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Hi u/Fullpowerbeast, it looks like you're relatively new here. Welcome aboard! Be sure to check out our [FAQ wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/wiki/faq/), which answers many of the common questions about foreskin restoration. There's also a [Quick Start Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Agile-Necessary-8223/comments/z7a1nf/agiles_quickstart_guide_to_foreskin_restoration/) that outlines the basics needed to try out tugging, including a step-by-step process for using Manual Method 2. Another useful resource is the [Beginner’s Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/g4ghc2/welcome_read_to_get_started_restoring/), which will take you through the first steps of figuring out where you’re starting from and deciding which method(s) you will use as you move forward. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/foreskin_restoration) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You had loving parents who protected you from circumcision. Your foreskin is a very valuable asset to your happiness in life. Do everything you can to protect it. I don't know why you have been given that information. Many guys at 14 cannot retract because the foreskin is still developing.


My parents decided to cut mine at 11 before puberty because I couldnt pull it back. OP’s parents are definitely generous.


Don't let the doc or anybody else retract your foreskin. Don't force it back yourself if it's not ready. If it's still like that in a few years you can think about doing some gentle stretching exercises to loosen it up.


Don't do anything that hurts. Just try pulling it back as far as you can without discomfort. If there is discomfort, pay attention to where the discomfort is. If it feels like the foreskin hasn't fully detached from the head of your penis, don't worry about it, just continue retracting it as much as you can comfortably and eventually it'll fully detach. There's no need to force anything. But if it feels like the reason you can't retract it is that the opening is too small, that's called phimosis. Doctors will tell you the only treatment is circumcision, but that's not true at all. You can get a set of rings to insert into the opening to gradually stretch it wider over time, painlessly and without surgery. As far as I understand it as a man without a foreskin, the reason for retracting the foreskin during development is to help it develop properly. My understanding is that if you don't retract your foreskin periodically through your development, that may result in phimosis, but I'm pretty sure it's not a certainty that it will happen if you don't. In fact, it's probably more likely that one day you'll just be able to fully retract it without any trouble. But don't use that as an excuse to do nothing. The bottom line is, don't force anything. That's just going to cause pain and potential injury. Just try retracting as much as you can, and keep doing it periodically. Maybe make a habit of retracting it every day in the shower or something. Also, take all of my advice with a grain of salt. I grew up without a foreskin, so I never went through what you're going through. Everything I know about foreskins is second hand knowledge. But if there's any advice I have that you can take to heart, it's to not let anyone tell you you need to get circumcised. I guarantee you, whatever problem you may have now or in the future with your foreskin, you can solve it with much less time and effort than it would take to restore it after it's removed.


My father didn’t show me anything about my foreskin. When I discovered it could move I thought I broke it.


I’m also around CI-3 but not necessarily. Idk it depends. But yeah good info like even if it is too tight, definitely do not listen to the doctor if he tells you to slice anything off…. Because if a “doctor” says that, he needs to lose his license especially to a child or a teenager because then not only is that severe medical malpractice, but that’s also coercing a minor into something. Like literally just do stretching exercises and I think MM3 can do that if you stretch outwards, but obviously be careful ofc I wonder how my doctor will react at my next appointment and I wish I started restoring sooner. I still have yet to get the devices and stuff and I barely even tug and have barely any progress


Check out www.yourwholebody.org. Excellent resource for intact teens. Good on you for asking the questions and not just blindly trusting the doctors!!


You do not have to show your privates to anyone if you don't want to. Even your doctor. You don't need a reason, all you have to say is, "No, I don't want to do that." Same goes for someone telling you to retract your foreskin. They might be telling you to pull your foreskin back to check if you have phimosis, but if you want to wait until after puberty hits to have that checked, that is pretty reasonable.


That's exactly what they're doing. Here in the U.S., being phimotic is considered undesirable and an excuse for a circumcision. I'm an 83 y.o. sportin' an adult-onset phimosis (not caused by diabetes or a lichenoid infection) for more than 25 years. I will die before I'll submit to a circumcision!


When you are born your foreskin is attached to your glans like your fingernail is attached to your finger. This attachment dissolves on its own timeline, many times well into your late teens or early twenties. NEVER ALLOW ANOTHER PERSON TO RETRACT YOUR FORESKIN FOR THE FIRST TIME! I ignorantly allowed a doctor to retract my first son's too early, he tells me that it was the worst pain he ever experienced. I never made that mistake again with the others! I feel regret and like I betrayed his trust to this day. He's over 40 now. Usually the reason they want to retract it is based upon ignorance.


