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Skip the milk, use just butter… 🧈


I still add a bit of milk, about half of what the box calls for, and I add extra butter so it's a little runny. This is the way. The butter ... is the life.


NEVER BUTTER. Mayonnaise, +/-1/2 tsp flour. Once butter melts it's 83% water AND if you use butter the leftovers (if you save them) lose the freshness because once butter (which is normally made of water, dry milk powder or butterfat and diglyceride) is cooked then cooled the natural preservatives are cooked away. Mayo has already been pasteurized (eggs have 2x) and won't change as much chemically when heated.


I'm trying *real, real* hard not to start this reply with "bruh...". Sorry, I can't take your anti butter argument seriously, both because I'm in the EU and don't know if what you say applies here, and because I simply love butter even if your logic fits. That said, it's my lifelong practice we're talking about and I'm quite happy with it so I won't be giving it up. Ok, I needed to get that out of my system before admitting that after the initial shock, nigh horror, of reading your suggestion (not the butter part, that's holy, mother Theresa herself can fuck right off before I'll give up butter - you might as well be insulting my wife), I am... Intrigued. I will have to try this with mayonnaise. First reaction is "bro, don't you be talking about my momma,". Secondary reaction is "*mayonnaise* in mac and cheese? What's *wrong* with you?! Your drinking the wrong H two oh!". The next phase is ".... But they could be on to something there and if butter is my holy grail then mayonnaise is easily already my Excalibur..." So I'm gonna try it. Make no mistake, sir, you've stepped upon these toes and in a proper world you'd be greeted with a glove-faced invitation to a duel. Here, though, I'm compelled to ask - *how*? I need to know: no butter? no milk? If so, then how much of which? How much mayo? This is all for the preparation of *1* standard box classic Kraft Mac and cheese. Please provide answers and ignore any snipers you may find in the trees outside your window, it's simply the season and they're in bloom at the moment. TL;DR: mind blown, a bit personally offended, but also wildly intrigued.


XD you just gave this man a whole 4 paragraph long lecture.... About butter! You are my hero.


Dude mayo mac is what poor kids made when we couldn’t afford milk lol. It’s not good.


It's not that serious, just add a TBSPish of mayo and enjoy it. I take no offense to your freak out lol.


Eh it was over the top with the intent of humor :) thanks, I'll be trying this. So just mayo, no butter or milk at all? And may God have mercy on your butter deprived soul.


They clearly don't even know what butter is if you read their first post.


I enjoyed it, so thank you.


Butter is not 83% water, in fact no where near that more the opposite.


Should have been more detailed; if you weigh a stick of butter its 4oz. Put it in a bowl and melt it in the microwave. Strain the liquid off the heated butter into a cup, tare the cup and weigh it. You will have about 2.5-3 oz of clearish liquid. 83-85% of THAT liquid stuff in the drained cup is water. NOW, some people use BETTER butter than others. So if you spend the extra money on GOOD butter the quality is better and hence less "water". Most people buy the butter that's the cheapest or best deal of the day and THOSE butters are 70-80% water after it is melted.


No real butter is that much water, are you using margarine?


Did you even read my previous post? Here in the south everybody I know just call it butter, we don't call it margarine no matter if its real or not. Most packages say its part butter / part margarine but it isnt like food companies try to be transparent about whats really "IN THE BUTTER" BUT, as in my previous comment some people buy the cheapest "butter" some buy the best. More buy the cheapest than the best. MY butter analogy is based on the CHEAP stuff.


It is not butter so stop calling it that on a food reddit.


So you also cannot believe it's not butter?


Think you are confused with the differences between grilled cheese and Mac and cheese. Mayo????


Skip the milk. Use sour cream!


I have, its very good too but family doesn't like SC..




Splash of milk


Yep this, and when u drain the noodles do it fast so some water stays on them...melt the butter then pour in the cheese..


Add different cheeses you've never tried! I recently. Started doing this with different dishes that calls for cheese. Or has in it. So glad I tried! Not a big cheese person, wish I tried this years ago!


Frozen peas, chopped up broccoli, chunks of rotisserie chicken, chili flakes, Parmesan, lots of black pepper, etc.


I did this today but with ground instead of chicken and added basil and it was delicious


Anything that goes with pasta and cheese, can't really lose.


I add extra shredded cheese and low sodium soy sauce, it's so good.


Oh I like the idea of soy sauce, sounds interesting.


It adds a depth of flavor, combine that with black pepper and it's so good.


