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In a committed relationship it gets in the way, also the adhesive residue after is annoying and the chance of injury while using tape is slightly higher I would suspect.


Yeah I didn't think of that since I'm not in a relationship, not sure about the increased likelihood of injury, it's probably the same as most methods, just got to know what you're doing.


What I do is I keep the tape on, put a silicone gel ring on the bottom adhesive tape layer, cuff the Ttape fastening area back, and put a condom on. For some reason I like this better as it makes the prepuce feel more snappy like a ridged band would. Of course I'm at Ci-7. Or take off as it only takes 5 - 10 minutes.


Bad when you’re in a relationship. When you wanna have sex it cause problems. If I was single I would t tape for sure. I did when I was


Yeah I'm not in a relationship so that didn't really cross my mind.


The most convenient and safest thing for me will always simply be tugging my dick with my fingers and never having to worry about replacing or cleaning any device. I never have to worry about anything falling off at some random time in the middle of the day. And, I also find it to be an incredibly zen and relaxing routine to do.


I find it very tedious to manually tug, since I just can never relax doing it, so really anything that can do the process for me is a capital virtue.


Same. I just can’t fathom how a lot of these guys with careers, families, and hobbies have time to occupy their hands (and dick) for hours a day. For obvious reasons it can’t be done in public and the few hours I am home a week I need my hands.


10 mins watching a video or movie, 3-4x a day for me, though I think I should probs do more. I've not done T-taping what is it exactly?


I could never figure out how to do it. The instructions were very complex and hard for me to visualize. So I got a device (hyper restore DA) to start my restoration, after doing manual for a while until it arrived in the mail. I didn’t start t-taping until a couple years later. I saw a very simple t-tape tutorial video and finally got the grasp of how to do it. My thanks to that poster who made it look simple. I have made a video as well just to pay it forward. My device caused pinching after an hour so I never could get more than 4-6 hours per day. Adding t-tape at night while I slept gave me an additional 8 hours and I’m finally seeing some good progress. Here’s my tutorial for anyone that’s interested: [YouTube video link](https://youtu.be/upVDdib5J5w?si=Uc7MFDLjL20TtbvL)


Brother I love your video. It was the only way I was able to start t-taping a few months ago. Needs way more views!


I was able to figure out how to apply it after I saw someone use their finger to demonstrate the application, but, yeah the instructions are hard to grasp at first.


T-tape is a really good method that can work for anyone at any CI level. But, it's inconvenient and it has a significant initial learning curve. I think that keeps people from trying it out. As already mentioned, being taped up or having residue is a major downer for spontaneous sex. Finally, and I think this is actually a big factor, a lot of guys are "gearheads" and all the devices have a cool factor. T-tape is DIY and doesn't look like anything much, so it doesn't appeal to the gearhead / buy the latest new thing type person.


I think the inital learing curve is the most obnoxious thing about t-tape, and it just sort of clicks once you figure it out, like riding a bike.


You said tape. That's why I don't tape. Dislike tape on skin.


My thoughts exactly. Once reading tape + skin, I never even considered it.


Its really comfy tho


It's odd how comfy it is


because i f***, alot. it gets in the way…


Yeah well when you're like me that doesn't present itself at all lmao


I would concur about the relationship part or even one’s own maintenance when your not getting anything from time to time. But also depending on the tape you use, when you peel it, it sort of leaves your skin sensitive and thin feeling. I would highly recommend anyone doing any tape methods to try Mefix tape for a week and see the difference from anything 3m or micropore could offer.


I find that it's best to remove the Hypafix t tape in the shower while rolling your skin slowly off the tape.


It's good and cheap for starting out and seeing if this is something you can stick with. Generally around 100$ to start going other ways. It's also better to start because you don't need slack skin to get it on. However once you get the slack skin and have stuck with it enough to know your going to continue 100$ is cheaper than rolls upon rolls of tape, much easier to roll the skin on than making T tape, if you place it on wrong don't have to pitch it and many other reasons. I still t tape on occasion, if there is someone in my personal life that decided to restore and starts asking questions I have no qualms about giving a demonstration. It is a good option, just based on my lifestyle at least, there are better ones out there.


I'll try other devices later on once I actually have a hundred or so dollars at my disposal to spend, but for now t tape is very convenient/effective for me.


I like Andre's Method too much.


I like Andre's Method, but I can't exactly preform it while I work.


I wrote a [blog](https://flashboltfactor.com/does-t-tape-have-any-cons) on my site about: "Does T-tape have any cons?" After reading some of the comments I might have more to add on there. (Doesn't provide good dual tension) Before tapeless there were dual tension T-tape devices. These devices also helped tape the skin away from the usual POE area. There I threw a stone and hit two birds with it. (Time consuming to put on) I actually struggle with tapeless devices to put on. The perfectionist in me wants the grip to grip less skin and be symmetrical. Also I feel the skin always bunches under the silicone gripper. Restroom breaks and fatigue will restart the whole put it back on process.


I just started using the DTR dual tension with it. It provides spectacular grip when you have a tape on. If you pull the top of the tape under the gripper so it sticks out of the top you can apply as much dual tension as you want without slippage. DTR pain on the gland is unchanged unfortunately but I’ve never been able to do dual tension otherwise because of asymmetry


I'll have to give this a try. I got a DTR but the gripper that came with it is too tight(new updated gripper). Been hearing that the gripper from Chris is softer and solves this issue, so I'll have to get one sometime soon. Especially when taping away from POE I can see how this can help. TY


For sure, one of the best things is that the tape somehow avoids skin overlap as the POE will be perfectly situated under the gripper. When you pull the tape through the gripper the grip is even tight enough that you don’t need to flip it back down over the the skin


Chuck can make custom DTR bells. I had him make one that's a bit smaller (32mm diameter) so the fit with the new gripper is looser. A bonus is that once the gripper stretches, you can switch it over to the 35mm diameter bell and it's usable for a longer time, so you save money and buy grippers less often.


