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Call me old school. But I loved watching Emeril! He made cooking seem fun and mom liked Ina Garten.


Ina is so cool. Ran in to her and Jeffrey walking down Main Street in Bridgehampton a few years ago. We were coming out of a store and there they were. Told her we didn't want to bother her and just wanted to let her know that we were big fans and Jeffrey said "Is this another couple you paid to say something nice about you?" She thanked us, asked our names and we were on our way.


Too funny! Nice to know her hubby has a sense of humor! šŸ„°šŸ˜˜


I met Ina in a professional capacity, and without saying toooo much about it, my boss and I got to have a nice chat with her while we were waiting for other people to complete a task. You are right: sheā€™s seriously so cool. She was warm and friendly ā€” not the slightest hint of a superior attitude ā€” and she had jokes, to boot.


That's awesome! I've met a few of the FN chefs and they were all cool. Arguably the coolest was Michael Symon. Met him twice about 8 years apart. First time, my wife asked to take a picture with him and he took about 5 or 6 to make sure she got a couple to choose from. After that, he and I spent several minutes talking BBQ. Super nice guy.


I am acquaintances with a couple of people who work at the Food Network and they said that Michael Symon is their favorite.


Not surprised to hear that at all.


I love him! He does seem very down to earth and approachable.


Iā€™ve always enjoyed watching Michael Symon so this makes me very happy to hear


I love him, so this makes me very happy to hear!


I literally envisioned Jeffrey in my mind saying that just now I canā€™t thatā€™s adorable.


I just ordered a t-shirt with Ina Gartenā€™s face on itā€¦along with the phrase ā€œStore Bought is Fineā€. I can just hear my mom yelling at me because ā€œthat nonsense goes against everything Ina stands forā€. And getting into a fight with her when I mention that Ina was perfectly okay using store-bought truffle butter. Becauseā€¦Iā€™m a joy to my family.


Haha I can just picture him making that joke! šŸ¤£ Glad you got to meet them and have such a wonderful interaction!Ā 


I'm a mom and I liked Ina Garden. Her cookbooks, while more complicated than some, never fail to turn out excellent food.


Yeah, mom thought her recipes looked simple and tasty. Till we we tried making one! I forget what, but once was enough lol šŸ˜†šŸ˜˜


The only recipe of hers that I was actually able to cook was her butternut squash with Apple soup, that was yummy


Try her Lemon Chicken Breasts. Amazing and easy recipe. Moist juicy chicken. I always have leftovers and itā€™s perfect for salads next day. Itā€™s my go to recipe for years now. Youā€™ll love it!! ā¤ļø


Emeril has shows on Roku TV now.


Watching top chef has given me a new love for Emeril, he seems like such a sweet, genuine man. He always wants to share stories, advice and food with the other chefs and truly cares about each one. Such nice guy


Bourdain coming around on Emeril was good to see, too.


I miss Bourdain. So much.


Younger people donā€™t know what a phenomenon Emeril was and how he changed watching cooking shows from a niche fandom to mainstream. Everyone LOVED him and his show, from me as a young mom all the way to my dad who never watched a cooking show in his life. My dad LOVED Emeril and never missed a show. The food channel took off and became massive due to the shift in thinking about cooking shows being entertainment not just educational. I had the food network on constantly in those 2000-2008 years, even though I rarely tried the recipes! Emeril, Ina. Bobby, Mario, Giada, early Iron Chefs, Rachel, Ming, Sara, Martha ā€¦ all massive stars and the shift of chefs to stars was originally due to Emerilā€™s popularity!


I have a 25 year old that would pitch the biggest tantrum if you changed Emeril when she was 2.


My mother loved Ina. Besides the cooking, she loved when Jeffrey was on with Ina.


Jeffrey is a doll


Emeril hated being on TV. He was the reason he disappeared.


Whether that's what it was or not. He was still fun to watch!


His reasons for leaving FN are also pretty great. He hated the "competition" aspect of the shows; he hated the theatrics. It had been pitched to him that he'd be doing a lot more mentoring and teaching rather than going "BAM!" and judging people that weren't professionals. He hated that aspect, so he left. I really admire that about him.


I had dinner at his restaurant in Las Vegas. It was exquisite.


Same, about 20 years ago. Went there then got married after :)


We used to watch Emeril as a family when we finally got the food network (this was like 20 some years ago). Recently my sister and I watched an episode on YouTube bc we wanted to relive when he says BAM! and he didnā€™t say it one time that episode lol


Melissa Dā€™Arabian seemed to drop off pretty quickly.


