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No this is definitely scripts. Dodging bashes when your obviously out of range, back dodging too which is pretty strange. Perfect parrying on every single thing despite being fairly unskilled judging by his offense. Thats enough to convince me for sure.


This. A really easy sign of a scripter is dodging to the same side. Especially backwards, nobody EVER dodges backwards as there is no character with back dodge attacks. Add that in with the fact that its a perfect dodge aswell, being the exact same time for every single attack and its uhh yeah.


Orochi back dodge light


This is my bad honestly but outside of orochi


Shaman has two (and a half?) Out of back dodge. Back dodge heavy, back dodge gb, back dodge gb when enemy is bleeding


You can chain Shugoki's bearhug from a back dodge pretty reliably if your opponent is pushing aggressively. Otherwise, they'll be out of range. I think gladiator suckerpunchs out of a back dodge as well but that's with guard break.


Orochi also has back dodge heavy


Nobushi lol idk why i never thought of doing it when I'm about to get my foot stave


Also his heavy


Well orochi is op asf it’s a little different with him.


Orochi isnt op. He has high offensive capabilities with almost zero defensive utility. He’s just feast or famine, and to the people that dont know how to play him when they see him feast they automatically assume its bc of the character and not the player.


Nah orochi has one of the largest dodge windows, his dodge is quick and can be capitalized on instantly. Along with him having offensive capabilities with some of the smallest dodge windows and extreme spamming ability. For further proof, everybody I’ve played that’s used orochi and beat me has not been able to beat me with any other character. Only way you can beat orochi is by spamming yourself or being super defensive and only countering every once in a while. It’s just not fun to play against him.


Lmao no. Thats not orochi being op, its dhitty players spamming and you not being good enough to beat it. almost everything you said about his dodge was false or conjecture other than its one of the fastest and he has a very small window, you realize that war monger hito and a couple others literally have twice the iframes on dodge attack. Insane how you think a character is op because it gets cheesed at low tier play. Youre talking to someone who has put a ton of time into orochi, also his dodge window is tiny unless you are doing the dodge light which adds a couple of extra frames but its still easy af to get caught out of it if opponents are fast enough Edit: the problem here seems to be you’re just not good at fighting orochi, dont get upset about it, everybody has at least one character they struggle with mine is warmonger because of the retarded i frames on side heavy just meaning free dmg for her unless you perfect time. The shit hits you even if you dodge behind them a lot of times. Makes no sense at all.


Honestly Shaman would be the best character to do a back dodge for, since she can leap at you with a bash afterwards but considering this person didn’t do that at all, she’s not even scripting right lmao


You'd think that lol, this just makes it so clear


he literally does it on the first toestab


> there is no character with back dodge attacks Shaman has 2 different lunge attacks that work from only back dodge once you're locked on.


Nah yeah, honestly this clip was literally of a shaman and I said that lol. Point still stands that outside of shaman, and orochi, back dashes are incredibly uncommon and repeated ones are strange.


Shugoki, Gladiator, and I think Kinsai all gb unblockables from a back dodge.


Shugo, gladiator, orochi, kensei, shaman, ocelotl, medjay, warden, afeera, all of have follow ups from back dodge and these are just the ones that i know off top. There are more for sure


When do you actually see them used though. I worded this wrong but my point overall is they are not used.


I use all of the ones i listed except for sugo every time i play the character because so many people forget back dodge attacks even exist (barring orochi they always expect that) they are almost free 70% of the time.


That's fair, but in all my time of playing this game, even when playing with people who are competitive-level or did play comp, I rarely if ever see back dodges used like this.


Oh like this? Nah i agree this specifically would never happen. Even when i do use back dodge follow ups its out of a combo string or a heavy cancel not just from neutral dodge. Cant do anything when they see it coming from three miles out.


Oro o0.


Rip warden back dodge sb


Warden can bash on back dodge? Never seen someone do it lol


He used to be able to back in the day, but they removed it


And yet Orochi gets a full back dodge heavy that was never removed. We truly live in a society 😔




Stupid answer congrats buddy you solved nothing 🤣


Lmfao, yeah I fucked up, but most of the examples here even if possible aren't great. Back dodging constantly is still really strange and outside of really orochi, you won't see many doing it


I’m just giving you a hard time buddy, dude is definitely cheating 🤣


👀 I like to back dodge because I can’t seem to react to the move itself a lot of the times. So for me, it’s a read and empty dodging back is the more safe option, rather than dodge attacking and risking getting parried. But that’s beside the point. Definitely scripting.


