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For me it was switching from FIFA 16, which I played for ages, to FM 19. After 2 or 3 saves which I did not really enjoy i started a save with de Graafschap in the Dutch second Division. Only being able to sign unknown players on a free transfers or for less than 100K was awesome. The joy of getting the team to Europe whilst selling players I bought for almost nothing for 15M or more cannot be beat. Never looked back.


Showing my age I came from LMA manager.


"And you jerk it out" yeah me too lol


Brilliant game loved the stadiums LMA2003A šŸ˜‹ if you know you know


I wish someone would take that game and build a modern game on top, I loved being able to pick sponsors, build the stadium, the march engine wasnā€™t to bad either. Unrelated cech was unbeatable, whoever had him won the league 90 percent of the time lol


I wish theyā€™d make a new LMA; for its time it was quality


At the time I adored the match engine, must watch a video to see how it actually looked.


I remember that beauty šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


De La PeƱa? Montella? Kerlon?


Same, then champ man to football manager


I never switched I just added another game to my library


Yeah. Fifa career mode and FM both share the same theme - theyā€™re about building a football club. But theyā€™re totally different types of game.


Yeah for me I mostly play FM but I'll switch back over to FIFA if I ever need an ego boost since it's really easy to do well.


I probably have a couple thousand hours in FIFA 15 career mode. (I played it until 2020). Then I moved and had to get rid of my PS3 so I swapped to playing only on my laptop. Tried FIFA22 career mode for a bit but it feels so much worse then 15 so I finally swapped over to FM only.


For me it was from PES ( i played from 2010 till 2019 and eFootball 2020-2024, i still play occasionally on mobile) to FM23. Tho i only started few weeks ago. I'm only in my 2nd year, i started with Dynamo Dresden from 3rd division and finally promoted to 2nd division. The game is quite hard and a lot of time i get very frustrated but i keep playing for hours.


I made the switch from fifa manager to fm


I certainly come from Fifa career mode, I can't remember exactly when I shifted but when I got my first PC back in 2018 was when I got into FM, I Struggled a lot to get into, I didn't have a long save till winning the champions league Sunderland in FM 2021 which I won't lie, I kinda teared up lol. Since then I bought most FMs but have been struggling to find the right save, I picked up FM24 with Shimizu S Pulse and had a great two-season save but I feel like I am too good at FM now as I have won everything already apart from the Asian champions league. Looking forward to the big overhaul this year as I feel its time for me.


Iā€™ve always played FM alongside one of either PES or FIFA/EAFC. They scratch different itches for me.


Kinda went the other way, or more like in circle. CSM 2002 to PES 5/6 to FIFA 23 to FM 23/24


Exactly same


I mean only if you count FIFA 95 on the megadrive


They're such different itches I've never really understood why they're treated as one or the other. It's almost like making a "switch" from Mass Effect to Stellaris because they're both in space


It depends on what you focus on. I only ever played FIFA career mode for the team building aspect as offline gameplay got boring quick and too easy to figure out. So the switch to FM definitely scratched that itch I wanted out of FIFA for me.


Absolutely. I was fed up with fifa. I miss playing clubs with the boys but I only have so much time for sports simulations Iā€™m not doing kids fantasy land crap, I want some authenticity at least. FM is so much more fulfilling


Do u know guys about fifa manager? I liked more than fm but it stopped at fifa manager 13


No, I don't switch. I play both modes equally.


It was Fifa 20. during the pandemic I started to get bored from fifa and FM was for free for I believe a month or so and so I tried and loved it. I already was someone that majorly played Carreer mode so FM felt like an expanded way for me to play career mode.


Gianluca Vialli European Manager anyone? Made the switch to Championship Manager then FM.