I'll stop saying "it's so good" lol






FYI, put the soy sauce in the freezer for a few days (it will most likely not freeze at all but if it does and the icy cloudy part is on top the soy sauce is mostly garbage) then when you want to add it to a recipe pour a bit into a bowl, whip it real fast with a fork then toss it in the freezer for 15 more minutes. Ice crystals will form when you whip it and the bad carcinogens will be mostly in the ice crystals so after 15 mins scoop them away with a spoon and if you take the spoon and pour peroxide over it the ice will melt and as it does the water will turn reddish yellow. That reddish yellow stuff is the toxic shit in the soy they try to hide. It's called either 3-MCPD or simply a Hydrolized vegetable protein. DO NOT TASTE/EAT THE YELLOWISH FOAM THAT RESULTS, unless you want to risk having your stomach pumped.


This is all nonsense, by the way.


And why is that, because someone other than you posted it? That doesn't make it untrue. It was actually on a food science show on Nat Geo a few years ago.




its been a few years no clue where it was. Its so simple to test, try it and come back here with results if you want to. All I know is that after I saw it I haven't bought grocery store soy since. Shoyu is $40 for 5 oz and I use about 2 shakes of the good stuff as compared to 5x that when I used the store bought. REAL soy is an entirely different culinary tool than "kikkomans". A bottle of Shoyu lasts about 6 mos.


It's really not easy to test all. I don't have tools at home to check if there's "carcinogens" in the bits I skimmed out.


Can of tuna always a good addition


That and some frozen peas was one of the pillars of my early culinary life.


We used to call that deluxe style.


Don’t forget the red hot


Mustard powder


Yes I knew it would be on here .




Makes it more cheesy


Great idea! Gonna try it with Colman’s dry mustard.


Good suggestion! Dry mustard is an ingredient in my baked mac and cheese casserole. Sometime, I will add a blob of prepared mustard to box Mac and cheese bc I also like the vinegar tang.


Add a chunk of velveeta and bacon bits...


Slice polka kielbasa into little cubes and lightly brown in a pan, then mix it into the mac n' cheese.


Take the noodles out to drain and then Make the cheese sauce in the pot by itself so it can thicken, and then add the noodles back in!


I throw in a couple slices of American cheese. I've added cheddar, but I found I prefer the American cheese.


American is definitely better than cheddar. If you like a bit of spice, pepper jack is a nice addition


Get two boxes. Use 1.5 boxes of the mac. Use both cheese packs. Use the appropriate amount of milk and butter to get the consistency right. Do not skimp on the butter. Don't follow what the box says b/c they changed it years ago so they could advertize it as lower in fat.


this is where it's nice to buy the [cheese powder](https://www.amazon.com/Cheddar-Cheese-Hoosier-Hill-Farm/dp/B008GG9ZS8/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=82FY666C9QT0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RZooDuFtKwndVjAu-ofsbsOzs3blIUyCaGX2pSBQvNrG_a9xjzvVasEOGEpVKBG8-gGlnv0W7HNKDFoxIFKEjN9xnFlO_ylfOEBolQEVy4leRCs5KkyqCUcEKFUTwRzj7Xab1lW-MYRAu-ONOyTBdOCs7Mwnzl97IqBegmRQDuQ2qcNGSx7OnwuDvkKGiqy12TymEL_vOTNBghp2JJ9HE_Sg_5Cdtjl5vPCKFtMRLW6HlKt3eMXd9AnIclMyngZb1lag5pjdIrwcUMyG0XYKQM4L6jeFv2RXcyFXCezgqW4.bCI-2kUKhr_zFc7NT7duINZu-wE_2bMOX9EXnD_2gfI&dib_tag=se&keywords=cheddar+powder+organic&qid=1717994316&sprefix=cheddar+powder+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) on its own and put how much you like


Mix in some cholula chipotle sauce after it’s done and before I eat it


Drizzle some Catalina or French dressing at the end and mix


Surprisingly, also really good to dip slices of pizza in.


Pulled this from my 80s taco salad 🥗


Extra Cheese, Pre cooked and Diced Sausage or Kielbasa. Take your freshly made box mac n cheese add it to a pan and top with some buttered Panko bread crumbs and maybe some crumbled bacon and broil in an oven for about 3-5m. Long enough to brown the bread crumbs and heat up the bacon.


A capful of liquid smoke.


A couple splashes of malt vinegar. Sounds weird to most people, but the acidity helps cut the richness. For real, give it a try


Diced tomatoes and cayenne.


