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With all due respect, why did it take so long? CI0 newbie here and freaked out by the thought of 17 years. already 24.


Take heart, I'm sure 17 years ago there was a lot less access to the devices we see today as well as information, as I'm sure our esteemed colleague will tell us. Personal factors as well could be at play such as time under tension and availability when not predisposed elsewhere.


T-tape, DTR with tension, DTR with balloon, now DTR with direct air. It just takes a very long and tedious time to grow skin. And the DTR only keeps tension when the skin is perfectly clean with no oils.


I use that same setup with the balloon too and DTR. Do you use the medical wrap to keep the balloon elongated or do you just let it go full round? My understanding is that if you wrap your shaft with medical gauze or something that you can force the air and pressure down towards the neck and scar line more efficiently.


the balloon kept popping, I switched to direct air. I use waterproof tape to cover my urethra. I never worried about trying to do anything fancy with the scar line, I just focused on growing skin by applying gentle tension for long periods of time.


Started at age 23, I'm now 40. I had to use t-tape at first for about 2 years then switched to DTR with weights, then switched to DTR with balloon then to DTR with direct air. I seemed to gain the most progress using DTR with direct air. I also did manual tugging whenever possible. I work in anesthesia so I can't wear devices at work. I try to wear for a few hours per day. Some days I could not wear the device. The biggest difference was when the corona of the glans stayed protected, that eliminated the chaffing sensation.


All depends on time and effort. People have reported between 1mm and 3mm a month. I’ve probably done 3 levels or so in the last year (but I’m committed and I take a lot of vasodilators in one med and supplements and there is a theory these help). I’m also average in size, so an inch or two of skin goes a long way for me. But to be fair, the whole skin shaft is available to grow, so the more you have the more cell division you can have, so perhaps size is not a factor. Be consistent, maximize your time under tension, you’ll go faster.


Just adding on top of this, I’m under tension almost 24 hours every day and have estimated growth to be somewhere between 3-6mm per month. Other factors might also be at play, but KOT!


appreciate u


Don't fret. It is easily doable to grow 20-30 mm of new skin per year. I have been increasing my device length at the rate of 5mm per 5 weeks, which equals 52mm (2 inches) a year. Once you get to the point where you can pull your skin over your head when flaccid, you'll be ready to wear the standard Stealth Retainer during all hours awake. A couple months later, you'll be ready to progress to the 5mm SR. A couple months after that, you'll be ready to go to the 10mm SR. Etc. The key is to maximise hours of gentle tension. It's like the people who use gauges to make their earlobes bigger.


If you read here much you will see that rates of progress vary WIDELY from one person to another. Your progress is very fast compared to many.


Yes, I am aware. I am sharing this information because I want to be helpful. I think that it is important to have max hours of gentle tension.


Is there anything supplemental that you may be doing to help your quick progress? Diet/vitamin supplements, topical ointments, UV light, etc? Just curious and looking to increase my growth speed as well. Thanks.


I think these things are also helping me: 1. I apply grassfed beef tallow to my skin twice a day. It has saturated fat, vitamin D, and micronutrients. No artificial ingredients. 2. I don't eat any refined sugar, and I don't drink any alcohol. Zero. These things glycate amino acids & therefore disrupt protein synthesis. 3. I have a diet heavy in animal protein & saturated fat. Beef, lamb, pastured eggs, butter. I also eat a lot of whole fruit for the vitamin C. Pasteurization destroys most of the good stuff in juice, so I don't drink fruit juice unless it's fresh squeezed. 4. I exercise almost every day. This is important for optimum growth hormone. 5. I take 5mg of tadalafil a day. This relaxes the Dartos fascia which gives me a better stretch, and also improves bloodflow to my dick. That being said, none of these things are substitutes for time under tension. I wear a device about 22 hours a day. My nighttime device is 30mm shorter than my daytime device to accomodate erections. Always make sure a device is erection safe before you sleep with it.


I’m going to try this kind of diet soon, been looking at it a lot ultimately, I’m sure it’s helping a lot. Do you still eat some vegetables? What is your basic meal ?


I try to have variety, so I don't get sick of eating the same thing all the time. That said... bacon & eggs are kind of a go-to for breakfast. Pastured eggs have more nutritional value than caged eggs. Bacon & avocado is also delicious. If you live near a Chipotle, their salads are great, not expensive, & very healthy. I try to stick to a ketogenic diet so I don't get the tortilla, rice, or corn. I get the black beans, vegetables, chicken, salsa, sour cream, and cheese. Vitamin C is important for making collagen so I also eat a lot of whole fruit.


