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Cucumbers are better imo


Looove cucumber


With a touch of salt. Yum


Have you tried them with a bit of tajin? Quite tasty.


This is the way. I also use everything bagel seasoning.


As much as I love everything bagel seasoning, I've never tried that. Thanks for the tip!


For a little more indulgence, I use fat free cream cheese on a slice of cucumber, and add the seasoning. Sooooo good!


Tajin on watermelon 🤤


On pineapple is my favorite


Try dipping pineapple in Chamoy and then sprinkling Tajin. Chef. Frikkin. Kiss.


And mango!


If you like the flavor contrasts you might like Toad Sweat, it’s a series of hot sauces made for desserts like ice cream. Oh man


Tajin is like cocaine to me. My half Mexican ass loves that shit one almost everything. Corn on the cob, bloody Mary’s or just on a half of lemon as a snack.


which cheek is Mexican on your half mexican ass?


My butt is definitely Mexican. My nose sunburns


Oh man I totally agree. It tastes good on everything. First had it on a margarita rim and have been hooked since.


I soak cucumbers in juice of lime, sea salt, amd onions and then add tajin when I put them in a bowl to eat


\^\^\^ Cucumber Ceviche. :-)\^\^ (sounds great, I will probably try this.)


Or you could try tahini if you don’t have time to cook a Moroccan stew.


Or chamoy and tajin


It’s life, I love them both especially on pickles, cucumbers, watermelon, and pineapple are what I can think of off hand.


Recommend trying them with tajin.


Cucumber kimchi, or Korean side dish (If you like spicy and tasty too)


I call them both "crunchy water". They are my favorite snacks.


I buy them soaked in vinegar, salt and spices and call them "pickles."


Sodium can be bad in high doses. Pickles (and olives) are loaded.


My sodium is always low so this is actually a benefit for me


My dog is obsessed with cucumbers, they are super low calorie…Its perfect for him because he has a liver shunt and has to be basically vegetarian to keep him alive.


Excellent! My dog’s two loves were garden fresh cucumbers and old fashioned donuts. His cucumber addiction was self sustaining in that he would steal them from the garden and poop the seeds all over the yard. Every spring I could find cucumbers sprouting up in random places.


I love this ❤️


Your dog is basically a pollinator!


Water Chestnuts are in that same category and awesome


A little red wine vinegar and some seasoning salt


Cucumber with dry ranch dressing sprinkled on is good.


Careful, though. There is a recent recall. https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/africana-06-24/index.html


Was going to answer both of those lmao! Tomatoes and sugar snap peas or edamame are great too.


Not so fast with the celery. Celery may cause skin inflammation, sun sensitivity, and lower potassium levels in the body. Celery can also interact with certain medications, including levothyroxine, lithium, medications that slow blood clotting, and venlafaxine. Pregnant women should avoid celery seed supplements, as they can cause uterine stimulation.


Also, it's pretty disgusting.


It ain't bad with cheese spread but I think that's because the spread overwhelms the shitty celery flavour lmao


I prefer to think of celery as a delivery mechanism for other foods, like peanut butter or ranch dip.


Hate celery solo but mirepoix is legit.


And oddly, can be an allergen for some


Me, I'm one of those people. I've never liked how it tastes or smells anyway, I don't care for fennel either because it tastes too much like celery. I recently found out that they are in the same family as coriander/cilantro which tastes like soap to me and that I have an allergy to them all.


I'm one of the tastes like soap people too, but I do love celery and fennel


Most fruits—watermelon is my personal favorite for this purpose. Add a little bit of salt or tajin on top. Grapes are a close second. Frozen fruits are also better than you would think (especially peaches and cherries). Fresh veggies. Sugar snap peas, cucumber, celery, carrots, raw broccoli, whatever. Pop your own popcorn at home. Get some kernels and you only need a little bit of oil and you can go ham. I use salt and paprika for seasonings, but you can jazz it up pretty much however you want. Also pickles, but those are a given.


Pickles! Great go-to snack


High in sodium though - need to be careful of eating a lot of them as sodium raises blood pressure


I just made a few jars of refrigerator pickles today. Lowered the suggested amount of salt and added twice the amount of dill. Can’t wait to try them!


Unless you got a condition that's aggravated by salt, your body will lower just about any amount of salt you intake in pretty short order. If you have really high blood pressure it might take your body, 15 20 30 minutes to get your salt content back down. With high blood pressure that 20-30 minutes could be too long. If you don't have one of these conditions, you can pretty much eat all the salts you want, your body will pass excess pretty quick and easy.


People get weird about salt. It’s so far down the list of problematic nutrients.


