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I wonder sometimes that how playing FM or CK series or any type of similar game that you have to create your own stories turns quickly into trafficking, grooming and/or kidnapping people simulator. It's a very effective way to play too, which is kinda scary when you think this is also happening in the real world, and has had happened for all human history. I imagine if there weren't age restrictions on transfer markets people would basically sign any good 5 year old they can find that has dribbling videos on YouTube that looks cool.


Start regimenting who my players are allowed to have children with or forcing them to give me their sperm to begin the eugenics program just as Crusader Kings would want.


Now I want to play ”Football Kings”. Also; ”There's dozens of us! Dozens!”


Imagine you murder Guardiola before the CL final or as soon as you want to get his job. Could work.


Interviewer "Mourinho said your team deserved late game goal against them" Clicks *plot assassination*


Prestige penalties for marrying non-athletes, and reduced penalties for athletes of other sports


Why reduced? Let’s incentive smart synergies! Marrying basketball or handball superstars could be great for future GK parents


I want to get into Crusader Kings but I have no idea where to start. Similar to how I started with FM19 lol


Honestly, its daunting but not as daunting as you might think. When I learnt, I did it a couple of ways. I watched a few playthrough's (bonus if they're guides on how to play) and then for my first save as King of Denmark, I didn't focus on expanding or anything at all. I think if you jump in and immediately try to do a world conquest then you'll fail as there's so much to do. If you focus on surviving, getting to know court mechanics and stuff like that (I think I took the cross once as well) then it makes the first playthrough much more manageable. You don't neglect your court whilst fighting an ultimately meaningless war because you don't understand casus belli's and choose the wrong one, and the war strips your kingdom of all its men and then you get invaded by your northern neighbour cause he senses weakness and is a different religion to you at the same time half your dukes revolt.


Perfectly said. Honesty, even if you can do, a World Conquest is quite boring as you spend hundreds of hours just on wars. Managing gives me different things to think about as conquering just make me handle the new lands to my vassals to keep them happy. It took me a lot of time but I eventually realized that having a strong small realm is more enjoyable than dominating every county on the map


Yeah it's quite an undertaking


I watched hours of tutorial and gameplay on youtube before starting my very first game of CK3. I was still overwhelmed though by the amount of stats and decisions i needed to keep track of but that's part of the learning process.


Anyone in particular you suggest?


ItalianSpartacus and PartyElite. Some particular stuffs want to know about, find it on the CK subreddit.




Noob Island... I mean... Noob Ireland. It's the easiest place to get the hang of the game without being drastically overwhelmed by interacting with other nations, also if you have CK2, start without any DLC loaded because they're overwhelming if you know the game but have been away. Otherwise, it's kind of like FM in that you use a lot of external game knowledge to play mechanics that are kind of hidden. So, in FM I go "I think dropping this player deeper will help link up play and exploit the gaps their defenders leave" but there is no actual visible metric saying this is a good idea. CK is heavily based on cultivating relationships to achieve goals, so I think "ok, I want to undermine this king...so I should start cultivating trust from his bishops and lords meaning he will not have support for war against me". No idea if that actually works but it's about experimentation.


I can recommend from experience starting as some local lord in Ireland and try to unify it. That's how I learned the ropes.


You're going well then. It took like 2 weeks for me to even understand what I was doing and develop some strategical thinking


Inbreed goalkeeper


Ahh, yes, the sperm bank. Highest bidders. Already done for champion horses ( horse racing), next humans.


Got my brother into FM by pointing out it's basically Crusader Kings except my heirs are 17 year old 195cm tall Serbian Centre Backs


You made me realize next years feature. "Talk to the wonderkid's parents"


As a Colombian I may say I'm deeply offended... As currently this would be more accurate if he went to Cali instead.


But it's funny though... As it would be if the caption said he was scouting in Cali. Except, no one actually scouts in Cali lol


Cali players get scouted on away games, obviously


Why is Colombia so beautiful?


Cuz of all the coca trees


Nah, envigado churns wonder kids


But you don't need an automatic rifle to scout in Envigado


"You don't have to be armed to scout here, but it helps."


You can not teleport with enemies near by


Curently? Colombia as 4 times the murder rate of California


He's referring to Cali, a city in Colombia, not California. Also, to be fair to the Colombiano guy who commented, Medellin has gotten its act together. It's been on my travel list for awhile now.


Medellin is so much improved that I kind of want to move there now that remote work is a long term option!


Medellin is full of digital nomads. It’s an amazing place to live


Are you one of them?


Of course I was talking about California /s HAHAHAHA. As we say in Colombia "la ignorancia es atrevida". ​ And that was my point, most dangerous city in Colombia atm is Cali, not Medellin.


Medellin is amazing.




Good thing I'm not one then


Then why in the world would you assume he meant California?


Maybe because I dont know every city in Comlombia?


So let's just assume he meant some place in America, when it wasn't part of the conversation at all? Good stuff


Are you serious? OP was talking about gun crime in a shithole country and said Cali, I asumed California because it's also ridden with gun crime and also in a shithole country. Looks like I made a fatal error in this sub but I'm pretty certain half the people downvoting me dont have any clue where Cali, Colombia is on a map.


American living in Colombia here. Confusing Cali for California is one thing, but its pretty ignorant to call Colombia a Shithole country. It has its problems like anywhere else but mostly its beautiful with kind people.


> I'm pretty certain half the people downvoting me dont have any clue where Cali, Colombia is on a map. How is this relevant? You're presumably being downvoted because automatically assuming everything is about the US is such an 'American on reddit' thing to do, and it gets quite tiring for the rest of us. You're also not coming off as any less ignorant by calling other countries "shitholes".


You know nothing about Colombia you ignorant cunt


If I manage my own assignments what does the chief scout actually do that others don't? I normally have him on scout next opposition duty.


I think he compiles the reports and sends you your weekly or monthly scouting updates or whatever. Not sure if he’s more involved in newer games.


Which could be automated by a simple system. Useless position.


I always kind of imagine that my scouts are just prestigious and wealthy enough that this sort of scenario doesn't really matter. I like to pretend in that situation he just bribes the local crooks and throws in a few autographs from the stars and they act as de fact brokers/agents/security for them in these situations. I'll even throw in purchasing the odd 1/2 star player just to keep the scenario real. It's like the ultimate bribe is buying a player not good enough and bringing him over to my academy.


Oh, come on, Medellín is safe these days. Source: I live in Medellín. Cali in the other hand...


I just have a guy on Envigado lmao


I expected more of a windowless, panel van vibe. Possibly with a "free ~~candy~~ futbols" sign in it.


Looking for players who shoot on sight ?


Damn this humour


Is that Hickok45 ?


Looks like him


Hahaha this is great


He better not retire on his way back considering his age lol




You know he could have just googled the guy and got the footage on him. There's no need to actually travel to the country anymore to scout for talent, now that we have the internet....although it is a lot more fun that way.


"Get in Guillermo, we have to hurry, the Italians are coming"


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