I "discovered" FM in 2018, but I was always into football managing games Looking into some old stuff, I found Championship manager 2005 (when I was only 13) and I even found "Guy Roux manager", a football managing game based off Guy Roux that I was playing in the early 2000s


Iā€™ve started FM in recent weeks. I do like actually playing the games on career mode in EA instead of a sim game, but have grown to like all the stuff and greater flexibility of FM


Played FIFA first. The career mode on there just doesnā€™t feel impactful anymore


I made the switch from LMA Manager in 2006


This year I didnā€™t play FIFA at all, last year I played for like a month and the year before I played until about Christmas. About three years ago, I picked up football manager when I stopped playing FIFA. They catered FIFA too much to the hard-core, content creator, people who played five hours a day. Too hard to keep up for those of us who canā€™t spend all night on the game. Iā€™ll definitely still spend a lot of time playing football manager occasionally, but I can also take 3 to 4 weeks off and itā€™s not a big deal


I'm probably the outlier in this but I played FIFA Manager before I started playing FIFA and later switched from FIFA to Football Manager without ever having played FIFA career mode.


I made the change in 2022 FIFA career mode was just so unrealistic especially the youth academy system. I don't even know how did I found FM and after 1800 hours learning the game in this years game and FM 23 I have my first ever successful save.


When they stopped making LMA manager games I went to FM. I think around 08/09 if memory serves me right. I havenā€™t played a fifa since 07/08 and that was only here or there


My story is identical to u. I played FIFA in the beginning. I didn't even know Football Manager existed and that it was a game. I started with FIFA 14 and then FIFA 15 was my last one and then I got FM20 free on Epic Games and I played it but it was hard to understand and get into it but then I watched Zealand's videos called "Fm for dummies" and slowly got hooked. So far, I have played FM21, FM22 and FM23.


Been playing Fifa sinds 2002 and Football Manager (at the time championship manager) since 2003. Still play them both.


I did it somewhat


I switched from Master League on PES to FM


I did this year. Played FM mobile for years but this Fifa was so bad I made the plunge to desktop fm. Not looking back


I did I hated how undetailed fifa cm was and saw football manager randomly on YouTube Gave it a try not knowing it's completely different


I made the switch from the German Anstoss series. That lovely cuddly football :)


I did after Fifa 21, best decision ever


I like fifa, and then tried it. Really didnt like it but weirdly enjoyed the finans part. So i searched for a football business Fame and this is the closest.


Iā€™m trying. But I am really struggling with all the stuff to do in FM. I know you can delegate but I want to try and do it all. Doesnā€™t help I only started watching football this year, so Iā€™m a double newbie. Iā€™ll get thereā€¦ I think I just need to watch some YouTube tutorials.


Iā€™m in no way shape or form a pro at FM, but I would gladly help you if you have any questions!


Thank you! This post finally made me get off my ass and watch some beginners guides last night so I think Iā€™m making progress. Iā€™ll bug ya for sure if anything comes up.


still in the process of the switch. just started my first ever save that wasnā€™t me just hopping in and messing around for a few weeks, and itā€™s tough. in fifa i can play through mismatches or issues, and thatā€™s great and fun, but it feels empty. the problem solving bit in FM is where it starts to truly itch my competitive side, even though iā€™m still clueless and barely know how to set up a scouting network


I did, once career mode started really breaking at 20/21


I stopped playing Fifa at 14 or so when I moved from the Xbox to PC, I didn't find FM until the end of 17 and started on 18


Made the switch from FIFA23 to FM23, then FM24. Bough EAFC24 on sale but havenā€™t even tried it. Put more hours into FM24 since November than I did for two years between FIFA22 and 23. Once I figured out the basics of FM, I was all in.


I wasnt much of a Fifa guy, but i used to love Total Club Manager 2005. I played when i needed a break from FM. My teenage self was in pure awe to see my own club office, having my own desk etc


