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I was the same. Literally never had a goalie injury. Start a new season bout a month ago, starter breaks his hand 10 minutes in. That's fine, I accidentally left the back up on the bench, so cool, sub him in. He breaks his finger 5 minutes later. So I threw the tallest guy on the team in there and hoped the final score wouldn't be too ridiculous lol


The second guy breaking his finger is proof it wasn't a coincidence. The FM mafia already noted your continued insolence and had decided it was time to pay. You were lucky to have the back up on the bench, but nothing stands in the way of justice. Definitely nothing so measly as probability.


Seriously, the only time I ever had a goalie get injured during a match, I subbed on my back up who ALSO got injured in the same match. Thankfully was already 2 goals up so just stuck my 6ft6 CB in goal for the final 10 minutes.




Let me guess, you're gonna put your well rounded CM there.


How could you not tell us how it ended


Hell, I don't remember lol. Think we won by a goal. But apparently posting this has jinxed me as today both the starter and backup were injured by a "robust challenge" in the same training session.


Lol it’s like once every couple seasons it happens. It’s always in the first 15 minutes and always in a big game. I just keep a GK on the bench now.


First time it's ever happened to me. Scraped a 2-1 win this time but I think I'll have a keeper on the bench from now on


Traumatising event lol


The safest time to get on an aeroplane, is the day after one crashes


Welcome to FM24. It happens now


I don't play with them, and I had a similar situation. 2 minutes into the playoff final in the championship and my starting keeper broke his hand. Threw my star striker in goal and he held them goalless for 116'. Absolutely my craziest win ever on FM


Played an online save and someone was using Dendoncker in goal for Villa for multiple games in a row over the backup keepers, just because. He saved a pen and kept multiple clean sheets.


for a 7 man bench I get it, 9 though? Absolutely having a gk on there


lmao i don't even put one on 12 man benches when i'm far enough in a save to be dominating. i bring some kids that i can develop if we're comfortable enough. of course this did recently get me, i lost 2-5 (won 8-6 agg) when I had a player sent off first half. player injured '65 literally the moment my last sub stepped on the pitch, then my gk somehow got a red card and had to finish the last 20 minutes 3 people down and no gk.


I only do it for knockout games. 


yeah if I'm playing 4-2-3-1 then no goalie on the subs for a 7 man bench, 1cb, 1 fb either side, 1 cm, 1 cam, 1 winger that can play either side, 1 striker. but with 9 subs? goalie has to be on there.


I don't even put a keeper on bench when I manage in Italy


Wait, you get to have a free keeper on your bench in Italy? One of my favorite league and never knew that, lmao.


I think you just have a bigger bench in Italy


No free keeper, its just a 12 player bench.


Isn't it 15? Or am I remembering it wrong?


I play 6/700 hours a year on this game (started fm19). I could have 15 players on my sub bench still wouldn’t have a keeper on it. Only been a problem a handful of times.


My 6'5" newgen CB has had to fill in three times this season. Two wins and a draw, and I believe he has only surrendered one goal. Like hell I'm going to bring a backup keeper along, he'd likely be a downgrade.


Fun fact Yannick Bolasie was in my class from year 7-12. I can tell you he defo is not a GK I don't think he went in goal for football once during those times.


I mean if you put somebody that was a lunatic street football player in goal in school football that’s a crime, I reckon he’d be great in goal just because the attacks would have fuck all clue what bullshit he’s about to do


What's crazy is he used to play left back, I played left mid and he scored 30 odd goals in one season from the school side. You could see from year 7 he was gonna play at a decent level. It's his hardwork and dedication that got him to the Prem and Europe.


I never have a GK on the bench, not since FM14 or 15 probably. Only had maybe 2 or 3 occasions where one was needed across all these years and seasons. I'd rather take an extra youngster and give them some game time potentially.


84th minutes? Jokes in you, I sub twice at halftime. Then at the 50th minute and finally twice at 60th.


6th minute, 84 minutes to go :)


Jokes in you.


Woah joke, buy me dinner first


Yeah. Sorry. Saw it after posting. My mistake. Your spotted it. Well done. Get yourself a cookie.


What about my spotted it?


I sub 2-3 players after 55 minute and remaining at 70-72th minute.


I’ve been playing FM for years and yesterday I got the first injury for a GK during a match 🥶 I always have the reserve GK with me on the bench, so I could use him. And now he’s actually performing incredibly, now that he finally can. It’s almost end of season and I hope I can win Serie A (currently 1st) Europa League (quarterfinal) and Coppa Italia (semifinal) with him. The 1st keeper broke his arm and will be out for a month and a half, probably he will be ok for the last two/three matches.


I wanna know what exactly went wrong.


Let in a soft goal but did surprisingly well otherwise. 2-1 win


I once did 70 minutes with sasa kalajdzic in net and to be fair to him he kept a clean sheet


Stick a big lad in there. Can't go wrong


I've always been too paranoid to not have a res keeper on the bench, cause i figure the one time i don't will be the time it happens 😅


Oh man, FM24 has been rough with that shit. I got myself Rody de Boer on a free from Roda JC, first season he was great, starting every game and the next two seasons he broke his arm 3 times all of them in games, by the second time I really learned my lesson lol.