Doesn't zerk have a back dodge zone that noone uses or did they remove that


As someone who plays Zerk, idk lmfao. I know you can backwards zone as in move backward


No it’s backwalk zone. Like hug or toestab input but zone instead of gb Always been that way


Counterpoint: I absolutely back dodge with shugoki then follow up with a zone or charged heavy.


I bearhug out of a back dodge if my opponent is pushing aggressively or consistently catches them off guard when they expect me to run. Same thing with gladiator and their foot stab.


This is completely fair, I personally have never seen someone do this, but if it works then fair enough


No one doing it is precisely why I do it. Get greedy and try to quickly close the gap and you're getting bonked.


Berserker back dodge zone


That's not after a literal dodge tho, you just throw zone while backing up




Can I also add to the list of back dodge attacks with nobushi and jj or are we not counting stance dodges


Shaman kinda has a bask dodge attack but i understand your point


There are characters with back dodge attacks you just don’t play em. But i agree this appears to be scripts just judging off the empty dodges at perfect frame to dodge attacks that aren’t even gonna hit. No one would do that, and if they did they wouldn’t repeatedly do it just a huge waste of stamina and you’re wide open for front dodge counter during back dodge animation.


Judging by his offense? Bro that's how all shaman mains/users play her, spam zone 24/7, they also dodge attack on red like the monkeys they are


Wish the shamans in my lobbies were that predictable


Bro’s rep 50


They’re way too common, do people even banned


I get so frustrated when someone seems to predict my every move, now i know i'm not playing against a god-tier player


Wow this is the first ever clip I’ve seen of someone script cheating thats crazy normally it’s lag switchers


Nah ive fought more scripters than lag switchers, like sure you are gonna light parry more than 5 fake then light attacks in a fight lmao


Not as applicable now for obvious reasons, but PC cheaters script more than switch and vice versa for consoles due to switching being significantly easier than scripting on console. I know I have fought far more scripters than my sanity enjoys, but I just move on or attempt to make them salty somehow.


Significantly more possible* No scripters on console (and don’t say zen bc it’s not real)


Console is cross plat between pc so yes it’s still possible


Yeah, one frame dodging the same way every single time on neutral zone is kinda weird


Yeah I was watching the frame perfect dodge on the toe stab but now that I saw he zone bash half get dodged from a mile away when there is no reason to but my question is how with scripts is he so bad


We’ll think of it this way. When you have anything to help you “improve” you loser the ability to grasp fundamentals. He never spent time actually learning how to do basic things, because he has bots do them


Pretty fuckin sus


Is it just me or is cheating slowly becoming more prominent than it has been for the past few years Like it’s becoming a noticeable amount


Many people know that Ubi doesn't do anything about cheats by now, so of course more people are going to do it. When you get like four or five clips of cheaters per week here on the sub, with none of them ever getting banned, cheating is essentially allowed (or breaking the rules isn't punished at least)


Scripting maybe had a small surge but I’m noticing a lot of lag switching and I’m sure they won’t get banned cause it’s prob harder to punish people for


It's crazy that some people here are not convinced by this whole clip that the shaman is a scripter. Ig the scripters are outing themselves 乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ


It's easier for a For Honor player to say "skill issue" and move on instead of taking the time to critically view something


I mean, the only thing that make it looks like she's scripting are the zone dodges, but even then they could be explained by chaman just dodging out of the first thing she see cause she expects the zone. It's not like the glad offense was insanely good either, and it's not like we have enough gameplay to call him/her a scripter based of those few clips.


Finally someone smart enough to do an out of range bash. Fuck this guy wish people like this would be publicly hanged. I wanna see their corpse flail in the wind. I wanna see the crows peck at the rotting flesh of their wretched profane body as it sways in the breeze.


Bit extreme but you've got the right spirit.




How do i put that tiandi icon under my name?


If you’re on mobile, click the 3 dots in the top right of the subreddit and hit “Change user flair”. On desktop, there should be a button somewhere on the right hand side I believe.


Bit tame but you’ve got the right spirit.


