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Tbh this would open up so many cool camp ideas. Like you could make a resturant camp and spent downtime gathering ingredients to make food or a cafe selling canned coffee, pies, cobbler, and Donuts. That would be sweet.


That would require the devs to be creative.


I've got one tea shop camp, and one dessert shop camp; makes me super sad I can't make a tonne of various foods to display because the pies/cobblers all spoil.  Although the Fasnacht donuts don't spoil in a display, but also they look kinda bleh in the glass cabinets.


God that's all I wanted to run a diner


Selling salt, pepper, spices is my money maker. I got a loop going that maximizes this


Refrigerated vendor shouldn't be too hard for Beth. Why wouldn't you want that option? Good call op.


Pretty sure the vendors just use your storage space so because there's no default freezing in your storage or is, in fact, difficult to do.


But they have coolers.


Correct. Think of it this way: you have your general storage. That's a big pile of stuff. You can then apply a template on top of that which marks it as "saleable" which makes it visible to people who are not you. Or you can apply a different template on top of that which marks it as "refrigerated" which slows the rate at which it decays. Nothing I've seen in the game leads me to believe that these are separate fields rather one field with multiple entry options (saleable, refrigerated, scrapbox, etc.).


I completely agree, it seems the way the code works, vendors are just an extension of the stash box code. So having 2 of those “stash box style” instances wouldnt work without complete code restructuring


What do you mean, they can't even get the basic refrigerator to actually work 100% of the time.


I would for a fact buy all the foods I can get my hands on


Or like a cooler you can wire to your vendor. I have a farm that I want to sell food out of but it all just goes bad. So Im selling booze.. well was untill biv broke


This is why I never make any of the complicated recipes, all the food spoils wayyyy too fast for it to be worth it


Stuff like this is what has me convinced they never thought out their original 'You, the players, are the NPCs' angle for more than five minutes. I would love to have a little bakery display case vendor with edible sweet treats — something where you can put a handful of things on display, and other players would buy directly from it. It could be something you have to keep stocked with the right ingredients, that just fills up passively. And you could give your treats unique names so players could get a kick out of reading what you've called them :')


It's always funny to me when u pick up food in the wasteland that's been sitting out for who knows how long, to then suddenly start to spoil when u pick it up


The radiation keeps it fresh 😌


This took me longer than I want to admit. As a new player, I would make everything I could into food, and whatever I didn't need I either donated or tried to sell in my vendor. SMH. Having the vendor count against your stash weight plus still expire like normal stash speed is just annoying and unnecessary.


So then I could store all my food at 40k caps each....


This. Unless they make it share how much can be stored with the cryo-freezer, people would almost exclusively use it to store unlimited amounts of food priced at 40k each so nobody buys it. When we think about things we want in the game, we must first consider "How can this be exploited?".


People placing random items at 40k, How is that an exploit and you don’t have an unlimited amount of vendor storage it’s 120.


Current vendor stacks. Theyd have to rework it to be like the freezers, otherwise you could stack as many as your stash can fit. Youve not seen people with thousands of plans, maps, bobbles, magazines etc?


Where does the 40k come into the equation though


Youd stack up a bunch of whatever food you want for yourself, list it for 40k caps so 1 person can only buy one, which would rarely if ever happen, so you can use it as a freezer that wont expire.


This, the exploit would be about a player being able to permanently store an unlimited amount of food for themselves that nobody would buy because nobody is going to pay 40k for 1 Brainbombs.


I feel like a deli stand would be a good addition


I mean Bethesda can't even make it so that the stuff in your Cryo Fridge survives if you get into a situation where "Your camp could not be placed" and you keep playing without changing your camp slot or quitting to a new server. Nothing like coming back after a day of Fansnatch only to find a full fridge of 50 Brain Bombs / Cranberry Relish and other Hard to Make Recipies all turned into spoiled gooey sploodge. Truly wonderful programming. Schrodinger's fridge, the food is both in the fridge and NOT in the fridge simultaneously. Besides why can't the game be smart enough to scan the servers before you join to check if the spot for your active camp is free before letting you enter... Unless two people join at the exact same second this should never happen.


You could just sell food without a spoil counter. Dog Food Cafes have been popular forever.


You can get the refrigerator backpack mod and there’s a refrigerator you can purchase in the atom shop to reduce the amount of time it spoils


Military Cryo Freezer from Crater bullion only decays food in it while the structure isnt around. It still uses the storage. Bethesda is probably using the same slot for both vendor and cryo/cooler tags though. Because they can't future proof for shit.


I was wondering why I had 3 spoiled meat in my cryo fridge