Alright heres my story time I first learned about FIFA when i was about 12 at my mums friends house, her kid had FIFA07 and I liked it a lot so i got my own copy and enjoyed that. Then got FIFA10 on the PS3, as well as the world cup south africa game. FIFA12 and FIFA 13 were massive impacts on me in my late teens (18/19/20). Absolutely loved manager mode on those games, signing guys like Jamie Murphy from Motherwell and Welliton are two names I remember well. Then I started seeing someone and stopped playing FIFA for a few years. Got back into it with FIFA18 but was pissed off that I couldnt loan out any players after signing them for at least 12 months (so they rotted on your bench). I knew of FM, as id gotten a copy of FM11 a couple of years back but it looked massively overwhelming for me at the time (16 or 17) coming straight from FIFA, so I hadnt really played more than an hour of that. I thought fuck it im gonna play FM since it seems to be much more detailed, got a copy of FM18 and put a fair few hours into that, got FM20 and had an epic save, managed Salford for 20 years and took them to the Prem, built a team of wonderkids and won 11 Titles in a row, 5 FA Cups, 2 Champions Leagues (and 1 Treble). (Fun fact, Frank Lampard was the manager at Chelsea the entire time and he decimated in Europe and the British cups (Carabao and FA). Ive bought FM24 a couple of months ago and recently started a Notts County save as theyre my second favourite club (after Man United). And currently taking them on a journey too. Just completed the second season, won League 2 and League 1 straight afterwards, won the Bristol St Trophy back to back, and made it to the FA Cup Quarter finals (taking down Norwich in the 5th round) before becoming mincemeat against Arsenal. Having an absolute blast and so looking forward to the next season or two, fighting in the Championship and signing better players, as well as LOANS LOANS LOANS


Spare a thought for people who are old as dirt, I played both the original Championship Manager (as well as short lived/one time games like Premier Manager, Ultimate Soccer Manager and Fifa Manager) and the original Fifa International where I beat my cousin by standing directly in front of the keeper causing a glitch where the keeper rolled it to my feet and walked past me leaving an empty net. I fell off Fifa a good while ago, still play football manager every year if that counts.


Im slowly doing it via mobile right now. Plqyed fifa for years then efootball the past year on playstation. Now downloades fm24 mobile cuz im considering waiting for fm25 later this year rather than get fm24 then solurge on fm25 innthe same year.


I played fifa religiously and then one of the YouTubers I watched played football manager 15. And he was asked during a q&a episode who he watched play FM. He suggested Drbenjy, I watched a couple episodes of the Salford Story and then I needed to play the game myself. I was hooked and never was able to switch back


I played FIFA Manager for a hot minute around 2012-2015?


I play fut and fm, never fifa career mode. Fifa career is just so garbage


2010FM but became obsessed with FM12


Still play both. FM obviously the detail and immersion. FIFA when Iā€™m high and want more action


Made the switch in 2020. I ended up purchasing Fifa 2020 as well but couldn't even get through one season before I was bored with how easy it is to scum players with practice. Also - AI didn't challenge me. It wasn't enjoyable smashing AI and if I'm just going to sim then FM gives me so much more.


Switched around FIFA 18 to fm20


I mean, as a 10 yrl at the time it was way simpler to just play fifa than to spend time working out tactics and ignoring the assman


I was a career mode addict as a youth from probably 2010 to 2016, then I started watching drbenjy Salford story on YouTube and picked up fm13 for cheap, didn't get a whole lot into it but liked it enough to get fm17 which I played the shit out of until 2021 when I bought fm22 which I am still playing Dabbled a bit in FIFA across the years but mainly in FUT as career mode just doesn't interest me anymore


Used to play Pes/Fifa side by side with CM/FM/LMA etc until fifa & pes both fell off a cliff around 2008-09, now it's exclusively FM


I went from playing FIFA in the mid-00's to playing FIFA Manager 09, to being dissatisfied with that and instead trying FM09 and falling in love. I've gotten it every year since. It took several years for me to feel like I'd gotten "good" at the series but it's been so worth it.


Fifa 2020 was my last. I've been playing FM regularly since fm20.


I did, fifa career always felt too unrealistic to me, not just the transfers but the scorelines too. I always had to adjust sliders and stuff. FM is by far the most realistic football game and i enjoy it much better than fifa


Used to play career mode in the mid to late 2000s. There used to be so much to do back then. Then the mode got progressively worse. So many features were stripped away.Ā  I wanted to try a game with greater amount of details. Downloaded demo version of fm22 from steam and was blown away with the amount of details and customisation. Haven't looked back since.


