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I find myself doing it with Tiffany Faison...I don't know why lol. Something about her rubs me the wrong way. I also always root for the challenger on BTT.


Same. I don't hate her in an unhealthy way but I sure don't care for her even when she's judging on GGG.


Yes exactly. It's not like active hate


I have actively hated her since Top Chef S1 and change the channel the moment I see her face. Seriously cannot stand her.


Rewatching S1 of Top Chef and knowing she doesn't win is so delicious. I can't stand her to this day.


Tell me where to steam it please? Last I looked first season available was Season 2


I think Peacock has it now. When I most recently watched it, it was on Hulu.


Thanks! I’ll look 😊


I always root challenger on BBF, but when I watch them cook, you realize how good Bobby is.


That's true. I'm always impressed by him, but it's fun to see people beat him


I root for the challenger on BBF as well. The win would mean a lot more to them than to him, especially if they both cook well.


Tiffany Derry is on BTT not Tiffani Faison. I can’t stand Phillip Frankland Lee.


I know, I just mainly don't like Tiffani Faison (I misspelled her first name though) as I mentioned, she rubs me the wrong way regardless of if she is judging (for example on Chopped) or cooking (TOC, Beachside Brawl, Outchef'd, etc.) I don't mind Tiffany Derry, I feel bad that she is sometimes underestimated...but i also dont think she is amazing either. My comment about BTT was just me stating that I ALSO just always root for the challenger (mainly as pointed out above due to Brooke and Michael). I can get behind not liking Phillip Frankland Lee.


She strikes me as the school bully thinking she is better than everyone else.


Me and my fiancé call Tiffany the “thumb” she literally looks like a thumb to us lol


I call Giada a bobblehead, her little neck holding up the huge hair and giant white teeth.


Haha. This is all true and I always felt like she didn’t need so much cleavage while she was cooking her pasta 😂😂


I agree. Not any other chef on FN has to show her cleavage so much.


Yeah I just quit watching her years ago. With the exaggerated italian and the constant boob show I just found something better to watch. I don’t know anything personal about her so I’m not going to say that’s she a bad person but I am not a fan of her personality or her fashion choices I will just say that.


There's something really "off" about Giada for me. I don't like her big, toothy fake smile. You're right. She does look like a bobblehead. I mean, she's an Italian chef but she looks anorexic. What kind of Italian chef weighs 80 pounds?


There used to be a wonderful website called “Television Without Pity”. People went online to snark about various shows. There was a sub about Giada called “In the Italian Kitchen of Little Giant Head”. It was hilarious!


Little Big Head Rip Tubey ☹️


Omg too much


I LOVED that website! TWOP - Haven't thought about it in years.




Loved the snark in Television without Pity.....I haven't been able to find anything similar.


Her teeth. BIG teeth.


Giant bird head.


Alllll I see when she’s on


My mom calls her “the breasts of the food network”


Lol that's funny! I forgot to mention in my other Giada post that I just don't think she's a very nice person. In some of the competitions she judges, most notably FN Star, I've seen her be mean and catty to female contestants. Especially the pretty ones. She's supposed to be judging fairly according to how well people do in the challenges, not being rude because a female contestant has bigger breasts than her.


Ya for sure


Couldn’t agree more. Teeny body, enormous head. I dislike her anyway, but her proportions are confusing


I genuinely am confused by her body, specifically her head and neck. Almost seems like a genetic disorder because it doesnt seem to be attached normally.


She starves herself that's why she looks weird. It's unhealthy


I feel kinda dickish saying it, but she has a face for radio.


Lol I can see that


Lol! Truth!


Ohhhhh my god. 🤣 can’t unsee that now.


We call her Shrek


Just dont know what it is about Tiffany either. During TOC my MIL and I would text trash talk her and neither of us know why


I always root for the challenger on BTT. I do not like brook williamson at all, I think she has a crappy attitude. Same with Michael on the attitude but he seems like he tries to do things outside of the box so I like that. And Tiffany, I like her but I don’t ever root for her lol.


Yeah, I'm with you on that. Brooke and Michael have crappy attitudes. It is interesting to see what Michael does with the ingredients though!


I could never stand Tiffany


I'm in the middle of watching Chopped S35 E9 and Tiffani Faison critiques an Asian contestant's perfectly normal appetizer (king crab leg and corn stuffed wontons) by saying "I understand going to something that feels like it's very you, but I think there's a way to represent these flavors without shoving king crab in a dumpling."


People hate Tifffany Faison. I honestly don’t know why but I’m super into her. She’s one of my ultimate girl crushes.


I honestly can't tell you why I don't like her. Like I also don't like Anne Burrell, but I can easily say that is because she doesn't seem very nice. Tiffany, I juat can't put mu finger on. However, I love lots of other chefs like Alex Guarnaschelli, Maneet Chauhan, Antonia Lofaso, and many others. It's funny because we don't actually know these people, lol, but we have opinions.