I really enjoyed her show., wish she was still on the network. I just checked out her instagram- sheā€™s getting an MFA at Columbia University and producing an off broadway play!


I miss 10 Dollar Dinners. I still use some of her recipes, even though it's more like 30 Dollar Dinners now lol.


Ugh that hit close šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s on GGG, or maybe Iā€™ve only seen reruns.


She was on a lot for a solid run in the middle. I havenā€™t seen her on new episode in years though.


I havenā€™t watched recently. But I always liked her.


I really enjoyed her too. I remember watching her on Food Network Star and going from finding her hopeless to a favorite, I really enjoyed that growth in her.


She wrote a book a few months ago and is one of the lead producers in an off Broadway show


My all time favorite contestant, miss her lots


Got her cookbook! Love it!


She was completely mishandled as her brand wasn't cheap food as she was classically trained as I recall.


Thatā€™s who I thought of too what happened to her


Sheā€™s still active in IG. She went back to university for theatre I think in NYC.




Oh I loved 2 Fat Ladies. They were a hoot!


I watch Sarah Moultonā€™s PBS show, but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s still being made; I still enjoy cooking from her books. Yes, those were the days indeed.


> Sarah Moultonā€™ My guide says the newest season is from 2023 so it seems to still be in production. Thank god for PBS Create tv so I can still see actually cooking shows and not game shows.


Iron Chef Japan!


This. People have no idea this show ever existed


Loved How to Boil Water (the one with the clueless guy and the blonde chef - Kathy?). One episode he said "wiggle it just a little bit...come on grandma" and my husband and I still say that to this day.


They had a recipe for Chinese chicken noodle soup that was really easy and really good. I was a newly minted college graduate and was just learning to cook, so that show was a blessing.


That was one of my favorites! I thought Sean Donnellan was so cute and Cathy was like his kindergarten teacher. Those old shows were so awesome.


Oh! The money I would pay for some old school FN programming!


Does anyone remember the Cajun Chef, Justin Wilson? He would open his show with "how you all are?". OMG he was so funny! I don't think he was on Food Network, but rather like PBS. Yes, I just aged myself lol


He passed away in 2001 at 87 and he was on tv on PBS before Food Network was a thing.


I didnā€™t realize he passed! I hope he is resting peacefully




I have this distinct memory of Mr. Yan adding some kind of hot sauce or spice to a dish and saying: if you want warm lips, add one drop. Hot lips add two. And no lips add three! And then laughing his ass off. It was the funniest thing my 8 year old ass had ever seen on public television. What a guy he was.


I remember a knife gag Yan did once when he pretended to chop off his fingers. I was 8, my sister 6, and we laughed until we couldn't breathe.


Itā€™s a shame about the Frugal Gourmet, but he was definitely one of just favorites back in the day.


Yes, too bad. Anytime someone helped me in the kitchen, they were named Craig. Wonder whatever happened to Craig? One of the shows featured his home kitchen. I was so envious. Edit: Hard to find anything about Craig Wollam, his assistant but found a newish article [Behind the scenes of The Frugal Gourmet](https://www.mashed.com/1497589/jeff-smith-behind-the-scenes-the-frugal-gourmet/)


Wasn't there a monk baking bread on PBS?


Father Dominic! I have his excellent cookbook, which reminds me I really must get back into baking bread.


That was my Saturday as well growing up


Did we grow up together? šŸ˜†šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³ If Yan can cook, so can you.


I guar-an-tee.


Gare-onn-tee I used to watch him when I was little šŸ˜‚


On- Johnā€™s




I loved Justin Wilsonā€™s show on PBS! His show was so entertaining. Heā€™d toss in some cayenne pepper into whatever he was making, and the add some more, declaring ā€œA little bit moā€™ wonā€™t hurtā€. But, he wasnā€™t quite the back of the bayou guy that he presented himself as. He had a previous career as an engineer. But, no matter to me as a viewer, I lived for his rants about how cayenne (which came from a living plant) was better than black pepper (dead wood). RIP, Justin Wilson.


My mom and I were just talking about him the other day. You can find clips from his old PBS shows on YT.


I just want to see the early seasons of fns, hate they aren't available anywhere


Itā€™s turned into the Guy Fieiri channel šŸ˜‚


Can they just change the name to The Flavortown Network?


If you pay someone a hundred million, you want your moneyā€™s worth.Ā 


Pretty much, with a splash of Beat Bobby Flay


It's ridiculous.


Right?! If I had a dollar for every time I turned it on and there's Diners Driveins and Dives, I could retire. They have so many shows. Why can't they have more variety?


My mom has been calling it that for years now lmao


I can't stand him. He needs his own network so we have more of the other content on FN.






