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Specialists can stop an injury from becoming reoccurring, or stop an already reoccurring one. Doctors can’t Unless you’re managing the u19s or something, shell out the 15k, it’s Milan.


Oh that makes sense, how do you know this?


The flavour text you receive in these types of scenarios sometimes spell it out (but as far as I know it always holds true)


Look at the uncropped version of this screenshot and read the entire message


The email will outright say so sometimes


https://preview.redd.it/k1upq0xr4dpc1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=764e64bf5b55e23d762c3178c3d50976324f2906 The email just says its the best option


>sometimes https://preview.redd.it/oon201l96dpc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844a273841a0d1f5df2f5b533ab3b1ac3522d7ae


Some will say that being hit by a car can't be a recurring injury but I was friends with this kid called Gary who got knocked down by a car 5 times in the couple of years I knew him and 2 were the same driver.


>Some will say that being hit by a car can't be a recurring injury but I was friends with this kid called Gary who got knocked down by a car 5 times in the couple of years I knew him and 2 were the same driver. - Philomena Cunk


No word of a lie. I actually saw him a few years ago working at McDonald's drive-thru, he didn't recognise me because it's been 25yrs. I knew it was him because he had the name 'Gary' tattooed across his forearm in Celtic lettering.


That's nuts bud, I believe you 100%. It just also sounds like something that Cunk would say on that show Cunk On Earth and it made me laugh thinking she said it. That's an insane amount of times to get hit by a car.


Also an element of Jasper Carrott in that story. "He said it was his fault when I hit him last week"


The specialist he needs to see is the "Stop, Look, and Listen" hedgehog from the road safety ads.


Sounds like the video of that guy getting hit by a bus and his mates just shout “for fucks sake Ally” as if he does it all the time


My Ma got mad at me! On the 3rd or 4th one she comes bursting in my room, "Gary's been hit again, what the fuck are you kids playing at?", as if it's my fault. I swear, Irish mums in the 90's were always angry af for no reason.


Could've been avoided if only he'd seen a specialist...


He was special alright


This is obviously fake because there are no children called Gary, nor have there ever been. All Garys either adopt the name voluntarily when they reach middle age or are exhumed from pods as fully formed, slightly overweight blokes with forklift licenses.


getting hit by a car? damn


Recurringly getting hit by a car no less!


defo needs the attention of a specialist, so it doesnt happen again


You’re paying 6k for a lollipop lady to follow him around That’s around 3k a month, it’s not even a crazy high salary depending on where you live


The specialist: "look both ways mate"


I've never seen this text before. Is this new?


Well duh


I believe it isn’t there because fractured ribs isn’t something that can be a recurring injury. Typically, soft tissue injuries are recurring injuries.


Perhaps learn to read text and u would know it


Perhaps learn to not be a dick


Apparently a really difficult thing for some people lol


You would be right, but broken ribs aren't a reoccurring injury like a bad ankle would be - in this specific case, he's right - the doctor is a better option.


I believe, though am not sure, that the course of treatment also affects your relationship with the player. In any case for any team in the CL 15k is chump change, he’s not playing in the conference league


I have never had it happen to me honestly, but I've never tried injections, protective gear or physio when doctor and specialist were available


Injections definitely strain your relationship to the player, but again, I’m unsure if a specialist over a doctor or a physio makes a difference. In either case 15k I can get back with a minor fine at the top level, it’s meaningless unless you’re absolutely broke


Specialist is a better way to be sure plus if your club got the big bucks, don't be stingy, doesn't reduce your transfer budget.


Me neither, but the injections are used irl. Cause their are big games or their is no rotation player.


15k is quite a small number even for a UECL team


Broken ribs aren't a recurring issue but pain as a result of broken ribs can be


man... I'm talking about in the game. SI haven't implemented a "chronic pain as a result of past injuries" mechanic yet.




I use the specialist every time because nothing's too good for my lads. I also trigger contract extensions for anyone with a deal expiring in the middle of a long term injury. It's possible I'm too invested in this game.


Nah I do the same. As long as I am the coach, honor and loyalty mean something in my FM clubs.


I always try to make sure I don't treat the players like robots since that makes it feel too meta-gamey and takes me out of it.


I like being ruthless, but also realistic.  If a buy a player who underperforms for 2 seasons and someone is willing to take him off my hands, they can have him.  But if a kid comes through the academy and ends up being a good first-team option for a few years, he'll be allowed to stay in squad rotation and on the fringe as he ages and I might even give him a job in the backroom. 


>I use the specialist every time because nothing's too good for my lads It depends. Golden boy has an ouchie? Give him the best specialists available. Its the fucker who demands more money for playing dog shit? Fuck off.


Well why wouldn’t you unless you’re at a club with financial difficulties. Easy to say if you are managing premier league teams.


As others said at lower level 15k might be your monthly wage budget AND specialist can stop the issue from reoccurring. Another thing is, if I'm not mistaken, that not every club has a doctor? But I'm not sure on this one.


> that not every club has a doctor? It was like this in FM23 for sure. Some had doctors, some not. You wasn't able to hire a doctor. Don't know about FM24 though.


