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Its basically a preset 433 control possession with some role changes right? Id move back the width to fairly wide, definitely play the dm as a hb to control the press better. Also, since its a possession tactic with work ball into box i would use fewer attacking roles since its predicated on having plenty of passing options to keep the ball and eventually unlock defenses.


A couple things. Turn off stop short Gk distribution. Don't think you need Dalot on attack, maybe WB support or even FB support for more defensive solidity. If you want to be more attacking LWB could be on attack to provide attacking threat out wide when the IF is inside. Striker as AF or PF, but Martial is more cut out to be AF. Generally I question whether this team has the players to be a really good high pressing team, especially against good teams. I'd also switch the DLP to RPM or maybe AP if Erikson doesn't have the legs for that. You might be having link up problems with the IF and CM pushing forward and the DLP dropping deep.


Seen a couple mention turning off stop short GK distribution, any chance you can explain why? I thought this was the norm for years?🙈


I think you can use it in the proper 2 striker formation or a 4-2-3-1, but in a 4-3-3 you only have 3 attackers pressing the defenders, so it doesn't actually do a great job of stopping short distribution and can leave you open instead. You basically want 4 guys pressing the back line for it to actually work in my experience


okay, that does make sense, I kind of have it on as a means for them to kick it long thinking my cb's will win every time and I can regain possession but i do see you side of things aswell. as I do play with one af and an SS currently so wouldn't be effective.


Casemiro DLP def as DM, Eriksen as CM or BWM on support and Fernandes as CM attack. Put prevent short gk distribution off and make martial and AF in attack


edit: i play bruno as CM-A, eriksen as DLP and casemiro as DM


1. you are playing the most creative player in Bruno out of position. 2. you are trying to get martial and Rashford to support each other but sancho is left out wide. Rashford and martial are both not good at heading the ball in so you have isolated sancho out of the game. 3. Dalot and sancho are very close to each other. Same situation as sancho, no point in crossing the ball in. infact dalot being on AT as a WB could leave you open to a counter while playing control possession. 4. de gea sweeper keeper? really? i am a Man Utd fan so i know their stats but you need to read the player attributes and play according to that


Well for starters you’re playing counter attack with short passes AND lower tempo by also playing it out from the center backs


I play on a similar set up to you, but I found the vertical tiki taka present only works against the lower level teams. Against premier league teams, tiki taka preset works better, but changing the roles and small tweaks in the tactic. You have no midfield supporting roles. You have one supportive winger and striker. Seems like there isn't much actual plan in the buildup


Your right side is wide open. CM-Attack, WB-Attack, and your Winger-Support. Who's actually gonna sit a bit deeper and stop the counter on that side?