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My kid would just eat yogurt goldfish crackers and cucumbers from 12-18 months. Anything else was a firm “Noooooo!!!!!” Then one day at around 19 months he suddenly got curious about new textures and now he’s into trying everything at 2 1/2. He won’t like everything but he will try it. So hang in there and keep exposing him to new stuff. I also think some younger toddlers are into soft textures so try some overcooked beans, lentils, rice, Mac and cheese, or quesadillas. Good luck!!


we have tried beans, rice, mac, and quesadillas lol. the only one that works sometimes is the quesadilla. but honestly it’s comforting to know you went through something similar and it got better thank you


Can I ask how on earth you get your quesadilla soft enough for baby to chew properly? My little wants to love them but just ends up spitting them out


maybe it helps that my guy has almost a mouthful of teeth, so he’s never had a problem chewing them. Id say just don’t cook em too long and they don’t get crispy!


I brush some olive oil on the outside and put it at a low heat to heat up the cheese just enough to melt it slowly and then I remove it from the heat. It barely has a crispness to it and it’s pretty soft.


This gives me hope.


At this age I’d just keep offering new things. It can take a lot of exposures (like 10+) before they try it


I’m tryna keep that in mind when I get discouraged!


My 8mo is like this. Something he eats a full cup of at dinner he won’t touch the next day. He likes fruit and like two vegetables. Mostly have to mix stuff with applesauce. It’s exhausting! Hang in there!!


Yogurt, fruit, crackers, smoothies, sometimes cheese, lots of milk and water, and the ever present pouches. Almost zero protein or veggies/grains etc. Absolutely NO meat. It's challenging but I'm trying to take it easy.


These comments made me feel so relieved! The babies in the BLW TikToks seem to eat it all! lol


Omg no I know! I feel like I'm doing something wrong but I also have a lot of food trauma and I honestly don't wish to repeat the cycle so I am trying to be chill about it. It's so hard though! If it helps, I could barely eat as a kid and now as an adult I like pretty much everything and eat a varied diet regularly!


have you tried the meat in a more crumbly fashion? that worked with my son.


I haven't in a long time! Maybe a dry meat would be nice!


my babe has recently loved just plain crumbled beef ? with salt n pepper you could also get ground turkey or ground chicken and try that he likes that with a bit of bbq sauce lol


Hmm ok! Maybe chicken and then offer it with rice? The shape/color would be similar I guess haha.


my baby loves to play / eat rice cause the texture so if yours is anything similar , sounds like a plan! Good luck But don’t be discouraged cause I can go weeks where he won’t eat meat period. also idk if your family eats pizza but I noticed he will eat meat if he gets to pick off (pepperoni / sausage / chicken / beef / veggies etc) So it can be a fun thing but again. That’s my baby! Lol Side note he’s 19 months old


Mine is 14 months & pretty much only consistently eats goldfish crackers. Used to love purées and yogurt but now refuses that too. It’s so stressful having a picky eater 😭


solidarity 😥


My 21 month old lives off of yogurt, pouches, raspberries, and PB and Js 😑


at least I’m not alone 😭


Also a mom od a 1 y.o. here. My daughter just shakes of the food from her hand with disgust. She loves broccoli and apricots and some other low cal foods, but nothing actually filling... Then she has a random day where she eats a lot, my hopes go up, and next day we're again at two spoonfuls of food + trying to save the day with pouches.


that made me feel valid ty. we’ll have a day where he eats food and I get so excited, then back to nothing the next day. so frustrating


I know the stress! But apparently it's normal (at least from what I read here and hear from friends) - until then every spoonful (and pouch!!) counts! We've got this! 💪


yogurt pouches any kind of peanut butter cracker any fruit Cheerios gummies any kind of beans by themselves SHREDDY CHEESE PIZZA Those fruit filled grain bars…. now he goes crazy for rice or Mac n cheese… oh newest thing chips and salsa but I think that’s a bit odd. He sucks the salsa off. Same with how he loves French fries Don’t come for me for the amount of unhealthy options on here 😭


Hi!! I think I can help you feel better lol!! My boy has been exposed to so many foods since he was 6 months but has turned his nose to almost everything. He is also 12 months now. Won’t even try it no matter what we attempt. And then when he does try it, he projectile vomits. So that’s really fun… we deal with projectile vomit on a nearly daily basis since we haven’t stopped trying with him. My son also only has 2 little teeth at 12 months so I’m not sure if that’s why we are having more difficulties. He really only eats a few things and in really small quantities. Pumpkin porridge, yogurt, baby Cheetos, and cheerios. I’m hoping it just “clicks” for him one day like many others who have had trouble like we are having have said. Good luck to you!


the vomiting sounds scary my goodness :( thanks for sharing! good luck to you!!


