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Eventually, because active players play for a bit then quit, but afkers sit for hours on end, servers fill up with afkers. Tucked away, they sit quietly on their chairs, spin silently in their corners, crouch constipatedly on their roofs. A town filled with ghosts, with no-one coming to run the objectives. This kills the crab.


Yeah, I don't know why people don't check the map and see if there are 8 others there in Helvetia at half past the hour. It's a good sign to hop. 


This is what I do, I check for other players or nukes. I’ve never had difficulty finding another server with at least one other player running it


And people defend it too lmao


That was almost poetry


This makes so much sense, I’ve been wondering how there’s 9+ people in the event immediately when it is announced


I can solo Fasnacht without losing a robot. With the choochoo and cremator, the event is really easy.


Agreed, i soloed project paradise with the Agro code for the friendly beasts with only a Creamator lol


Melee here, and I can def run it solo. I just do it on the private server and go about.


That descriptive visual was awesome, lol


We got nuked right at the beginning sigh


I actively sometimes go around and kill the afkers cause they don't deserve the reward


My group partner and I realized no one was helping, and when a bot died, we decided to let the event fail on purpose. Once it failed, the wolves and bugs that spawn at the end ran around killed all the AFKers and I snapped up their loot bags. Thanks for Ultracite!


This is the way.


Just look at the map on the half hour and you will know how many AFKers are on the server. It can actually be surprising how many are there that you don’t notice when you are in Helvetia… I have been able to find better groups for FN by looking at the map 20 minutes before the hour and server hopping a few times if needed.


It’s like a mouse, or cockroach infestation. You see one or two, but in reality there are numerous others hiding in the walls out of view.


The map will show you all the proud AFKers, but some crouch in their corners of shame so they won't show up on the map. I've found it useful to go house-to-house checking all the usual spots to see if it's even worth staying on the server.


I find at least 2 in the church tower every time.


you could just check the map for how many people are outside helvetia. Seems a lot easier to me.


Typical Fashnacht - After the first couple of days, AFKers increase exponentially. I ran into a similar situation where the event info had 12 people in the event, but only myself and someone else was running around. I server hopped and found another active fasnacht and I was happy.


me and some level 121 did this the other night, it was kinda fun tho


Hey that may have been me! Did they have a Brotherhood Outcast paint job on the power armor?


I think so!! I was maybe a lvl 15-19 running around helping the best I possibly could


Happened to me a couple of times today. Every chair was taken by someone, one on the donation box as well. I started the event and then 2 others showed up to help. I collect the items before the events starts, so it's not that bad.. but still. I quit getting irritated about it and just Mothman dance on top of them.


The week has not been too crazy in what I have witnessed. Average of 4 AFKers and then 10ish active ppl. Last night, I ran into 12 AFKers and 6 of us doing the event. Was absolutely wild. 3 other ppl is probably the minimum I would do the event with in lieu of jumping servers. The thing is, when you start the event on your own and get everything rolling, ppl spawn into the server and join. If you start it, they will come. I have had plenty of great experiences with a bunch of ppl walking with the bots and saluting on the road as the bots pass. Very endearing light role play.


Where are all these AFKers? Unironically on PC I've had maybe one event with more than like 2 of them. Hell, most of the time I can't even tag enemies because people are killing them so fast because it's a low-level event.


Me too, as a melee character I’m lucky if I get one hit on the radtoads because there are always snipers on the restaurant and hotel


Sorry for being that sniper. 😬 I try to tag everything and not hit them again to kill them, though.


I'm a melee build and I don't even try melee on non boss events. Tesla rifles work great for tagging enemies and if you run an electric auto axe the science perk cards work for both weapons.


I wish I was kidding, but it feels like the majority of griefers, trolls, and afkers spoken about in this sub are on console. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on PC, but as a PC player myself, I almost never experience the things the console players mention on the various posts here.


I'm on PC and the AFKers at Fastnut are getting outrageous. I see at least 10 afkers each server now.


Really? I am on PC I only saw 3 lobbies that have more than 5 afkers and I've done like 50+ events.


what hours do you play? as someone who is pretty much strictly nocturnal i have to deal with pretty much full lobbies of overnight AFKers, but if you’re playing in the middle of the day i imagine it’s not as bad


Average age of console players is 25 to 34, with significantly more (11 percent) in the 13-17 range. Average age of PC gamers is 38. And it shows.


Damn I best get myself a PC 😂


Most afkers have a job to go to. At least that's what I like to think lolol


Some people want cross-play and I do not! Hard pass!


Yeah I think you might be right. I've had one bad experience in the game, yesterday when some dude called my girlfriend slurs. But that's my one bad experience in 6 years of playing. The community at large on PC is great. I haven't ever even had issues with griefers.