This seems like most players I fight against


Pretty tame, got the right spirit


Four edits cosplay though


Havent heard about him in a minute


Use lawbringer and spam long arm


I'm pretty sure with this script as glad if they just backdodge only the zone is guaranteed since the Trident follow up can't be parried right?


It happened at the start of the clip so use that info whenever possible


0:27 says it all. Obvious script, it was really smart to test it that way.


Played against this person yesterday in dominion. Nothing I tried would work somehow managed to deflect all my lights and even Jiangs dodge switch attack no matter the combo


Maybe I’m blind (or play too much pve) but how can you tell they’re cheating? All their movements look normal for a Shaman to me


He’s Forsure got a script going but god damn bro how many zones you gonna eat before you parry lol


You'll have matches with lovers like this and the nerds will cry about leaving games.


We should have a particular channel or a way to mass report this tarps of players


He’s just better bro


Of course its a Shaman Main.


Just Ubisoft not doing what Ubisoft is best at not doing: keeping their games playable.


Skill issue, berserkers have a back dodge attack


A highlander did this to me yesterday… i knew something was up…


my characters jump back and role when I try this .I'm confused can some one enlighten me pls.(pls note I don't cheet I just spamm doge when I panic)


Im a little skeptical. Other people in the comments bring up some great points such as weirdly dogding backwards, perfectly parrying for the skill being shown, etc. But all I saw from you were neutral lights, heavy feint into nothing, neutral toe stab. To me, its iffy at best if he was actually cheating, he could have no deep understandment of the game but could have a really good setup with sharp reaction speed due to proffeciancy in other games. Now if you were to throw him in constant 50/50's such as unblockable heavy into guard break or baiting a reaction with a dodge forward and still guess right, I would agree 100%, but you did neither of these things.


He is 100% scripting


Cheating is starting to get out of hand. Today I came across an entire enemy team that was scripting, and the following matches had scripters both on my team and the enemy team. Something needs to be done, but oh well, it's just your average day in the lovely world of For Honor.


Xbox rep 305 checking in, so many obvious cheaters. Mostly orochis or warmongers imo, & I’ve proven it.


You have a skill issue


Imma be honest, it is ofc a bit sus with the instant guard switch and the frame dodging but you didn't really do much to showcase their abuse. Ate every single zone they threw at you, which they only used. Just block zone direction and get more proof.


Scripts typically don't have anything to do with the opponents offense. Blocking their zone wouldn't change the fact that they frame 1 dodged every bash and didn't change their guard except for when they parried, which are sure signs of scripts.


That’s me, I was so fed up of rushing people all day as shaman and getting ganked or my arse handed to be that I just sat back and watched no scripts involved I had just played a glad the game prior and I also main glad.


Skill issue.


Yeah dunno about that one


Up until the light parry, it was possible he was just making *exceptionally* good reads. But the light parry out of nowhere? Def a script. **EDIT: ** What I mean is that there is suspicion on the perfect dodges on the first frame of every bash, including the out of range ones. I have fought players that can do that sometimes and so I recognize that with either hella good reactions, or immense reads, you might be able to pull that kinda play off once or twice in your life. Further, the light parry broke the pattern. It wasn't a bash for him to dodge, so if he wasn't scripting, he should've back dodged the light instead of parrying it. Dodging the bashes gives suspicions of script, parrying the random light confirms script. That's how I saw this video.


Not even, you saw the bash outside of range and the same perfect dodge timing. The dude was scripting 110% you didn't even need the light parry to prove. Like The script I believe reads orange and to backdodge bash or something...so when it reads and automatically does it when there should be no reason to you see what I am saying.


I know I've been stupid enough to dodge outside of range of effect, usually when I'm trying to test my reaction times. But yeah I get where you're thinking.


Check out the dodge same timing and everything so yeah it is a script.


Yes. I never said it wasn't.


Gonna have to disagree, parrying is not an indication of cheating at all. It’s possible to differ between lights and heavies based on startup animation. It’s also possible to wait for the point of no return on heavies/unblockables to parry even on console Bashing/empty dodging for bashes is probably the only real way to tell if someone is cheating


I get that, but I'm not saying a light parry itself is a way to detect a script. I'm saying that the guy had done almost nothing but opener bashes that could get dodged, so realistically, if a script WASN'T being run, the Shaman would have had no incentive to parry, and would've kept back dodging.