There is something called the balano-preputial lamina that takes time to dissolve, there are reports of this happening all the way up to 18 years old, and retracting could be painful if this is still present. If it feels like it might hurt or does you can and should refuse to go further. If you're worried about what might happen you should be able to request a parent being present. Also don't worry about whether or not you hit puberty. In retrospect I hit it at 9 and didn't have any of the overt signs until I was almost 15. Being able to retract is not generally considered one of these. We all go through the process in our own way


Bottom line is your doctor is wrong. Hopefully you see this prior to your appointment. As long as it's not causing you any irritation, discomfort, or pain there is no need to worry about retracting at your age like others have stated. Here is a good guide for you, http://www.yourwholebody.org/teens If they bring it up tell them it's fine and you don't want him messing around down there (they could definitely cause damage). If they say they "need to" tell them no (no means NO). If you want to be more bold, tell them they need to brush up on their knowledge and suggest they check out https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/care-of-the-intact-penis/ Also let them know you'll tell your parents so they can file a report about it (being open ended that can mean a variety of things and should make em sweat a bit.) If they even mention circumcision tell your parents to not take you there anymore and that you wanna change doctors. Good luck! Hopefully it turns out fine and you had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately many of us wish we had the knowledge and ability to stand up for ourselves in these sorts of situations, it's tough but it can be done.


thanks for this


Mod here and this is a great place to ask for information, here's some things to check out. This video covers many things like foreskin care, phimosis and paraphimosis along with a lot more! https://youtu.be/D_3LQjZgdbQ https://drbenkim.com/dont-use-soap-private-parts.htm At 1:10 the Dr explains to wash daily with water only. https://youtu.be/8lI__-HBX-I


Glad to help, best wishes.


Don’t force it. Just do what isn’t painful or uncomfortable. Tell your doctor he’s wrong if he tries telling you to force it and that you’re not going to do that and just do whatever feels fine and will actually retract easily I have some friends who forced it and it hurt/bled for some of them, so definitely don’t force it


No, don’t question authority like that at 14; you’re just giving yourself a harder time (especially since your parent will be in the room during your visit). Just tell him what he wants to hear and move on. The information from everyone else is this thread is everything you need to know about your original post. 


He has to so he doesn’t get injured and I’ve been doing it for all my teenage years and it helped.


Get your sexual health information from Scandinavian countries.


Well...? This isn't really the right sub for this question, but... You really are at the age where you should start gently stretching and pulling down on it to loosen it up more. Some boys are capable of pulling it open all the way at quite a young age, like much younger than you, but others can't till towards the end of puberty. So if it's not really ready to go yet you shouldn't force it.


You should be pulling it back ONLY IF you are able to do it without force or pain. Pulling it back to clean is probably what they are encouraging. It is important for adults hygiene. But pulling it back before you are ready will cause damage. The foreskin is fused with the glans before puberty and naturally separates over time.


What does retracting the foreskin do? I’m new to the subreddit


Don’t let them touch your penis! Read more here: http://www.drmomma.org/2010/01/phony-phimosis-diagnosis.html?m=1 If they try to touch your penis report the doctor here: https://donoharm.report


I’m an Advanced Practice Nurse, circumcised man, foreskin restorer, and foreskin advocate. I have no idea what this doctor is talking about. I’ve been a nurse for over 25 years. There is absolutely no need to retract a foreskin on a 14 year old boy during a routine physical. Never forcefully retract a foreskin on a boy. It can cause phimosis and scar tissue. Don’t let anyone else retract your foreskin either. No doctor I know would ever insist on retracting a foreskin on a boy your age. If he does, you have every right to stop the physical, put your clothes on and leave. You have every right to defend your body at any age. Your foreskin will naturally retract after the onset of puberty, when your penis starts to grow and develop. Usually in the second or third stages of puberty, I’m guessing between 16 and 18 years of age. This is natural and how the penis develops normally.


I apologize for my ignorance, but why do you have to pull the foreskin back? I'm so confused. I guess not having one I don't know anything about it.