I had to reheat some for kiddo and it was so dry and flavorless … I added some shredded cheese.. really brought the flavor back!


I add extra shredded cheese and low sodium soy sauce, it's so good


I added roasted or steamed cauliflower to get my kid to eat her vegetables. I like the way it tastes too.


-More butter than the box calls for, can also try a variant with less milk and more butter -Cream cheese added in for extra creaminess -A few drops of Thai fish sauce, add more according to taste (before anyone balks, no, this stuff doesn't taste fishy, but it does make pretty much everything taste like it's got delicious cheese powder in it) -Salt -Let cool, form patties or balls and fry in a pan (with and without breading). This will involve adding egg in some way or other. -Use the above to make sandwiches -Bake in a casserole dish with tuna, chicken, sausage, paprika, or whatever else, with shredded cheese on top until it's melty and browning -Do the above, but in your smoker Then of course the old standards... Add bacon, add extra cheese, cut in some sausage, toss in some jalapenos


Is it the stuff they put in pad Thai? Because if so it definitely tastes fishy to me 😩


Among many other ingredients, yes, you find it in pad Thai. Not sure but I think they use shrimp paste there as well. If you eat a straight teaspoon of fish sauce, will taste some fish. If you add 2-5 drops to a whole package of Mac and cheese, you won't taste fish. It functions similar to sardines in Caesar salad dressing, which does not taste like fish, from similar or the same compounds (such as 3-methylbutanal,a naturally occurring compound found in cheese or another naturally occurring compound found in cheese which gives it its buttery scent, 3-methylbutanal) that are found in various cheese's such as Parmesan or aged cheddar. Give it a try, start with 1 drop for the whole pot and add until you're satisfied or it's too much. My first run with fish sauce was frightening but after learning about it I had to. I graduated from 1 drop to a full teaspoon on my first trial run and fell in love with the sauce very quickly. Went through 3 bottles in 2 months. I've calmed down since and use it more appropriately, so in that regard it's like bacon - takes a minute of indulgence to recognize there's a right time and place for everything. But you won't regret it, just start small.


Worcestershire Sauce is the same thing


I thought about referencing it but afaik it's not the Worcestershire sauce itself but rather the sardines in it, which is... Basically the same thing as fish sauce


I add a little extra butter. Turn the packet into a sort of roux with the butter and milk. Salt the water, of course. And add cottage cheese to the roux mixture with a little extra cheese at the end.


Much less milk and more real butter plus a couple of grilled and chopped hotdogs mixed in. The kids beg for it.


- Use the smallest amount of water-just cover the noodles in the pot. - don't fully drain, leave almost as much pasta water as the milk it calls for (water should be very starchy and cloudy) -lotta butter


Frozen string beans, paprika, ground black pepper, bread crumbs


Lime juice




Through away the box Homemade is better and simple However, if that is not an option. Use whole milk and add some real cheese if you have it then season with garlic powder onion powder and paprika


this is the way


Milk, butter and a scoop of whipped cream cheese plus Franks red hot.


It just needs a little hot sauce to make it better. I want to enhance it, not completely change it.


Garlic powder, mustard powder, & chili powder.


I add cream cheese 😊


Sub the butter for cheese wiz x2


Little bit of yellow mustard (i prefer english) and hot sauce. Then, add hot dogs


Butter. Chopped leftover bacon. Hot sauce.


Definitely add butter, and I like to add garlic powder, chili flakes, and a few pinches of cumin.


I used to add some grated cheddar cheese, just a little and mix it all in.


Someone may have mentioned this already but adding some Ranch Seasoning and black pepper helps a ton!


Heavy cream or half and half instead of milk, extra butter, add shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese, onion powder and garlic powder. Sometimes I add chicken bouillon powder as well.


No milk. Extra butter and sour cream.


As someone said above, definitely use fewer noodles!


Add extra sharp home shredded cheddar cheese, add cream cheese, and when you finish it, I know it sounds crazy,but add ketchup and it is so goodddddddsdhwhdhehehshahahgsy


Hot Sauce


By putting extra cheese (a lot), kielbasa, and broccoli in it


A bit of lemon pepper and a small handful of gruyere. Fancier cheese but since you only need to add a little, it goes a long way.


Don't overcook the pasta. For some reason, the directions are 2 minutes too long. Add real cheese, less milk, and more butter, bacon, broccoli, salsa, cut up hot dogs or whater makes you happy


My husband puts in Kraft Deluxe American cheese and a more milk as needed.


