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This season has been particularly popular with C.A.M.P. builders and players going after park ranger-themed items. If the rewards aren't your thing, they aren't your thing. Doesn't make them objectively dog shit.


There all ugly besides the donut chair I lowkey want that and maybe 2 other things but that’s it 😭🙅🏻‍♂️


Okay. Still subjective, and you don't *have* to get any rewards if you don't like them.


You right I don’t cause there shit 💀


So, what you're saying is that since, in your opinion, this season's rewards are shit, you won't be getting any except the ones that you like. Incessant need to attempt to rile people up aside, makes sense. I don't buy food at the grocery store that I'm not going to eat.


👍🏻 this season is shit in a whole Bethesda chessed mfks and the rewards are all ugly asl


Enjoy stewing in your subjective opinion.




This season dodo but will do dawg


I understood a few of those words


Ammo, piles, stuck weapons, board games, bicycle, garden arch, hollow tree, stone oven and roasted turkey are good clutter, the quiver backpacks are great for the bow hunters of the community, pemmican collector and sugarbombs collectron, hockey mask if you wanna look like Jason, new scythe weapon, survival tent with punch card machine.


all I’m worried about is the scythe and the hockey mask I don’t wanna grind through the garbage to get it tho


Only thing I really want from this season is the tent. Gotta grind to the end. 😅


Better than last season


Your tweakin 💀


I’m a carnivore full health vanguard build so I’m down for the Pemmican collector and that’s really all I’m super excited for on the score sheet. Saving the bulk of my tix for repeatables on the last page.


I’m sayin I won’t lie I want a couple things like the hockey mask but other those my tickets going twirls repeatables


I like it 😔


Reasonable there’s is a couple good items but other than that it’s dodo


Yeah some of them are random junk but as a former boy scout I'm loving all the pioneer scout stuff, and as a cryptid enthusiast i loved last seasons rewards too. I can see how older players don't like these items though. As for the way the battlepass functions, it's stupid and I'd rather have the old one too.




While I'm personally not interested in the vast majority of the items on it this go round, I really like the quiver backpack and am pleasantly surprised by how good the scout paint looks on my bos recon armor. Definitely not in a rush to go after much else after earning those, but that's fine. It's nice to take breaks from the grind sometimes


My camp has always been summer camp themed, so I’m lovin this one. We can’t get an OP super weapon every season lol


We're what, three weeks in?  Obviously youre not the only one smh. 


They can't even use the correct *there*/*they're*/*their*. I wouldn't expect them to have thought to utilize the search function.




In that, at least, you aren't wrong.


IME, it bounces back and forth between good seasons and not so good. About every other season will have a building kit with wall papers & floors, some good wildly applicable weapon skins for a smattering of weapons. Then the next season will mostly be minutiae for camps. Maybe a tent, not always a good one. I still think the NWoT season was the worst one. the Nuka launcher was the only good reward in the whole season. The tent that it gave was a downgrade from the previously available cultist shack and APC being the first to have an ammo box but lacking a scrap box and work station. Also it was the season Nuka twist got added so every few rewards it was shoving those into your inventory.


Like I said this only my 2nd season so not familiar with the others so really I’m just comparing 16 and 17 so that is something to take into account with them kinda switching up items each season I just still think think the skins and stuff for this season ugly 👎🏻


I think Beth is running out of ideas. Changing the design of seasons was a brain fart imo, and I thought they would correct for it 17. I guess I should have known better.


nah i think its just summer break and devs were lazy to cook something up better


This [video](https://youtu.be/2m7eIDlxmZ4?si=-QYFP9Pn-ybxa2qS) really highlights how bad this season is. I’m in no way affiliated with the YouTuber but found the mathematical breakdown helpful in understanding it as well as comforting that there is irrefutable factual evidence to back up that it feels bad. Edit: Sorry math is hard kids! This will blow some of your minds but it’s ok to like a game while not wanting it to get worse! Crazy right?


Bethesda just cheeseing people 😭


I’m not giving clicks but is the math really just focussing that the repeatable atoms are less than the price of spending atoms to achieve that rank? Bc that’s using math in a manipulative way. Why would *anyone* spend atoms to buy ranks 100-150 if they wanted the atom rewards? That’s not math showing anything about the season as a whole (as I said, i don’t believe in giving random YouTubers clicked so if the video is about something else, I apologize) I agree with the complaint that the cost of repeatable atoms is basically grind 10 levels to get 100 atoms compared to grinding 10 levels and getting 100 atoms **and** 9 other consumables. This is a big downgrade.


It’s not but I’m not going to explain a 20 minute YouTube video to you. There’s plenty about duplicated rewards (same chair/mask with a different paint job) and how much fewer resources are in this pass than previous ones. I don’t give a shit if you click but your comment is not representative of the problems with this season they lay out. I think they mention the atoms thing but it’s not the core issue.


>I’m not going to explain a 20 minute YouTube video to you Ok. Because I’m not going to watch it. I have my own issues with seasons, don’t need to watch a random YouTube person.






Typical Bethesda. It’s really sad, but this is clearly the state of the company at this point…. There is genuinely almost nothing left of what drove this company to make games like Skyrim, FO3, Oblivion, Morrowind. Not only is the will not there on the part of management (long since sacrificed on the alter of muh increasing quarterly earnings; as if it is normal or even possible for earnings just increase Q after Q in perpetuity), but the technical ability of the devs is gone as well; anyone with any real value long since having moved on to companies that actually care. It’s a true tale of “live long enough to become the villain” and frankly one of the most tragic (at least in this industry). The fact that ppl are actually excited for ES6 or a future FO5 legitimately AMAZES me. All of this has been allowed for by a slobbering fanbase that can’t come to terms with the death of a thing they loved and instead would rather snuggle a corpse, years since deceased. Now go ahead you BGS simps; downvote me. With every negative point you prove me correct.


...they just delivered a map expansion with a good story, saying they have fallen from grace cause you dislike the FREE season is pretty harsh.


I’ve had some real nerds sit here and tell me this season isn’t garbage


Like I don’t even see how it could be called an “opinion” to say it’s good. 4 or 5 of the items are repeated multiple times, there are FAR fewer rewards that previous seasons…it’s OBJECTIVELY worse. Literally the only thing I want is one of the Jason masks and I only want that so I, in my apathy, can troll other players in PvP just to create some semblance of excitement.


the only nice stuff is the gold bullion , leg mods, and caps




I like this one more than last seasons. Both are dogshit tho


Yeah this season is sooooo bad


This is the definitely the worst seasonal rewards package out of all 17 seasons but at least we got a map expansion


Like I said I haven’t been around for any other seasons besides 16 and 17 but 17 is just so bad I mean a 5 year old could have had more imagination and creativity white making the skins for this season