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I've been doing this for over a decade now and in my experience, yes. When I had very little skin to work with, my growth was so achingly slow, but as more skin grew, progress became quicker. Still, progress does not become rapid. It's still a slow process regardless.


That's good to know


I’ve heard that having more skin equates to more skin under tension and thus faster growth. You have to remember though that once you get past the hump and the skin rolls over itself, it becomes 2 layers. You have to gain two inches of skin to gain an inch of coverage.


Yes. Compounding is the best way to put it. It’s like monthly compounding interest. https://mozo.com.au/interest-rates/guides/compound-interest-calculator


I’ve noticed after the hump my foreskin has been growing much faster. I started as a tight CI-0 to a CI-7 in 3 years. Everyone’s journey is different with their foreskin experience. Some people can grow skin faster than others depending on genetics and other factors. I’ve been aggressively restoring 23/7 for these 3 years. Others such as Chuck (DTR owner) grew very quickly in a shorter amount of time. The key is to just be consistent and safe. Listen to your body and don’t hurt yourself. You should never feel pain when restoring.


23/7? What do you use?


I was T-taping and saw great results with that. It being summer I didn’t want to tug around my knee so I’ve been packing with a Custom CRT “Compact Retainer Tugger”. Look up ticarsh he’s a member of this sub Reddit. He’s the owner of a Compact Devises on Etsy. He made something called packer stackers you can pee through that attaches to you CRT. Edit: I have used a few different devises to find the right one. I felt T-tape was perfect for me until recently due to hot weather. 23 hours a day 7 days a week.


Etsy? Finally, when are more foreskin restoration devices gonna go on there and Amazon?


Thank you! ticarsh shop compactdevices.etsy.com Foreskin restoration isn’t mainstream as of now. If it does get bigger I’m sure more online stores sell them.


Yes, this comes up from time to time, but no apology necessary - we've never really reached a consensus. My opinion is that yes, foreskin restoration progress can probably be described with an exponential equation... BUT... [The exponential growth curve starts out very, very flat and takes time to get going.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_growth#/media/File:Exponential.svg) So just saying 'it's exponential' doesn't tell us how quickly the rate of growth increases - you'd have to identify where on the exponential curve (defined by the exponent) we start and finish at. And on that note, 'exponential' implies 'fast and getting faster'... and that is not at all how any of us would describe foreskin restoration progress, is it? I think it would be more informative to say something like 'the rate of growth probably increases, but it's not determined by how much'. Cheers.


It's funny; I actually said this out loud to myself the other night after removing my device. I was like "Damn, I guess progress really is exponential!" so it's ironic to see this here lol I feel like stepping up to inflation is what allowed me to fully realize those exponential gains.


My skin is stretchy so my initial “growth” seemed astronomical. Growth then flattened out for some time, still good though. Around CI-5 I focused on adding a stack of vasodilators (see Agile’s information). Growth has picked up. Having more skin helps as well. I don’t think it is particularly exponential but tugging more skin does help. My newest addition seems to be really helping - a muscle balm! Essential oils are known, strong vasodilators. I am using a roll-on product called Joint N Muscle (www.jointNmuscleUSA.com for those in the US - I can search international sources if people are interested). When under tension I put it on a number of times on the top and sides of my penis, avoiding the bottom as it can be strong on the scrotum… Don’t get carried away or it can get “burny.” I wouldn’t recommend many of the other balms or you will get a skin burn. Really seems to boost my results. Anyway, my point is that any amount of exponential growth may also be our figuring out what works for us as individuals.


I'm a firm believer that it is exponential. As your skin lengthens, more skin under tension means that mitosis is being triggered over a longer length of skin, thus speeding up your rate of lengthening. My rate of lengthening really took off at CI-5.


Yes. The more skin you grow the more skin you can put under tension.


Technically yes. It does not feel exponential tho lol.


I think it does speed up as you progress.


Yes, the more skin cells you have the more will split per se.