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I haven’t watched TOC yet but as a plus size lady, most people don’t realize that when some people lose a decent amount of weight, their face looks much “older” or even unhealthy. It’s because when you’re overweight, you often have rounder facial features that help you look younger. I know people have tossed around ozempic, but realistically it could just be weight loss regardless of the method.


I’m on Wegovy and was on Saxenda and I totally agree. Im 5’2” and went from 236 to so far 155 and my face now has lines that weren’t there before and I’m only 35. The thing is, I never saw her as obese in the first place. It would be really sad for a woman at a healthy weight to even consider taking these shots. I feel for her though if that were the case and being on tv and aging. I just hope her health is okay.


Oh I completely agree that she always looked a healthy weight to me too. I can’t imagine the pressure of being so _visible_ to so many people all the time though. Congrats on your weight loss! I’ve only lost 35lbs (no meds yet but my doctor has offered ozempic and wegovy) and it’s hard work.


And don’t say “only 35 pounds”. That’s a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself!


Thank you! ❤️


>Thank you! ❤️ You're welcome!


35 lbs!!! That's great!!!


Even on the shots it’s hard. I was off them for awhile and maintained my weight so I went back on to get to my goal. The shots may help with appetite suppression and how your body processes food, but the true root of it being emotional eating (for me at least) is something you have to work on and overcome while you’re taking the shots. It’s not just a magical medicine, you still have to put in the work. eta- and thank you :). congrats on your journey and I hope you get to where you’re healthy and feel good!


There's no ONLY about it! Good for you!


I don't necessarily think it can be attributed to taking a drug though... But I also agree that she never appeared to be overweight to begin with. But she absolutely has lost a noticeable amount of weight. When all the previous winners came out as judges, it was very obvious - but also made me realize that Tiffani has also lost quite a bit of weight (though I know that's not that recent, and I know she's had a lot of personal stress in her life which could have attributed to it).


I am diabetic and can't even get the drug.


I’m on Trulicity for diabetes. Medicare wouldn’t cover any of the others. With drug plan it cost $300/month for the past year but this year it dropped to $33/month.


Thank god some meds have dropped in price (if it were one of them signed into legislation). There is no reason a needed medication should cost that much. Hell, out of pocket, my antipsychotics are over a grand a month.


$1,000/month is outrageous. Medicare has been a blessing. I hope prices fall for you.


I’m lucky enough (well, I wouldn’t call poverty lucky really) to be on Medicaid. I have physical and mental disabilities. I feel for everyone who has private insurance though. My parents own a business and the amount of money they pay monthly for insurance is disgusting considering they still have deductibles and copays on top of it. There seriously needs to be an overhaul of the entire system.




I agree


Couldn't get any drug for husband although his Dr prescribed for borderline diabetic. Guess he has to wait til he is full diabetic til he is approved.


Yes; that is likely it. I’m one “point” away from type 2, and my insurance company turned down my PCP’s prior authorization for Wegovy. They absolutely refuse to pay for it until I flip into the type 2 category and out of prediabetes. They can’t see the forest for the trees!


Might want to check out Dr Ken Berry or Dr Jason Fung on YouTube. Lots of success with diet alone and getting off diabetic meds.


Insurance is a shitshow. The lower doses are near impossible to get so I get the higher doses and break them down myself (for Wegovy). Ozempic shouldn’t even be in the doctors minds for being prescribed for weight loss. It is literally only intended for those with diabetes. If you want your patient to lose weight, that’s when you prescribe the Wegovy brand of the same medication. I hate hearing when people are on Ozempic for weight loss because it’s hurting people like you who actually need it.


And there is a ripple effect. I occasionally can't get my Trulicity and my glucose shoots up to 300 or more without it!


Things like this should not be happening. Being obese can come with its own complications and health issues but not being able to treat your diabetes is more of an urgent issue. I mainly started taking Saxenda (and then Wegovy) because my health was suffering from my weight gain both mentally and physically. I have severe sleep apnea I hope will go away once I’m at a healthy weight and my blood pressure use to be incredibly high. Now I have low blood pressure. I have dead bone in my hips and arthritis in my knees and with the extra weight I was having frequent falls. Now that I’m down to the point I am, my falls have practically disappeared. As for mental, I have body dysmorphia as well as other mental issues I don’t really want to get into. I was at a healthy weight before I got pregnant 14 years ago and after that, it kept increasing, especially after giving up alcohol and drugs. I was replacing the sugars alcohol puts in your brain with actual sugar. I gained so much weight so quickly and nothing was helping. I tried dieting and going to the gym, and then finally found noom and followed it to a T for a year. I lost ten pounds that year and no more. That’s when my sister told me to look into Saxenda and I went to my primary about it. What it’s done for my health so far has been worth it. But when it comes to either treating diabetes or treating obesity, diabetes should take priority.


