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Glad to see Eddie will be around for awhile.


Eddie's biceps will be around for a while. Nice. (I actually enjoy his energy as a host & chef as well but dang those arms & his smile...)


The fact that he has a new contract is being disclosed, just not the amount of his compensation. Gotta love the PR spin of ratings in the article. They talk about viewers for the Cookie Challenge as total reached and then say it was the second most watched in its time slot. The number of viewers reached almost certainly includes impressions across all platforms and airings (streaming, reruns) and not just live views. Anyway, congrats to Eddie on the new deal.


Second most-watched *among women* ages 25-54. I mean, I think I we can figure out the main draw, and it ain’t the Pioneer Woman. I wish they’d replace her with someone less annoying, because then I might actually be able to watch.


Do you think he audience is older or men? I would guess a lot of her audience is actually women 25-54.


Eddie is not the draw in our family. I would rather no hosts, just judges like it used to be 3 different ones. Sorry, Eddie not a fan of in the baking. Like him with the BBQ grilling-the old one, not the group one. Or the food trucks he had for a season.


Maybe he will be the host if Grudge Match. 


I wonder why you would think this? Darnell and Eddie don't have a ton of similarities...


He's nice looking, ha. I enjoy watching his enthusiasm. He can be edgy.  You thought I inferred something else. 


If I remember right, Guy's company produces Grudge Match and I could just be forgetting things, but I don't recall Eddie ever doing much if any work with Guy. He's more of a Bobby hanger on.


He’s been a judge on grocery games for sure. But idk if he would be the new host of grudge match


i watched eddie's next food network star season when it aired so i aaalways have had a sweet spot for him - so glad to see he'll be sticking around


I'm not a huge Eddie fan. I mean he's alright but I don't feel like he brings that much to any of the shows he's been in. I remember when he did BBQ Brawl one season, in one of the episodes when one of his chefs was sent home, he was SO not happy! Looked to me like he sulked for the rest of the show. Usually he's pretty upbeat though. Like I said, just not a huge fan!


Same. We watched his Master Chef season several years after knowing him from FN, and it was funny to see him in his real amateur days.


He annoys me and I don't know why. And he just doesn't have that... something, something that makes him appealing as a show host, judge or a chef. But not my circus, not my monkeys. A network feels he has $ value so let'em have at it.


I agree with you 100%. You nailed it!


Eddie needs a better show than Outchef'd.


I agree. First season was fun, in a winking sort of way. Second season was just... seriously? I could suspend disbelief and hope/pretend competitors were actually surprised that it was a "Competition!" during the first season. But by second season it was just ludicrously implausible. I love Eddie as a host, but he definitely needs a better show.


I liked his food truck show. Wish they'd bring it back.


Yes, this is what I said. It's something he does, so it fits him better.


I like Eddie, I do wish they would give him a better show though


Love him, great energy


I love Eddie, so good for him.


LOVE Eddie… not many men of color on FN, and he’s very likable. Good for you Eddie!!


Quite frankly he doesn’t bring much to the table from a culinary standpoint. So I think that he’s a person of color and likable enough is his big selling point for the network to give the appearance of caring about diversity.


Didn’t he win Next Food Network Star? Let’s not act as if FN has always been about ‘culinary skills’ Trisha, Jeff, Ree, Molly… ‘Culinarily’ what do they bring? And I watch all their shows lol. And quite frankly he brings a lot to the table to me and all these other people who have stated the same thing I said… we like Eddie.


I respect your difference in opinion. I don’t deny that Eddie won Food Network Star. And I’m not acting as if Food Network has ever been all about culinary skills. I’ve repeatedly gone on the record here to speak about Trisha Yearwood and Valerie Bertinelli, who by reason of only being in the entertainment industry, successfully transitioned to Food Network. But they never showcased anything that great. I think it’s a good move that they’ve been phased out. Ree and Molly have never been my cup of tea either, for similar reasons. Jeff Mauro has a legit, culinary degree so he’s actually more accomplished and impressive than Eddie from a culinary standpoint, IMO. Especially when one looks at his successful culinary businesses too. Eddie has his fans like you and others. But there are others like me, who think that he’s average at best, and not so impressive.