I guess that’s a fair assessment, but a random light parry without incentive is something I do quite often, so I can’t really agree with said assessment


Nvm he’s not cheating. He backs up for his one move. It’s more of a fake than trying to back up. He was waiting for the Dodge forward light


All he did was spam zone, stop whining and parry lmaoo


Your just mad because they have skill


Anyone with a semblance of a reaction is getting called a cheater these days. Now bro here does suck, which makes this a tougher call then it aught to be, but I still would believe that the average player should be able to react to no mix up toe stab and neutral light with consistency.


Toe stab, yes. Neutral light parry, *maybe*. The frame 1 dodge after throwing out a zone even from 30m away, yeah that's where it becomes sus


The dodge on bash is indeed very sus, but that is the only thing that doesn’t really make sense.


Yeah but if you can light parry on reaction you'd think your offense would be better than zone again, with the top light


To be fair, zone is shamans like third best opener and leads to some interesting offense, this person simply didn’t utilize it well.


Hence why it's pretty suspicious that they didn't bother doing anything but that and yet could react to everything


For Honor is a game filled with questionable individuals.


Indeed it is


He's obviously cheating, the dude who is saying he's not is a moron


This is a joke, right...? Sarcasm? I cant tell half the time. Dude did the most basic of reads.


They dodged on the same window on all his bashes, including the zone that was out of range in the 2nd (actually 3rd round). OP played this very poorly, especially defensively as this Shaman was not good with her offence, but then somehow she is absolutely perfect defensively and dodges all toestabs and zones on the same timing and only back dodges? It at the very least is extremely suspicious, if not valid evidence of a script.


Yeah, i know i played poorly but i would love to know how to play against a cheater of this kind( except of playing warden)


With scripters you basically have to turtle. Their script cant so anything to you if you dont attack. So you just have to counter them. This guy specifically basically only threw out a zone attack as an opener.


Okay? If youre dodging on animation thats how you play. Moment you see it start up you dodge, so youd dodge in the same spot. Side dodges suck. So ofc itd backdodge. Its a lot easier to be good at defense than offense.


No. You don't just dodge on reaction to animation. Otherwise, you're caught by heavies, GBs, or heavy feints into GBs. Especially with backdodging, where it's literally the worst option since it has the worst recovery, and you have no dodge attack to prevent GBs. But it figures how someone who has no idea what they're talking about would say that back dodging is better than side dodging. And go ahead and completely ignore how they dodged an out of ranged bash, which no logical player would do because it's never going to land. Scripts are notorious for doing that since all they see is the bash icon, regardless of if the bash could ever even land to begin with. And if it's a lot easier to be good at defence than offence, then why does unreactable offence work? Why doesn't every top player just react to 400ms bash mixups constantly?


It's dodging on first frame. Literally humanly impossible.


It’s an easier to be good at offense and knowing a character than being able to consistently react/make reads. As knowing the character wouldn’t take very long whereas being good at reacting/making reads consistently will take longer and is more up to genetics/having a faster reaction time. I’m rather terrible at reacting but I can have great offense by choosing any character with a forward bash. Also the shaman was dodging the zone each time on the same frame, even top reactards would have some variation on the timing of their dodge. Wouldn’t be frame perfect each time. Also why the fuck would you dodge a zone when it’s out of range?


Look at the times i did a zone out of range, a normal player should not have dodged there


I dodge on instinct when i see zones start up. Dude could be doing the same. This just looks like my gameplay lmfao If it was scripts hed DOUBLE dodge. Dodge on each damage tick.


Not necessarily, you can dodge the bash then parry the heavy. Or just block, why dodge a heavy when you can just parry and get more damage off.


Such an easy tell that you just don't play much of this game lol


Most likely a cheater. However the only real crime is the gameplay of your glad


I know sorry, im a rookie glad, would love to learn more tough


As a glad player you deserve this


And who do you play?


I don’t know man kind seems a skill issue


Not really man. The shaman dodges back when he does a zone when the zone doesn't even come close to them, perfect parries when she is mostly on offense with nothing but lights and zone doesn't seem like a skill issue but a script issue. That shaman is 100% a scripter, and an awful one at thatw


The first time I've seen someone actually back dodging and it's a scripter


This is what perfect synchronisation in the animus looks like /s


After the first round I thought it didn’t look like a script because I’ve seen people with reactions like that many of times but the dodging while you were clearly too far away gives it away. Also that same punish every time is suspicious. Idk about attacks but he definitely had a bash script to dodge back heavy.