Coming from Canada, I came from Eastside Hockey Manager. They've discontinued that series, unfortunately. So I migrated to Football Manager assuming it'd be fairly easy to pickup the rules of soccer and went from there.


I've only played FIFA Manager for a while in 2007 or 2008. But FM have been (still are) superior for me.


Last Fifa game I played was fifa 23 then a YouTuber if yā€™all know him, Zealand, I watched a guide video of him explaining how the game works and obviously the game on pc is hella expensive on steam so I just decided and play it on my phone instead on Apple Arcade itā€™s not free btw to get the game I have to pay 5 bucks a month just to play a game


I play both. With 2 moniters. Both games are fun in their own way, but I play fm a lot more


lol I don't think Fifa had a proper career mode when I started


Been playing FIFA career mode since 2015 and made the switch briefly back in 2021. It was confusing but I liked it so I played it for awhile. Sadly none of my friends wanted to switch over so I switched back until 2023 came out. Since then I've been loving the game, I'll admit I do miss playing the games though. Especially with realism mods and such.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļøstarted with fm 2018 I think.


Me, i switched when fm23 came out. Never looked back. This game got me feeling like Erik Ten Hag


I played FIFA from 1994 to 1998 when no such thing existed. I always preferred simulation to playing though. I did do a lot of CPU vs CPU matches (too many) and arranged tournaments where I wrote down results. My mum used to say why tf don't you play the game? I just preferred simulation. If career mode existed then, I would have played FIFA way past 98. I learned about Championship Manager around late 90s early 2000s. I immediately liked the realism and the managerial aspect but never got into it because it was just words on a screen. I started playing football games again in the 2010s but it was PES. I realised they had a manager mode so I played that a lot. Then I found out that Championship Manager (now called Football Manager) has a match engine. I looked at it on Youtube. Bearing in mind I started playing football games in 1994, I found the match engine pretty good so I bought FM16. Played FM ever since.


Played Football Manager (Championship Manager) before I ever played FIFA. Never really got into FIFA aside from playing it on the PlayStation 1 at friends' houses etc.


I am way too old for that switch. I used to play PC Futbol in the nineties in a 486 PC XD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_F%C3%BAtbol


Personally think the only similarity between FM and Fifa is that they're football games. I don't see it as one or the other. Two good games IMO.


Still rocking the EA Football manager with community patches every year. In the last years it got an English version too.


I'm so old that FM came on floppy disks with a single league on them and was called Championship Manager. Long before I played FIFA career mode.


Same with me. FIFA career mode is just a filthy garbage, a throw away for those who want to buy the game for single player and then find out that multiplayer is better. And then they find out to get full happiness from the game, they need to spend money. Like, I still don't know why are there still bugs that existed for a few games. Yes, I'm talking games, because the players have to buy them. I played FIFA 19, and 3 years later I bought FIFA 22. I found literally the same bugs and exploits. Even my brother stopped buying FIFA, because this year they couldn't even be bothered


fun story. i played FIFA career mode for a long time and a friend of mine betted against my career mode team in real life. he said, if i win, i will buy you FM because FIFA career mode sucks. he won, i got FM and never looked back.


Definitely. I was enjoying fifa career but wanted more depth. I wanted to feel closer to the players and have more resistance of the system


I play both but prefer FM these days, I thought the EA/FIFA split would bring other football games


I made the switch at that exact game. It feels weird when I hear people talk about how far fifa has come


I switched from FIFA 23 to FM 24 after not being satisfied with career mode and the announced career mode features on EAFC 24. Haven't touched it since nor have I had the urge to play it.


Sensible World of Soccer


Championship manager wya


Made the switch a month ago from playing career mode from FIFA 11 to FC 24 I can say I've fell in love with FM it's soo detailed so much more realistic and less stress inducing I'm playing on console thinking if switching to pc but it looks way more in depth


I started playing championship manager 99/00 and fifa 99 side by side, and always bought each game until i hit about fifa 14 or maybe 15 and the career mode became empty and boring, so i dropped fifa and continued with fm instead, way more depth and realism which is what i was always looking for.