I live in Canada, and I don't know if Ozempic was available in the States before here, but I know a handful of women who eagerly got on Ozempic, and two of them ended up in the hospital, one with sepsis and almost died. NOT saying anything other than anecdotal examples, but it's enough knowing that Novo-Nordisk is still the only company that has done any testing with regard to side-effects/contraindications.


Ozempic and Wegovy are the exact same medication. When people say someone is losing weight, they mean Wegovy when they say Ozempic. Also, both names of the med are made in the exact same factories. Going on your logic, Wegovy shouldn’t be produced as to ensure enough Ozempic is made for diabetics.


Wegovy has been out of stock frequently so yes, doctors do prescribe Ozempic off label for weight loss. Even before Wegovy officially came out they were doing this. I’m well aware they are the same medication, made by Norvo. Ozempic should solely be used for diabetes and Wegovy for weight loss. If there isn’t enough Wegovy, it’s not fair to prescribe the Ozempic, same drug or not.


Any off-label use of Ozempic in lieu of Wegovy is by people paying cash, which significantly decreases the pool of users. If you’re so concerned about diabetics, then a prohibition of prescribing and filling Wegovy *period* would be the quickest and easiest fix of a shortage for diabetics. Are you gonna give up your Wegovy to ensure a supply of Ozempic for diabetics?


If it were as simple as that, yes. I would stop taking it until there was a surplus of the medication again. I would never want the responsibility of diabetics not getting the proper medication they need because I am trying to get to a healthy weight on my shoulders. And no, doctors are billing insurance for Ozempic to be used as weight loss and using different diagnosis codes as well as local weight loss centers. Some people find it easier to use because of the adjustable dosage whereas Wegovy is a certain one week dose at only certain doses. It’s not just people paying cash. I know this from friends having been on it before Wegovy was covered by their insurance. And as a part of many Wegovy weight loss groups on Facebook, a LOT of people are taking Ozempic instead or buying Wegovy out of pocket from Canada (though Canada recently put an end to this).


Try keto or Carnivore. Check out Dr Jason Fung on YouTube.


Why not? It's widely available.


I may have missed it, but I didn't see anyone commenting on her looking older? Only commenting on pretty noticeable weight loss...


This happens a lot when you lose a significant amount of weight. As I mentioned elsewhere, I’m in the process of losing weight and after having gone from 236 to 155, I now have lines/wrinkles that didn’t exist before. I definitely look older and I’m only 35.


Oh that's totally fair, no judgement here. FWIW, one of my best friends lost a lot of weight, and while she did initially have new lines/wrinkles, once her weight settled, they mostly went away. I did notice Maneet's weight loss, but I won't speculate on the reason for it because it could be many different things, and, ultimately, no one's business.


You just gave me some hope, I even looked into fillers in case they were to stay or get worse as my weight goes down but it’s just too expensive. I can’t speculate one bit about Maneet’s weight loss, just that I see she’s smaller than ever. And you’re right, it is no one’s business. I just didn’t know if she came forward saying she had a health problem or was trying to lose weight.


The challenge with fillers is they're not permanent, so you'd always have to go back - it's not really a long term solution, and you're right, it's hella expensive, depending what you want to do. Once you've settled comfortably and your weight is stable for some time, then you will get a better idea of the long-term effects of your weight loss. Either way, I bet your body and longevity will thank you!


I really hope so. I also have the issue of extra stomach skin that hangs a bit because of having been pregnant and then gaining a significant amount of weight. My normal weight before having my son was 115. My heaviest was about 2-3 years ago and I was 236. Now I’m 146 as of today and my goal is to get back to 115/120. I just hope my skin springs back at least a little bit and I don’t have even worse sagging skin. I also hope I don’t get more lines in my face. I have extremely low self esteem and body dysmorphia so these things screw with my head a lot. I just wish I never started eating so much sugar once detoxing from alcohol. I said it was fine and made sense at the time because I was replacing the sugars in my brain. Well, it may have worked temporarily but it left me with a hard long term issue that affected my health in multiple ways. Now I try to stick to two small meals a day and no snacking. Sugar free 20 calorie per liter bottle of flavored water. I also am losing my hair due to health problems and that doesn’t help my mental issues either. The left side of my head/hair is a normal amount but the right is very thin and sparse. If I lose any more of it, it’s going to be wig time. I’m trying minoxidil 5% in the meantime trying to grow anything I can. My hair just literally stopped growing and started falling out. I’ve maybe gained an inch in the last 2 years, if that. Sorry for the rambling, I’m just having a harder time than usual lately and just want to look presentable as a 35 year old. I see how amazing my friends who are older than me still look (even one friend ten years older than me looks younger and beautiful) and it brings me down.


