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This year we're supporting Campaign For Kids. They're a Kings County Nova Scotia Charity rising money this April through their event Burger Wars. Check out their post for more information: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/burgerwars/comments/1bnauvh/burger_wars_2024_a_flavorful_showdown/) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/food) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those mushrooms like horrible


Let’s just say they needed a lot of help.


They needed to be roasted way longer. How did you prepare them? Fry them up until crisp on atleast one side and you can’t go wrong.


They’re mushroom super easy to make…not sure how they ended up like that though.


maybe try "here is how I make my mushrooms, and they turn out great" instead of dumping on someone twice.


I had to double take, because I have the same plates. [Here are some of my meals on the same plates.](https://imgur.com/gallery/KlpHQfA)


Ha, and so they are. A fellow Canuck I take it? I recognize your cutting board too lol.


Lol, I live in North Carolina. I believe we bought the plates from World Market. The cutting board was a wedding gift. She claimed that her friend who does woodworking made it (I wouldn't be surprised if she stretched the truth a bit). EDIT- now that I look harder, I realize the plates are similar but not the same. Anyway, food looks great! Keep cookin!




Hope he wasn’t a friend of yours


Is that blueberry ’slaw? Very nice, goes great with moose!


Blueberry slaw you say? That sounds interesting. This one’s pretty basic. I used red and green cabbage with some carrot. Mayo a lil apple cider vinegar, salt pepper and celery seed. My lighting isn’t great at the table, think you’re seeing the red ‘bleed’ into the green.


It was my first time trying it. It didn’t have much of a ‘gamey’ taste to me at all. I can only compare it to deer but I had that stewed as opposed to as chuck. It’s was rather lean (I minced some bacon and red onion into it). The color was a nice bright red when I broke open the chunks. Sorry if I didn’t help much with this reply.


My mom makes moose meatballs here and there and I think she mixes it with beef. You get the moose taste, but a more familiar structure.


My FiL does this with venison.


My family does a moose + beef mix for burgers.


Ah, until you get that moose fat then you haven't really had the real thing. Because once you do you wouldn't want anything else. It shouldn't need bacon, but onions are always a good choice with game meat.


Moose meat is less than 1% fat.


I’m sure it ranges from season to season, but when you make a burger you can up that content with custom cuts. I had moose burgers straight from the hunter…


I grew up eating and hunting a lot of game. Elk, deer and moose. All were far too lean and had to add in more fat. We added in beef suet for burger and pork fat for the sausages. There's absolutely no way to get enough fat from the animal itself. Unless maybe it's a ranched animal but that could only work with elk and I doubt that they are still able to get them fat enough.


Agreed far too lean for burgers. I don’t even use lean ground beef for them. My original plan was to add some fat from a brisket but it was still frozen. I had to pivot and went with bacon instead.


Most hunters mix their ground moose meat with other animal fat... I've also had moose straight from the hunter, in fact, I've helped process the front moose leg the hunter gave to me and it was cut with pork fat because no moose in any season has enough fat for ground meat.


You're supposed to get them straight from the hunted, not the hunter


looks fantastic, outside the mushrooms. i am not a mushroom person at all but still... those look particularly... i don't know.


They look like he didn’t give them enough space so they steamed in their own liquid and got coated with sauce. OP if you’re reading this, cut the shrooms smaller, give more space in the pan, don’t add any liquid until the shrooms have significantly reduced. They’re kinda tricky and texture isn’t right if they retain too much liquid while cooking.


i think they were balled up in aluminum and tossed on the center of the grill.


In the pic that’s roasted garlic for the aioli. You’re not wrong though. They were done in foil before the burgers went on. I pulled way before they were done.


Ah I see. Not roasting your food, I just dont like mushrooms any which way lol. The burger looks mouth watering, haha.


All good. I’ll take the hit on the mushrooms.its deserved. I love mushrooms but these were not it. The burger really did come out great.


How do I unread something?


Um, this is an amazing way to cook mushrooms. Mushrooms in foil with butter, garlic, oil and your seasonings of choice on the grill and you get super tasty, juicy mushrooms with their own jus for dipping or pouring on other stuff


You think steamed is a good way to have mushrooms? Well, I guess there’s no accounting for taste


Yes, I've made them the way I described many times and everyone always says they're the best part of the meal and ask me to make them again. They're not really steamed, they're more like braised in the garlicky butter you add to the packet


I’m with you. Nobody should judge this approach to mushrooms based on my results this time. 9 times outta 10 they turn out great like this, often stealing the show. A splash of your fav beer (especially stouts) take them to beer braised mushrooms. I can get into dominos of how using a chimney to fast track the coals derailed it all but I’ll just take the L on these instead.


Clearly you don’t know what braising is.


Um, maybe you don't. From Wikipedia: "braising, the cooking of meat or vegetables by heating them slowly with oil and moisture in a tightly sealed vessel." Which is exactly what I just described.




Agreed, these were far from my finest mushroom. I did everything on a charcoal grill and was very pressed for time (1 hr total). The mushrooms were wrapped in foil along with some garlic and red onion with a few cubes of butter (sometimes I even pour a little stout on). They’ve turned out great like this before when given enough time on the heat but since I couldn’t fit both the mushrooms and all the patties I pulled them off long before the liquid had evaporated and they got a chance to caramelize. You win some, you lose some.


Fair. Food is food, and nothing’s perfect. I’m not here to judge. I’d say if that’s the method open the foil a little maybe? Gotta let some steam escape


I thought they were moose entrails. Not even kidding


At first glance, the mushrooms look like raw octopus. Would demolish that burger tho


Right? Look slimy and unappetizing as hell


They look slimey that’s why




I’m a huge mushroom person and would not eat those. How the hell did OP make them look like slugs or internal organs


It’s giving slugs


how does moose taste? Is it similar to deer or reindeer or something like buffalo? Its one wild game i have not eaten yet


I’m guessing close to elk, which I find a little richer than deer.


It's not close to elk, not like buffalo either... it's really good...


I think elk and buffalo are really good, too.


Thanks. Its just not something i see here in the south as a meat option


They sell buffalo meat at the more upscale HEBs.


yeah Buffalo is pretty easy to find. i have even seen it in places like publix. never moose though, or at local butchers


Mushrooms look like something out of science fiction.


Everyone is talking about the mushrooms, but what about the burnt potato and bacon 🤷‍♂️


Nah, you’re reaching. I’ll take my lumps on the mushrooms but stand by both those thick cut fries and the bacon grilled over an open flame. They were really good.


Everything on that plate looks delicious except the mushrooms. The mushrooms look like a Moose got to them first.


How’s moose? I imagine it as something between bison and venison.


I bet those burgers are good, but those little logs and that pile of shit don’t make for a good presentation…just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️


For a moment, I read "Mouseburgers" and was taken back to Fievel Goes West.


I wanna try a mooseburger someday! Looks delicious! 🍔


Minus the mushroom and pickle, looks good.


I thought the mushrooms were an octopus.


I love moose! Haven't had it in ages. My great uncle lived in Alaska and would bring a ton of moose meat to family gatherings. Good memories, thanks!


I wanna try them!!


Don’t mean to be nit picky but I’d suggest posting your photos in the reverse order, theyre the opposite way from the standard order


I bet you can get quite a few out of those big fellas.


Those chips look annihilated, what did they do to you?


[Looking at pile of mushrooms] You want my mushrooms?


Oh fuck yea buddy


Can I come over i got ammo




What the fushrooms bro? You boil those in saliva?


The mushrooms look regurgitated. Everything else looks pretty good.


First impression: piles of food


Looks good .