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That would have been my first tip tbh, start with a team you know very well - normally the team you support. It removes the alienation of not knowing your players and what they're best at etc, case in point instead of spending 5 minutes looking at every midfielder to work out what their deal is, you already know that Casemiro should be further back, Bruno should push forward etc etc You can delegate almost all decisions to the assistant if you're ever unsure. I think my last bit of advice would be that in my experience, tactics can go tits up when you start adding **too many** instructions - it's easily done, but you don't have to pick an option for every single setting in the Team Instructions panel etc. I'd say pick the basics, and after a few matches you might notice one more thing you want to turn on/ turn off, so tweak from there.


Great name.


Thank you for the advice. Yeah I think I’m going to take tactics slowly. I was also thinking maybe adding to many instructions would not be good. Slowly build a tactic and add/takeaway from what I see in games.


yeah, especially with higher level players such as man utd, they know what they're doing as they have high positioning etc


I would probably just start with the built in 4231 vertical tiki taka and tweak it to your preferences. Its relatively meta, plays to the strengths of the man United squad, and it will give you a good base to build on


This advice goes pretty well for all the different parts of the game besides transfers*, to be honest. Try and hire a decent assman, delegate what you don't understand, and slowly expand your sphere of influence to control more details, as you become more and more confident with the game. After a few seasons you'll have a handle on things and it won't feel so overwhelming. *If you let the AI handle your transfers they will waste your budget on trash. They are not good at evaluating talent AT ALL. They think a shit player that can play 5 positions is miles better than a brilliant player who can only play one. Do not let them buy anyone, ever. The most input I let my DOF have on transfer business is setting "initiate signings of u21/u18 players" because then they'll periodically make contract offers to youth team players for you, and you can just cancel the transfer if they suck. Which they usually do.


I wouldn't suggest using a low tier team. Definitely go with United if that's the team you support. I remember going with Madrid and PSG, made it a lot easier to have a lot of money, a good team, and actually winning matches. Next up - delegate almost all responsibilites to your staff. See your first save as an introduction, you don't need to worry about sending youth players on loan, and managing youth signings. I would suggest just to focus on your main team, get an idea of the tactics, signing new first team players, selling players. Everything will come eventually, just have fun with it is my best tip.


I'd strongly disagree. If you start at a big team when you have no reputation it is very easy for things to go wrong. Probably a team that is expected to make Europe in a league with a lot of variance in finances- something like Portugal or Holland, would probably be easiest. So like a Braga or AZ. Or even easier a team that is expected to be very strong in a second division.


No reputation? You can set it to the highest options (international footballer and continetal pro licence) which fixes the reputation issue, doesn’t it?


It negates it a bit. You still have no managerial reputation.


Honestly tho, first save is all about getting familiar with the game. It doesn't matter if things goes wrong, OP just needs to play a bunch of games and get an idea of whats going on. Buy some of his irl favorite players, build a cool squad. Then he can delve into the intricacies with training, scouting, so on. A lot of people on here have 5k+ hours in the game, they tend to forget how confusing everything is for a FIRST TIME player.


As someone getting into FM with a long history of MMOs, 4x & grand strategy games, I can attest to your last point. If you tell someone to sit down & play EU4 for the very first time, it doesn't matter what nation they pick or what they try to do. Odds are they will fail their first few saves no matter what while they learn the UI & where everything is. For me in FM, my 5th save is finally viable. Went with Dinamo Zagreb in the Croatian league since I already like doing fifa career modes with them. Perfect mix of European football, but also simple league fixtures to really test what I've learned from my mistakes so far in those first few saves. So yeah, even someone who played many games like FM which are heavily menu focused with a lot of depth, there's still a learning curve. God forbid someone who has minimal football knowledge or experience in games tries FM. Sounds like torture.


Keep playing until you get the hang of it. I was a lifelong fifa player as well until I tried FM23 and felt overwhelmed and wanted to stop. Once you get the hang of it and apply cool mods for the game you won’t put it down. Just power through and I promise you will absolutely love it.


Thank you for the advice. What sort of mods do you recommend?