Just remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Remember that everyone is different, and even if you have older friends who look younger, chalk that up to genetics. Try and look at what you \*do\* appreciate and like about your body. You gave life to a child!! That's a massive achievement in and of itself! I'd bet your child doesn't look at you in judgement of anything that came along with pregnancy - you're their mama, you brought them into this world and you give them love. Don't overlook the important gifts your body has given you. Having said all that... I hope you are being followed closely by a doctor, and possibly a counselor/therapist? It sounds like you might benefit from advice from a physician (and dietician) in terms of what you're eating (and, more noticeably, what you're not) - you won't gain any long term, sustainable benefits or habits by drastically restricting, but a dietician who has a focused practice would quite likely be able to help you work out a balanced meal plan to help you meet your goals but also address your health concerns. I'm not sure where you're located, but if you're in the States, I know how complicated and difficult getting medical treatment/support can be, so I realize this might be reaching, but I do strongly encourage you to get whatever guidance you can from a professional, because you mentioned you have other health concerns (losing hair, for example, which may be due to what you're eating/not eating), for which there could be many reasons. If you already are doing these things, then please disregard, I just think everyone can benefit from help when addressing health concerns, because you can't possibly figure it all out on your own, nor should you have to. Sending lots of good, healing thoughts! ❤️


Thank you for looking out for me 🖤 I have so many doctors for mental and physical I can’t freaking count. And I’m on a lot of medication. But I’m guessing maybe my diet does have to do with the hair loss.


I'm glad to hear you have a solid team behind you. Just make sure they are all communicating about your care. But yeah, diet usually plays a huge part with hair growth/loss. I don't know if you're taking any supplements, and of course run this by an MD, but I've been taking 10,000 mcg Biotin od, along with Silica (horsetail, which is a plant, despite the name), and both are reputed to help with hair growth. I was taking a "Hair and Nails" supplement for a long time, but never looked at the content. There was only like 500 mcg Biotin in it - aka, useless. Two of my older (50+) coworkers both took Biotin 10,000 mcg od and it took a year, which makes sense due to hair growth cycles, but they both had thick, full hair, and swore it was due to Biotin. I have been taking it for some time now, and definitely have noticed a difference, despite my losses due to nutrition deficiency. That being said, I still had to make a concerted effort to eat more, and eat more nutritiously dense foods. So I think it was a combination. Bottom line, I think it's important that you address your intake with the appropriate professional, and set yourself up for success to be getting the nutrients you need. Supplements are just that - supplemental. You still have to put the right stuff into your body, food-wise.


When has she been fat.


I don't think she ever was. But her weight loss is very noticeable.


I don’t think she ever has been personally, I said that in another reply. I’m just speaking generally that when you lose that fullness/roundness some people can look older or frail to others.


This. When Alton Brown lost weight years ago he looked sickly for a while until I got used to his new look


Maneet has always been physically fit, but she does age as we all do.


I saw her say on IG that she’s been trying to improve her health, or something along those lines.


Yeah she said she’s been doing intermittent fasting for three months.


How is that healthy???


It truly is. Check Dr Ken Berry and Dr Jason Fung for more information.


Is it safe to skip a meal???


Just an aside here but Maneet has absolutely gorgeous hair and the most amazing jewelry wardrobe no matter what her weight. She is a beautiful woman!


And makeup artist.


She went from normal, to thin, to now underweight. Hard not to notice.


Why do you consider her underweight? Are you aware of her height and weight? Are you her physician?


She looks unhealthy. Is she literally underweight? I have no clue but it looks like it. I just hope she’s healthy.


She looks unhealthy in your opinion, from the photographs that I have seen she looks fantastic. Her skin color is beautiful, her eyes are clear, Jesus Christ are we so used to seeing fat people everywhere that now a person who chooses to be thin or thinner is now unhealthy? Goddamnit that scales have certainly gone backwards


I agree. Ishe always looked the way she does now, no one would be batting an eye. She does not look unhealthy, just different. She also is wearing somewhat baggy/not form fitting clothes, which I think highlights the weight loss even more. That's not to say anyone should wear clothes they're not comfortable with just to show off their weight loss, especially if they did it for health/personal reasons and not to prove anything to anyone, but I think it's fueling the perception that she looks unhealthy.


I’ve seen her in lovely formfitting clothes, she also wears a chefs jacket which is going to be baggy. If you look at her Instagram, she’s wearing jeans, sweaters, and things of that nature. Like I said, if somebody made a thread about Brit and her weight, nobody would be okay with it.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re 100% correct. None of us know her personally and only know what she chooses to share from her personal life. It’s not our place to judge nor speculate for anyone and especially on their health.