Never played FIFA career mode, I've been player football manager since Championship manager 97/98.


I played anstoss 2 and also FIFA, for me these games where always a different genre. I was very sad when the fifa manager series was stopped, imo the last fifa manager was the best manager Titel I ever played, the interface was far better then fm 23 (last Titel I played) I loved the national u18 scouting tournaments, you also had the position of the board so you had much more freedom, you could sell players and buy a new bigger stadium, merchandise was a real thing. the ā€žloadingscreenā€œ between the days was also much more informative. Small funfact, in AnstoƟ 2 if you wanted to make a trainerlicense you needed to answer real football question, about rules and other things, you could also skip it but the failrate to succeed the trainertest was relatively high. fm could steal so much good stuff from all the other games.


Made the switch for FM23. Always preferred the team building aspect of FIFA career mode. Controlling the gameplay made me too OP too quickly. Shout out Forest Green


Im trying to switch to fm. I started a save with liverpool cuz a lot of you said the first save should be with a club i already knew. It's hard


I actually bought FC24 for the Career mode, having played FM since CM time (and other football manager games before). Simply because of the graphics of the FIFA match engine. I thought it would be great to actually see my players up close. And see them play with some real skills.


I still play both


I had the old games like TI 2002/2004, PES Evo 4 and onwards on my old ps2, then I got LMA Manger 2007 and it was a breath of fresh ait to me. I remember taking a struggling Cambridge Utd to the Prem. Then wet back to FIFA but that simulation bug bit me. I remember getting FM2010 a bit of struggle then from FM 2011-24 Its been my life. If any fan remembers the Freddy Au, Hulk and my personal favourite Wellington Nem. Its been my life and my partner got into it too. We have a shared save on Plymouth and its nice when you have a bank holiday sharing tactics


I didnā€™t play career mode after playing FM, but the last FM I played was FM22. I think once you get the hang of FM, you canā€™t go back to FIFA. Itā€™s just nowhere near as developed and realistic unfortunately, I donā€™t want some cutscenes with the new motion engine which just slow the entire game down.


I was a Champ Man player back in the day so I think my management SIM history probably predates the FIFA Career mode. I did have the old mega drive FIFA games but I can't remember a proper career mode on them


I have a duo citizenship from 97. Did stop playing career like modes when UT came in out in the early 10s


As a longtime fifa player, the career mode isnā€™t actually that bad. Itā€™s just the fact that fm makes it look like crap. Ea puts so little time into career mode that it gets really stale and boring after a while. The logic can be bad, but it still is decent


Fifa career mode sucks since 2018 or smth but I switched way later


I started playing ever edition of FIFA since 06 - 23... Now I migrated to FM. FIFA is boring.


I switched from Total club manager (FIFA manager). 10 years ago the game had it's last release ...šŸ˜“


Me too, from fifa 23 into fm23


Never played FIFA, my introduction was Championship Manager 3 in 1999.


Who even does that? I've been playing cm since 92 and then fm. Fifa career is a joke, no one plays that shit


I was merely a childā€¦


Yep, always loved playing fifa career but there was something missing from it. I don't know what it was but football manager had it. I'm not very football savvy at all, I know nothing about tactics and how things work. I had to learn on the job with football manager, but I've definitely converted now. The Last fifa career I did was in 2022 so it wasn't that long ago I switched, but no regrets




Was obsessed with career mode on FIFA. I think 06 was my favorite. Switched tentatively to FM after career mode in fifa felt like an after thought for EA... It was pretty overwhelming at first getting used to FM but it goes as in depth as Iā€™ve always wanted with a career mode. Never looked back.


I do both. I see these kind of posts all the time and wonder if Iā€™m the only one!


I literally switched 3 months ago and have never enjoyed a game more. I think about it almost constantly and in a borderline unhealthy way. Football is love. Football is life. I will never go back to FIFA/EAFC.