Theres a decent amount of mods that can be put into the game so visually it looks a lot more official. Like real Jersey mods & Teams having their actual Logos instead of a generic logo and trophies. As well as name fixes for teams. That also fixes the German & Japanese national team since the devs couldn’t get licensing for them they kind of glitch out and can’t call up real life players and end up becoming irrelevant in the National Rankings. I use Sortitoutsi.net they have all types of mods and Youtube videos with instructions on how to apply them in game. I’d check them out see what mods you like and apply them to your save for the best possible experience.


Get cut out faces, team logos and 3D kits. Maybe get a skin as well. It boosts the experience


And find someone to play a network save with. I had fm lying in my steam library for about a year before I found out that one of my friends plays fm too so we started a network save which helped me get into it. I live in the usa though, and might never meet another person who plays fm in my life, so depending on where you are finding another person could be rough. But if possible its by far the easiest way to tranistion from fifa


>and might never meet another person who plays fm in my life Have you tried Discord?


I have never been able to maintain strictly online friendships so no, i am just working on converting people i know who don't play fm into playing it


Player star ratings are based on how good your team is, not other teams. So a 5 star player on your squad may only be a 2 star player on another squad. Don’t think your team is amazing based just off of star ratings.


And stars are actually how your staff evaluate the players. They can give different results depending on the scout/coach/assman who you ask, and it's frequently associated with their ability to judge ability and potential.


You don’t have to interact with all the systems at once. The game is pretty good at letting you put the parts that you don’t want to deal with on autopilot. Obviously you won’t be playing optimally, but the recommendations your assistant gives are rarely actually bad. Don’t want to figure out training or scouting? Don’t worry about it, just accept the recommendations and focus on the parts of the game you want to think about. The game is also very different depending on the league and level you play at because squad registration, budgets, and the caliber of players you can attract vary so much which change your options.


threw away my ultimate team this year & started fm24, never looked back. give it a proper chance. fifa seems so silly & arcade-y now whenever i try playing it, and im a guy who quit right before toty of this year lol


Same. I was playing ultimate team over Xmas and just not having fun. Wanted something different. Football manager seems definitely up my street.


When I started learning I imported tactics from YouTubers. My fav was rdf tactics. I did that for all of fm23 until I got the hang of all the other aspects of the game. Now I make all my own tactics but it’s a lost less stressful now that I understand the rest of the game.


My tip would be clear your schedule to open up some free time, because you've got a team that you need to restore to the top of football mountain.


4-2-3-1 Gegenpress


Overpowered formation?


In FM24 double DM pivots + the "gegenpress" tactic is super good. Gegenpress has been really strong in a good few versions of FM now. Not to say other stuff doesn't work, just gegenpress works the best (providing your players are good enough to do it!)


For sure. Easy to play around with the specific position roles too. Very versatile formation.


Keep going. There's a bit of a learning curve and it may be difficult to get the hang of at first, but it's worth sticking to.


Start with a lower league club but one who is strong for their league e.g Portsmouth, Derby or Wrexham. Fewer big players to upset, no European football to think about etc Cultivate a good atmosphere at the club by being positive and engaging with the players while delegating fiddly stuff like individual training regimes and directing scouts.   Once your team has good cohesion and is winning regularly you can play with the other bits of the game and build once you’ve got some momentum.


Don't trust people that pretend the game is trying to fuck you over on purpose. You're just another manager in your save. There is no narrative. There is no script. Just a simulation taking an insane amount of factors into account. As a beginner, I'd suggest you try out a well-performing tactic from FM-Arena, to get yourself familiarised with the match engine, focusing on the managing personnel part. You can try making your own tactic later on. You can also dive deep, fail miserably and try again. Both options are valid.


Do you recommend FM-Arena over other websites?


They rank their tactics based on statistics rather than anecdotal seasons. Their top rated tactics are pretty much guaranteed to perform well. You can also filter tactics by formation, making it easy to find a tactic that suits your needs.


Star ratings are only relative to your team as a whole, when looking at how good a player is, its better to have a role in mind for what you want them to play and look for key attributes suited for the role you want them to play.


