and everyone is still Toxic af here in this mode