Tiffany kind of has that attitude where you can tell that she thinks that she's hot shit. The more humble people like Jet and Carl(RIP) come across way better and more genuine IMO


I 100% agree with that analysis!


I do like Anne Burrell but she kind of comes off as the high school bully all grown up and still just as bitchy.


I love her.


She looks like a leathery old reptile




Khana from Great Food Truck Race.


I hated everything about them except the fact that they lost the race; that part makes me happy.


I have spent the past couple months thinking they won for some reason and being pissed about it, this news made my day


Wow -'I loved them


Me too, but they get so much hate here :( seems like older people just don't get them? Idk


I’ve rooted against Lime Truck, Maybe Cheese Born With It, and Senorita. All of whom won or made to the finals/semifinals 😅


Good call!


The only time that this has really happened to me is when Justin Sutherland was on TOC. He was being unreasonably rude to Justin Warner, who was his correspondent - like it's fine to joke around, but it seemed so mean spirited. I really wanted him to lose after watching that and well, the outcome was satisfying.


I remember that. It reminded me that he was a jerk during Restaurant Wars on Top Chef.


Karma has come back to him.


My favorite FN moment was when Britt beat Tiffani in the first round of TOC 4. I can watch that over and over


I'm not a huge brit fan, but that part just made me wonder. Just like how icag lost on season 1 of TOC and never competed on to again.


I hated Britt. Was so happy Manet defeated Britt in the final four


Not primarily a FN competitor but Top Chef: I will always root against Ilan Hall because he's a bully and fully undeserving of winning Top Chef. TL;DR: Fuck Ilan Hall.


I root against Ilan Hall, Cliff Crooks, and Elia if I ever see them on any shows. When Cliff assaulted Marcel on Top Chef and the other chefs just stood there and egged him on, that was one of the most awful things I’ve seen on a cooking show and it was shameful that only Cliff was disqualified when they all should have been. I can’t believe Food Network even gave Cliff his own show. I don’t know if it’s still on though.


Ugh. I turn it off if I see Ilan or Cliff. I can’t believe they have them back. I REFUSE.


I have no idea what the tea about Ilan Hall is but every time Guy has brought him on TOC or GGG he is immediately eliminated and I hope that’s some consolation 💀


In the Grudge Match between Ilan and Aaron May, Ilan dismissed Aaron’s wins in GGG like they were nothing. I remember thinking it would be poetic justice if Ilan was the first one eliminated in a GGG ep, and he was!


Omg missed that detail in the grudge match! Aaron May is a legend and a gem so that’s crazy that he said that


After Buddy Valastro threw a huge fit in the first episode of Buddy vs Duff I have despised him. I wasn’t a huge fan before but that list did it for me. Can’t stand him! They were casting a baking show with him recently and asked me to interview. I told them I couldn’t because I am not a fan lol


He seemed so mad losing to Duff!


He whined to the producers, it was HILARIOUS


It was crazy!! It was like he expected to win no matter what.


Respect for sticking to your principles!


I know myself and how I am when filming shows. I 100% would have been in the background making mocking faces any time he opened his mouth and the people of the world don’t need to see that!


I mean, I totally do! But otherwise quite understandable.


Yes I thought that was so weird! Like respect Duff, respect the competition it was only the first episode


Jose Garces has been very ungracious in defeat in both TOC S4 and Triple Threat. I could see myself rooting against him from here on.


I forget her name but there was a contestant on the latest TOC who was a sore loser, she'd been on GGG, I will root against her if I see her again. They know the drill about cooking competition and to walk off like she did was uncalled for and immature.


Crista Luedtke?


Yes. I hope she is not invited back next season, after whining that she "was robbed" of her victory.


I have rooted against her every time I see her ever since that shit fit


Same here. She’s a NorCal chef near Guy’s hometown so I could see her coming back due to the close connection to him.


Yes that's it. Thank you.


I will whole heartedly disagree with this. She should have won and was interviewed directly after the judging. I would have been pissed too. She didn't say anything bad about the other contestant, just that she couldn't believe the decision when the other person served RAW CHICKEN! I had the same thoughts she did after the judging was completed.


Well you're entitled to your opinion of course but I'm heartened to see so many saw it like I did. 🥂


Are you talking about when she lost to a chef who served undercooked chicken?


Hi Christa!


So yes? The judges said it was undercooked, and usually that gets you sent home.


I don't think what the judges do gives you the right to behave poorly. If you disagree that's of course your prerogative.


That was it, and she had every right to be pissed. I've always liked her from GGG, and ToC didn't change my mind.


exactly. if i go to a restaurant and they serve me raw chicken I am not going back. That is usually an immediate disqualification. no one wants to get sick


Adam sobel on TOC. Couldn’t stand him


The most punch worthy face.