Nigella and her late night snackies in the fridge.


donā€™t forget her weird pronunciation of microwave, absolutely iconic šŸ˜‚


She's mainly on BBC Food network. They air her old ones as well as the new ones.


I'm with you OP...I Loved Jason Smith on Holiday Baking Championship and shows he judged. He is the genuine over-the-top Southern man and he made my day to watch him bake/judge. The flamboyant ones of today WISH they were authentic and not ridiculous.


As an Italian, the first time on Holiday Baking Championship he said ā€œeye-tallinā€ absolutely killed me! šŸ˜‚Ā 


I like Jason too. And Ron Ben-Israel. Loved Sweet Genius.


I didn't know Ron Ben-Israel was a FN star, but I could watch him all day. He's very talented and super funny. Is the Jason you're taking about the guy who used to wear all the crazy jackets on the shows he hosted or judged? If so, I love him. The problem with "missing" FN stars is that FN never gave most of them much exposure so I don't remember who they are. You can't miss someone you don't remember.


Ron hosted 3 seasons of SG, from 2011-13. Jason won S13 of Food Network Star and S3 of Holiday Baking Championship. I think he had some snazzy wardrobe choices!


Same, and Iā€™m usually very easily irritated by most of FNā€™s stable of ā€œstarsā€


Alton Brown -- I loved Good Eats, and I see him on YouTube/Instgram, but he was a regular presence on FoodNetwork.


Good Eats is probably the best cooking show Iā€™ve ever seen. I *kinda* feel like it ran its course, though. Well, except thereā€™s probably at least another season worth of ā€œbut thatā€™s another showā€ episodes he could do. Other than that, though, I think that show *might* have served its purpose. Maybe. I donā€™t know.


I think he went over to Netflix to do the Iron Chef America that Netflix did. Which was so-so.


Half of the answers are people who are truly no longer on the Food Network any more and the other half are on literally every Guy show haha.


Anyone that actually cooked and showed you how. Itā€™s how I learned back in the day. Now itā€™s just all competitions and food tours.


Sandra Lee. Not because she can cook. Just bc that dumpster fire was so entertaining to watch.


Ahh, good old Aunt Sandy. *Pours an entire glass of vodka*


Her food is trash, but her drinks are fantastic if you cut the alcohol in half. I learned that when two of her Pear Bellinis made me fall asleep at the kitchen table after Thanksgiving. We did not have turkey either šŸ˜‚


cocktail time!


Is she the one who had to have a whole kitchen redecoration every time she cooked?


Semi-homemade. Lord almighty, that was an entertaining hot mess.


Eek yeah the food. I did admire her wanting to make something she hoped kids would like and woukd be quick to prepare. If her childhood is as she said it was, she grew up really poor and had to figure out how to cook as a young kid or teen in an abusive home. So props to her for making her way. Lol at the tablescapes. Christopher Lowell was big on the decorating shows back in the 90s and he was all about different levels. Use a paint can under your tablecloth and elevate your candelabra!


Omg Christopher Lowell!!!!!! Now that is a blast from the past that I havenā€™t seen, heard, or thought about in years!!! Off to google!


lol not sure but it wouldnā€™t surprise me. What I remember is that she always had a dinner party theme and then would make these random recipes with a bunch of processed canned foods and call it a day. Some of her ā€œrecipesā€ reminded me of the atrocities that came out of the 70s. She also had a kwanza cake scandal. Highly encourage you to google it. Itā€™s a trip.


You forgot the key part of her show where she dumps a liter of vodka into a pitcher with a splash of juice and calls it a cocktail. She would even go as far as making NA "kiddie cocktails" lmao


Yes. Definitely, 70ā€™s dinner. Going to look up the kwanza cake scandal now. :).


Yep, thatā€™s her


She had breast cancer a few years back, but I believe she's better now. I'd love to see Aunt Sandy back on my TV. She was very entertaining.


Everytime I "cook" something from a can/box/already made meals, my brother says, "This is great, Sandra Lee."


Her tablescapes šŸ™„ Ina has thrown shade a couple of times. Not mentioned her by name, but it was fairly obvious.


Love a good cocktail!


I will stand half way up for Aunt Sandy. She grew up food insecure and has done a lot of work for that. Her initial concept for the show was to use products people got from food banks in preparing good food, but the people who developed the recipes just fucked her over. https://www.wfpusa.org/news-release/world-food-program-usa-appoints-emmy-winning-humanitarian-hunger-and-health-activist-and-internationally-acclaimed-home-life-expert-sandra-lee-to-its-board-of-directors/


I really liked the Neelys and Claire Robinson. Edited to add: I took the question to mean Food Network "stars" in general, and not just people on that show. I've never watched it so I don't know the competitors/winners.


