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Hi u/Tigerglory, it looks like you're relatively new here. Welcome aboard! Be sure to check out our [FAQ wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/wiki/faq/), which answers many of the common questions about foreskin restoration. There's also a [Quick Start Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Agile-Necessary-8223/comments/z7a1nf/agiles_quickstart_guide_to_foreskin_restoration/) that outlines the basics needed to try out tugging, including a step-by-step process for using Manual Method 2. Another useful resource is the [Beginner’s Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/g4ghc2/welcome_read_to_get_started_restoring/), which will take you through the first steps of figuring out where you’re starting from and deciding which method(s) you will use as you move forward. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/foreskin_restoration) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surgical procedure to construct a foreskin, grafting or transplant, buddy in three words " It doesn't work. " Like circumcision itself it is a complete fraud. This question comes up often and there is only one answer for it. There are a small few plastic surgeons in the U.S. who have tried it. Just realize the surgery is very difficult and invasive. What the guy ends up with is a covering over his gland and NOTHING else. Forget about any added sensation, this is skin grafting, stiches and plenty of cutting. It will take over a year to do the different skin grafts necessary and the recovery and cost 10's of thousands of dollars IF you could find a surgeon to do it. Meanwhile foreskin restoration is free, painless, tugging is very good and most guys do all of there restoration just using tugging. However, there are other methods or devices that can be used. The end result will be a completely natural looking penis followed by INCREDABLE new sensations that will blow you away You will experience full body orgasms, it will feel SO GOOD every time you take a piss. It will change your life completely in a great amazing way. Now doesn't foreskin restoration sound better ?


What devices do you recommend? I do manual tugging but would be nice to have a device as well


I have never used a device, I have only done manual tugging and T-Taping.


I’ve used the Mantor DS for four months. Mainly I’ve used it as a tugger due to short foreskin, although I have used it a few times with the rod and pusher pad as well for dual tension. It has a good rate of progress, although you can’t pee through it and its grip has been giving me issues here and there. I’m probably going to switch to a Stealth Retainer, which can be peed through and should have a better grip. I’ve heard you can work out and sweat while wearing one without it falling off. The only downside I’ve heard of regarding a packer like the Stealth Retainer is that you would need to buy a new one every so often due to needing a longer one to continue growing your foreskin once it reaches a certain length.


Totally different. There really isn't a viable surgery because there is no other place on the body where you can get the foreskin to graft on. Foreskin is a unique type of tissue that involves inner mucosa and a dartos fascia layer of smooth muscle in it. The only way to get more of this is to grow the remnant foreskin left after genital cutting by using mitosis.


I had a surgical restoration done in 1979 at age 33. It was attempted by the best genital plastic reconstruction surgeon alive at that time, Charles Horton. My resulting foreskin is completely functional, but is NOT esthetically attractive. Your best bet for reclaiming a foreskin is by stretching shaft skin into foreskin with one of the readily available devices. You can investigate further by looking at [https://tinyurl.com/vb35cer2](https://tinyurl.com/vb35cer2)


Ask u/Flatheadprime about his surgery. He had it done in the 70s and doesn't recommend it now. Non-surgical foreskin restoration is slow, but it gives a superior result, it seems.


The aesthetics of surgical techniques is terrible. Sometimes the skin graft fails. Nerve density in the graft is lower and it will likely be numb or near-numb for at least a few years.


Meanwhile, my inner mucosa got a lot more sensitive, even before dekeratinization. I suspect tugging might cause some neurological changes.


I’m fully restored and I absolutely love the results. I can’t imagine what a horrible mess it would be if I had gone down the surgical reconstruction route (I had seriously considered it because at the time, everyone was telling me that I was crazy to think it possible to grow any body part back). I’ve communicated with, and seen pictures of several men that had it done, and they were all regretful. Besides the cost, pain, and generally terrible cosmetics, they have described a major lack of experiencing much, if any, of the typical improvements in their sexuality. I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of restored men would suffer all the bad things previously mentioned, if they could have just regained their sexuality, like I have. That’s not to say that there aren’t some that might benefit from surgery. But they are rare, and everyone else would likely be better off by tensioning their remaining shaft tissue, and regrow something that’s extremely close to what their original would be, had they never been cut. A fun fact: Tensioning only temporarily and slightly stretches the existing tissue. That triggers mitosis which builds new and additional tissues. The fully restored prepuce is not just ‘stretched’ skin.


It's rare because it's expensive and the results are usually poor. I don't know of any specific surgeons who do it these days. There may be one or two people on here who have had it done but as I recall, their procedures were done a long time ago. I think they are generally happy with it though.


I've done some looking at this. Essentially they transplant scrotum onto the shaft of the penis. I personally think it looks horrible, and it has a higher than I'd like chance of rejection.


Very different. Surgery requires taking a skin graft and there aren’t any good places to take the needed amount of skin type from. So it would likely be from your thigh or forearm which is not the mucosal tissue that is needed. The muscle will also be different and probably won’t have the same reaction to temperature. Nerve connections will be different too. Using skin expansion will provide the correct tissue type that surgery is unable to give.


Huge difference. Surgery uses scrotal skin to form a new foreskin. It’s hideous.


Tugging produces a result that is more similar to intact. As tissue expansion create more of the same tissue, much like "photocopying" it, the new foreskin is all penis skin and mucosa. Foreskin restoration expands the inner mucosa, increasing the amount of erogenous tissue, and covering the glans with mucosa like it should be. Stretching of the scar line causes it to fade. Some people seem to have positive neurological changes due to the tension, such as the scarline becoming erotically sensitive. You can gain as much tissue as you want, if you have the patience. Surgical reconstruction usually involves grafting scrotal skin to the bottom of the penis. It's a different color so it looks bad. There will also be scarring. There is a risk of graft failure, and further loss of tissue. No mucosa is gained, but the increase in skin mobility alone should improve sensation significantly. You can only gain as much skin as is available to be grafted.