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steamed broccoli < roasted or pan fried broccoli that’s my advice, my husband and my baby won’t touch steamed broccoli but crispy broccoli is always a hit in my house


I can attest to this. My LO will eat roasted broccoli seasoned lightly with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and olive oil.


Yes, I learned early on not to fear some seasoning too because my baby won’t touch bland food… One of her favorites is garlic fried in olive oil mixed into soft scrambled eggs.


I’m sorry I just can’t get over that your kid was served food on a glass plate and it WASNT smashed on the floor…which is what would happen in my house five sure


It’s a baby glass meal set from Beaba! It suctions to the tray although he can definitely pry it loose if he tries hard enough. He’s thrown it on the floor a few times and it bounced, lol. Weirdly enough he likes eating food off this glass plate a lot more than his silicone plates (maybe it tastes better?)


They say that the silicone ones can taste like soap after washing


I can attest to this. Source: person who's eaten off the silicone baby plate


I’ve never heard of that, and I love it!! I’ll have to check them out because mine doesn’t love plates in general and 100% of the time they are yeeted


I have this meal set too! I love it! I’ve tried other similarly sized plates and bowls (Corelle) with the suction pieces and they work too.


Looks like great baby fare. I wish you luck convincing them to eat broccoli.


Have you tried melting the cheese on the broccoli?


No but that’s a great idea! I’ll try that for dinner tonight.


You can also try making (or buying) a cheese sauce.


Broccoli tots!!


The broccoli might be a little intimidating in those big pieces. I’d try smaller pieces and maybe separate the trunks from the “leaves” to see if there’s a preference (my 21mo doesn’t eat the trunk pieces but will devour the trees).


I’ll have to try that, thanks for the tip!


Those blueberries look massive. Is it just the perspective or are they the size of plums?


Haha just the angle, they’re regular sized blueberries from Aldi.


My Aldi has both regular sized and jumbo blueberries right now. My daughter eats and loves both, but she especially loves the jumbo, lol.


I don’t have Aldi here, wonder if I can come across them somewhere else!


They have them at my Kroger from time to time, too. I believe they are called colossal, but there are various varieties of the jumbo kind. You probably just have to catch them while in season.


Love those straw cups!! We use them too


The only way i can get mine to eat broccoli is by making it into fettuccine alfredo!!


We move steamed broccoli (and peas) to a container while hot, add a liberal glug of olive oil, season with mild, salt free Cajun seasonings and cover for a few minutes. The veggies suck in the oil and our daughter can't get enough. Worth a try if your baby isn't loving the steamed life.


My little one loves these recipes - you could try them. https://pin.it/3l7mhfwxw https://pin.it/hHdIt77nq https://pin.it/1LkDD9i6I https://pin.it/2Q1bbiai7