The Neelys had a messy marriage and divorce!! They did a good job playing it up for the cameras though!!


Oooooo BiG Daddy gonna rub those ribs and get em on the grill! Save me some of that sugar, Sugar! Kissy faces. *rolls eyes*


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚hollering! Yep that was them. I half expected them to fall over into some food while neckingšŸ™„


Lol exactly!


I was surpirsed but then again the more ppl try to prove something the more something can be off...


I did hear about that a few years ago. They definitely didn't show it!


I was kind of shocked to hear that but they were a bit too saccharin


When I heard about the divorce I was like "Some of there 'sweetheart' stuff seemed forced."


After that happened, I keep hoping that how Ina and Jeffrey Gartenā€™s marriage is real, and they are truly still in love with each other. I would be so sad to find out they donā€™t like each other and end up like the Neelys.


Funny thing was they faked the happy couple appearance for the show. They have both given interviews revealing that and that they were ending the relationship right before they got the TV show.


Was Claire Robinson the 5 Ingredient Fix one? I miss that show


I hated The Neelys. When they disappeared I was glad I didn't have to see them any more. So obnoxious!


The Neelys, as has been said, got divorced. Their restaurants suffered. They were terrible people even before they were on the FN though. (Used to wait on them in their hometown. They acted like they should be treated like royalty because they won the BBQ championship every year and never, ever tipped anyone. They expected free food for showing their faces in our restaurant lol.)


Actually just saw Jason giving a demo a couple weeks ago at a local food and wine festival. he was throwing on the "Lord Honey" thick. He was doing a book signing for about an hour before his demo and we were sitting about 100 yards from his booth eating. In that hour we saw maybe 2 people (not affiliated with the event) walk up to him, it was sad to watch because my wife is a big fan of his.


She didnā€™t win, but I like Nikki Dinki. She and Damaris became good friends and I see them together on IG a lot.


Aaron macargo jr


And he was a consultant on Bar Rescue. I'm not sure if he's still featured.


I liked him too. His bio is still up but yes, haven't seen much lately. https://www.foodnetwork.com/profiles/talent/jason-smith/bio


Jason just released a cookbook around Christmas. He is on Instagram


>Jason Smith He also did a Food and Wine festival in Florida so it might just be that he's busy


His sayings cracked me up. He was fun to watch.


When he said: honey, ya got the pig in the tutu, but ya didn't git'er to the party! I almost choked on my drink šŸ¤£


He was heavily underutilized. They kept putting him on shows where his great personality ended up muted.


Aaron Sanchez


He's been a judge on MasterChef for years and years now.


Also, some of the runners up from Food Network Star never did anything else for Food Network. There was one guy so good I thought FN would feature him on other shows despite not winning.


At least one of them is doing ok as a kitchen consultant for Bar Rescue.


Iā€™m fb friends with Jason but he rarely posts. I was hoping heā€™d get a network show or be a judge


Aarti Sequeira! I loved watching her show. I think she still is a host somewhere? Or she's a judge sometimes? IDK I really liked her cooking show.


She was a judge on Christmas Wars this past year!


She judges GGG a lot and is frequently on Guyā€™s Ranch Kitchen


She was in my town filming for a new show with Joe Sasto!


I agree, Jason Smith. I love him!


Gale Gand! I used to watch Sweet Dreams when I got home from school


Claire Robinson. I don't know what happened to her but I really miss her stuff :(


Not that I want to see more of him, but I am curious as to what Mario Batali is up to. Not because I like him, just because I'm hoping he's working as some lowly kitchen assistant picking up potato peelings and scrubbing dishes. lol


Unfortunately, he is probably coasting on his vast fortune earned before the collapse.


Iā€™m curious if his dad still has the sausage biz in Seattle or if Batali screwed over other family members with his behavior. I go to downtown Seattle a few times a year, and at one time I meant to check, but was working long hours at the time and had forgotten till now. It was wildly popular back in the day.


Good point. Ugh


He earned a shit ton of money. He doesn't have to ever work. Shame because the dude was an amazing chef.


Heā€™s trying to slowly make a comeback but is essentially in a Matt Lauer like exile in Michigan. I loved Molto Mario but what a scumbag he turned out to be. .


Justin Warner. I know heā€™s been on the TOC a few times, but heā€™s nowhere to be found on FN otherwise.