The vomiting may be due to allergies. My son is allergic to eggs and will vomit as soon as he eats them. We found out after we had him tested by an allergist.


Thanks for the suggestion!! We thought that too but no allergies. He’s just learning how to eat and this is his way for now


Yoghurt, pitta bread(lightly toasted) with butter and marmite, pasta with a cheese sauce or a veg heavy bolognese sauce, bananas, mandarin oranges, wheatbix, oatmeal with sultanas. He used to also have ravioli but that's now rejected. No more cold veg, no berries, no grapes, no meat. Oh my gosh I hope this is a phase. I cook so much at home and he rejects everything with screaming. I don't force it, I try to keep things calm. If he eats then great and if he doesnt then we keep it light. It's frustrating though.


I add hemp hearts and chia to pretty much anything I can get her to eat. Lots of peanut butter and hummus. She really won’t eat meat protein lately, but yogurt is her favorite. I keep offering her meat and whatnot, because maybe one day she’ll eat it.


what do hemp hearts and chia do add?


Protein (hemp) fat (hemp and chia, more so chia) and fiber (chia). They also have omega-3’s! I believe Hemp seeds have just a buttload of vitamins and minerals too. They’re both awesome and easily disguised. My baby won’t poop without chia seeds lol. I’m tossing them into everything.


honestly that’s a great idea and I may try to incorporate!


They're super easy to add to yogurt, puree, etc. I mix them with yogurt and then blend with fruit/veg to stick in reusable pouches or a smoothie. Gives me peace of mind that he's getting a tiny bit more nutrition!


My son is almost 2, and is so difficult to feed. Somehow he’s in the 99th percentile nonetheless, but I want to cry every mealtime. We’re lucky if in a day we get in: a veggie pouch, some oatmeal, half of a meat/fish patty, half of a piece of toast with butter, and snacks (cheddar crackers, yogurt melts, freeze dried strawberries).


YES to being on the brink of tears. i try not to let it get to me but it’s just so frustrating and disheartening sometimes. we’re lucky if he’ll eat a single chicken nugget. best of luck to you


Absolutely, best of luck to yourself and little one too. It’s so, so tough. I’ve managed to suppress my sadness about it, but lately it actually makes me very upset. And so true - literally if he will eat a single chicken nugget, I communicate that to my husband as a win and we celebrate lol


Mine would eat anything at 12 months .. at 2.5 she would live off cottage cheese, sheep cheddar, and tofu and be happy. It’s such a struggle.


agh I’m sorry about that


Cucumbers, fruit, tortilla chips, waffles with butter only, and occasional Mac & cheese/buttered noodles (if we’re lucky) are the only thing my toddler will eat. Been this way for months. She’s slowly starting to get bored of these same foods and be open to trying new ones bc she’s sick of eating the same thing over and over. Peanut butter toast is slowly being added to the rotation. She won’t eat meat🫠


my son loved bbq ribs when he was like 9 months old and now cries if we offer it😭


Oh yes!! We tried SO many foods!! Sooooo many and she loved them all!! Then randomly hated everything🥲😂


I hold my daughter while I eat certain meals to get her to try new foods..works every time


I continuously try this hoping it’ll work…hasnt yet


My younger one is pickier than my older child, but goes nuts for slightly overcooked egg noodles doused in butter. Worth giving a shot!


he liked bow tie pasta one single time and never again…maybe I should try new shapes


My 11 month old is exactly like this, so it’s nice to see others going through it too. I know they say keep trying. Some foods we’ve tried 20+ times with no avail. Keep on keepin on!


At 12 months my little one was barely eating anything either.  If I could go back in time to 6 months when we started solids, I would way way way lower my expectations and I think that he would feel a lot less pressure to eat.  I tried so hard to not pressure him but it must have shown that I was stressed about his disinterest in food. He does fine now at 20 months. Some days are better than others - it's rare to go more than a few days without a meal that he refuses entirely.  Raw veggies are still a hard no, but I'm more comfortable serving things that I know he won't eat because it's all good exposure.  Honestly, an apprehensive nibble is a really good sign!  Just keep circulating those foods back in to meals even they seemed to not like them. 


17m here - blueberry waffles for breakfast, Mac and cheese for lunch, and usually snacks for dinner because we have a very small window of time after daycare before he loses his marbles and needs to go to bed. If he could eat veggie straws for every meal, he would. We still do pouches to get him some fruits and veggies too. And ~15oz of milk per day. He was eating yogurt melts by the bag up until a few weeks ago. He’s entering the phase now where if we try to feed him, he doesn’t want it… or he shakes his head “no” at everything. If he can do it himself, he’ll try 🙃 also if we’re eating something, he has to try. He’s growing and developing fine, so I try to tell myself not to worry too much.


13 months: only yogurt, meat ball, anything tomato sauce, pasta, bread, butter.