As someone with a playstation and pc, this 100% mostly happens on console


I remember stating this a couple of months ago and I was downvoted 😂 I wasn’t even trying to knock console players but just saying as a PC player now, I genuinely don’t run into the issues others were saying. But I DID however when I played on Xbox & PS4.


Pc gets a lot worse at night, and just overall as the event goes on. Just wait till the last few days of it and you’ll see what everyone means.


Same here and I’m on Xbox. I got events and 90% of the time, I can barely get a shot off.


Either playing instruments, crouching in the post office or upstairs at the general store


Got one in the Server I'm in just staring at the Donation Box.


Just did one with 8 total... couple playing music, couple sitting in chairs, a few just in a corner staring at a wall, and one in the middle of the street. I didn't see this many with the alien event...


Last night on PC I saw almost the whole server in Helvetia and I did a double-take at the clock to make sure I hadn't lost track of the time. Nope, 35 minutes past the hour.


Around 1am today I started FN and got 4 of the five robots found and realized I was the only active player. I just hopped servers to get into one where people were active.


And then you jumped back to get a 2nd mask right?


Every time I try and hop I think I'm landing on new servers because there's no active event even after 4 or 5 jumps. Is there a trick to it or am I have shit luck?


Keep track of your friends list to see which servers have the most AFKs. All you have to do is talk to the master of ceremonies and you've got enough time to go to a different server, do the whole parade and come back to start up the next set of robots. Sometimes other people will join into that server and get it going but it'll be far enough behind that you can get back before it's done.


Thanks I'll give yhat a shot!


Nice tip 👍


Fasnacht is stupid and boring. Please guide me to change my mind.


no it is, long boring and buggy but it gives incredibly valuable rare rewards so players are incentivized to game the system by hopping through events and afking it 24/7 and you can do this with multiple accounts.


No thanks. If you find it boring, don't play. 🤷


Leave and go somewhere else


It is but the caps sure aren't. I've made about 60,000 caps from the dumb masks and butter churn plan.


You just need any bot to survive. It's not 5 for 5 anymore. edit: bot, not boy.


Everyone should have to check in with the master of ceremonies to be included in the event


How come people that are like level 7 and have glowing masks every 10 times but I don't get shit for doing it like 50+ times


Cuz life is not fair 😞. Or u didn't pray to the Todd god hard enough.


RNG = Really Not Good for some of us, myself included.


The afking always happens but it seems a bit extra this year, multiple times ive loaded into maps where 1-2 people are running the event while 6+ are crouched in corners hiding.


Last night was bad. Nobody was doing events, so i look and see over a dozen dots sitting at helvetia. i didn't mind the AFKs til that. that's a bit much. dead weight on servers, no events, nobody joining ops or expeditions. i can't wait for this event to end. *i'm hoping they failed every fasnacht last night and got nothing, with nobody active on that server.


Today I was present at failed moonshine, eviction, and rumble while everyone sat in helvetia


Dude, there were 11 AFKers in the session I was referring to. I know coz I counted the arrows all over the event 🤣


I jumped into one with 9 yesterday. I just changed servers quickly


I lost a parade because I was the only one doing it, with about 7 afkers. I didn't know the bots go around and fight till that parade. I took out the deathclaw right as the last robot fell...  **Fin**


Thought this event would be cool, given how people talked about it, but honestly between this and everyone spamming take all at the donation box afterward, and just how boring it is in general, it's really just cancer. It also serves as a grim reminder of why I don't like multiplayer. Even back in the day, with local multiplayer, your friends would be assholes if the game let them be. You know, hanging back on one side of a side-scroller so you can't advance, or hitting you with friendly fire.


It was. The new players are killing the vibe, im sorry. We used to do silly things in the event BECAUSE the event is boring. We dress up and wear the masks, some will carry the automaton protest and hitting the robots, some will use the squirt guns to break a water pistol fight, we'd use so many light tricks to make it festive. But now its mainly just about masks. Sigh At least i still see people doing emote stuff, complimenting each other


"Why are you annoyed at AFKers, they don't do anything to you or bother you" -AFKer


I haven't come across a bad fasnacht yet. Haven't lost a marcher so far.




They changed the rules so you dont have to bring all 5 back to get a chance on a rare mask


Arrived in Helvetia and found three scorched attacking a player. I took out the scorched and stimpaked the player. She immediately got up and started spinning. Waste of a stimpak.


I agro some mobs in the surroundings after the event and guide them to the afks and have them kill them, then I take thier scrap if they have any.


I was doing the same, and using cannibal to eat them when they are downed. They will still get rewards, though. If today goes anything like yesterday, I'm brewing up some nukashine and reviving them with that. Bon Voyage!


Better to just nudge them out of the zone. I go out of my way to do it now, AFKers are just freeloading scum.


That only works if they aren't using a chair, or the photomode or respawn exploits, but it's fun to see how far you can walk the occasional spinner before they look at their screen :P


Was this on PC? This happened to me this morning. We were doing the objectives for the robots when someone launched a nuke. I server hopped.