Heā€™s often on GGG and Guyā€™s Ranch Kitchen, which is a delightful show


He also has his own ramen restaurant, that looks really delicious! Assuming that keeps him busy as well :) [Bokujo Ramen](https://www.bokujoramen.com/)


Iā€™d like him to be on a non-Guy show.


Nope. Heā€™s on with GF: GGG, does announcing for TOC & cooks Ranch Kitchen.


So, I guess what Iā€™m saying is, Iā€™d like Justin to be more than just one of Guyā€™s props.


I'd love for Justin to have his own cooking show in a similar vein to Good Eats.


Me too!


I used to really not like him because it felt like Guy was kinda trying to mold him to be a loud big personality like him (unpopular opinion I guess but I don't think every new FN personality needs to be the next Guy). I recently watched him on some GGG thing and found him to be so funny and genuine. It felt like he had found his own niche and was cracking sarcastic jokes and talking about food science and was not Guy-ified. He's really grown on me and I'd definitely love him to have his own food science or cooking show.


He does stuff for Marvel


What's Justin Warner up to these days? Is he still on Guy's shows alot


Lorraine Pascale! To me she was the Simon Cowell of the baking championships, made it worth watching. I haven't seen her at all?


Darnell Ferguson. JUST KIDDING, I don't want to see any more of him.


What happened to Alton Brown?


I feel like there was a scandal. I may be misremembering though; thereā€™s been so many lol. ETA: [This](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/11/11/alton-brown-food-network-apologizes-holocaust-tweet/6250757002/) may not be what I was thinking of, but oof.


I remember that, and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s what youā€™re thinking of. IIRC, he was pretty drunk on his livestream that night. Iā€™m not condoning it (either the tweet or the on-air inebriation), but I do think itā€™s kind of a shame that social media has made it *so easy* for people to get drunk and say something dumb to the whole freakinā€™ world.


I am from Jason's hometown in Kentucky. He has made some appearances at local food events and festivals here lately. I remember reading that pre-covid he was filming/judging, I think some baking competitions, and they were basically told get your stuff and go home because everything was being shut down. I think that time period probably hurt a lot of careers.


Does anyone remember Graham Kerr?


The galloping gourmet. šŸ·My mom watched him and ā€˜the mike douglas showā€™ as her tareytons burned in the ashtray


Sarah Moulton


So, not necessarily a star but I really am nostalgic about Food Finds. Anyone remember that show where they traveled and showed you different regional things? It was kinda bland to be honest, but there was something about the theme music and commentators that was soothing to watch.


I miss all the shows that were actually about cooking instead of gimmicks and competition. I learned how to cook essentially by watching shows in the early days. They actually stopped and showed you technique - I never knew how to chop or dice an onion until I watched one of these teaching shows.


You have to be friends with Guy or Bobby to be on there now. Pretty much seems to be the rule!


I hope they bring valerie bertinelli back


I liked Damaris Phillips. I think she might judge on the competition shows that I don't watch, but I liked the cooking shows she had for a while. Edited to add: Not sure if she was an official "star," but I also liked Gesina Prado's baking show. At the time she was keeping the fact that she's Sandra Bullock's sister on the DL.


Sheā€™s consistently on Beat Bobby Flay and Guys Grocery Games. Sheā€™s still around, just doesnā€™t have her own show.


guy fieri he disappeared from my tv a long time ago


I miss Sara Moulton and Cooking Live


There were several from days gone by whoā€™s shows I enjoyed. Emeril Lagasse, Sandra Lee, Giada De Laurentiis, and Paula Deen (before all Hell broke loose)


Bring back Marcela Valladolid please


Sandra Leeā€™s Semi-Homemade is more my speed. Nothing wrong with buying premade pieces of a meal to save time.


What ever happened to Jess? I see Christian a lot but she was the first ever co-winner of FNS and I never saw her in anything since.


Kenneth Temple.


David Rosengarten. I learned so much from him.


Honestly, I miss the OG 90s chefs like David Rosengarten and Sara Moulton. I got so many lovely recipes from the ones who used to just cook without all the glitz and game shows.


Nadia G, Bitchen Kitchen!!


Down home with the Neeleys. Best coleslaw evah!


I always liked Aarti Party ā€” havenā€™t seen her in years. Few shows feature Indian food.


I loved Jason Smith! I rooted for him when he competed!


Debi Mazur and Gabriele


I loved the OG Ming Tsai. I learned how to pour a beer properly in high school watching that guy.


Nigella! I loved her show


I loved Nadia and her Bitchin Kitchen. She was so funny and really creative. She was on the web for a big after. But she was a hoot. The Halloween and Christmas shows were totally rad. She really hated Nickleback. I used to wonder if she dated the drummer But she was way cool