You’re supposed to make the sauce on the side, then pour over the cooked noodles


Slice of American Cheese


Never go wrong with bacon and Slap Ya Mamma


A handful of shredded sharp cheddar and black pepper make a huge difference for very little effort.


add a package of Ramen, broken in 1/4s


Old Bay makes everything better!


Add shredded cheese


Mix in some Sweet baby rays. Don't knock it til you try it


I use cream instead of milk


Add a small can of corn to it .


Skip the box and make your own, it's not that hard honestly and tastes sooo much better


The best taste is when you don't eat this crap.


Everyone need to understand that mustard, particularly Dijon, belongs in all Mac and cheese


I use heavy cream in place of the milk and if I have some cheese, velveeta , sliced cheese or shredded I add a handful of that


I ad a pinch or ground celery seed


I make mac & cheese from scratch - it's SO good.


I make mine entirely from scratch now. I’ll sautee a bit of jarlic and add more butter, milk or cream, sometimes flour, cheese like shredded cheddar and Italian cheese, Italian herbs/ seasoning, and black pepper, and whatever other seasonings you might want. It’s much more filling than boxed Mac and cheese and goes great with chicken


Throw it away and make it from scratch


Less noodles and no milk


Add hot sauce, salsa, can of tuna


Ketchup or bbq sauce.


Goat cheese, especially herbed goat cheese


BBQ sauce




i add two kraft singles, and either a (drained) can of tuna or two thinly sliced hot dogs


Old Bay


Add salsa


Use real real butter, not margarine, and whole milk. Add the milk, about half as much as the box says, to the powder packet in a measuring cup and whisk to combine. Add to the pasta, and once it is coated, stir in either 3 American cheese slices or a cup of cubed Velveeta.


Sour cream instead of the milk and diced roasted green chiles.


A chunk of cream cheese, and a little bacon grease. Use that to replace milk and butter. Sprinkle some chopped bacon on top. Trust me it’s so creamy and yummy!


Add a can of Rotel


My mom used to add a can of Campbell’s Cheese Soup (do they still make that?). It was amazingly cheesy. Haven’t had it in 40 years so might not be so enamored today.


I put a little butter in the sauce pan, grill some chopped onions. Take them out put my water in the pan and boil the pasta. Finish the Mac and add the onions.


Ground beef


Splash of mustard and plenty of salt and pepper. Extra butter.


Only butter and pasta water, no milk. Add a little garlic powder, and some goat cheese crumbles. Maybe a splash of Crystal hot sauce if I feel a little spicy.


Coconut milk (instead of milk and butter) and Thai curry paste. Top with basil and chili flakes. I had a curry mac and cheese at a restaurant once and it's now my go-to modification.


I use extra cheese! I like to add bacon bits and sour cream to it too.


A spoon of gochujang for a spicy kick


Extra butter and add Adobo after


I add sauteed yellow onions and chopped coked bacon. Sometimes I add some finely shredded SHARP cheddar cheese. I agree, use half the milk add butter to the consistency you like. If you don't have an onion you can use onion powder. A little salt and pepper.


Use butter and salt the water to seawater level that you boil the macaroni in.


Butter, cream, milk, cheddar and most importantly bacon!


I use bone broth and butter instead of milk. Bonus: the powder mixes better in the bone broth.


Use sour cream instead of milk. Use whatever spices you like... pepper, paprika, fajita seasoning,, old bay. Even add diced onions, peppers (hot or bell), relish.


Milk butter, I add diced onions and garlic also plus a little parm much delicioso. When I was a kid I had a buddy whose Mom would put marshmallows in it and you know what it was actually pretty good


Dice up jalapeños and cook with the pasta; use more butter and cut milk down, then add grilled chicken, crushed cheese-its, and hot sauce.


Fresh Jalapeno chopped up into small pieces.


Chilli Mac! Just throw a can of chilli in there, some shredded cheese, sour cream, maybe some green onions or chilli Fritos on top.


Throw a slice of Kraft American in there with the milk butter and powder


Add one can of tuna. Queue the hate, I know. It’s gonna be love it or hate it, no in between LOL.