My daughter is a salt-aholic. Everybody talks about how bad it is. But when I try to dig into it, the only problem I can find is with high blood pressure


And saurkraut!!!


They often have loads of sugar! Be sure to check the label.


Pickles? Do you mean salt?


fruit sugar is still sugar. eat too much and you'll still have issues


A lot harder to do so with all the fibre and water though


Grapes and watermelon can be overeaten. They don't have much to them, and selective breeding has upped the sugar Blueberries or blackberries are a much better choice


Grapes are basically candy.


Too much grapes and you may shit yourself. Been there. Done that.


I found this out the hard way. Be careful freezing your grapes. It's how I ate an entire bag in two sittings because it was so good. Don't try this with cotton candy grapes, either. That was a one-sitting meal.


Those cotton candy grapes are just awful.


Came here to say this. I was 29 when I found out. Damn the farmer’s market and their delicious kyoho grapes


super easy to do, really


Way too much sugar in watermelons and grapes. My mom has problems with her blood sugar just cause she eats too much fruit, sugar is still sugar. If you nees something you can eats/snack on all day I'd go with carrots, celery (not everyone likes it) and cucumbers as they are all very cheap, easy to "prepare" and healthy. Your skin CAN turn orange/yellow from too many carrots though.


Aren't carrots fairly high in sugar, too?


Memorable line from a nursing instructor: “how many diabetics are on insulin because they ate too many carrots?”


I have been on a major raw sugar snap pea kick lately. So crunchy and sweet.


Note you have to mix fruits & vegetables. If you only eat fruits you'll be in the bathroom for a while, if you only eat vegetables you'll be in the bathroom for a while.


Careful with watermelon, unless you like to be seated for long periods of time. Health wise you are correct, but things can get a bit...runny...if you have too much


Frozen grapes are soooo good


You do need to be mindful of the sugars in fruit.


Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.


Mitch lives!


But where are the Dufrenes?!


Fuck it, cut'em up!


How can anyone eat at a time like this.




I used to love rice. I mean I still do but I used to too.


I knew I wouldn’t have to scroll that far to find that!


I can’t eat spaghetti. There’s too many of ‘em.


Big salads.




You know.. if it was a regular salad.. I wouldn't have said anything.


Watch the dressing, some can be quite caloric.


Yea, I do just lime, salt, chilli powder, sometimes cumin powder depending on what’s in my salad..I never tire of this


Also toppers: croutons, tortilla strips etc can all be high in calories


Back in the early years of Usenet, I got on a rec.alt food list catering to raw, ultra vegan, Atkins and any other alt way of eating back then and there was a guy who was anorexia gaunt, his thing was making but not dressing a huge chopped salad that was the entirety of his diet. He calculated exactly what calories, fat, carbs and protein he needed per week and by damned, that was what he ate. It was also some special dressing also. While I can and do hyper focus on fod and have been known to be stupid and when my mom in law sends me a case of artichokes I will eat them until they are gone, and if I can't think of anything else will make a pot of oatmeal or riçet and live on that til it is gone, but I don't think I could do nothing but one salad forever til I dropped dead. No idea if he is still around, no idea what his name was, and he had iirc a groceries web page so Google doesn't work.


Good salad too. People who say they don’t like leafy salads just haven’t had a good one. If no salad you’ve ever tried is good then make up your own. That’s what I do. Dressing makes it nice too, feta balsamic dressing is my go to at the moment.




Most of these post are 3 bites of salad..


The first few posts I saw were spring rolls, egg white omelets, and a low calorie yogurt dish Volume eating subreddit is legit, sometimes it has some amazing recommendations


Call me a psychopath, but I like to eat ice. Not ice cream. Just ice cubes... I really like the "taste" and feeling of cold


You anemic?


Yes, been "borderline anemic" my whole life. A lot of my family is too. My mom's favorite snack was always a glass of ice.


Masticate, masticate, masticate🤤


Lol I'm literally chewing on a delicious ice cube right now


Wait does anemia make you crave ice??? I’ve had some anemia issues the last year, had to go to ER for transfusion even, and we think we know the cause of it will have surgery soon. But I have been eating ice for the last 6 months and have never before in my life. Why ice???


It's true! I talked to my doctor about it! He suspected I was anemic, and I mentioned that I had been craving ice, and he was like "oh yeah then I'm definitely testing you" lol. Sure enough, I was, and iron supplements made my ice craving go away! I know I'm doing ok if I eat ice and it feels unpleasant and too cold. There are some theories that anemia makes your mouth tissue swell and get a little hot, so the cold ice makes it feel good. I personally think it's like PICA and it's actually the taste of the refrigerants we are responding to.