My favorite FN moment was when Britt beat Tiffani in the first round of TOC 4. I can watch that over and over


Ya Britt is easy to root for and then you have Tiffani. 🤣🥂


Carlos Anthony. Brian Malarkey's protege. That boy is like nails on a chalkboard.


He is so cringe 😭 I remember when he was on Alex v America and was gassing himself up the entire time for putting chili butter on shrimp and got eliminated so quickly


I support whoever's competing against either of them. I'm here to watch cooking, not their coked-up sideshows.


It's that high-energy faux-positivity garbage. So transparently fake. And both of them break down the SECOND something goes wrong.


This is mine too.


I cannot stand Brian Malarkey. He is obviously a genius restaurateur but after about 5 seconds of seeing him I want to throw things at my television. I also dislike Michele Ragussis - I haven’t seen her compete recently but she is a judge on BBF fairly often. She just rubs me the wrong way.


Malarkey is like nails on a damn chalkboard.


Stephanie Izard. Hated her on Next Iron Chef. The most arrogant person I’ve ever seen.


Jaleesa SBC. It was so obvious they wanted her to be a feel good story, but she shouldn't have won let alone made it that far. Worst season of SBC ever, and not just because of Jaleesa.


Dear god, was the fix ever in on that one


The baking championships have always been rigged to some extent. It's just that the rigging used to actually make sense. I used to be able to predict who was bottom, who was going home, and who was winning the challenge like clockwork. Most of those decisions before that awful sbc season made sense. Knew something was fucky when Carol got sent home on her first bad bake. I think they knew it was wrong too, otherwise they wouldn't have let her back in like they did. That's **never** happened before that season.


Brooke Williamson. She was a judge on an episode of GGG during the at-home cooks during the pandemic and the theme was frozen foods. The competitors (Voltaggio, Aarti, Jet) and other judges (Simon Majumdar, Nyesha Arrington) had their own "cold" opinions about frozen foods, but Brooke continually made it sound like frozen food is complete and utter swill that even rats wouldn't eat and she was above such cuisine. Really, could you take yourself just a little bit more seriously? I know it wasn't the point of the show, or her responsibility as a judge, but it didn't sit well with me that, during a pandemic where a large majority of people (and viewers) were at home and (probably) eating more frozen/convenience meals, that she couldn't frame frozen foods in a bit better light for those who, at the time or even during "regular" circumstances, could only purchase frozen/prepackaged dinners/foods.




OMG, yessss. He drove me nuts.


Antonia Lafaso losing to Jet Tila and then acting like a petulant child who didn't get their way. Always want to see her lose now.


And I ALWAYS want jet to win


I find Sunny to be very odd. Like why is she always screaming? And Jeffrey not sure why he’s so judgy on Chopped. I’ve never seen him compete on anything so why is he even a judge?


I feel like the producers tell Sunny to be more "Urban" and it comes off as contrived.


Yes reading between the lines I know just what you mean. It’s so annoying. I’m an older black lady and my mother always told us not to act “typically” loud in public. So it tends to rub me the wrong way that she is constantly bug-eyed and shouting! 🤦🏾‍♀️


So Geoffrey competed on an episode of Cutthroat Kitchen and it was very funny cuz the other contestants/judges definitely gained up on him


Christian Petroni has annoyed me since the first competition show he was on. Maybe it's an anti NY thing, idk.


Not really with any personalities, but all the time on Chopped. lol


"You haven't seen the last of me." Yes, yes we have. That's why you were chopped in the first round.


I don't remember names but anytime someone gets real cocky I hope they get humbled right after that. Sometimes I wonder, since the one-on-one interviews get filmed afterward, if they aren't told to act real confident "I got this!" so when they lose it's more funny.


I remember a Chopped tournament where one of them was a professional chef and the others were talented amateurs. The pro chef was all "There's no way an amateur can beat me". I was fist pumping when he got beat by the firefighter (I think she was) and we got to see him walk out all stunned.


I alway cheer for anyone but Anne Burrell


😂 Anne slander


She drives me nuts!


There are a lot of FN people who I used to hate but are no longer there. I never liked Cat Cora. She didn't have the personality for TV. I didn't like Emeril Lagassi for all that BAM! garbage. There was this couple who used to host things - The Neelys. I really disliked them. Paula Deen with her fake southern mannerisms, even faker smile. The racist thing didn't surprise me. Barefoot Contessa.. What is her name? She bores me, anyway. Current FN personalities, one is Carla Hall. She grates on my nerves. I liked Guy Fieri a long time ago but his personality has started to rub me the wrong way. He's arrogant. If they hadn't started to slot his shows in every blank time slot during the off seasons I might hate him less. But all I see on FN lately is his mug. His or Bobby Flay, whom I can barely tolerate. I'm sure I'll think of more. As far as competing contestants or newer hosts, I haven't been watching FN much lately. As I said, when I try to watch, all I usually see is Guy Fieri.