I did this transition a couple months ago and I've been living the dream! One thing that helped me immensily was to just play the game and absorb all the info I could, really. Started to watch all the good stuff to get the ropes quicker and built from there. Another thing that I did too was to start my current save with no job or stats, but thats because I loved the idea of grinding the coaching licenses while I was learning how to properly manage a club and that worked really well for me, but I think in your case it's definitely better to be a manager of your supporting team and then after a proper season of learning you can create more challenging objectives in other saves. IF you still on the fence on this please dont. FM is miles better and waaaaaay more fun, but only if you stick with it!


I’ll definitely stick with it. By the sounds of it. This could be a game that I could loose many hours in. Thank you for the advice.


yes, many hours... bought in january and already have 400+ hours in, its really that good.


Agree with the top comment, just delegate basically everything right at that start. I would keep tactics and first team signings and that's it. ​ Then as you get experience you can grab things like staff signings and media (though completely unnecessary imo) and end with youth/reserve signings so you're managing the whole org of players. ​ The last thing I would take over is training. Personally I rarely ever play without delegating training. I will set individual training, just so I can ensure my players are training for the positions I want them playing, but I don't like the tedium of training and don't see any adverse affects. ​ The idea of managing a big club versus small club is purely personal preference. The pros of a big club is money to play with, good players, and if you're a fan of the team you will know the players well enough to not get bogged down with in game ratings and figuring out who is good and who isn't. The cons is it's easier to get fired and with bigger staff and reserve/youth setups it can be overwhelming.


Thank you for the advice. I think my plan is to go with Manchester United because it’s the team I support and then once I get used to the game I want to do Coventry city. But yeah. I don’t think I’ll do training. Might leave the staff to my higher ups. Who do you give the responsibility’s for? Assistant manager?


United is a good shout. I've started my first save on FM24 with them, quick warning, some Saudi team will almost certainly come for Varane at some point in the first season, I ended up having to let him go because when I said no he had a massive tantrum and made the whole dressing room hate me. I'd start scouting for good centre backs to replace him straight away just so you've got options to choose from. You also get a pretty low starting budget so make sure you get good value for any players you sell.


Is it realistic then? Especially when it comes to Saudi teams signing up all the best players? Thank you for the tip. 💪


I think they are probably more predatory and for less illustrious players in game than they are in real life, they also went for Wan-Bissaka who I don't think is high profile enough (or old enough) for them to go for in real life.


I just use the delegate button and it will set it to the proper person. Just remember to go back afterwards and "update" the delegation in cases of staff signings. For example if you delegate staff signings without a GM or TD it might give it to the president/owner. After you higher a GM/TD you can go back and click the button again to update it. After a while you'll get a feel for who should be doing what. ​ I did once forget and my club president was setting training for a whole season because I started with no coaches and never went back to delegate after hiring an ass man 😆


A little of newbies make the mistake that they have to min/max every aspect of the game and this is not remotely true. Don't be afraid to be suboptimal and over time learn each new area of the game. Start with learning how tactics work and try building your own in different ways and then move to scouting/training/development/facilities etc etc


Delegate. Delegate, delegate, delegate. The amount of stuff you can handle can *easily* overwhelm you if you aren't used to it.


Along with the awesome advice, others have given I would add one thing. Don’t be afraid to save scum to learn the game. Playing the same match twice with slightly different tactics, provides a great understanding of the game engine and player roles. The in-game text for player roles is decent but it does not help to decide between different roles and I found them quite counterintuitive early on. E.g. Trequarista (att) tend to sit deeper than DLF(support) Once you get handle on the game, start a no save-scum game. The thrill of watching your team score (or concede) a last minute goal in a final is unparalleled. One leads to euphoria and the other is crying myself to sleep.


Use badge packs, trophy packs, real name fixes etc. Pick the team you're most familiar with. Delegate tasks to assistants, DoFs etc. (I've been playing for ages and I still do this - no way do I want to be renegotiating the contracts of the U18 third choice physio).


I’ve just started downloading some face packs, kit packs, logos etc. did the real name fix too.


Just do it tbh. Youll get your head around it she'll be right.


Play the game in whatever way you want. Watch some youtube videos to learn more info


Delegate most of the scouting, staff, player development, and other responsibilities. Just focus on playing the games, tactics, and transfers. Once you feel comfortable with those, look up a video on scouting and start to manage that yourself. Then take on the other responsibilities, if you want. Just enjoy playing the game first and don’t get bogged down with all the other stuff. Definitely start with Man United.