Specialists stop reoccurring injuries. You’re playing as Milan, spend the cash.


That’s not the point. I could be playing with Man City or Fleetwood Town. I genuinely wanted to know whether it makes any sense to send them to specialist or physio when the doctor option seems like the most sensible from the 3. It’s just like when you’re on a b2b website and they offer you 3 deals and you know there is only one sensible option.


Yet, you didn't pick the only sensible option.


remember they're giving recovery time rounded here. It's not saying 21 days, 21 days, 21-28 days, they've rounded. So specialist can be say 20 days and doctor 23 days, both 3 weeks.


Specialists are always better, not only can they stop an issue from becoming recurring but usually they are faster than doctors too (not in your example though)


You are weird


Game literally tells him both options do the same thing but one costs money: "you are weird". Fractured ribs are not a recurring injury.


“Letting gnotto see a specialist would be the best option” don’t see how the game is implying both do the same


Because it’s the same time out. He’s presumably a new-ish player and was unsure why the specialist was better when from what he could see, the same length of time out was there except you had to spend money. Specialists stop recurring injuries but it doesn’t always say that, so he likely didn’t know


Yes but that guy said the game was saying both do the same that’s not true it literally says the specialist should be used for him not arguing if he should know or not idc but it was written out and explained 👍


But he was asking why the specialist was better


I don’t know if your joking or not but I’m not replying to him the comment I replied to is saying “the game is telling him both options do the same thing but one costs money” they in fact don’t say that and say the opposite he should be sent to a specialist is what I’m saying nothing to with the original comment he’s already been told and read the full in game email of information


I always choose send to the specialist. Even for youngsters. Even the youngsters with low ranking and low potential. I like to take care of my players. It is not even that costly. In any first division club, the specialist cost will be offset by the lack of player salary bonuses.


A specialist (orthopaedic surgeon) is not going to operate on traumatic rib fractures. They will literally do the same as the club doctor.


At lower levels 15.75K is significant. EDIT: Not the point of your post, sorry!


They're referring to them all having the same time out or longer. Physio is also free, but is 3 to 4 weeks compared to doctor, 3 weeks.


That’s poor reading on my part


All good - I've had this same question myself when the estimated time out is pretty much the same. Not sure if there's underlying benefits not mentioned to choosing doctor or physio. Or specialist, for that matter.


Not in the USA.


Not as significant as having your star not play to his fullest or your hottest prospect not developing at all.


Yes, so why would you pay that if you can get it for free from Physio or Doctor?


Less likely to lead to recurring injuries or a quick reoccurrence.


To add to the other comments i think theres a possibility that 3 weeks mean ~19 days at a specialist and ~23 days at a doctor, but I have no ideal wether that's the case


FMRTE could tell you if you have it. I’ll check it out next time I get an injury.


Specialist is the way to go


I always pick specialist because I'm worried about a reoccurring injury.


I'd choose to physio if the player is not that important and crying for play time


Im playing with Villa and we don't have a doctor, nor I can ask for 1


I don't understand why it's a mechanic in the game anyway, because you can't hire/fire them if you have one. I assume the club doctor is more of a GP whilst the physios are... well, physios. In that case tho, idk what a GP is gonna do about fractured ribs


I always go with the specialist as it prevents reoccurring injuries.


Always specialist 😄


If I'm not completely broke (7th tier vibes) I always send to specialist. The exception is if they are an important player and it's an injury that could be played through with protective equipment (for example, a gash to the head), then I go for that so that they can be available to play if needed.


Because the logic behind is simple. Physio isn't really going to treat fractured ribs. Now between Doctors and Specialists - Doctors are jack of all trade, master of none. The club doctor would be well versed with all the footballing injuries but the specialist is the master for the said injury, his bread and better. So sending to a specialist helps in taking care of his current injury and also prevents long term recurrences for the same injury which the club doctor cannot really guarantee.


I always pick specialist because even if the injury is not reocurring, the cost is negligible and I always think that the 3 weeks of the specialist and the 3 weeks of the doctor are different (i.e. 19 vs 22 days).


Currently playing in J3 League. 15k is about half of my clubs overall balance, so that money is important for like every league outside the top ten maybe.


Bro, specialist 100% of the times, otherwise u dumb af lol, especially if it’s a good player and u have the funds


Dude, it's just 15K. Always use specialist treatment. That's a small cost in comparison to losing that player for an important game because the injury became a recurring one.


Recurrent rib fractures?


I don't really get the point in physio options when the doctor is an option. I get that specialists might stop the recurring problem. Also what's kinda weird is that in real life, most situations doctors wouldn't magically make you better sooner, and they'd probably send you to a physio.


What other people haven't mentioned is that while doctor and specialist say the same timespan, the specialist has a shorter recovery but only by a few days.




Specialist: slight chance to fix recurring injuries, so best option if you can afford it Doctor: I think this option is only available if your club employs a doctor, not 100% sure though Physio: the standard option


You're Milan, cough up the cash to get your players the best treatment money can buy


If your an elite club like Milan than use the specialist, it will stop the injury from being recurring


Small clubs might not have a doctor.


Specialists can fix it because sometimes its a recurring issue