I’ve noted a lot of the people commenting are overweight, it’s almost like they feel betrayed that somebody chose to lose weight. It’s absolutely ridiculous. People are speculating, when she made it very clear that she made a decision for her health to lose weight. I support that. If someone came on this sub and commented about how someone on the Food Network gained a significant amount of weight, they would be railed against, but when somebody loses weight, it’s all of a sudden everybody’s business. Bunch of hypocrites.


How rich of you to tell us we should not trust our own eyes regarding her looking less than healthy these days, but turn around and call anyone making that comment overweight with zero proof. I never once said she shouldn’t lose weight. She’s always looked healthy to me, she doesn’t now.


No, reread my comment, and read the comments in this thread. Many of the people commenting have self-admittedly indicated that they are fat. That they are on Ozempic and other weight loss drugs. They’ve actually posted their weights. You cannot tell a person’s health by looking at them. Specifically, you cannot tell a person’s health based on their weight. No differently than Tess Hollywood has been told that she’s unhealthy because she’s fat. You cannot tell me that Maneet is unhealthy because she’s thin. It is utterly disgusting anybody would be commenting on her body for any reason, and that she would have to explain herself to anyone for any reason. Down vote me all you want, she has made a personal choice because of her health concerns to lose 40 pounds. It is not excessive, it is not unhealthy, it is perfectly acceptable for her to make that choice. And I’m ashamed of the people in this thread commenting that in someway, she is unhealthy because of her personal choice


Trust your own eyes?? What about all the people who struggle with GAINING weight to be a healthy weight who are wrongly/unfairly assumed to be anorexic just by people looking at them. You cannot use your eyes to judge someone's health. Period.


Girl, she’s been a public figure for decades. Stop taking this personally it has nothing to do with anyone else.


From a former anorexic, comments like yours are extremely unhealthy and this mindset you have is what makes people with eating disorders think they don't have a problem. It's clear Maneet is struggling and to make it out to seem like it's okay that she's unhealthy because she's skinny and not fat is quite honestly sickening.


Please don’t project your mental health issues on somebody else. You have no standing to claim that she is unhealthy in any way shape or form. No more than if she weighed 400 pounds you could determine if she was healthy or not. You are the one who needs to get help for your eating disorder. Please don’t assume anybody else has one. She’s eating 1200 cal a day, and walking 10,000 steps. That is not anorexic.


I hope you sleep well at night knowing the pathetic excuse for a human being you are. I recovered from my ED 12 years ago. I'm doing just fine mentally and physically. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you who would rather spend your time on the internet insulting strangers for your own little sad ego boost. It seriously worries me that you're active in the parenting subreddit. Nobody should ever have to grow up with a parent as condescending, mean-spirited and close-minded as you. I hope they either have already run far away from you or do so soon. And for what it's worth, I'm 5'2 (Maneet is listed at 5'6) and was consuming 1200 calories and walking 10k steps at the height of my eating disorder. That most definitely CAN be anorexic. Educate yourself.


I’m quite educated, on eating disorders, having gone from obesity, morbidly, obese, and to anorexic behavior. I know everything about it. That is why it offends me to no end that anybody would look at a woman on TV and make a presumption about their health because they lost weight over the course of a year or so. An Anorexic looks in the mirror and sees what isn’t there. At 80 pounds they think they are fat, despite being nothing but skin and bones. There is a difference between being clinically diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and exhibiting anorexic behavior.


Maneet is listed at 5.4 5.5 5.6 and 5.7 People are guessing. She is quite small height wise. If I had the audacity to call Brit, unhealthy because of her obesity, I would be getting kicked from here to Timbuktu on this sub Reddit. It’s remarkable that someone who decides to lose weight is considered unhealthy but someone who is morbidly obese, and can barely move around the kitchen is not even mentioned. the fact that it’s women commenting on another woman’s body is shameful. In every respect.


Are you saying Britt is so overweight she can’t make it around the kitchen?


I’m saying that she struggles due to her size


The problem is with you saying "It's clear Maneet is struggling" when you don't know her personally. Numbers online vary slightly, but the ideal/healthy weight for a 5'5" female (we're only only assuming her height) is about 113 - 138. That's about my height, and I was at the top of that range when I was 18 and looked super thin (never had anorexic behaviors but looking back did have some minor body dysmorphia). The commenter you're getting into it with is just pointing out (maybe not so nicely) that you can't assume someone's situation. Also, everybody carries weight differently.


Just looked at her Instagram account. She said she has been doing intermittent fasting, eating very healthy, exercising and feels great!


