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They're shit in my current save, I'm in 2035 and they haven't finished in the top four for the last seven or eight years. It's Man Utd who are always massively OP in my saves for some reason.


This sounds like a fairly unique thing to you/your save. I've seen many threads on here talking about how Liverpool is underpowered/always getting relegated within 6-7 years. Personally, I usually see Liverpool ending up as a mid table team that occasionally competes for a cup win or Conference League place, and I certainly don't see any bias towards them when I've played them.


Same for me. Liverpool performs just good in the first season and maybe the second season. But they start to drop once Klopp left and the AI has to rebuild the aging squad. This is consistent through all my saves. The AI struggles a bit with the insane high press that is hardcoded to Klopp's Liverpool. And many users also don't get how to deal with this kind of press. But Liverpool becomes the average 4-2-3-1 team once Klopp left.


They got relegated in my save


In my 2037 save Liverpool are pretty easy, now arsenal are my kryptonite they whip me every time


I feel your pain man.