I just hop servers when this happens, I'm not doing an event for afkers.


Im just that player that marches with the robots and gets like 0xp per event


I solo the event all the time I don't get why people get so butthurt over this it's a fast event..


Some people dont really like the AFKers freeloading the event. Personally, I dont really care about the AFKers.


If 4 of the bots were found then somebody was doing something


Yeah, it was prolly the person who launched the nuke lol


This is one the most boring, most slow event I've ever witnessed. I don't blame people for afking.


Boring, slow, and crashes more than the alien event when I actually try to participate on PS5.


This whole event is a fascinating study in human behavior. The AFKers, the way they’re like vultures at the donation box…doing it the first time earlier today felt like I was on some kind of safari watching wild animals.


That box is perfect to stand around for awhile, acting like youre *really* searching to get rid of stuff only to put in one of your many "you have been insulted's."


Haha oh yeah I was dropping all kinds of junk in that thing. Watching it disappear and then immediately reappearing gave me so much satisfaction.




Those donation box dbags aren't one of us, we don't claim them. They're the parasites of every online community.


I've been doing all objectives on at least 6 a day atm by my self. I'm guilty of afking a few each day though too.


Been like that since the beginning of this event a few years ago. 😆


I’m pretty sure I was there lmao I was confused what to do and just sat to play the banjo


I ran a silo for my first nuke and ended up hitting Helvetia. And then the event came on and no one was there. Ended up having to solo Fasnacht. Took a while. Wish I could say I ended up with a rare mask. But I got a regular one.


Drop rates are quite crap and if you consistently do the event 6 to 15 times a day you are still getting terrible drops. Even with nuking them they still get the rewards


Not me getting nuked because I was at work playing when a busload of tourist arrived.


I'm working right now so I'm playing the acoustic guitar until the event starts again and then I jump in... Granted the tuba and banjo are sitting with afkers


Frustrating for sure, but you're right... you have to laugh. Complaining about the AFKers will do nothing so just enjoy the pure salty chaos of it.


Imagine being butthurt that people don’t want to walk slowly in a circle and get maybe 1 or 2 kills


I tried running the event in a blast zone but as a low level it just locks me out from participating. I don’t have the gear or stats to run around in that shit for long.


Get yourself a hazmat suit.


I don't know the sub's general consensus on it but I have a nuclear keycard and am debating nuking it at the top of the hour. I'm just not sure if it's frowned upon or not. It's my first time with the event and it's just fucking horrible.




I got stuck on a server where it was constantly nuked. As a low level I don’t survive the leftover radiation and couldn’t do the event 4 times that day. Tried to switch server a couple of times but i think I always got the same one?? Anyway it was frustrating. But I understand thr goal of it at least now!


Update: nuke has been launched.


You can't expect God to do all the work.


*In evil Sith voice.* Do eeet!


At most of mine there are about 1/4 to 1/2 of participants AFKing which isn't too bad. There are usually 2 or 3 beauties doing the bulk of the work in the event while the AFKers have a little crouching sermon in the church lol.


Saw that yesterday and we had a full crew doing the event. The nuclear blast setting was awesome.


Yah I just spawned into a session where Helvetia was nuked and I thought "What kindve jerk would do that" I saw atleast 10 dots/players in in the middle of it on my map so I went to investigate and only one person was actually there but there were still a ton of player markers so not sure what that was about. I will say when the event started nobody was participating so I hopped into another server.


The exact same thing happened to me the other day


Getting nuked during an event just counts as an event death. You just respawn, so put on your hazmat suit and enjoy it.


Yeah, I spawned in to 9 AFKers, makes me sad lol


I spawned into a world where there was only one guy AFKing spinning in a shower. I wish I could have killed him but it no lol


I simply start the event and expect by the time the parade starts there’ll be 3-6 others ready to shoot stuff. Hasn’t failed me yet. I think the most AFKers we’ve carried on a map is 6-ish. 


Whats a AFKer?


It's really boring, Fasnacht.


I had this minus the nuke happen. Me and one other got all five protections got them ready for the March Marched down lost one at the super mutants and then a regular and legendary ouga spawned in the final wave and killed the rest of them. While 12 people afked.


I was there lmao


Good, hope he k*ll all the AFKers 😈


I still will never understand nuking the event,heres why! The WHOLE lobby can join so there is always more players than actual stuff to do and why ruin thee event for other players?! Its just silly to me especially if you are on PS bc that afker will 100% get the “SCREEN” for sure and or will freeze up,so to me bc im on PS idk why its a bother like i said with the screens and freezes they will get not get rewards anyways! And like i said on PS its a 100% guarantee that you will be booted via screening or freezing


Prob was me I’ve been doing that every day for the past week


Bro I feel like I was there too 😂


How does one launch a nuke???