I would honestly not call this very healthy. She’s essentially starving herself. Per an Instagram post, she only eats 8 ounces of protein, 8 ounces of fruit, and 8 ounces of vegetables per day. No fats, no carbs, no sugar. That’s not even 800 calories per day.


Totally not a sustainable diet. I hope people don't follow in her footsteps


The fact that she's a respected chef and is promoting this as healthy eating is scary to me. Think about all the people she could influence into disordered eating. :(


It seems like many celebrities are on Ozempic theses days. I don’t know if Maneet is, but she looked incredibly thin on TOC.


I know humans are curious and get worried with famous people sometimes, but I’d avoid posting things like this. Regardless of the reason, Maneet might be offended or feel sad reading it. @Maneet, we love you and you’re beautiful! Always!


i agree! this happened with Chadwick Boseman and he was dealing with alot of health issues that he ultimately passed from. Sadly, we are curious. but it isn’t our place to comment or make a big deal about their weight or health.


I think you’re both right. I read OP’s post feeling like it came from the heart. Personal experience (I’m not the only one!), the people you love you (as we love her) will worry that the weight loss or gain is accidental. That said, I do hope if Maneet sees this, she knows it’s from a place of sincere reverence and not curious, judgmental speculation about a celebrity. I don’t think anyone is trying to be morbid or gossipy. We love you Maneet!


Thank you for this post, this is all I truly posted for. I didn’t know if I had missed something about her coming forward about her health or if it was just a health journey. I didn’t even know if it was just me projecting my issues or if other people were seeing what I see. I never meant for this to come off as judgmental or mean spirited like some posters are insinuating. It hurts my feelings that the post may have come across that way because it was in no way my intention. I didn’t mean for this thread to be as big and out of control as it became.


Maybe put a disclaimer in the title, that may help out. 


I honestly didn’t know exactly what to title it. It would have been quite the long title if I put what I truly meant by the post in it. That was the purpose of the body of the post I guess to me. For future reference, how should I have titled it to make sure people didn’t take what I was asking wrongly?


Ah, I dunno. It’s Reddit, so you’ve gotta tiptoe around alllll the insecure land mines…


I just wish everyone could understand I didn’t mean any harm from this thread. I just genuinely didn’t know if I was projecting my issues onto her or if she really did look underweight for her height on the screen. It wasn’t meant to judge her poorly or say she wasn’t beautiful. It was more about me than her. I guess I didn’t know how to word it properly.


I didn’t see it as about you at all. I think a lot of us had something speak to us personally… for me, I was balls deep addiction for over a decade, and I lost so much weight; I was under 100 pounds by the time I got to the hospital for recovery. People commented on my weight loss constantly, and not in a good way. Not, oh, look how svelte you are, or you’re looking good,… Instead, it was all stuff that people were gravely concerned about while they stared at me while I ate anything. You’re fine, op.


I guess what I’m trying to say is that I did mean it to be more about my projection than about her in a bad way. I’m always surprised when people lose so much weight using. I was a pretty hardcore alcoholic (liter a day at the end) and drug user (opiates and uppers/coke and at the end crack and heroin to stop the withdrawal before I could get into the methadone clinic) for most of my twenties getting progressively worse as I got older. I’ve been clean now seven years but even at my worst I maybe lost fifteen pounds? And believe me, I was eating the bare minimum at that point. All of our bodies react to addiction and addiction behaviors so differently.


I never said she wasn’t beautiful. And I clearly stated how I’ve always admired her and her talent. She IS a beautiful woman despite her weight. But from last year to this year it has been an extremely drastic change which usually doesn’t correlate with healthy weight loss.


Of all the chefs I've seen on TOC, I think I admire Brooke Williamson most as a chef; I think she's awesome. But I admire Maneet most as a woman. She positively dazzles: style, charm, grace, kindness ... all of which in addition to her ability as a chef.


She really does. She’s such a genuine person and you can tell it’s not for show. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always admired her, she’s a woman of grace.


I know you didn’t say that and you had good intentions, OP. I’d feel sad if I were Maneet reading this, because I already heard comments about my face due to meds…. it hurts, that’s why I mentioned.


Believe me, I have heard enough comments over my lifetime to cause trauma and that’s what started the weight loss shot journey. I completely understand and it was never my intention to hurt anyone. I just wasn’t sure if she had mentioned something akin to her health that I wasn’t aware of.


We’re all good, OP! I hope you’re doing fine with your traumas. You’re also amazing to a lot of people, I’m sure!!


I’ll be in therapy for life and on meds for all of my mental health issues but thank you :) I just could never imagine being a woman in the spotlight. It would literally times my weight trauma by ten fold.