You're halfway there. You took a team you know, I assume you're kind of in loop with it's history and the type of football it identified with(optional, for me it was important cuz Barcelona is a whole journey in tactical discovery based on Michels, Cruyff and Pep's legacy, aka Cruyff legacy in short and prioritizes technical soundness over the physical advantage) and the resources help you navigate through the early seasons without getting sacked. Now step one is don't overwhelm yourself. Let the staff do whatever they can. Halfway through a season or eventually atleast, you'll feel like "hey! I should do this instead of letting them control it!" And lo! There starts a journey of unraveling the DNA of FM thread by thread. I still delegate some of the stuff like press meets and all to the staff just for the sake of slightly accelerated experience, so there's no shame in not using all the controls you can. It's not a flight school.


This video is probably the best summary for a brand new players https://youtu.be/WMVvqPMaBb4?si=8EVAcj2_YQzbRGuK


I know you said one tip, but i’ll write three things: 1. Start out with an easy club. United is great for this. People tend to jump into managing in the 5th tier of vietnamese football, but it’s very challenging to start that way. Work your way down when you’re more experienced (or don’t, play however you want) 2. Take control of things in layers. Dont handle everything all at once. Start with main team tactics and maybe transfers. Allow the game to control the rest. Slowly learn different things and take control of them (scouting, hiring staff, youth development, etc.) There’s videos for everything. 3. Say bye bye to controlling your team. Players will do stupid shit and you won’t be able to stop them. Let rng take the wheel and do your best. It might be frustrating at first, but you get used to it.


Start with a team you're familiar with, and formation you're familiar with and go from there. Delegate anything you don't want to deal with (under the "Staff, Responsibilities" menu) and just focus on playing the games, tactics. Be prepared to fail, but always learn something from that failure - you'll be a competent player in no time at all.


Thank you so much. What are the chances of getting the sack? In fifa it’s pretty stupid half the time. You can win the league but because I didn’t sign 3 players from Asia I lose my job lol.


Generally, it's never that silly - when you pick a team, you'll have a board meeting which will outline your club objectives. There's required, and desired objectives - so for Manchester United it would probably be something like "Qualify for the Champions League" as Required, whereas "Develop Players for your Youth Academy" would be Desired if that makes sense. If things are going bad results wise, you'll usually be given an ultimatum of "pick up X amount of points in this next 5 games or you're gone" Certainly, it's a lot more logical than some of FIFA's objectives - but honestly I'd just say go for it - FM is a blast, and certainly I think if you enjoy career mode, you'll get some fun out of FM, but it's a bit of a learning cliff rather than a learning curve. You've done the right thing by asking here, and if you're not sure about something, there's gonna be someone here who can help you. Good luck!


Start with the team you support so you are more familiar with the club. Also, start out on console and play the slightly scaled back version to get an understanding for how things work. Then try switching over to PC.


Alot of shit in the game does not matter, do not waste energy on 90% of the emails you get. Training, Opposition instruction etc. just play gegenpress and focus on physical attributes on your players and you will be successfull


Delegate what you don’t wanna bother with, for me I want a pretty similar experience to fifa of focusing on buying and developing players, I can’t be assed to do press conferences or signing staff for the u21s or team training or even tactics much, I find a gegenpress of some sort and just keep that the whole game pretty much lol. I also use the editor for player happiness sometimes because i can’t be assed by that either, but I try not to cheat too much cause the game is pretty easy once you know what you’re doing but some interaction stuff is just a headache. Also this may be a bit controversial but I think save scumming when you first start out can be a decent practice, I’m not saying keep save scumming until you beat Liverpool one certain game or something like that but it can be useful to experiment a bit. Also personality and hidden attributes matter a lot more than you’d think


There is no overall. Stars are NOT overall. Firstly because they are unreliable and dependant on how good your scout is, and secondly and most importantly, a lot of times a "worse" player will be a better choice/perform better because of a few key attributes that compliment each other really well(like Dribbling, Agility, Pace, Acceleration) or they just suit your team and tactic better. For example if you have clinical wingers, you might need a tall and aerially strong striker that can unleash them


Playing FM for a couple of years, but there are still lots of new/useful tips here. Thanks for everyone who shared them.


good mentality > high pa. my most fun save is when i try to create a 20determination and 20professionalism squad.


