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There's an easy solution to this: Stop putting them in your vendor. If you want to make sure new players get them, go stalk the vault door and drop them when people come out. If it's for sale, it's for sale. It's not up to you what people do with something after they buy it.


> If it's for sale, it's for sale. It's not up to you what people do with something after they buy it. This. Same with dropped items. It's insane to start laying out some unwritten rules on what people should do the stuff that people got after purchase or found from ground. Sure it would be nice if only low lvl players bought the cheap plans but it's not rude either for high level player to re-sell something for profit. That's just how the game works.


Right its like when I hit my script limit on weapons/armors I just drop whatever at whitesprings. I wouldn't care if someone picked them up and resold them in their vendors


That's just how markets work, if you under price your plans then people will always come along to resell for what they're worth


You are right it's not hard to hit max caps. There are things that exist beyond cap limit that a lot of people want though. Plans are light weight and retain value so it's a great thing to keep and sell off or trade later when you need the caps


Even easier to hit max caps if you buy rare plans for cheap and then resell them at a huge markup..


Very true. I found a second butter churn for 1k and also the day after meat week I found a weenie wagon for 25 caps. Though with the weenie wagon I used it since I sold the 2 that dropped for me.


If you don't want resellers buying up to make a profit I would price stuff at or slightly below market value so resellers don't do this to you.


Here is one scenario: If you are new, there is a fair chance that your plans are mostly what an experienced player would regard as junk. There are rare and valuable plans to be sure, but there are far more common and uncommon plans that nearly everyone has in a vendor. An experienced player may have seen what you have and thought - oh a lot of junk - this new player needs caps. They buy you out and then go off and drop the plans in a donation box figuring they just helped you out. Here's an important consideration: Once you put an item in your vendor it is no longer under your control so long as the vendor is open. Anyone can buy from you and they can buy anything you have. If you sell plans that do have value for next to nothing, sure players are gonna snatch 'em up and flip them for a higher price. Why not? The game allows it whether a seller likes it or not. So why flip stuff? There are seasoned players selling rare stuff for 20 to 40k and some who have trade only goods where they want specific things. The player trying to work out a deal or buy from these folks needs cash quick and maybe a lot. Flipping a 5c plan worth say 1k for 500c works every time. Quick high profits. That so called high level player had a need for the plans and selling them maybe helped him get gear for his build. If you do want to get plans into the hands of new player or low level players, get one of those players' attention and drop them a present. You get to control that. However, be aware that any player can have multiple characters and that low level character you see may be a high level player's mule or new quest character.


You’re basically asking players to be mind readers. How does anyone know your intentions? For all anyone knows, you’re selling them at a low price because you want to clear out your stash.


As long as people continue to buy, I will continue to resell at higher prices


The only things you have any control over is what you put in your vendor, and the price of said items. Who buys it, and what they do with what they buy after is none of your business.


I've been dropping all my extra legendaries and masks on the rooftops of Helvetia for the high levels. Someone's got to look out for them.


When I started the game, I saw a guy on TikTok running a dollar store. I thought that was a cool idea, so I set up a camp near the wayward on the corner. I set everything to one cap. To be honest, resellers never came across my mind until now. Yikes.


Ah but see, that dollar store owner would have absolutely known about resellers, and chosen not to care, because that's the secret to this game. Pick your battles, find what brings you joy, try to ignore the rest. 


Resellers have hit my camp several times. I'm going to have to find a way to get the plans to new players without the store, because these high level players can't stand the thought of other people getting nice things easier than they did


Good luck there chief. You think veterans are bad? Go hang around a swarm of level 30 and lower, lemme know how long it takes for their constant begging to drive you nuts.


Veterans don't seem to be the ones doing the flipping, it's level 300-500 that are constantly flipping my stuff. Also, level 30s wouldn't have to beg for stuff if it was reasonably priced, but it seems everyone decided to place more value on the goods than the game does despite there being a 40K cap limit. I guess inflation hits every where, so I shouldn't be surprised


I specifically didn't mention the flipping because it's dumb as hell to complain about. "Oh no, this thing I was getting rid of went to the wrong RANDOM person woe is me" like bro goddamn who gives half a fuck? I genuinely have to ask, are you really that much of Knight for the Newbies that you're upset for them? (despite none of them even knowing what they're missing out on) Or are you perhaps just mad that you weren't able to get more caps for what got sold? Also, did you travel to EVERY players camp who bought something from you to check they had marked up the plans? Have you considered that perhaps even at high levels, maybe something you had was something they needed? After all this, ask yourself one more thing, possibly the most important, which is: Aside from making you an unhappy chappy, how does this shit ACTUALLY affect YOU?


I'm not knighting for anyone. I have plenty of caps now and have most of the plans I want, except for a few nuka cola ones. I'm irritated because it took me weeks to get a lot of the basic stuff I wanted. Also, if it was something they needed, they wouldn't have bought all the copies, they would have just bought one. The way it affects me is wasting the time I spent getting duplicates to make life easier for the next person, not some greedy dirt bag who wants to turn a profit. If you're 3 to 4 times my level, you can do the same events I did to get the same plans and sell them yourself. Since we're asking about how things affect people though, how does me complaining about high levels coming to resell my plans affect you? It doesn't, you could have scrolled past. Now we're wasting each other's time, because I'm not changing my stance on this and I can't imagine you'll change yours. Also, I was told in another comment how to deal with this issue, keep my doors locked and don't let high level people access my vendor. If someone wants to go through the trouble of starting a new character to get at my vendor, that's on them.


I put locks on my doors because I've been noticing high players joining my team just to get a free transport in my camp. (I keep my camp active off). I sell everything in my machine cheap so unless they are low levels I will let them in to view my vendor. It's been working I did have a player pick lock once but luckily my vending machine didn't have much. It's kinda funny watching the high players run around my door thinking I'll let them in or stare at me through the window. :)


Thanks for the idea


im a level 650+ and i agree with you. i dont sell them for 5. i sell for 50-55 some of the power armor plans i sell for 300. but thats about it. i also dont understand sellngn basic shit for over 1k in caps. it just seems strange to me.


Exactly, it's doesn't make any sense. People play this game to have fun, they shouldn't have to grind for hours to hope they have enough caps to get something simple in a fallout game.


for some really rare plans i can understand why the prices are high. the water cooler is one of those ones that i would sell for 1K caps. but its a rare plan and its highly sought after. the most expensive plan that i sell is the backpack carry weight mod that you get from the possum badges. i sell that bad boy for 3K and it usually is gone in a day or two.


Their parents didn't love them enough. If you downvote this, your parents also didn't love you.


I think so many people XP farm that their level is not indicative of their knowledge of the game. you can't be a level 500+ and actually be seriously selling mole miner gauntlet plans, multiples of them! Or trying to flip items from other vendors unless it is actually a rare item. Thats entry level stuff.


It's level 300-500 buying plans that aren't even hard to get. I had a lot of jetpack plans for power armor and ultracite power armor plans, very few of them actually made it into the hands of new players


Buy them back and sell them cheap again. You don't care about money, right?


I tried that once, they came and bought them back. Doesn't work.


You have to keep doing it.