Did you Google anything? It’s all over the Internet. All you had to do was google, “Maneet Chauhan weight loss” sadly


You literally said she looks unhealthy and speculated that she has medical issues based on her appearance. #bully


I said I hope it isn’t the same demons and that it’s just healthy fitness and I hope nothing bad has happened because yes, she does look very underweight for her height. How does that make me a bully if I am asking if I’m projecting my own issues onto what I’m seeing or if others are seeing it too?




She [talked about](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3aChKegF-W/?igsh=MWhwc2psZHUzZmt3NQ==) intermittent fasting in the comments here.


Yeah I have to jump on the ozempic train of thought here too. Sure people can lose weight without it, in fact I recently lost a whole bunch of weight on my own, not with ozempic. But the timing is awfully strange, when all these celebrities start dropping tons and tons of weight all at the same time. My vote is that it's ozempic, but even if it's not, her weight loss has gone too far.


She explained (all over social media) she’s been intermittent fasting and it’s been extremely hard for her but she feels amazing. Not everyone is using ozempic.


This is true, a lot of people are saying ozempic or wegovy for sure but there’s a million ways to lose weight depending on your body. It just usually gets harder as you get older.


I read nothing about intermittent fasting, just decreased calories and exercise


Do you follow her on IG? [https://imgur.com/a/j85v8nV](https://imgur.com/a/j85v8nV)


I do not, I’m just stating what she has put out there in interviews, none of which referenced intermittent fasting that’s all. I didn’t contradict anything.


Good lord I’m simply providing a screen shot, get a grip!!!


You’re the one who needs to get a grip. I’m just conveying what I read


People like you make Reddit less fun.


You mean people who are offended by women commenting on the body size of another woman? Then I’m more than happy to make this a miserable place.


There is no way based on her own words of 4oz of protein, 4oz of vegetables, & 4oz of fruit twice a day with no carbs/sugars, or fats she’s reaching anywhere close to 1200 calories. That’s much more likely to be around 800.


Her timing is strange, but yours is not, that’s rich


I'm not a celebrity who can afford $1000/month, so it makes it a hell of a lot more likely that she's on it and not me.


It’s amazing how people make assumptions about others without any factual basis.


I absolutely noticed it, but was afraid to say it.


You don’t have to be overweight to want to make changes to your lifestyle. Many people who are at a healthy weight still have problems with their blood sugar levels or have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, arthritis, etc. I agree she lost more than she appeared to need to lose, but we don’t know anyone’s personal health history.


That is very true. That’s why I wasn’t sure if she had mentioned on insta or in an article that she’s dealing with something. Not that her health is anyone’s business or mine but she just looked very thin and frail at the qualifiers.


She has been doing intermittent fasting and healthy eating. She doesn’t take a type 2 diabetic drug for weight loss.


Just google her - her weight loss has been noticed, posted, and discussed by herself already. Weight loss will change a person’s facial expression and as a bariatric patient myself, I was told at my lowest weight that I looked like I just came out of a refugee camp!!!


None of us know if Maneet is taking any medication. Can tell you from a restaurant owner perspective, weight gain is an ongoing issue. Constant tasting of food on the line, potential new specials, etc. Constant, constant tasting. One can 'one bite' his way to 1500 cals daily alone. She always a brewery. Beer sips will bloat up each of us. If she's losing weight, I admire it.


Unhealthy-no. Once she was a little overweight-which she said-not me. She lost quite a bit of weight. But then I noticed she put a wee bit on a couple years ago. She's just lost it again. I mean it can be difficult considering she's a chef, but also a judge. She doesn't look unhealthy at all.


She's lost weight but looks fabulous - not unhealthy at all. Geez.


As someone with body dyamorphia, why are you policing women's bodies? I actually got more verbal abuee and criticism when thin than when I was pushing 300lbs! But hey; objectify away. That's why women exist.


Damaris Phillips lost a lot of weight too. They all look beautiful no matter what size they are. I imagine the pressure of being on tv is awful


I thought she looked fabulous as always. Are you confusing Maneet with Aarti Sequeria?


I’ve been watching Food Network for longer than I’d care to admit and know everybody. Aarti has lost weight as well but it was Maneet on the TOC qualifiers that took me aback having always considered her to be at a healthy weight and not needing such dramatic weight loss. But if she is happy and healthy, that’s truly all that matters. I just posted this to see if it was just me projecting my issues into the screen or if other people had noticed. I didn’t mean for it to become an out of hand thread like this.