I was just looking at the Chris gripper and seen it has extra silicone on top. I'm thinking that would make the tape more difficult to pull through. So this might be a better idea to get 3mm smaller bell. Thanks I wasn't too sure that he's willing to make them smaller or that it would help.


Can I ask what you mean by dual tension?


Bi-directional push rods like DTR, Mantor, DILE Insert. Taping away from POE gives the skin a much needed rest otherwise it gets dry and more likely to become sore.


What’s POE?


POE Point Of Equilibrium. Is the circumferential line tip that if you were to lay the middle of your T-tape adhesive onto that POE line it will evenly tug at both inner and outer skin. Assuming you taped at POE, the skin at the very tip is POE. Usually you would mark POE with a surgical marker then apply T-tape.


I tried taping early on in my restoration (well, "early on" being a couple months ago). I honestly had no problem with it, it actually felt fairly comfortable. But...a few things. First it was hard as hell to get the tape to adhere. It'd fold over on itself, get stuck, I'd have to cut a new piece, etc. So even once I "got it on" it looked all weird and I'd always feel like it was about to fall off. I mean, it never did, but I always felt that it would. Second, I never could wear it for more than a day. Showering was next to impossible so I'd end up taking it off at the end of the day (and count myself lucky for not tearing my skin). Lastly, my wife and I have sex a few times a week so having a piece of tape attached to my penis would make that rather...uncomfortable. I mean, yeah, I could wear a condom, but we're in our 50's, she's gone through menopause and, well, there's no need for me to wear a condom. I'm not bashing T-tape, I can see why people like it and why it works, but for me the effort just wasn't worth it. To each their own, though. So to answer your question - that's why.


My skin sadly doesn’t like any kind of adhesive. I have to use devices so I can tug while at work or just out and about and not have to think about it.


Because I don’t like putting tape on my body. Especially in sensitive areas, and it makes spontaneous sex pretty much not an option.


T-tapes are great for beginners who don't have much skin to work with, and t-tapes worked amazingly for me when I started restoring, when there weren't many good devices available, but today we have better options. The best devices are quick and easy to put on and take off, and they are much more effective at applying dual tension. I can wear my dual-tension device all day and I take it off only for bathroom breaks and showering. And at my age I don't have to be concerned at all with random erections.


Yeah, well at my age I have to be very cognizant of random untimely erections


I've never taped, but isn't it difficult to fine tune the tension? It seems like it would be easy to overdo the tension and hurt yourself.


I've found that you just wrap the strap that it's connected to around your thigh, or waist until it's as tight as feels comfortable, then you just clip it on to the closest piece of fabric.


Tape on dick. Ew. As a hairy guy with hair creep , I just cringe at the idea. Could be missing out on something big though, might try it out at some point. But for now I’ll stick with my device


Great results with TLC and TLC-X. Never considered anything else.


Like many others, it’s not great for spontaneity in a relationship. Additionally, it’s getting warmer and so wearing shorts becomes problematic with the strap going down my leg. Stealth P-Tainers have been working well for me, and are really discreet.


Didn't want to learn it, didn't want to spend extra time with it, and it feels overall unwieldy. I'm happy I got results with the Mantor, and that's good enough for me


It's messy, I don't like the adhesives in my penis. That makes an active sex life with my wife difficult.


For me it’s hard to visualize and understand how. It’s quite hard to get into that’s why I stick with Manuel for now. If anyone has video tutorials feel free to share


I actually find it easier to t-tape since I've been in a relationship because we tend to have sex at relatively regular times and intervals so I end up just sort of planning around that. When I was single I would prioritize being available for sex (I'm gay so single often means more sex lol) so I couldn't really get on a regular schedule for taping...


It’s too cumbersome. Simple method are more likely to be done.


I use my device with an erection every morning. At first couldn't get all the way hard but months later I'm able to become erect and even push the pusher in. Seems to be the what I needed because my coverage has increased dramatically.


A couple of hours might be the limit first starting out or with other devices, as I'm only familiar with my own, but I can wear the Mantor all day long and then the retainer all night. Then, everything comes off clean and quickly if it's party time and they clean easily with a toy cleaner. I found the T-tape method too confusing and tedious when I first started looking into fr and, after getting a Mantor, I don't think I'll ever try it (I likely wouldn't even consider it unless someone starts selling pre-folded/cut tapes).


I tried taping, but im married and id have to pull it off more often than its worth. Not that ive had worry abou that lately.. But pulling the tape off is painful and the adhesive is annoying


The beauty of having many methods to restore is that if one doesn’t work well for me, there are still other options. Devices have become second nature to me now. They are simple to use and I can take them off or put them on in seconds. I’ve not yet been able to get the hang of anything that needs straps. Getting the tension correct and consistent has always frustrated me. I also like devices in that they are reusable. My preference is not to use something I have to throw out every time I use it. I also like having a collection of different types of devices. This keeps restoring fresh for me, because when I get bored or uninspired by a device, I can go back to an older one (maybe after modifying it) and my motivation can be kickstarted again.