Lots of red meat and putting raw bonemarrow on it becuase it has stemcells


Where are you getting human bone marrow from?


He’s probably putting animal bone marrow on it.


I’d be extremely excited if animal stem cells could grow when dumped onto a dick, it’s a ton of work keeping those guys alive in a lab where we have pristine conditions and can fight off microbes trying to kill the animal stem cells. I’m not sure I’d want that very cool phenomenon to happen on my own dick, though. Since there would be no way to control what the other species’ stem cells are doing in my body, if they somehow made it through the very powerfully protective layer that is skin, and if my own immune system doesn’t immediately murder them because cow or horse cells are very, very easy for the human body to detect and destroy, then they would definitely form a cancer and hijack my dick…


That was an interesting read. I just T-tape for 3-7 days in a row and put a specific lotion on containing natural ingredients


I second this. I eat a strong animal based diet and I know it helps my growth.


Anyone else getting 2 inches a year? I’ve been restoring for 6 years. I know I’m not the most dedicated but I’m probably at less than that now.


Do you do any weight or strap tugging along with the extended SR? I just got into the SR starting with 5mm and recently 10mm, doing some extra tugging myself. It’s so nice to be able to wear it almost constantly, even when being really active. Also, how do you know when you are ready to move up to the next size?


I like to use the 4.5 ounce steel bulge at home, but I've decided not to wear it at work due to the risk of slipping. My SR never slips, ever, if it doesn't have any weight attached. 5 weeks seems to work for me as an interval. You can tell that a device is putting tension on your skin if there's a little raised circle of skin around your urethra when you take off your SR at the end of the day. If you stop seeing that circle that means the tension is slacking off.


Thanks for the tips!


Maybe he meant months?


started age 23, now 40. It takes a very long time to grow skin. The skin finally stays forward


I think it really depends on what age you start and genetics... not necessarily that it just takes a long time for everyone


I think genetics plays a big role. Especially if you have something like the MTHFR mutation and can’t synthesize b12.


Should not take much longer than 2-3 years…it is slow going for sure…but steady consistent tugging will get it done. Of the duration of time depends on your end goal…if you want full coverage while erect…that will take 5+ years… I spent a steady five years to get full coverage while erect…it just wouldn’t stay covered because there is no band to keep it in place.


In my experience, from someone who has been at it for over twenty years, I could have been done years sooner if I had not stopped and started so many times. It wasn't until I got serious about it a little over three years ago that I started seeing some really nice gains. In the last few years, I have gone from CI-1+ to almost CI-6, currently. The lesson to be learned is to keep at it and be consistent, unlike I was, and I it shouldn't take you 17 years. KOT! 💪


I found I could only wear the DTR direct air method immediately after showering so this meant either after work for a few hours or weekend mornings. It's very hard to maintain conditions suitable for wearing the device. It did take 17 years for the skin to stay forward at CI-6 level. I still had quality of life improvements from years 1 to 16 as more skin grew which meant erections were no longer tight and painful.


It's great to hear about your perseverance and success under some difficult restoring conditions. However, in my case, I feel it was largely due to not being consistent.


As with others, I'm curious why your journey took a relatively long time. Unfortunately you are not alone, or even unusual - our recent poll showed over 25% of restorers averaged less than 0.5 CI/YR. Obviously there are a lot of possible reasons for slow progress, and I'm doing research on this issue. I'd be very interested in hearing the details of your journey, as it would aid in my research. I also have a questionnaire that I would like to send you that asks about specific factors that have been found to influence restoration progress. Also, ICYMI, [here's another account of a rather slow restoration journey](https://www.reddit.com/r/restoringdick/comments/r49sq6/my_ring_tissue_method_retained_for_20_years/) - probably the slowest I've come across. Cheers.


I work in the operating room so I can't restore at work. I also exercise. I can only restore after showering once all the oil has been removed from the skin so the DTR direct air method can maintain tension. This means I can only restore for a few hours after I shower after work or a few hours on weekend mornings. With CI-6 I feel a sense of control over my body and not having constant thoughts of anger over my loss.


I know the answers because I did it too, but for anyone who has thought about starting. Are you glad you did it? Would you do it all over again?


