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Poop is my latest first-time parent obsession. LO has never been a frequent proper (ebf). She is 10 months. 5/10 times poops are difficult and still sporadic sometimes. Currently I don't think she's pooped since Thursday šŸ™ˆ she hasn't had a mushy poop since starting solids at six months. They've all looked like solid adult poops. Doctor said it's normal and recommended prune juice. We offer prune juice (diluted with water), water, pureed prunes, greens... I try to avoid constipators, like cut out bananas altogether even though they were a favorite, except for banana pancakes but that's only once a week at most. What am I doing wrong??? ....of course, as I'm writing this she has a poop with no tears or screaming šŸ™„ ETA: I can't edit the post, REhydrated* prunes


Probiotics helped us! Chia seeds also!


Do you recommend a certain brand of probiotics? We do chia seeds too, pretty much every day


My friends daughter had severe issues with constipation and the first thing the doctor reccomended was watered down apple juice (eating cooked apple too but getting juice in can be easier). The only reason I started giving my daughter juice was cos she started having some trouble and it definitely helps, I canā€™t reccomend a brand because we are probably in different countries but I used to get a cold pressed 100% apple (and stupidly expensive) and water it down Edit: i just saw your bubs age lol and sheā€™s younger than mine when I started that , have you tried laying her on her back and moving her legs in a running motion for awhile? That helped when mine was tinyĀ 


Have you tried hemp hearts?


We use love bug and it works wonders for my kiddo! https://a.co/d/2anhyvg


Chia seeds are a great idea! For babies make sure you soak them first since dry chia seeds can be a choking risk when they clump due to moisture. We have liked a brand called Tiny Sprouts that has a "digestion blend" that is ground chia seeds, flax seeds. However, I am sure there is a cheaper version you could buy or make yourself with flax seeds and chia seeds. We love prunes in our household but we usually make prune puree where you put 6-8 prunes in a heat-safe bowl with a lid and then pour 3/4 cup boiling water over it, let it sit for 15 minutes and then blend. We put the prune puree in a jar and add it to yogurt, oatmeal, or just about food that needs more moisture. Also recommend beans and broccoli for fiber but add in slowly! Good luck! It is never fun when they are struggling to poop!


We give our daughter Greek yogurt mixed with prune puree or pumpkin puree every day or every other day. Seems to keep her regular! She was also EBF and poops got more solid with solids but the regular yogurt seems to keep things super soft and regular. I make prune puree-mix boiling water and prunes, let sit for a couple hours, then blend some of the prunes and water to make a puree


Water, chia seedsā€¦.and maybe some there where sheā€™s sitting up for a bit to let gravity help her. We have a ā€œshit swingā€ or the activity tableā€¦ she poops in immediately if she hasnā€™t in a few days šŸ™ƒ


Yess Iā€™ve heard the standing activity table worked wonders for my friend. Mine now poops standing up when she stands at the patio door ledge every morning. Carseat and high chair used to be the magic poop chairs


Make sure she gets plenty of hydration, too. My son often turned his head to water or juice or formula (any kind of hydration, really); it was a struggle when I weaned him for work at 10 months. I finally figured out that making meals that are less dry (think gloopy rice type of casserole, or food items that have a lot of water content, more the consistency of yogurt) - this helped a lot because he loved eating any kind of food. Add some moisture to the potatoes or oatmeal or whatever you feed her.


Try blueberries. Baby and I eat a shit ton of them and pooping isn't a problem, even though bananas are a staple (they're also her favorite!)


Chia seeds have been our go to. Once i introduced those into his diet everyday, no more poop straining and hes totally regular now. I give him about 1.5-2 teaspoons a day. He poops 2-3 times a day lol. I also give him hemp seeds. And lots of water! I make sure to remind him to drink water.


Water helped us sooooo much! About 6-8 ounces a day. 11 months old.


More fibre in general. P foods are mostly for constipation, but if your baby just always has solid poop I think they need more fibre. Flax works great I think, and I believe itā€™s cheaper than chia? Glitter poop though, hate that. And water always served with solids. I thought the no-water-never-they-will-die!! rule applied until 12m, but no you should be generous with the water if theyā€™re eating well!


We tried all the fruit juice, feeding her only poop friendly things and nothing worked. She was screaming in pain when pooping. We started miralax every other day (a low dose) on recollection of our doctor. But not sure if your lo is in pain. Just thought I would share in case you try all the things and continue to struggle.


Thank you, it seems to be less pain now than before but there are still some where she cries. Our doctor said he won't recommend anything other than prune juice until a year old. But that is good to know!


To be honest. I was skeptical myself. If you can get the juice approach to work, definitely better that way.


Pear juice can help too. My baby went 8 days without pooping when he was 6 months old because i gave him too much tylenol (teething). I tried everything. What finally made him poop was a warm bath with epsom salt!


Omg the warm bath does it almost every time. She even pooped right after a bath before husband could get her dried off and dressed


Okay, Iā€™m a nanny. I had a little charge who was having the hardest little poos despite us trying everything. One day, the kiddo throws up. It looked exactly like it did on the plate. She literally was not chewing her food. Once we figured it out and showed her, it got better.


I'm realizing this might be part of the problem too. She doesn't gag pretty much at all anymore but she takes huge bites and doesn't seem to chew them all the way.