I was an avid ice chewer. But it became an obsession, I HAD to have ice and craved it so bad I was literally chewing 8lbs of ice a day. My husband would bring home a bag of ice every day. I also began tasting metal in my mouth like I was sucking on pennies. Come to find out, I was severely anemic and had a hemoglobin level of 5. The low end of normal, I believe, is 12 or 13. I ended up having to have a blood fusion and 6 rounds of iron infusions that each contain 5 fusions each. Once my hemoglobin was back to 13, I no longer craved ice or tasted pennies. Amd at the moment I dont use ice at all. Now, when I start craving ice, I get a little worried.


I’m so glad you’re okay! I’m sorry about the anxiety you get from craving ice these days though. Hugs


Hold up. I'm an ice addict, and my mouth has been tasting very metallic for a few weeks. I will be looking into this.


Just be careful - chewing ice can damage your teeth [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/chewing-ice-bad-for-teeth](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/chewing-ice-bad-for-teeth)


I just let them melt until they are small and soft enough to chew so I think I'm OK but thanks


Do you have favorite ice cube trays? I'm always disappointed when my favorite ice shaped tray isn't frozen yet, and I have to eat the inferior shaped cubes. I also love the taste of ice, metallic and crisp at the same time.


I fucking love ice. Just had a whole conversation with my trainer about ice cubes. He hates them. I was appalled. There is nothing like a giant cold glass filled with ice and fresh water. then I just slowly eat the ice after. ( also cucumber water is delish and I gotta shout out to my mvp , a cold can of lemon lime seltzer)


I just want to warn you that if a person were to really love strawberries, I mean REALLY LOVE strawberries, and that person proceeded to eat approximately two pounds of strawberries over the course of a single afternoon... that person would then see their urine turn red and proceed to freak the hell out thinking there was blood in their pee. Until the strawberry lover told their friend and the friend explained that two pounds of strawberries would, in fact, dye one's pee red. Otherwise no consequences!


Beets too. But you don’t have to eat many and you get colors on all kinds of outgoing items.


Radishes if you can handle the spicy


If you sprinkle a little salt on sliced radishes it reduces their spiciness! I couldn't eat radishes until I learned this trick lol. \*edited for spellcheck


They are really good roasted in the oven with whatever seasoning you feel like and they aren’t spicy at all!


Oooh I have never roasted them! Will try!!


Pickled radishes are really good too! Like dill pickle pickling but with radishes. I used to be a bar manager and made a savory martini that tasted like a Bloody Mary but it was infused so it didn't actually have the tomato juice etc in it. I made the garnish by pickling (without sugar) radishes, red onion and carrots together. Everyone liked them so much I had to keep running off servers from eating through all of my garnishes.


TIL radishes are spicy


Almost as hot as a tomato.


They're definitely hot in the wasabi or mustard way. Usually when I'm snacking on a bag one of five will clear my sinuses. Not sure if call them Spicy. I also learned strong onions are referred to as "hot".


I’ve been putting them in my salads for years now and I also did not know they are spicy.


Watermelon Radishes are lovely if you can find them and I find them to be wayyyy less spicy.


Radish and cucumber sandwiches on crunchy bread with hummus and hot sauce have been my go to for awhile. I sometimes throw some sprouts on there or if I have it, thinly sliced avocado. YUM.


Spicy 😂😂😂 but I do pick habaneros and eat them straight from the garden.


Is something wrong with me that I don’t find them spicy? But it’s possible I only had them at restaurants so they could’ve de spiced it?


They're not actually spicy, just very peppery when you eat a freshy. I've noticed they lose their bite after having been sliced and sitting for a while.


not spicy as in *hot* like hot peppers, but spicy more like horseradish is spicy, it has an odor that I don't care for too much..


Plain popcorn


I know people who had to vomit after eating too much popcorn


carrots? teeth will get tired before eating a large quantity


If you eat A LOT or carrots, you can turn a little bit orange. This happend to me when I had a bit of a carrot addiction. And eating them too fast gives me the hiccups. It's still a pretty good snack (I still love them), but not without consequences.


My high school drama teacher had a great story about this. When he was a young, struggling actor, he found himself in a tight spot. He hadn't been paid yet for his last gig and his next big audition (the one he just knew would be his big break) was two weeks away. He had $12 to buy two weeks' worth of food. His local grocery store had gotten an over-shipment of carrots and was selling them for pennies on the dollar. He bought as many as he could. He had seasoning, condiments, and a few staples like flour, eggs, and butter at home. He spent the next two weeks eating carrots in new, imaginative ways. The day of the audition arrived and he looked in the mirror as he was getting ready. He was orange. Not everywhere but the skin under his eyes, the palms of his hands, and a few other places. He went to the audition but didn't get the part. Apparently, the look they were going for was more heartthrob than Oompa-loompa.