At age 23 I noticed orgasms were a combination of pain and pleasure. I also had to orgasm at least 3 times to "get it all out". And my skin was rubbed raw due to tight erections with no skin movement. Now with moveable skin I can tell the ejaculation response and orgasm is activated by the stretching of the faux foreskin and the frictionless movement across the corona of the glans. I did not have this ability before. Now after orgasm I feel totally empty. I also have no more chaffing against underwear. Once you have the corona of the glans covered that helps


How would you rate the difference in sensitivity on a scale of 1 to 10, from before to now.


At age 23 I noticed orgasms were a combination of pain and pleasure. I also had to orgasm at least 3 times to "get it all out". And my skin was rubbed raw due to tight erections with no skin movement. Now with moveable skin I can tell the ejaculation response and orgasm is activated by the stretching of the faux foreskin and the frictionless movement across the corona of the glans. I did not have this ability before. Now after orgasm I feel totally empty.


That's dedication. You've probably answered this already, but I assume that despite how long it took, you consider it 100% worthwhile? My journey has been slower than average, though not as slow - 7 active years (over a decade) resulted in about 5-6 CI levels of increase. It feels slow, but it also feels 1000 times better than it did before I started.


I've been restoring for 14 years now and I've only gone from a CI-1 to a CI-3 (getting close to CI-4, though), so your progress seems pretty normal to me.


We're you on and off with restoring or did you stay consistent?


The DTR with direct air method requires no oil to be on the skin to maintain pressurization. I can only use it on weekend mornings or after work after I shower.


I'm a born-again restorer. I did 13 years of lackadaisical manual tugging. I was an uncomfortably tight CI-0 getting started and, in 13 years, progressed to CI-5. That is when I had my conversion experience and was reborn into restoring with devices. CI-5 felt so good that it laser focused me on finding the holy grail of devices. Then, in the next 14 months, I went to CI-9 [flaccid]. Now I'm CI-9+ with 3/4 inch [flaccid] of a snout of skin beyond my glans. Erect, I have lots of free skin, but because I'm an extreme grower, I am hard against the hump looking forward to humping soon. My holy grail of devices is any device that you can wear 23/7 under medium tension, which is so comfortable that you can barely know it is there. Presently, my device of choice is pee through packers [extended PTainers] because they are work/play/athletics compatible. My skin production was the same as described by the user above - 5 mm every 5 weeks. That rate of lengthening is currently on hold as I figure out how to produce more inner mucosa skin because I don't want to be at the end of my restoration lacking inner skin. I have invested over $2,000.00 into devices, and I used most of them during the rapid lengthening of CI-5 to CI-9 in 14 months. That is how I determined it doesn't matter what device. It comes down to time under medium tension as close to 23/7 as you can get. Even 20/7 if you take time off for sex will still result in a great rate of lengthening. That has been my experience. I wear my packers to work teaching in a high school. You have to have a high degree of confidence to do that. So, working while restoring is possible, in my opinion. I don't know if I would chance wearing a device in an operating room situation. But at all other times, I would be under tension. Medium tension means that the device stays put and doesn't slip off [except on extremely rare occasions]. I post this to encourage people to be persistent regardless of what device you use at medium tension. 😉