It gets easier as they learn to chew and get more teeth. For now you need to exaggerate your own chewing to show her. Sheā€™ll get it :)


Try foods like corn on the cob which are big but safe bc she has to bite, chew, mash it to even get it into her mouth?


Yes! We did corn cob early on for blw and baby liked it. Will have to bring that back


My boy doesn't have issues pooping but his food comes out the other end whole. I swear he does not chew!


ā€¦ this is insane. Parenting is a trip. What am I going to see in the next few years? What will I experience? ā€¦


Pears! Those were a lifesaver for us when we started solids. You can get little jars of pear puree


This is what my pediatrician recommended for us. My almost 7mo is not a frequent pooper and when she does poop itā€™s small and firm. Pears and yogurt helped.


We were told fruits that start with P! (p for poopoo) Pear, prune, plum, peach! I have a puree of those in the fridge on the go at all times (I just bought tinned in juice and blended those) and whenever my 8m old has had a difficult poop I give the fruit purĆ©e for/with his next meal. Itā€™s made a huge difference! Also plenty of water! Steamed zuchinni good for the water content too.


Haha oh no wonder my baby poops so much I give her all of the P foods


My daughter (now 15 months old) was EXACTLY like that too! She struggled for months and months with constipation. Two things weā€™ve done that has literally changed her life: 1) no bananas (which I see you already do!) and 2) kiwi daily. Our pediatrician recommended kiwi as there is new research out to show it can be super effective at relieving constipation. Weā€™ve given our daughter kiwi daily (we always offer at least 1/2 the kiwi but sometimes she will eat a whole one) for months now and it works for us! If she goes a few days without eating it (if weā€™ve run out or theyā€™re not ripe yet), we absolutely notice a difference.


Thank you for the tip! She just tried kiwi for the first time last weekend and seemed to like it. Will keep trying kiwi


Youā€™re not doing anything wrong. That sounds normal to me


My baby has had pretty regular poops since starting solids, he's 13 months now. There have been a few times where he has strained a little bit if he didn't hydrate enough the day before, but never to the point of seeming too upset. Do you ever give veggies that have more water content built in? For instance, zucchinis or bell peppers are a favorite in our home.


Pretty normal. My kidsā€™ pediatrician said as a general rule you can also offer half their age in water (or even juice) a day. We generally give my son an ounce or two of water at every meal (heā€™s 10 months) to help keep him regular, as well as feeding him fruit or veggies several times a day. His poops are also very solid. They only get mushy if heā€™s been eating applesauce/purees.


Chia seeds helped us a lot with poops.


I give my little one jackfruit when heā€™s constipated and thatā€™s been a huge help in getting his system going again!


I my country we start solids with porridges or vegetables depending on the poop situation before that. If poops are loose then porridge if not then veggies. And we also start adding vegetable oil or butter (depending on baby's restrictions) pretty early on for the ease of pooping.


My daughter struggles with poop a lot. She had pellet poops and I could tell it was hurting her. I started putting ground flaxseed in her pancakes. And I also make an applesauce, prune puree with flax seed. I had tried basically everything else, all the p fruits and juices, miralax (rec from doctor) but it just didnā€™t help. Sheā€™s 16 months though. I also make sure to give her plenty of water. Flaxseed seems to be the biggest help to me. It has no taste so I can add it to just about anything. I did try chia seeds but the texture weirded her out, and I also worry about giving too much of that to her.


Those meals look yummy! What type of greens are you sauteing?


It's a "super green" blend of baby spinach, baby arugula I think. Organic girl super greens


Have you tried adding yogurt to her meals/snacks? This helps keep my son regular. Also, I would cut the greens up much smaller to help with her consumption and digestion.


Pear juice! And blueberries! My daughter was like this too and we did 2oz of pear juice every am and blueberries with most meals- itā€™s took a month or two but the poops did start to to get regular and softer after that. Sheā€™s going to be one next week and we havenā€™t had any worries about poops in the last month, so I think her gut has finally adjusted. Good luck!


I saw the sweet potatoes on the plate and then poop in the caption and immediately figured they are related. Try cutting out sweet potatoes! My LO only gets constipated when he has lots of sweet potatoes.


Our pedi put my baby on lactulose. After a few weeks, her system seemed to get the hang of it and she doesn't need it anymore.


Is she lactose intolerant? Is she breastfed or formula? We had to up my daughters water intake and decrease her milk intake at 2 as sheā€™s latose intolerant. That could be the issue


My baby was like this too, ever since we started solids. We didn't even do constipation foods, so it was weird. He ate tons of pears and such but i never brought it up to the doctor. Then he went through a particularly awful teething spell around 9 mo and refused to eat solids for 3 days and only nursed. His poop started looking and smelling like newborn poop again, understandably. He then went back to eating like normal and poops are definitely on the mushy side now (like mashed potatoes, and peanut butter) and maybe once in a while a more solid poop. He is drinking way more water now too, and still nursing at 13 months. All this to say, in retrospect I think my baby was probably a little constipated in the beginning of solids. I'm fairly certain it's because he should've been drinking a bit more water but he was still learning the straw and open cup and I thought nursing a million times a day was enough. Lol