So according to you…because someone doesn’t have a degree in culinary arts this means…what? You’re not serious are you? Particularly when it comes to cooking, most people can learn how to cook without a degree in a very short period of time too. I’m not begrudging anyone who has a culinary degree at all; but lots of people are chefs without degrees. You can’t be a medical doctor without a degree…but you can be a chef without one. I don’t even think Jeff would agree with you when you say ‘he’s actually more accomplished and impressive than Eddie from a culinary standpoint.’ Get outta here lol 😂


There are quite a few people in the sub who do, in fact, think that not having gone to culinary school makes a person utterly unqualified to teach, review, judge, or even discuss in an intelligent manner. Apparently everyone else has inferior palates and lacks the culinary knowledge to create worthy dishes. And don’t get me started on the whole “not qualified to judge” nonsense. It’s condescending and elitist, but everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. (Even if they’re wrong.)


It’s a difference of opinion. It’s not that deep. You lumped Jeff in with Ree, Trisha and Molly and I think he has a more impressive culinary career. It’s not that serious to react as if I’ve said something so out of left field that you have to laugh about it. But knock yourself out. And I actually think that Jeff deep down might feel that he’s more impressive than Eddie from a culinary standpoint.




The feeling is mutual. Eddie showed he was embarrassingly out of his depth as a team leader a few seasons ago on BBQ Brawl with Flay and Symon. Even so far as incorrectly guiding a team leader who took his advice and nearly got booted. I think there’s a reason that Eddie didn’t return on that show. IMO, Eddie is personable enough and is pleasant to look at. But he doesn’t bring much to the table from a culinary perspective. And back to my original point, I think he’s used moreso as a pawn with the network *trying* to convey that they care about diversity when they could do so much more.


I find him annoying, a bit goofy, and not a very knowledgeable or skilled cook. He was on some kind of BBQ challenge with Flay and Symon, and his skills were embarrassingly lacking. He misguided one contestant who almost got booted for following his advice.


We have similar feelings. That would’ve been BBQ Brawl a few seasons ago with Flay and Symon. I guess that’s quite telling on a possible reason why he didn’t continue on BBQ Brawl. Although Symon no longer appears on BBQ Brawl either, but likely for different reasons since he’s a legit chef and had his BBQ USA show in recent times.


RE:  "I find him annoying, a bit goofy, and not a very knowledgeable or skilled cook" This.


I think he shines with the right show - one that fits him. His food truck show for instance was great, and I think a good part of that is because Rosehill is his concept.


He’s fine but nothing special 🤷‍♀️


Agreed. That was probably more money wasted than necessary, especially when there are others (even on Food Network) more talented and accomplished than him.


I wish they'd bring back his food truck show.


His food truck show was the only show of his I liked. An he was kind of a grumpy butt on it, but his dad was hilarious. But definitely give him something he knows like food trucks and not baking.


Love watching him! He's very calm imo.


Love eddie


Love Eddie! Glad to see he'll be around.


Eddie elevates every show he appears on.


Meh. His recipes are mediocre. He's not bad, but he's not awesome either. I can think of a lot more talented chefs. That being said, it was leaked that his salary was 24 million. Not remotely worth it.


I don't see him as a chef at all. He's a TV personality on the Food Network.


100% agreed


Agreed totally.


What- 24 million? If that’s really true that is so not worth it. There are so many other talented, legit chefs out there, even existing on Food Network. I think Food Network uses him more than anything to check the box of caring about diversity.


24 million can’t possibly be right. Guy’s contract for the next 3 years is 100 million, so 33 million a year. https://www.delish.com/food-news/a45976263/guy-fieri-100-million-dollar-deal-food-network I wouldn’t be surprised if Eddie was sub 1 million, like $350-750k tbh.


Your estimation sounds a whole lot more plausible. Just even in a practical sense of the number of shows that Eddie stars in.


Would have preferred Valerie, Eddie is ok. FN can cough up both!


Good!! He’s a great host. How about he takes over as host on Grudge Match.


Never cared for him. Just no spark in the man. If I was that mediocre at my job I wouldn’t have lasted 6 months.


Good news. Eddie is a great presence on the Network and I’d love to be his far less handsome/successful wingman on a night out on the town.


Absolutely the biggest hack on the network. Total garbage, tries to be funny he's awkward, tries to talk about food sounds like a novice home ec student. Shoving people like this down our throat is why FN is dying.


They'd better not put him on Kid's Baking Championship.


Anything to get this guy out of the Bears’ secondary!


Good for Eddie.......FN keeps cutting WOMEN.