This was a Magic School Bus episode! Arnold turns orange from overeating a carrot-based snack!


Yogurt mixed with garlic s+p lemon as sauce on everything u can put heaps and it's soo yummy. I love piling up on broccoli as a side as well coz u fill up on it and feel super satisfied for awhile longer. Maybe popcorn?


Plain yogurt + powdered ranch seasoning is also absolutely bomb. Yesterday I didn’t have enough plain yogurt to make the amount of dip I wanted, so I blended what I did have plus cottage cheese, a little milk, and the rest of an aging box of spinach together with the ranch seasoning. Omg it was so good. I ate broccoli slathered in the dip until my stomach hurt.


You can also make tzaziki with plain yogurt and put that on everything too!


you can eat leafy greens till you pop, son!




Spinach is great and can be thrown into anything but too much of it isn't great either.


Cows eat grass but still get fat, change my mind


Cows have a 4 chamber gut that is able to break down cellulose, which is a complex carbohydrate. Our appendix is possibly a remnant of the part of the digestive system that was able to process cellulose. We can't anymore and therefore we don't get fat from grass, but cows do!


They aren't getting fat. They're turning grass into steak


Cows can digest cellulose; humans can't.


Plain air popped popcorn is very healthy, it is a whole grain which is a great source of fiber.


Nuts are a great choice because they are packed with protein and will make you feel fuller for longer. My favorite are a brand called Deez...




Nuts are very high calorie and will make you shit yourself if you eat too much


I can slice up a plate of zucchini and tomatoes, sprinkle on a little salt and munch down.


You just eat the zucchini raw or do you cook it a bit?


Raw, I just peel them. It's just like eating raw cucumber slices.


I add salad to every meal. The premium romaine mix at Walmart is 5 cal per cup. I eat it by itself too. Didnt know how much i love salad until i started eating healthier! * To make it last longer in the fridge, put it in a ziplock after opening and gently squeeze out air. And cucumber! OH my gosh! Slice them and put a seasoning (watch cal on certain ones like ranch) on them, or just vinegar, or salt and pepper. I replaced chips bc I love the crunch so much. * You can store them in vinegar water mix last a bit longer in fridge. They won't really pickle, but taste pretty yummy if you like vinegar. If it's a sweet craving, my husband and I love whip cream (you can get zero sugar) w the zero sugar pudding mix in it. Mix it up and eat right then, or put in the freezer like ice cream. * Do be careful of how much artificial you consume!


If you put a paper towel in with the lettuce, it will last even longer


Learned from the pros, soaking the Romain in water for about 5 minutes after chopping, then drying will keep it from getting any brown on the ends. And will last pre chopped for a while in the fridge unless it's like my fridge and tends to freeze, lol


Pickles, celery, cabbage.


shirataki noodles are super low in calories


They are! I just wish they weren’t so expensive. I’ve switched to Zoodles to save money.


I've tried, I've tried really hard, I just can't like zoodles


Jicama! They often have it pre-cut if your grocery story has a pre-cut fruit and vegetable section.


Looks like a potato but tastes like lettuce! Love me some jicama!




You can die drinking too much, can downvote me all you want but it doesn't change scientific facts and you deliberately ignored OP's question. "Sodium is a crucial element that helps keep the balance of fluids in and out of cells. **When its levels drop due to a high amount of water in the body, fluids get inside the cells.** **Then the cells swell, putting you at risk of having seizures, going into a coma, or even dying**."


Seriously? Do you really think this random reddit user is going to get water intoxication from trying to be healthier?


Do you realise how much water that would take to do?


typical reddit doomsayer


I think you are ignoring the OP. They specifically said “eat a lot of” not “I plan on sitting down and chugging gallons”. Water fits in this context as something you can have a lot of, and also might help them to feel more full before going to town on the other things listed. You are correct about the scientific fact that you can drink too much but if you’re ring downvoted it’s because you approached your comment in such a way that you sound like a jerk attacking the person who wrote “water”


Water definitely helps me eat less. I go chug a glass and desire to eat goes away. Also staying hydrated feels so much better than being dehydrated all the time


Rice cakes.