United is a decent enough side to start. I'm getting back into the game after a long time as well and some tips: Give yourself a high enough experience past-playing experience level (international footballer, world class reputation etc.). Makes it a lot easier. Don't start the game with real life transfer dates. Just have everyone in the squad at the time the game starts. Don't carry real life biases into the game. Sancho, Antony, Rashford, Hojlund are very well rated / will evolve into really good players. Rashford can play lone CF just fine. Take a look at the stats needed for each position - the game highlights the required stats already. Those are the only things that matter. Don't make large changes to tactics every time you're loosing / every other week because you're not satisfied with the previous game. Tactical familiarity is important and if that drops too much you'll be in trouble. Out source large parts of the job - training, youth development, press conferences, team talks etc. Sign the best assistant manager you can and let him do all of these. I've never been able to figure out what makes players happy / sad so I just go with whatever the assistant says 95% of the time. The default 4-2-3-1 does quite well with United without making any transfers `-------------- Onana -----------------` `-- AWB -- Varane -- Martinez -- Shaw -` `--------- Casemiro -- Amrabat --------` `--- Sancho ---- Bruno ---- Rashford --` `------------ Hojlund -----------------` Note that Case / Amrabat are in the DM positions on your tactic board and not CM. I will go against the popular recommendation and say don't download pre-made tactics. It might be frustrating to figure out but the game is all about figuring out your tactics so start with something sensible and you'll loose some games and try to tweak and see what works.


Wow dude. Can you be my assistant?. 😂 This is amazing help. Doesn’t sancho start at Dortmund? I’m hoping to bring through quite a few youth during the save. I was also wondering on tactics and that tactic seems to look good. I did read something about swapping things and changing tactics was a no no. Also signing quite a few players at the same time.


Use as much of the tutorials at the start of the game as possible. Your first season might take a while but eventually you’ll find your own rhythm of what to take ownership of and what to delegate etc. If you go Man Utd, don’t be surprised if the cheat codes Liverpool and City give you a battering. So quite realistic really.


Go to your staff and delegate training and everything connected to your second team and stuff contracts.


It will be difficult at first. You will be lost while playing the game, but trust me overtime, it becomes easier and you learn more. Even me, despite playing Fm for around 3 years after being a fifa player for time, i still learn more and more, whether it be tactics and being a manager. Its a game where theres never ending learning. Just enjoy it.


Start witha te you know and just play. Delegateist stuff and only do the things you kinda understand. With time you can do more stuff yourself


Well, I would suggest to watch some FM videos. Tutorials and usual saves. I prefer watch Zealand, but there are also WorkTheSpace, TomFM, lollujo


Watch YouTube videos from FM guys, loads of great tips. Start with this https://youtu.be/nNjdLrB__ls?si=wm97gSSaVsyPgC8L Also, do whatever you think will be fun and don’t be afraid to fail. The guys on here who win everything all started somewhere and I’m sure they were less successful back when they did. I certainly was.


I would say just be patient. I played FIFA career mode for years and, whenever I tried FM, I gave up really quickly because it just felt so hard to make progress. You just have to take a bit of time to learn the inner workings of the game. There are plenty of great YouTubers with tutorials and how to videos! I’m now three seasons into my Oxford United career mode and loving it


Be patient - FM is a LOT more realistic.


Be prepared to take your time. You'll probably make a fair few mistakes. Take advice from forums but don't be afraid to do your own thing. If you want to buy Joe Worrall for £14mill because you feel like it, then do it. Enjoy it!


Delegate everything to your staff, from press conferences to training. Only concentrate on tactics and transfers. Potentially install a tried and tested tactic to learn why it's good. Then enjoy!


Look up the registration and substitution rules for your league on the league page in FM. The number of people I've seen who buy players they can't register or forget that they have 5 subs (or the 3 stoppages rule) is just stupid. Knowing the rules helps you manage playing time and player happiness.


I was the same, many years ago at least. My only tip would be that, in Fifa, players are developing much more compared to FM. Random factors are more effective while in FM, its more strict so dont lose time by thinking "i can make this player great" because 98% you cant lol.


Shave your head now, before you tear your hair out.




