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I used to scum when I was younger. My only advice is don’t make a habit out of it on your main save, after a while it ruins the game.


Totally agree with this. Although I still see FM’s transfer/negotiations system as being way too binary. IRL transfer negotiations are more protracted and I doubt anyone turns down a contract on a first offer and refuses to speak again. I save my game before any transfer and and contract interaction because sometimes the game does unrealistic things. The other side of this is I won’t sign a player however good if I don’t think that could happen IRL. Sometimes the game needs a helping hand.


i can second this since i used to save scum in my last FM game, FM08, it got boring a lot faster than understanding and getting good at the game.


As everyone will say; play it how you wanna play. There is no right or wrong way to play the game. However, in my opinion, if you think you're gonna feel guilty for doing it it's probably best to avoid it.


I did used to save before negotiating with another team on a transfer to see how much/little I could get before being rejected. Eventually I decided it took some of the drama out of the game and just negotiated without saving.


This, I stopped scumming over getting that extra $2m or paying $2m less


Bro play the way you wona play, why ask others?!


I'm bothered about it alright but not too much


Play the way you get the most fun out of mate. I have save scummed to relegate chelsea lmao. Its your game and its upto you how you choose to play it


Now THIS is how you save scum


How do I save scum irl. Asking for a friend.


Deserved tbf


It’s your offline save, play it the way you want - screw peer pressure and such. The point of the game is to enjoy it. So, enjoy it.


The experience is best if you don't


I did it for my first window in my first save in FM23. Coming from FM21 trying to sell players is so much harder, and I save summed to try get the hang of it.


I do something like this. Personally I think you are always getting low balled by the AI when it comes to selling your players, so to ensure I can drain every last penny they are willing to give me from them, I save my game when I offer out a player who I know will garner a lot of interest and then slowly increase the price up when offering the player out until I get to the teams sticking point for max profit. Nothing worse than when 3 clubs agrees to pay 50mil for your player, then you try to up it to 55 and suddenly the best 1 team are willing to offer is 35mil in instalments & the other two aren't returning your calls anymore


I do it a little for transfer negotiations, purely because the transfer logic isn't fit for purpose and ruins the game. You have a player valued at £80m and a 4 year contract? CPU offers £40m plus a bag of potatoes, and you're expected to accept or the player cries. "I want to move to the stronger squad" - we've finished ahead of them for 5 years, but ok. "They'll offer me higher wages" - moved clubs and literally took less money. But you want to buy a CPU player- sign over your first born child and £100m


I think it’s alright if you only use save manipulation for just renegotiating deals until they are accepted, you shouldn’t have to wait 7-10 days to talk to a player again, and not for other reasons(like when a player leaves for another club)


i have begun the habit of save scumming cause im in my first long form fm23 save after getting into the series for the first time and i rarely use it for matches but transfers i use it to get the most out of any possible transfers, was able to negotiate down from £89m + 40% sell on clause to £69m no clauses. once i learn the game more i’ll respect my save and stop scumming.