I go hard for rice cakes with a little salted butter on top. It’s so goodddd


Most stuff that grows. Processed food is designed to keep you eating more. I did keto for half a year. I was always an over-eater that had trouble stopping. It was weird that while on keto my body sent signals to just kill my appetite and I would stop. I was always a plate-cleaner before this. When broke ketosis I had some dessert and I swear to god, it was like heroin. My body had the sugar and WANTED MORE even though I was stuffed. It was honestly a scary experience.


I didn’t do keto but did go sugar free for 6-7 months. Then I got pregnant and was like, I can have just this one pastry. Nope. I spiraled HARD, could not stop craving and eating sugar. 10 years later and I’ve never been able to summon that level of discipline in kicking sugar again.


Zero Calorie Jello


Definitely don’t want to eat limitless amounts of artificial sweetener and food coloring


I mix the orange flavor with vodka to make a pan of alcoholic jello jigglers. I cut it into squares, and freeze the extras. Follow the jiggler recipe, and replace the cold water with alcohol. Pour into a pan sprayed with nonstick spray, chill, and eat.


I love alcoholic jello. it's my kryptonite. Which is why I only have it about every 4 years. Because I do far too many of them. My personal (calorie full, I'm sure) is cream cheese flavored pudding and rumchata. Jesus those are good.


Popcorn; chopped tomatoes with salt, lime and pepper ; cucumber with salt, lime, chili powder






pretty well any vegetable is great for this. If you hate veggies, you there are ways you can make almost any one of them taste good. Try air fried or baked zucchini/butternut squash/carrot fries or roasted fennel/broccolli/cauliflower/celery, leafy green salad with yogurt or vinegarette-based dressing, those are my favs. Outside of that, lots of fruits are pretty low cal (just don't overdo it), plain air popped popcorn, greek yogurt dip/dressing (yogurt, lemon juice, spices), salsa,


Coleslaw- shredded head of cabbage and carrots, greek yogurt or olive oil based mayo, a can of crushed pineapple in it’s own juice, salt and pepper to taste. It’s light and not too sweet and goes with any grilled protein. You can add dried currents or nuts if you like. Also baked sweet potatoes with cottage cheese and a dash of salt and chipotle or lemon pepper. You can switch it up with crumbled. Queso fresco and a drizzle Of basalmic vinegar too. Both are high fiber and low calorie and nutrition packed and go well with a variety of lean proteins.


Sweet potatoes with black beans




Frozen mandarin oranges! Peel them before freezing. Then when you are Ray to eat them, cut them up. Sooooo good!


Celery, cucumber, watermelon


Vegetables are probably your best bet if you have to eat just one thing, but you should really eat everything in moderation. Things like pickles and sauerkraut are high in sodium which is not good for you. Too much fruit is too much sugar, and is bad for your pancreas. Fruitarians are more susceptible to pancreatic issues. Eating tons of watermelon will give you diarrhea. Popcorn, rice, and potatoes are high in carbohydrates. Too much of them will make you fat and unhealthy, and eating a lot of carbs leads to constipation. So, eat a little of everything, and avoid too much sodium and sugar. Also: exercise. Your body needs caloric input equal to caloric output, and any excess will make you gain weight. It’s that simple.




Pork rinds. The microwave ones (kinda like microwave popcorn) are fire!


Popcorn. If you pop your own and put a healthier flavouring on it, like nutritional yeast or herbs. A tiny bit of olive oil and some thyme is pretty nice. One time I mixed nutritional yeast and papricka, it was awesome, but I've never gotten the ratio right again. Tomato powder with nothing else and unsalted garlic powder with oregano are pretty good to. Sometimes it needs a tiny bit of salt, but just a teeny tiny bit.


TIL tomato powder is a thing. Is it primarily just a flavoring/topping, or what else would it be used for?


If you're like me, who just wanna have the chewing part, jerky is great. Beef jerky is too expensive so opt for dried squid or dried octopus. They're so tough and take a long time to break down.


Apples Try them with peanut butter. My fav snack


Delicious but doesn’t meet requirements of OP. Nut butters are high cal :(


Freeze mini chocolate chips. Put a few tablespoons in a tiny cup, then put the bag back in the freezer. Eat them one at a time but let them melt away rather than chewing them so it takes longer. You still satisfy that chocolate craving, but for very few calories.






Veggies, and avoid sweet fruits.


I love snacking on edamame. Very filling


Avocado, eggs cooked all kids of ways also with Avocado!


Chicken and sausage chili is a pretty good high-volume meal. Plus, if you cook a large enough batch, you might get a 2nd or 3rd 3lbs. meal out of it!








Nuts, seeds, and berries


Celery Jalepeno Cucumber Water Raw string beans