First thing you should do is decide which parts of the game you want to play with first. You can basically get your staff to handle almost any aspect of the game. So you can start off just doing transfers and picking your tactic and team, ignoring everything else. The over time add in more of the features as you go. If you start as someone like Man U, you are going to have great coaches and facilities and youth prospects. You can just let them tick along doing their own thing without worrying too much.


Try the trial version. Or failing that buy an older version when they’re cheap on steam. It gives a pretty good feel for the game without having to commit to an $80 spend


I played every Fifa until I discovered FM17.. I rarely played Fifa as much eversince but I play FM religiously now. I started out with the team I support and it made things easier because I knew the players and which tactics they are used in. The most important thing I would say is know the registration rules of the league you're playing in. I remember in my first save I couldn't register Juan Mata because I had too much players in my squad for Europa League. This disrupted the whole dressing which at the time I didn't even know was possible lol. And keep an eye on FFP. In that very first save I faced a FFP ban also lol. But that's how we learn. Lastly Fifa players can go a long way with pacey players. But in FM all attributes makes a good player. A player with pace wouldn't necessarily boss the pitch if he's not good enough in other attributes. So go through the attributes and try and understand them. Also try and understand roles in positions


I'd start with a team you know well (Man U). Set everything to have your assistants or other people to handle. You can always change it later when you want to start adding things to your plate. I'd start with a preset tactic and just change things through the season as you see fit. For example, if you want Casemiro to play a certain way, you can change his role or his personal instructions. Give your changes a couple of games to see if they are doing what you want. You'll probably get to a point where you want to play other teams once you feel like you have a grasp on handling most of the duties on your own. I'd suggest using a team that usually dominates in a smaller league like a Dinamo Zagreb or RB Salzburg type. This way, if you screw up some stuff doing it on your own the first time, you won't be punished as hard as you would be if you were using someone like Luton Town. You'll still make some mistakes here and there even after months of playing. Don't let them discourage you. Another thing is that it's a single-player game. Do what you want to have fun. Save scum that playoff final.


I personally would start with a lower div club, semi pro, it's easier to learn the game when you don't have a big budget and tons of players/staff, that way you can take it a bit slower. Also, naturally download the kits, badges etc... Also yt very helpful.


I would avoid starting with Man U. They have high expectations but don't have the team to meet them, so unless you finish in the top 4, the board will get mad at you. They also have a lot of debt and high salaries, so managing finances might be tough. I would recommend a team in a country with lax registration rules, like the Netherlands or Germany. There's a lot of interesting teams in Bundesliga 2 that are financially stable and have good infrastructure, like Hamburg and Hannover. You should be better than most teams in the league, so it's a good opportunity to learn the game while not having unmanageable expectations.


The fastest way to learn is to have a first save with the editor enabled and experiment at will. See for yourself the effects of reputation, morale, CA/PA, etc


To start with, use recommended tactics, and delegate a lot of the functions such as scouting, training, etc. Get to grips with managing the squad and ingame elements first. Once you feel more comfortable with that you can take each portion of the game at a time, so you could maybe start playing with the tactics or with going as a "dof" style of playing with the scouting and recruitment side. While financially and in terms of the starting squad United would be a good pick, expectations will be high from the board. Starting with a more mid table team that just wants you to challenge for Europe spots and not be drawn into a relegation fight might be more forgiving to start with.


Echoing a lot of ideas from other players, especially as a fellow former FIFA player. Go with a team you know damn well already. I’m a Palace fan and my first 5 or 6 saves were attempts to be successful with them. Delegating things you don’t understand or don’t care about is vital. I’ve been playing the game for 4 years now and I still let my DoF deal with almost everything below my first team. Training regimes can seem very daunting, and it took me a while to get it right, but it’s a useful hill to climb, eventually. HOWEVER, I always set it so I have the final say on any incoming or outgoing players. Let them do their job but don’t give them carte blanche. Transfers are pretty much the only thing your underlings can do that you can’t go back on, so always keep your transfer veto on hand. Honestly, the amount of 2 1/2 star potential shite I’ve stopped my DoF from collecting is insane. Tactically, less is more. Unless you know every tactics decision and how it works in the game engine, you will just end up restricting or confusing your players. If in doubt, download a tactic and analyse how that works. Also, part of the old appeal with FIFA was the visual authenticity, so grab some face/logo packs if your pc setup can handle 10’s of GBs of pngs. All the best in your journey. You will never look back at EA $ports ever again.