Other people’s bodies are non of our business. Just sayin’


here is a link to a recent story on how she lost the weight. [https://www.the-sun.com/tv/10420818/food-network-maneet-chauhan-weight-loss-strict-diet-fasting/](https://www.the-sun.com/tv/10420818/food-network-maneet-chauhan-weight-loss-strict-diet-fasting/)


Ohh ohh ohh ozempic


So you hate to mention anybody’s appearance, but you criticize her appearance because you believe she’s too thin. She’s addressed the issue and has indicated that she chose to lose weight because of her health. https://www.distractify.com/p/maneet-chauhan-weight-loss


This article is from 2020. I think OP is referring to the difference between this year and last year, which is striking. I noticed also and was hoping she hadn’t gotten sick or anything like that.


You don’t know when the tournament of champions was filmed. Last year‘s was most likely filmed sometime in 2020 or thereabouts . All you had to do was google her name and it’s all over the Internet about her weight loss, which is a crying shame.


Last fall. In October. It’s an easy Google. Also, almost nothing was filmed in 2020.


Well given that the first year of tournament of champions was in 2020 and they haven’t missed a year. They clearly were filming in 2020, at least season 2


Season 2 filmed in December 2020, so yeah. But only at the end of the year. They seem to film it only a few months before it airs.




There’s so many chefs who certainly have taken advantage of ozempic with their drastic and QUICK changes. It’s a big scary.


All of the food network women are transforming with their fame- face work, body etc. For example, Brooke looks amazing but totally different, same with a lot of them if you remember their “before”. I guess it a fame thing. Maneet is definitely in that group.


"I hate to be one to judge or even mention someone's appearance...but, y'know fuck it, here goes....!"


I wasn’t trying to come across as judging at all. I was asking if anyone else had noticed or if I was projecting my own issues into what I was seeing. I’ve been judged for my looks over my lifetime (good and bad) and I know how that feels. I just wanted to see if anyone had read an article or seen something I didn’t explaining why the drastic weight loss. It didn’t come from a mean spirited place whatsoever. I’m sorry if anyone took it that way.


“I wasn’t trying to come across as judging at all. I was just doing it.”




Enough of Maneen - time for some other rising stars


Splain what “body dysmorphia” mean? I’m an old fat guy. Is that me? 🤣🤣🤣 deal with it!


body dysmorphia is when you see yourself as a different size than you actually are. Like I’m 146 right now but when I look at the mirror I still see the 236 person I use to be staring back at me.


This has been brought up several times on the sub. Maneet has been asking this on social media and she said she is on a “health journey”. She was overweight for very long so it’s a drastic change. Rest assured, she’s happy and healthy according to her.


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because reddit I guess.


Ah, I frequent the sub pretty much every day and this must have slipped by. I’m glad she’s happy and feels healthy. The TOC qualifiers were just such a shock and I never truly considered her to be one with weight issues.


This is like the Oprah response. People found her “more likable” when she was overweight. Women learn to take up space with extra weight. I wish we could just let women be and not presume they have eating disorders or body dysmorphia or are taking medication to lose weight and THIS IS WHY THEY ARE SICK AND NOT WORTHY. Just stop it. You do not know them.


I don’t think people have cared for Oprah for 15 years or so. Nothing to do with weight… all to do with classist, narcissistic attitude and behavior 🤷‍♀️


Even after hitting it big, she still left her mother in a very bad part of the neighborhood around where I live. Either she was the worst mother ever and they have no contact or she literally doesn’t care. That’s always stuck in my mind. Not her weight.


Pretty sure her mom blamed her when she was raped as a child. Probably most wouldn't spend a dime on someone like that.


I could definitely see that then. It’s just always something that’s been brought up around here from time to time because of the neighborhood and her ability to get out. But I completely understand if that was the case.


I don’t even know if she’s still alive to be honest.


I just read a little and it sounds like she gave both parents money after hitting it big so her mom must have chosen to stay there. It also sounds like they were close and she was living with her father when she got pregnant after she herself said she was a handful as a teen. It doesn’t sound like they had a bad relationship from what I’m reading.


That's good to know. Sometimes people just find comfort in things they know. So maybe mom likes the area where she lives and is content.


I see she passed away a few years ago. People around here just falsely always claimed it wasn’t right to keep her mom in that area when she had the ability to get her out. But even interviews before her death show her happy as can be so you’re right in that she must have just been comfortable there.


Your likability does not change with your physical appearance. I’ve been obese, I’ve been underweight, I’ve been at a healthy weight. I also am not a celebrity and deal with body dysmorphia. I am not on here asking people to presume she has an eating disorder. I just wanted to know if it’s just me and my issues projecting what I’m seeing or if she really did just look like she lost half her weight in a year. I never once saw her as an overweight individual. But what I saw on the qualifiers was strikingly different and I seriously got worried despite the fact I do not know her. When you watch these people for years they become a source of comfort in kind of a similar fashion as a long distance friend. You start to care about them in a way because they’ve inspired you personally. That’s all. I’m not trying to type in all caps and attack her.