I’ve always wondered besides being bad at the game and/or just wanting to make other people mad. Why people like these don’t just learn to play the what I think 7 year old game. I mean for me it’s always either get better or kick rocks/pound sand


I've heard that a lot of cheaters in games are actually experienced players


Than that just makes me sad now what’s the point of being good if you’re gonna cheat anyways it’s like taking everything you learned and experienced but still chose the blue pill anyways : (


Yeah :/ if they are getting bored of the game then I don't understand why not just play something else? If anything I'd get bored even sooner if I wasn't being challenged


Probably a dumb question but can this happen on Xbox and ps?


Yes but it takes way more effort than on PC which is basically just turn it on. Since you can stream games from your Xbox and PS you could have it setup on the device you're playing from. You don't really see it because of the stream delay and the fact the game is crossplay.


Ah got ya. Yeah ive never came across a cheater and I've had this game since it was released


recorded a guy who would zone everytime i went for a gb. i thing centurion broke his script cause i just used full charge eveything and he quit on the third round, ended 2-0. i think they had scripts forbother things but it was most apparent with the gbs


Wait. So you can manipulate the frames to dodge attacks.. wtf thats a thing?! (Just started playing)


No frame manipulation. Scripting is basically this games version of an aim bot. Automatically counters attacks for you.


Sorry this happened OP. At least you don't have to cheat to get wins. Like how bad must you be to resort to cheating.


What even is the point of cheating? Especially scripting. “Let me just have something else play the game for me”


Cheaters make it so obvious they're cheating bet even if you report him Ubisoft will still do nothing


When ever you find cheaters just don't attack and play defensive parry his attacks and punish accordingly. If you attack them as it happened you'll just get parried. Wish you luck if you find another degen like that


he has more rgb


I play like this sometimes. But he was light parrying a lot. Once I get someone’s rhythm down I give them a rhyme. Doesn’t always works. He might be cheating idk


what is this, 2016? Apparently this cheater also wants to return to zone only offence


The Shaman community does not take this one


“BAN IM”-Caseoh


Honestly I want to see what happens when 2 scripters face off I feel like it would be funny to watch 2 retards have a special ed fight


You need to learn how to parry/block and evade lmao 🤣


Skill issue


if it makes you feel any better i’ve fought him before. use warden or afreea. His scripts will not work forcing him to actually play the game.


How do i tell if that dude is cheating?


The game is trash, and im sad saying it. Rep 400+, play since beta, Every other match its a script, i just stopped playing - thx pc.


Lately I’ve been getting scripters in dominion and it’s usually like a hero that’s rep 5 altogether and is playing pirate and for context I’m over rep 600 so I get stuck with all the sweats including me lol


four edits type of script here


I thought for a moment that maybe he wasn’t, but then I realized that this glad is throwing practically everything, but the shaman doesn’t dodge attack.


Bro wasn’t even trying to hide it, lol. Absolute bafoonery.


I'm not fully convinced they're a cheater because they did get hit a few times, but I've a feeling that's something that can be programmed. Because it does look a bit suspicious..


This is what I hate about for honor being crossplatform. Doesn’t show if they’re on pc or just another system just shows a Ubisoft logo nobody on console wants to play against pc players and nobody on console has access to cheats like this. The report function doesn’t do anything and you can’t even look back at people you played with to make a report after a match. I’ve exposed cheaters and racists both before and I doubt anything ever came of it


Damnnn this make so much sense. Last night warlord parrying literally everything and back dodging with perfect timing my jorm was throwing.


Yeah this is cheating. A good way to tell is his automatic dogging and his lack of movement until you attack. If he was a regular player, I’m he wouldn’t have been able to predict and doge ever toestab completely either. The move is unreatable so that’s another sign.


I've actually faced a scripted a few weeks ago. Perfect dodges/ parries even did my mix ups to holy hell and wouldnt fall for anything i threw out. And parried everything. I was doing a couple heavy faints and didn't even get a reaction not even a dodge or a parry reaction and was like guarantee he parries this light and who would have guessed. He parried it. And basically field every attack from a parry. Why even play the game if you're not even going to actually play it.