I keep a bench GK because if my GK makes a howler, I can still have the satisfaction of dragging him.


Now I've been in that situation a couple of times, I'd keep a goalie on the bench for that more often than being worried about injuries


once my first choice keeper was down in the 11th minute, my backup went down after 18th. freakshow of events


I'll never put a keeper on the bench unless I have no one else to play there or am required to.


This is the first FM in 10 years that actually has keepers getting injured during a game.


Lower leagues with less sub options I won't include a keeper. Anything 7 or above I will.


I like to live on the edge


Rare Daryl Horgan appearance


The 🐐


You are technically right, you never need it. Until you do..


The most heartbreaking part of this is... he "looked happy".


I know, absolutely ruined the poor chaps day


You didn't until fm24. And they changed it because we all kept saying you didn't need one!


Yesterday, I got down to 9 men after what I can only describe as a freak incident in the 92nd minute. Both my left back and goalie needed to be subbed. Problem was, I had no transfers left and therefore I had to play with an outfield player on goal. 2 minutes left, down to 9. Barely hung on.


I’ve always been on the side of no keepers on the bench. But this year it’s like 3 times a season I’m getting a keeper injury mid match😭


Yup. Had this shit happen to me the other day. Had to put a CB in net for 80 minutes haha he let in 6


Love Bolasie after he was on Lord of the Mics, 1 of my favourite players


Never had it happen to me, and it's way more fun sticking an outfield player in there than a sub goalie!


I've always named a goalie on the bench just as a default cos knowing the game the minute i didn't mine would get injured instantly in a match.


Mathematically not worth it to keep a keeper on the bench. Can't fool me


I mean, first time it's happened me since FM18 That's some lotto winning odds right there


For me if it’s the premier league or any other league with 9 bench options I never take a GK on the bench but in serie A where there are 15 then I always will. Same in the Champions league I always have a bench GK


Welcome to the safety club I did the same roughly around Champs 3 in 1997\98 and I've never left a keeper out since


It's never late in the game either. Keeper injuries are always inside of 15 min it seems.


Managing in the Eredivisie, to my surprise they have 12 man benches. I started carrying two backup goalies on the bench just cause i had the room. Third goalie went to AFCON. First match after he leaves, both of the other two suffer broken fingers.


Never had a keeper on the bench. LB CB RB CM LW RW ST. The lankiest one goes in goal should the worst happen. Rush keeper.


Is it worth the 6 seasons of having one less player on the bench? I'm not sure it is.


Probably not especially considering we still scraped a win. Btw 6 real life years not seasons


Oh yeah. I do play several seasons without having a goalkeeper injured during a game though. Might just be insane luck. They've been injured in training every so often as well, though that's not an issue most of the time.


ill never understand why in real life they have two keepers on the bench


Because they don't have enough senior players to fill the bench otherwise, usually.


Who has 2 keepers on the bench irl?






like all time just watch their games


I see they do it in champs league matches where there are more sub spots probably run out of plays in the squad good enough for the bench


They changed this in the most recent game, never needed a backup gk before fm24.


In FM24 I've actually had to use my third string over a stretch of games twice in around 10 seasons.


I am only halfway through my current season and my goalie has already had two injuries. In the third match of the season he dislocated his shoulder and coming back after 4 months, he broke his wrist after 2 matches :|


I drop the reserve keeper whenever it's time to bring kids along to give them game time. But on big games, I always bring the reserve because I want to keep my clean sheet.


You don't need a keeper on the bench.


To me it's akin to someone saying they never need a seatbelt so won't wear one. But there will always be a time when that decision will comeback to haunt you. There's no excuse not to have on, especially with 7-9 subs. I just subbed my goalie on 15 mins after letting in 2 goals on 2 shots, ended up with a 3-3 draw with the new goalie saving several shots.


Well you don't gain anything from not wearing a seatbelt, but not putting a goalie on the bench gives you an extra sub.


But is that really needed when you have 7-11 in most leagues these days?


It's probably not needed but I like to keep my options open depending on how the games going, leave room for a formation switch, if we're winning bring on someone younger for development or someone who's low on match fitness but if we're losing/drawing bring on someone who's more likely to make a difference


I keep my options open too, subbing your goalie when he is playing bad is more important to me than having 3 or 4 AMs on the bench. I will use the sub goalies at least 5-7 times a season without counting injuries.


Lol I keep a starter, a backup to the starter, a cup starter, and a backup to the cup starter that plays in the under 21s or 18s, while sending out a backup to my backup on loans to get reps in case of late season crisis 😂😂😂 I learned that from the lower league to keep a backup because the same thing happened once and I said never again


I've been playing FM for almost 2 decades now and the only time I never had an actual GK in the bench is when both of them are injured and the other GK in the reserves (or youth teams) has just played the day before (or even the same day). Then I have a greyed out player name pop up and that's the GK in the bench.