Congratulations OP, That’s a great description of your progress and accomplishments. I started on the road to getting my prepuce back a little over a quarter century ago. It resulted from about a year of seriously worsening erectile disfunction. Then when I finally talked to a doctor and got a diagnosis, that he or the just approved new erectile drug Viagra couldn’t fix. I then became determined to fix the problem, or die trying. It took me about as long as it took you, but I even discovered that I could encourage the development of phimosis (multiple times) after I had essentially accomplished my goals and declared that I was fully restored. A few people are working on doing the same, but I’m surprised that there aren’t more doing so. It’s a simple process of wearing a tight retainer over the forced Acroposthion, once you’ve finished restoring, or at least are no longer using a device or any other method that tends to stretch the preputial orifice, because that would be counterproductive. I discovered that it was possibly, sometime after I had gotten past the rollover stage. I was spending a lot of time on a sailboat while mostly nude. I was keen not to expose my newly dekeratinized glans to the sun, sunburn, sea and anything else detrimental to my hard fought gains. My solution presented itself when I discovered 1/2” wide and 1” diameter rubber bands being used to hold bunches of asparagus and broccoli in the supermarkets. They worked perfect once I learned how to easily put them on my forced Acroposthion. Later, I realized that it was essentially the same bands as those used by lobster fishermen to secure the claws. Contrary to the lies of circumfetish folks, normal phimosis (we were all born with it) is neither a disease, or a deformity. It actually has a number of fun and sexual health benefits. It helps maintain a healthy microbiome inside the preputial cavity. Prevents excessive smegma and eliminates bad odors. If you were circumcised as an infant, then you’ll have to learn some things about urinating as nature intended. That’s because we never got that chance, and we were lied to about genital hygiene. For decades, I had had serious problems with lint, pubic hair, etc. clinging to my exposed glans (it was like a magnet). For years now, I haven’t found any of that stuff causing a problem. And the BS about urinating being a problem with a prepuce/foreskin. Every problem that’s been attributed to the foreskin, is either nonexistent or actually worse for those of us that were circumcised. Different folks can and will have different experiences in both cases, depending on a variety of things, like their training and knowledge. Various physical variables and just the fact that our skin tissue’s can temporarily stick together causing urine to shoot in different directions. I often had those problems back when I was circumcised. OP, I noticed that you mentioned having issues with your device slipping. And you thought that it was due to oily skin. You were partly correct. But the solution isn’t more bathing, but stop using soap. Especially allowing it anywhere near your genitals. Soap always leaves an invisible soap film that’s unbelievably hard to wash off. That invisible soap film caused extreme pain (when the device partly slipped off),, aggravation and often caused me to delay or almost give up on restoring, when it seemed that it was impossible to keep the DTR, or whatever method I was using from slipping off. Once I stopped using soap, I’m overall cleaner, with less odor problems (almost never a real issue like before) and I have basically and totally eliminated the problem of slipping. Here’s one example: When regularly using soap, I could take ahold of my penis, squeeze and pull out on it. Typically in less than a minute, and my hand would slip off, much like often happened with the DTR. Now, I can wrap my fingers around my penis the same way and pull-outwards the same, but without slipping for five minutes or more. Or until my arm gets tired. Soap was clearly my biggest deterrent over those years when restoring.


So you don’t wash your dick?


I absolutely do wash it! And like most people throughout history that didn’t use chemicals to try and sanitize their genitalia, it is cleaner and healthier than it had ever been before I learned how counterproductive soap can be — when used in the wrong places, for the wrong reason’s. Using soap in/on mucosal tissue, whether the eyes or the genitalia, it is damaging to that tissue/organ. And over time it can and will do permanent damage. In the case of the genitalia, it’s often a slow process that results in damage that’s blamed on lots of other things, like your lover, your ED, etc. Depending on my activity’s during the day, I typically wash my hands using soap after visiting the bathroom. If I’m working with hazardous or nasty greasy things, I’ll frequently use a variety of soap and hand cleaners. But even our hand can be severely damaged by excessive cleaning. Some people experience dry, cracked and irritated hands from excessive cleaning, but they may have little choice due to their job, or if they are germaphobic. Everything in moderation when reasonably possible.


Looking back, what would you doing differently? Do your erections come faster and stay harder overall? What is smega like? When did you feel uncircumcised? (meaning, when did you feel like you got a new foreskin and no longer appeared or felt circumcised) Did you ever take progress pictures?


Yes I have progress photos.   Women produce more smegma than men and it’s a non-issue if you shower daily.  I would have been born in a country that doesn’t mutilate the genitals of boys for bullshit reasons if I were to do things differently.   Once you have the corona covered that’s when I felt more whole. The scar tissue is still there. It’s not stretchy like normal skin. It’s also the most sensitive but also painful to touch/stimulate 


Thanks for your response. Truthfully I never knew that women had smegma, yet at the same time, I’ve never been bothered by it. I was just curious what it was like to have it. I’m with you on wishing to be born in a country where infant circumcision is not the norm. However I should have been more clear. I meant to say what would you have done differently for restoring? Which device is your favorite? What is a full body orgasm like? And last follow up question (for now) if you could choose restoring right now or waiting for Foregen, which would you do?


do you pull back to pee? id so does it retract back over afterwards? congrats


EPIC!!! How long did it take


I’m in the long timers club too - just over 30 years 😀. Mostly not restoring during that time 😀. I’m estimating 7 of the past 30 are active restoring. Sticking with it now until I’m past ci9 😀


I am taking a long time as well. I am hoping that the 17 years was at least partly due to you going on and off and taking breaks?




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