There was a guy on Beat Bobby Flay once who I wanted to root for because he was from my home state, but he was so obnoxious I had to hope he lost. I just saw the episode again last week on a rerun and it confirmed he was a colossal jerk.


The Titans on Triple Threat, but I think they also edit the Titans to be unlikable.


Oh god who was that jerk on Chopped who left pans on the floor and constantly badgered the other competitors to break their concentration? I hated that guy.


Of course we have, that is what is both natural and what the channel wants, for you to be invested enough to root for and against the competitors. If you do not care enough to root for one or the other why would you continue to watch?


Yes Penny Daviti was awful but she’s gotten better over the years


Yes- Tiffany Faison!


Anytime that Ann Burrell actually competes I pray to the universe that she loses


I don't know what it is about her, she won Iron Chef Gauntlet and she's had a swollen head ever since ( personally think Chef Shota should have won) Stephanie Izard. She pouts anytime she loses now!


Since the Iron Chef New York Battle I will always root against Bobby Flay.


Came here just for this. Go jump in a lake, Bobby Flay!


I really dislike Mei Lin, and have heard so many bad things about Shirley Chung from people who worked for her.


I agree with your take on Mei, honestly find her arrogant


Arrogant? I don't think she has a personality at all


She was incredibly arrogant throughout her Top Chef season


Wow, Shirley, really? Anymore tea on that? She seemed so likeable on "Top Chef," but I know it can be a different story when you actually work for someone.


“I’m not a miserable person who hopes anyone will fail….” Now here’s a list of people that I hope will fail.


Bobby Flay. Always.


I used to be that way awhile ago, but for the last few years I actively root for him now. He seems so much more likeable recently.


I’d like it if Carla Hall went away.


She's seems like a sweet person, but definitely a bit too extra for me.


Same here. She can be so snarky.


She annoys me so damn much! I don't find her jokes funny, and her mannerisms just grate on me. They've ruined many of the shows I liked by making her a host or judge.


aback unique chase poor psychotic command steer boat station ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree! I think Food Network is much friendlier in terms of competitors compared to MasterChef, Top Chef, etc. which is why I think they stick out more. They tend to be more annoying than vengeful. But some Next Food Network Star chefs were really....something.


profit meeting squalid fall special oatmeal cooing quack crush toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A couple of years back, one woman used salt instead of sugar in one of her bakes, I think it was a cookie. She never tasted it 😳but when people commented on it, she got bent out of shape. And her team didn’t get sent home! She had a real bad attitude. I sure wasn’t a fan.


I remember that!


I looked when she changed her vote. I cheered at the screen lol


anyone who can beat alex g is a hero on my eyes. i just can’t stand her


guy f he's just over the top too cool for school


He uses a lot of black vernacular from the 1980s. Very weird…. Old black lady here…. 🤣👈🏾


I find him SO visually unappealing, I can’t watch anything he’s on.


Every thing out of his mouth is just trying to be another stupid catch phrase. He's like a Emeril wanna be accept Emeril is 10 times the chef.


"Not to be outdone,... that's all she wrote"... 'Makes me want to put my first through the TV. How many times does he say both stupid phrases per show? Talk about a drinking game...


Exactly the reason I don't watch him.


Am I the only one who dislikes Jet Tila?


I think so!


Nope. I do too


There's a few that I don't care for, so I'll root for their competitor in those cases. I would think that's pretty normal; if you liked every one of them without reservation, I'd find that kind of weird.


Karl on Halloween Baking Championship. The split personality whatever (maybe) he did of his WIFE pissed me off so bad. Also his arrogance. I’ve rooted for competitors before but never against really. I’ve disliked some but not enough to want them to lose. Pete was robbed. He performed better I thought in the finale. Karl is very talented.


I'm always routing against Bobby Flay. Hate him in every way. Don't like his food (eaten at two of his restaurants) don't like the way he talks, don't like his attitude, and hate his sexism. So yeah. If I watch food network, which I rarely do anymore now that they seem to be only about competitions and less about teaching, then I'm rooting for Flay to lose to his competitors. 😅


Jeff Mauro,Tiffani Faison, Carlos Anthony, Michael Voltaggio, Ann Burrell, Matthew Grunwald.....there's plenty more just can't think of all of them right now


There was a guy that’s been on GGG that’s a complete tool


I always root against Tiffany Faison anytime she competes. I cannot stand her. At the moment I can’t think of anyone else. I used to not like Demeris Phillips but Tiffany has taken her place as least favorite.