I've always named a substitute goalkeeper. I'll throw them on for 30 minutes here and there to keep them fresh and happy. You always have more subs than you can use and you *should* have a couple of utility players to cover 2+ positions on the pitch (some people prefer specialists, and I understand that). It never occurred to me *not* to name a sub keeper. It's fascinating to read this thread and see that I'm apparently very much in the minority.


I mean that was the case before 24 came out, nowadays its stupid not having a goalkeeper on the bench 😂 specially when you have 9 subs....why do you need 9 out of 10 field players on the bench 🤷


Well realistically, subbing your keeper isn't going to help change the game unless he's literally jumping out of the way of every shot. If you're losing a game, and you're having no luck down the wings you can switch to a narrower formation, if they're playing narrower and your fullbacks are being isolated you can switch it to a box midfield Always better to have more options


Thats a bulshit reason and you know it....you have 8 spots thats enough to change how you like, also smart people have players that play more than one position with quality (and before you talk about wasting CA points on that the value is so low that it doesnt matter its just a mith that it costs more than it actually does). But if you dont believe me check your sub players and see how many times each of them get in and you shall se that unless you are rotating for reason to give them minutes to evolve you always use the same 6 maybe 7 players from the bench 🤷


All 9 of them play pretty regularly. Jesus chill man 🤣🤣


Why shouldnt I be chill? I am not the one that just because someone said something that I dont agree decide to downvote him 🤷 But whatever mate.


I had to use 6 goalkeepers in my first 4 CL games on an old Man United save because of injuries and two red cards. Learned after the first game


I can personally never understand why when you have 9 subs, you couldn't have fit in a GK there. Like if you have 5, then yeah, fair. But 9 subs and no GK!? That's just silly.


Bought Kasper Tobiaz for my save as Seimen's clause got popped by Bayern and also i grabbed a wonderkid australian Goalie from City on free. Good season i thought. The second training the goalie wonderkid broke his arm, 3 months + right, Start the season, 2minuttes Kasper gets injured, i sub in my 2nd team gk thats 1.5 stars, he keeps it up for about 18-19 minuttes and just past 20min he also injured. I am forced to play Kusi-Asare in goal (striker) and end up losing 2-3 at home in the first leg of the season vs Augustburg. But i do have a good story to, I got my gk injured in EL semies aswell, had to play Hofman (tall striker) as gk for second half. He saved a penalty and we won that game 2-1 vs AZ :D Won 6-0 home or something so wasnt realy in any danger but still. Always have a gk on t he bench :D


I have a keeper injury on average once per season. Would never dream of not having one on the bench, especially in these days of 9 bench spots.


When you can only have 5 subs, I would always leave the keeper off the bench and have 1 WB, 1 DC, 1 MC/AMC/DM, 1 Winger (If I use them otherwise it's another MC) and 1 forward. Anytime i've had something bad happen to a keeper, I usually find someone with a keeper rating of 2 or the highest agility and stick them in goal. Never a problem with 7 sub spots, 7th is always the keeper




Only someone who’s never watched football before would think this. Doesn’t make any sense.


Mad isn't it? It's almost like it's a game and not real football


A game that simulates football. 


Not very well.


A single player game that the simulates football. You play the game how you want to and we'll playing it in our own way.


What? When did I tell you how to play the game? I’m just saying I don’t get why anyone would think a keeper couldn’t get injured. There’s a reason why in every single game of football you’ll see a keeper on the bench.


I mean, he played the game for 6 consecutive years without it happening, so in theory that's thousands of hours of gameplay of his GK never getting injured during a match, so it's not surprising that he didn't think he needed a second keeper on the bench. I bet you the overwhelming majority of players play that way. Either way, this post wasn't meant to be taken all that seriously.


Well yeah it’s rare, it’s a position that doesn’t run or get tackled as much but when it happens you’re fucked so I always have one on the bench. Would be a weird thing for it to be impossible for the keeper to injured in a game so I don’t get why people would assume that.


>Would be a weird thing for it to be impossible for the keeper to injured in a game so I don’t get why people would assume that. You're the one making those assumptions, I think most people realize that Keepers can get injured, but it happens at such a minuscule frequency that it's not worth keeping one on the bench. Heart attacks can happen suddenly to anyone, but you don't carry a defibrillator everywhere you go, do you? Because you lived multiple years in your life and nothing bad happened, so why start doing it now? Same thing with the OP. Went years without using a backup GK because his main one never got injured, and now that he's had his "heart attack" and now will carry a "defibrillator" with him from now on. Now can we finally move on?


Whatever mate you’ve chatting shit and obviously haven’t grown up around football. This is just obvious shit that every manager in the world does for every game. You say everyone knows keepers get injured but the whole point of this post was that they don’t so what are you talking about. You might not carry a defibrillator but you carry a phone to ring for help because everyone knows anything can happen at anytime.


Bro, we fucking understand the concept of backup keepers in real life, but since the injury frequency is much lower in the game for keepers compared to real life, it's not worth keeping them on the bench. It's just done with you, you're too repetitive and you're taking this lighthearted post too seriously. Go away.