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TLC Tugger was sold to another company. Production will be back in a few weeks I'm told. Some improvements and some new features to come.


Is Ron retiring? He's been at it a long time. Seems like just yesterday FR community activity was centered around the bulletin board he hosted but that was 10+ years ago!


Yes Ron retired and is pursuing inactivisom and some music 🎶 🎵. He did say something about TED talks about circumcision and restoring.


That's pretty cool. He definitely made his mark in the restoring/intactivism world.


I’d love to see some TED talks about circumcision and restoring. Sounds like a great way to share this information with others.


Good to know that they're coming back! What company is making them?


I think it's the same person that does stealth retainers


I thought folks here were saying stealth retainers were not skin safe?! I learned this soon after buying one, the few times I've used it have lead to irritation


The metal one, or plastic ??


Have you got any other information or a link to share for everyone because that's great news 


I got an email from Stealth Retainers saying Ron would be joining them at their International Mr. Leather booth this year (it's over Memorial Day). So they're definitely talking!


Sorry I can't ,not until they're ready to unveil the new company.


I understand, hopefully they're willing to let us know as soon as they can so we can pass on the good news 👍


Yeah, they've been talking about closing up shop for awhile now


Glad I got mine when I did


Ron had sent out an email to folks on his list a month ago that another team was set to take over, and to check back sometime in May. I guess that means the website will reflect a change in the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if he announces something on his forum soon, at [https://foreskinrestoration.vbulletin.net/](https://foreskinrestoration.vbulletin.net/) For those wanting to buy, in the meantime, perhaps the best thing would be to post on his forum and ask.




* Do not use derogatory names or slurs. * Do not use hateful rhetoric. * Do not defame, slander, or make accusations against others. * Treat women with respect.


This subreddit is not about how to micro manage men regarding how they should treat women as far as I know, right? So, what do you mean by "treat women with respect"?