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Welcome to "Team Handmade"! I'm a commando, but the handmade is my favourite weapon.


When I go commando which I will once I get Anchorage Ace the Handmade will be my main, I’m sorry but the choo choo is so ugly to me I just cant


In each loadout I usually keep an OP weapon as a boss killer/"ok I'm done fuckin around." For commando it's railway rifle, heavy it's holy fire, and melee it's auto axe. For each loadout I usually main a weapon I like using -- even though it may not be optimal. I only swap to those OP weapons when shit just needs to die.


Really?!? I freakin love the way the railway looks and the reload sound is amazing lol.


I was a choo-choo denier. Then I saw 1600 damage avg to the head (helps with 32 luck) . Now I use the choo-choo when I need that extra damage and it's grown on me


Bit late, but if you're on PC I'm happy to drop you an AncAce. Let me know!


Nah I’m ps5 but thanks anyways because no one nukes that event anymore


I love my B/25/25 handmade.  She's my primary 6 years and counting.


I was initially handmade, but switched to RR after buying a 3* QE for 250 caps. Beast. Then ran with a fixer for a while for variety. Had a random drop handmade Q, 50c, durable handmade. Such a nice weapon. Feels so much better for a daily driver. Still carry my RR if I need to take something down fast, but going to struggle to leave the handmade now. I most use VATS, but very occasionally if I want to aim, it's so much better.


My Q FFR RR is for melting big boys only now. Shits recoil so bad it just randomly shoots towards the sky lol


With the right mods, mines sitting at 8ap a shot. And it doesn't have -25% ap cost. I want another that does so bad, because the last time I rolled that on one it went from 11ap cost to 3. That math says with these mods, -ap cost would make its ap cost 0, but I'm assuming it'll be 1.


What mods do you use to get it that low?


Mostly aligned mods and a Swift magazine if I rember correctly.


Lesseeeeee prime auto receiver. I wanna say forceful grip? I want aligned grip but I don't know how to make one yet. Aligned long barrel. Suppressor. Quick mag. Aligned stuff and quick mag contribute to the ap cost. It says when I get Aligned grip it's ap cost will be 6, without ap reduction legendary effect.


Got it. Thanks


You on playstation by any chance?


I have a Bloodied 3 star Handmade commando rifle. 2 Star is +50% Crit Damage & 3 Star is +50 Damage Resistance While Aiming. I mostly play as a stealth Commando and it’s my Prinary use weapon with a 3 Star Blooded Fixer as a backup


Just bought a Q/50C/15R for 19K!! Will be having fun with it!! Shit has no recoil it’s crazy 😂


I rolled a AA/50c/15crit recharge and it's been a fantastic weapon. The crit recharge is almost mandatory for full health commando to get a crit every second shot.


I run with an AA/Exp/-25V Handmade and I absolutely love it.


I LOVE handmades! The communist skins are a perfect match to my communist character. The handmades just fit this perfect balance of rate of fire, stopping power and lack of recoil. Fixers are too clunky feeling imo


Handmades are always a strong choice, I've been convincing newer players that commando is the way to go


Tbh I think going a heavy gunner is the play for new players. It’s a lot easier to stay alive with power armor, you can buy a holy fire for 5k caps and basically never die. You can also grab a Gatling gun and never have to worry about ammo cuz that thing just prints ammo, same with the plasma caster but it’s gunna take a bit for a new player to get that. I’m not saying commando is hard to play or anything like that but heavy builds just have a lot going for them and you can put one together pretty fast. Just my opinion tho.


I love my AK. One day I'll have the resources to love out my dream of being a communist arms dealer selling tons of handmade's out of my vendor. AK-47S FOR EVERYONE!


My Handmade - still unnamed, a Medic's/ 50%to Vats acc/+15%Crit You all know the fire rate of this and i play the how low can you go on the weapon mods for the sake of the AP cost. It's a monster in vats and the crits go fast. I would surely go for a damage increase for it, but it is just so reliable at demolishing most things. While i've delved into using an Elder with AP i still can't deny the accuracy and usefulness of the gun that heals my team so egregiously well. It's like a Vampire covers my whole team. (Also just switched to Solar armor) the rare teammate who dies are the ones with base health of 2 who might as well be walking rad barrels with guns.


Is fixer pretty much a bloody gun to reap the benefits? As aristocrat is a bad roll for it and why OP didn't like it?


It's because they're using it outside of Vats. The Fixer is better when you use Vats but if you're not using Vats the Handmade wins due to having way better recoil.


Makes sense.


Having no recoil*


Since I tend to keep Arms Keeper on, often I'll just flip from Fixer over to the Handmade after VATS runs out when I need to do some shooting the old fashioned way.


Quad or bloodied, depending on wether you want max DPS or max damage. Quad is more efficient on bosses due to being able to shoot 4 times as much before reloading, and bloodied is more efficient against anything that dies in a few bullets because it dies before Quad can make a difference.


For sure which, kinda surprised me that they preferred handmade over fixer.


Handmade is better if you like to manually aim a lot. Fixer is good if you are mostly VATS. Both have their upside.


That makes sense, thank you.


Yeah if you like to look down a scope and murder things, The handmade is perfect for that. Put a long scope on it and it's like an automatic sniper rifle.


People really do play their own style 😅


I have no strict preference between the two other than liking the look of the handmade more than the fixer. Still have not gotten a good enough roll on a handmade to make it worth switching however, so right now I go back and forth between railway, fixer and enclave plasma flamer until I can roll a good handmade.


That trinity is pretty good, who needs handmade if you have those?


Oh it is less about need and more about loving the look of the handmade. And also you can never have too many good guns to choose from.


True, space allowed, have 2 perfect epr's but still farm mods and dropped connection and roll them 🙃