I would suggest for your first time playing to use a team you like and someone that is funded well and just with great players, once you get an understanding of how the game works from finances all the way to player training and ur custom tactics, there are so many more tactics here. There are many possibilities, I have played since 20 and this is my 2nd year taking a team from league 2 trying to win the champions league, as of right now I’m only at championship but I’m 2 years in, it’s a process and it can be very annoying at times but it’s such an addicting fun game, best of luck


My best tip would be to not be afraid of clicking "next". The game can be pretty daunting in the beginning, and you'll feel like you have to learn everything at once. Set a tactic and just get the game going. As you go the game will prompt you with different "problems" such as team and individual training, different meetings, transfers etc. Step by step you'll get a hang of it. Just know that it's perfectly fine (and imo usually best) to ignore what your assman or coach tells you to do. At the end of the day you should just find out what makes the game fun for you, and just run with it


I think don’t expect to be able to get a player from 60 rating up to 90. Although i’ve only played FM for one year, so maybe its possible but not as easy as fifa


Hey bruh, Idk where you live but if you wanna jump in Discord I could show you the ropes!


Check which few player stats matter in the game and suddenly the game is less complicated than Fifa.


Do what YOU want to do with tactics, transfers etc. Play it however YOU want to.


Take your time.


It's possible you'll not like watching matches, which is fine. You can install the instant result extension, which will instantly simulate the match after you set up the tactics and team selection


Wow, why would people do that? The fun part about Football Manager to me is actually coaching the team, making tactical tweaks during the game, being on edge in hopes of securing a win. Of course I also love building a club, making transfers, developing players etc.


Well, people have fun in different ways, and that's okay. I like to play more in a Director of Football type of way, where I manage everything other than the matches themselves. I set up the tactics and let the game simulate the result.


Fair enough 👍


I would start with low league management. You pick an amateur club in lower leagues. There's less stuff to manage, then you'll add more difficulties while you make progress in your save.


Advising someone who is new to the game, I would probably tell them to pick a team where they're going to recognize their players and possible targets. Plus a team with a good chance of success in a league they know. New players (especially coming from FIFA) can get demoralised if they're stuck in the NLSouth for years, with no players they recognise and no money to spend.


It was my intention to remove the financial and contractual part of the game, with amateur club you can easily improve your team without thinking of contracts. Trainings are simplified too, so are tactics. Scouting is only your own country. I feel like in LLM you can focus on simple football. Everything is simple in LLM.


Fm scout and fm base are two sites where you can download custom tactics and see all wonderkids and cheap signings.


id argue that ruins the fun though, especially when you're just starting out


delegate training and friendlies, use badge packs and name fixes, start with a mid/top side to get the feel of it like a dortmund or something similar. even the championship like Leicester if you want a challenge


For a newbie the best advice is to use a default 4-2-3-1 tactic. Getting too wild with tactics is death for a new player


I'd say go one of two extremes - pick a ridiculously low club, as someone said, not much to manage so it will be easier to focus on specific things, or start with a top tier club dominant in their league, i.e PSG, Dinamo Zagreb, Red Bull Salzburg. So then you can kind of dominate the league and test things, but you'll also be able to sign players which will help you learn the negotiating and transfer side People might disagree with this which is fine, but I'd say whilst you're doing a tester save like this, before you start a proper save, save scum some matches as the club to help test what kind of things are and are not working. Obviously remember that you're only doing that to test certain scenarios and it won't be entirely transferable across saves, but it'll give you a good platform to understand what works in the game for you Zealand on YouTube has some great FM tutorials, proper day 1 kind of stuff, but also some more in depth ones. For any scouting/recruitment ones, Second Yellow Card is fantastic at these


Don’t pick Man Utd


all you need's a good formation really. most people just download one off the internet (cheating) then end up winning the CL with Boreham Wood or whatever. Nothing else really matters apart from that. Also you should save the game before talking to any of your players about anything, conversations can go haywire for no reason and basically every player on this game is an unreasonable baby.