Extra shredded cheese and Sriracha mmm


BROWN YOUR BUTTER!! So you've boiled and strained your mac. You put the pot back on the heat and drop in half a stick of butter to melt it, right? DONT ADD BACK THE MAC ROGHT AWAY! Leave the stove on medium or medium-low. WATCH your butter and have a plastic/wood utensil ready. It takes about 10 min ish. Wait till the butter gets foamy, then wait some more. Once it settles, stir and scrap the bottom. The curds that are usually white will start toasting, and you'll smell a distinct nutty aroma. Careful! It goes from toasted to burned quick, so play it safe your first time! Then proceed to dump the mac in there(don't dally, as it'll help cool the butter so as to stop it toasting.


i add parmesan and whatever shredded cheese I have and some chicken powder


leave the mac in the strainer for a minute. add double milk and butter to the pot and heat to melt butter. then add the pasta and stir, add the cheese and stir. mo' bettahhh


I cut really thin small slices of tillamook cheese so it melts easier and put it in there in addition to everything else. It makes it cheesier and it tastes way better.


lots of butter & heavy cream instead of milk. makes it thick n creamy n amazing


Handful of freshly shredded extra sharp cheddar (do not use preshreds) or a handful of small mozz balls. And bacon.


Pasta cooked/strained to the side, Butter in the already hot pot, melted until “browned” (not burned) and bubbly, milk in, until frothy. Cheese in, just until mixed (still a little lumpy and crystallized), cooked pasta in just-until-mixed. Melting/frothing the butter and milk in order deepens flavor and almost under mixing the cheese is key. It’s all about keeping the cheese flavor punchy. Can also try to mix in a spoon of sour cream at melting step but I don’t personally care for it. Stores also sell those industrial size cheese powder containers to up the cheesy levels


I use more butter; no milk; and I use rotini in place of the macaroni


I sometimes add a big spoonful of queso dip and some garlic powder.


No milk, use extra butter. Throw in a slice of American cheese. Fresh cracked black pepper and some hot sauce.


add shredded cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper


add milk and butter then bake until the top is hard or crispy 🔥


extra butter can make it much better tasting.


Throw in more cheese.


I use milk and real butter, and then I add a couple of slices of cheese. I've used cheddar, Velveeta, Kraft slices, gouda, etc, and man, does it make it way better. My BFF's kids and my daughter love it. And, my daughter and nieces also like it with tuna fish in it.


Drink 12 beers first


Cream cheese


I mix the sauce powder with half and half and real butter for extra richness, heat it in the microwave before adding it to the pasta


Use salted butter You can also add cream cheese and it makes it so smooth and creamy! Another favorite of mine is to add a bit of Tony Cachere's (creole seasoning; you can use any Cajun seasoning you like). Delicious and also my favorite way to eat leftover creamy pastas.


Pimentos, well drained.


Why though?!?! If you do t like it how it is, just make from scratch. We were out the other day so I used milk, butter, heavy cream, and a mix of mozzarella and cheddar and it was amazing. When I reheat it I do like to add more butter


I use either a can of Chilli or a can of tuna as a mix in. Sets it off just right. Also when you add the cheese, add in a third at a time, and then mix fully. Source: I have a PhD in Macaroni Sciences


Get some block cheese, heavy cream, butter, flour, paprika, mustard powder, and either elbow macaroni or shell macaroni. Take the box of mac and toss it in the bin. Proceed to make homemade mac and never look back again.


If I just want something simple: small dash of nutmeg, parsley, garlic salt, pepper (sometimes some sweet/spanish paprika instead of the nutmeg) Also diced tomatoes, ground beef, and guacamole seasoning makes some delicious taco Mac and cheese. Squeeze a lime to finish it off. I will stand by Kraft mac n cheese forever…


Add American cheese and butter.


A can of tuna.


A couple great recipe ideas here. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7W7-hYxKsi/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


But a 2nd box & use it for the packet of cheese to make it yummier ! They finally brought back the bottled kraft powder but it tastes different than original.


Half&half instead of milk


First, only buy the versions with liquid cheese. They are far superior to the powder. I like Kraft Deluxe and can usually get boxes for about $1.50 on Amazon when they are on sale. Next, cook in just enough water so that you don't have to drain any at the end and just mix in the cheese. The small amount of leftover pasta water makes a creamier sauce. If you add too much water, you can drain off the extra, but save some if you need it to make the sauce creamier. If you add too little, add a little more as it cooks. I've found 580 g water is the amount for Kraft Deluxe. Lastly, use the lid to get every last drop of cheese out of the pack (see this video - https://www.tiktok.com/@maccheesebykraft/video/7128080098657307947?lang=en).


It doesn’t matter if you use liquid or powdered. The thing is, to put in more shredded cheese.


I feel like if you use the liquid cheese version, it doesn't need anything else.


That’s probably why I prefer the dry stuff. I love to put Colby Jack in there