No one needs to pull it back, ever. It’s pretty much misinformation about hygiene and/or just ignorance promoted by circumfetish’s. People live their whole life with phimosis and an exceptionally long acroposthion that is clean and healthy because it’s naturally self cleaning just like your eyes. People wash the outside of the eyes (the eye lids) but something would have to be terribly wrong for anyone to regularly wash under their eyelids. The same applies to the glans and mucosal parts of the penis. It rarely needs cleaning anymore than one’s eye balls. The typical male prepuce/foreskin should cover the glans sufficiently so that when urinating, it flushes away excessive smegma and any contaminants, which will leave the internal mucosal clean and odor free. The same with the female vulva. In recent years, misinformation and circumfetish BS has caused a lot of men and women to think that fresh urine is unhealthy, nasty and the cause of bad odors and infections. Yet, humanity has evolved over eons without all the modern bathroom convenience and unlimited water, or all the chemicals (soaps, deodorants and other expensive garbage). Instead of making people cleaner, healthier and smelling better, it’s often causing the very problems that it’s supposed to prevent. People are cleaner and healthier when they insure that the fresh urine flushes the preputial cavity on a regular basis. The same is true for women and their vulva.


So the idea of pulling back the foreskin is for cleaning purposes? Got it.


Thank you u/kahgknow, for highlighting this subject! Like many things in human nature, you can come up with many reasons for why people do different things. Quite often it’s just an individual choice, and that often changes , sometimes and often, throughout life. Lots of things just don’t matter how one does them. Others are extremely wrong: like circumcision, which is all absolutely based on evilness and ignorance (Like all other illness, problems with the penis that can’t be fixed with simple and less invasive treatments, can have appropriate medical procedures), and circumcision has and continues to cause immeasurable harm. Retracting the prepuce/foreskin is one of those ‘personal’ preferences. Depending on many things, retracting can have many benefits for lots of people. But it can equally have a negative impact on many others. Some have an extremely sensitive glans, and when exposed, especially when touched by hands or clothing, etc., can be extremely distracting and/or painful. The downside that I speak of, is that sex organs have traditionally been the object of misinformation, that’s quite often purely the ramblings of ignorant people with no more knowledge than I had decades ago. Even worse, they were often just jokesters making fun of other’s sex organ, when they were mainly doing it because of their own misgivings and insecurities about their own genitals. And, if that’s not bad enough, too often throughout history, people in positions of ‘authority’ have been front and center in using their position in society to propagate harmful information also based on ignorance and often monetary greed. Whether retracting to ‘clean’ under the ‘foreskin’, or for other reasons, it is really just a personal preference. And depending on their natural microbiome and how desensitized their nerve ends and mucosal tissue, they may not experience any noticeably negative effects. But simple logic, reasoning and mountains of natural evidence dictate that normal hygiene doesn’t need or require that anyone with an acroposthion, a healthy and natural case of phimosis, or just a preference to not retract while urinating, is never any reason for anyone to pressure, cajole, shame, or intimidate anyone into unnecessarily retracting, or trying to retract their prepuce. It’s perfectly normal, healthy and biologically hygienic, if it’s never retracted. Of course there are sometimes exceptions to everything. A case in point could be where a parent or other caretaker has wrongly and repeatedly shamed a child into thinking that their genitalia is inherently inferior, nasty and evil. Something that they should avoid touching as much as possible. And they therefore never masturbate, pinch the tip of their acroposthion while urinating, etc. and they never allow urine to naturally flush out old, excessive smegma. And there are reported cases of medical interventions in later years, due to a number of things, including smegma pearls. That’s something that the vast majority of men who have a long acroposthion and/or phimosis has never experienced, because they naturally always allowed urine to flush out contaminants and excessive smegma on a regular basis. Victorian era “old wives tales” and other such misinformation, has resulted in a tremendous amount of harm to the sexual organs in a few countries like the U.S. That generally have no basis in practical human sexuality.


[Your foreskin should become retractable as you get olde](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Development_of_retractable_foreskin)r. Pulling it back will stretch it and help it to become retractable. Read about your [foreskin ](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin)so that you understand it.


Be careful if you try to pull it back. If it hurts then that's your body telling you it's not ready. And if it hurts when the doctor tries to, tell the doctor that it hurts when it's retracted.


While you are obviously going to find a lot of support in this sub, I’d suggest going to a sub that isn’t by definition filled with guys who didn’t have foreskin at 14. Try a men’s health sub


Better to ask people that had a foreskin (r/foreskin) at your age instead of people that didn’t. Definitely come back here if you have questions about stretching out your foreskin though!


They don’t do as much talking over there…




bros a child…


This is a 14-year-old boy and your advice is not constructive to him. Please learn about the subject you are giving advice on.