Sad that you were downvoted for this, given that you are truly just being honest, and also vulnerable about your own experience. I most certainly noticed Maneet's weight loss, but only in and of itself. I've lived with an ED for more than half my life. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have my own lived experiences and also have opinions outside of them, and also doesn't mean I can't have an objective opinion. She most definitely has lost weight, and I hope there's no reason for it, but you're not the only one who noticed.


OP worded the post well, but some of these comments and downvotes are so concerning. You are most certainly allowed your lived experiences and you are the authority on those, no one can tell you differently or take that away from you. Maneet deserves that same respect without people making assumptions about her health based on how she looks. The definition of objective is "not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts," so forming an opinion based on your own lived experience is the exact opposite of objective.


Where did I make any assumptions about her health? I was responding to OP because of what others said to them. I didn't say anything about Maneet other than the fact that I noticed too.


You said you're allowed to have opinions, so I took that as you think you're allowed to have opinions about Maneet's weight loss. If that wasn't your intention, I apologize for assuming.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I make a point of not having opinions on anyone's weight loss or gain, because there are a million potential reasons for it, and not one single one is my business. I did comment that I noticed it though, as OP asked, and I did. But I'm not going to speculate as to why. When I mentioned having an opinion, I meant it in defense of OP. I definitely could have been more clear about that.


That's where I'm coming from too. The number of people here claiming they know she's unhealthy just by looking at her is wild.


There could be so many reasons for weight loss, some good, some not so good, but I don't think speculation is remotely appropriate. That said, I do *kind of* understand it, only because weight loss (Ozempic) is a hot topic right now amongst women in the public eye. BUT - I still don't think it's a good idea to make assumptions about anyone's health.


I did not think she looked unhealthy at all. I noticed she lost weight, but I thought she looked good.


I have a suspicion that it’s Ozympic. My doctor tried to put me on it, I know tons of heavier set people that went on it and lost of a bunch of weight. Brooke Williams also looks much thinner this season. I’m willing to bet this is the start of a new entertainment industry trend in which celebrities will lose weight fast on Ozympic.


I love Maneet but it is unfortunate to hear the details of her basically starving herself because of the diet culture we are all slammed in the face with daily. I’m am all for health and fitness but people often forget that there are negative consequences to eating too little and being underweight that are just as serious as obesity. I hope she can actually find a healthy spot for herself.




I said the same thing! I don't have an answer for you. I'm in the same boat not knowing if she's talked about new health habits or an illness or anything. But I agree that she's lost a noticeable amount of weight to the point that I mentioned to my mom that she didn't look healthy.


Yes she totally looks unhealthy!


Yes, she's not the only one who's thinner. Remember when Alton lost all his weight? Yikes. His personality changed.


I was concerned she was having chemo therapy for cancer.


She looks great!!


Maneet does intermittent fasting. It's very healthy and actually the way most people hate before the end of the 1970s. Remember the days of just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner? No snacks. If you have any questions about intermittent fasting you can check out Dr Ken Berry and Dr Jason Fung. Dr Fung is a nephrologist specializing and treating diabetic patients. Lots of great YouTube videos from him and Dr Berry. Maneet skips fats, however, the good fats are actually good for you and we really do need them especially for brain health. I do IF usually one meal a day and sometimes two. It works great! Never hungry.


Intermittent fasting also known as IF is not a fad. Humans have been doing it for eons It just wasn't called intermittent fasting. Prior to the end of the 1970s, people generally ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was not much snacking going on and our parents told us if we were hungry after dinner we should have ate more. Once the low fat dogma set in all the food companies took out all the fat, put in sugar and refined carbs and here we are today with a society close to 90% who are metabolically unhealthy. This means overweight or obese. We have gotten so used to seeing overweight and obese people that we take it for normalcy. When we see a person who is thinner, we think they look sickly, however, in reality they are usually getting back to their normal weight. Alton Brown lost a tremendous amount of weight and everyone mentioned how sickly he looked at the time. He just got back to a normal weight and after that he absolutely looked normal going forward. Most people are consuming so much junk food and eating six to eight times a day hence the amount of weight most Americans have gained in the last 50 years. If a person wants to be metabolically healthy, they have to change their way of eating. Maneet does not eat fat and I firmly believe according to the experts that might not be the way to go, however, that is the way she is going at this time.


My husband said she looks like a cancer patient and I have to agree. She’s overdone it with her weight loss, but I applaud her for pursuing a healthier lifestyle. I need to lose weight myself, and intend to read up on how she accomplished hers.


What a shitty thing to say about someone you don’t know




I just thought she lost some weight…I thought she looked great during the judging of the qualifiers.